
The Spring Festival in the past, I was very happy in the Spring Festival, my mother and I bought new clothes and shoes, and go the flower markets, to get a lot of money as a gift, and I'm very happy.
The Spring Festival have passed but i had a really happy time during the Spring Festival. I bought mew clothes and new shoes while shopping with my mum before the Spring Festival. I also got lucky mon...
Chinese New Yearhas passed,Ihad a great timein the New Year,my mother and Iboughtnewclothesandshoes, and taketheflower marketandget a lot oflucky money,I am very happy,
The Spring Festival went over. I had a good time during the Spring Festival.My mother bought new clothes and new shoes for me,Our family strolled around in the beautiful flower market. in the eve of C...
【英文天天写】130508 理想与现实
发布于: 20:00:05
1、本节目是一档写作类节目,目的在于提升大家的英语写作能力。每天一期,每晚20点发布。 2、每期节目选取当下国内外热点槽点话题,由主持人给出写作提示和范文后发布。3、节目参与形式为:1)沪友递交自己的作文。2)除首层楼之外,其他参与沪友对自己楼上的沪友作文进行点评。3)主持人按照点评标准选取作文进行点评。4、写作字数限制为100个单词左右。由于主持人时间和精力有限,不能对所有沪友递交的作文进行点评,因此采用如下点评标准:1、写作字数在100个单词左右。2、除首层楼的沪友外,其他参与沪友要对自己楼上沪友的作文进行简单点评(可以从拼写、语法、遣词造句、行文结构等方面进行点评,不求多么精确,但求互相鼓励。因为主持人受限于时间和精力可能照顾不到每一个沪友,因此希望大家能够多多互动,多多交流,多多讨论。讨论和交流的过程本来也就是一个进步的过程。)。3、在节目发布后的24小时内递交作文。4、递交作文对所有沪友开放。因为点评数量有限,如果设置了“仅楼主可见”,那么其他参与沪友只能看到主持人的点评,却看不到作文。这样就白白浪费了一次汲取经验的机会。5、符合以上条件的沪友,会按照回复楼层从上到下进行点评。每期每个小编至少点评10名,大家要珍惜机会噢。注:考虑到有一些沪友会提前抢占楼层,随后才递交作文。因此,实际点评顺序以小编值班时的作文楼层顺序为准。
&&BACKGROUND 毕业来临,你是否在纠结是出国考研,坚持自己的梦想还是屈服现实,找一份安稳的,但并非自己中意的工作呢?你是否后悔几年前选择的专业呢?你是否后悔当初为什么选择了现在这份工作呢?你是否有过想跳槽的想法呢? & & & & && &
& &&TOPIC If you're a graduate,&will you choose study abroad or work that you're not interested in? If you're a student, are you studying a major that you like or just parents what you study? If you're an office worker, do you regret choosing this job? & & & & && &某D小试牛刀: & The success can walk from ideal to reality. Everyone has his or her dreams. Everyone is a great thinker. Everyone is special. People in this world have their own responsibility to others .You need to know that If you want to realize you dreams, you need to help others to make their dreams come true. Win-win is the key to success. Even there is a big gap between your ideals and realities, there's a way to solve it and make your ideals into reality. We should never give up our ideals. The process of struggling for our ideals is so meaningful to our lives. One of the key elements of life is striving to build our own lives. We need ideals because they can give us a direction to find our way to success. We also should not ignore the importance of knowing the reality of life. In our ideals, there may be just one person. But in the reality, we should interact with different people and deal with many different things in front of us. There is a real gap between your ideals and realities. & Fortunately, we can do our best to narrow the gap. Although there is a long way to come to the place full of flowers and applause, we have the ability to try our best to get to them.&
&点评嘉宾Colby小试牛刀 & In most cases, what we think in our minds (let alone what we dream) and what the reality represents in actual world contradict with one another.& & Even though this contradiction is unavoidable, we don’t have to feel out of place or complain about the odds and ends.& & What we need to do is to adapt ourselves to the reality. And sometimes we need to make changes to our dreams since some dreams are of no possibilities to come true or some are directed on a wrong way. &
&点评嘉宾小雪小试牛刀: & Most of us have an abiding faith that prospect is always associated with education. We pursue academic achievement which leads us to the road of success. Therefore, the majority of people prefer some promising subjects rather than those they really attract to. Fortunately for me, I picked my favourite subject as my major in college. My study in university was intriguing and absorbing. Not promising as my major subject is, I have no remorse for my choice. I am convinced that if I had made a wrong decision, I would have been unable to finish my study and my entire life would have been miserable. All in all, interest should always be the first priority and it is the good way to accelerate our success.& & &根据话题写下你的小文章吧...(100&words) 不要吝啬哟
As we all known, dream is totally different from reality. Some say that there is only one step from dream to reality, but I oppose it. The truth is that you need to take more than one step to make your dream come true.
For over two years since graduation, I’ve been trying assorted kinds of jobs and lives. I’ve been keep trying to figure out “what I really want” and “how I should do”. Fortunately it took me not a long time to find that what I really want is the happy life of my beloved family. But how can I make them happy is still haunting me.
I am still on my way. Hope one day I’ll finally make it, and be what I want to be, live the life what I like.
我同意你的看法, 理想和現實的差距的確很大. 而且很多人連自己想怎樣都不清楚. 也不想弄清楚行文一樣清楚流暢.
全文的意見表達得很清晰以下一點小意見how can I make them happy is still haunting me& how I can make themlive the life what I like& 這句感覺這樣寫比較好live a life that I like.
The essential thing is not the triumph ,but the struggle .maybe we can be what I want to be ,I don't think it can represent any thing .We are still on our way before death.It's just my idea.
(My Dream My Life )
Good morning. We have something in common. I have been out of campus for more than two years. And I have met the similar dilemma as you have. And I feel glad that you find it happiness to keep good relationship with your family members.
Ho, what about begin with finding a BF? Just
kiding! Bless you~
To study abroad or
to work depends on our life plan. To go on further study is to enhance our ability to handle a job.Not to mention that we cann't find a job, even though an enterprise afford a job for us , we should ask ourselves whether we can
be competent to the job. So we should make clear what we want to to and what we can be qualified to do. If we are adequate to a job and we are interested in it, then we can take this job to start a career. However, if we want to take a job which we cann't accomplish , in this case,we should charge our capacity until we have the capacity. And I also want to talk about taking a job which we don't like. In my view, we
freshman comparing to those professional workers and we have no enough experience to do what we like to ignore other ones' opinions. Therefore, we should learn how to handle something that we don't like and we really can learn practical knowledge to deal with the difficulities emerged in our real life. All of the things are a chanllenge to us, we should stick to our dreams and adhere to our life plan to develop our life journey.答题用时:[33:28]
同學很認真寫, 寫了半個小時. 讚一個! 提出了很多很好的觀點, 繼續保持下去以下有些地方可以注意一下1 cann't find a job& can't2 an enterprise afford(s) a job3 what we want to to and what we can be qualified to do& 多了一個towhat we want to be and how we can be qualified to do4 If we are adequate to a job and we are interested in it, then we can take this job to start a career.& If 之後, 不用then了5. we
freshman& We are freshmen6. we have no enough experience to do what we like to ignore other ones' opinions& 這句意思不太清楚. other's opinions 可以了, one's 可以刪去7 chanllenge & challenge
(My Dream My Life )
Great.You write so well. And I agree with your opinions. And I learn a lot and I will take your advice.
As the saying said ,&You got a dream,you gotta protect it,people can't do something themselves,they wanna tell you you can't do it .If you want something ,go get it.&Even there are is a big gap between your ideals and realities ,A brave heart can take us over it.Actually ,I hold that view that the essential thing right now is not whether you choose study or abroad
,but whether you know what are you pursuing .For there has not been few people who even do their job very well ,but they are blind to their own ideals.So slow down,you should carefully search and pursue those maybe not making money but significant and enriching your life and ideas.You play a only lead role in your life,how to choice is up to you.Those who have
definite real dreams should be admired.
于长江1说:As the saying said ,&You got a dream,you gotta protect it,people can't do something themselves,they wanna tell you ...I agree on your opinions!people can't do something themselves,they wanna tell you you can't do it .句子间用上写连接词,例如so,会显得句子间有联系!take us over it 似乎用take us towards it比较合理些。but whether you know what are you pursuing .whether似乎去掉也没问题,前面一句的whether去掉也行的。 has not been few people 这个表达有点奇怪,你是想表达不少人吧,直接用 a lot of,a cloud ofwho even do their job very well 这个even是不是可以不要? search and pursue those maybe not making,maybe改成probably是不是更好些?You play a only lead role 这里的only你是不是想表达唯一的意思,像是only作形容词的情况比较少。以上个人意见,不一定对,仅供参考,我们一起加油!
rachell_rain说:I agree on your opinions!people can't do something themselves,they wanna tell you you can't do it .句子间用上写连接词,例如so,会显得句子...(1)You got a dream,you gotta protect it,people can't do something themselves,they wanna tell you you can't do it .If you want something ,go get it.是当幸福敲门中的一段经典句(2)gap是沟壑的意思所以应该越过而不是想什么方向去。谢谢指点,共同加油。
于长江1说:As the saying said ,&You got a dream,you gotta protect it,people can't do something themselves,they wanna tell you ...You use a saying to start the passage. It is a clever way. Good.
1 &Even (if) there are is(多了一個are.)
a big gap between your ideals and realities ,A (注意大小寫) brave heart can take us over it.
2 留意whether的用法. 是用在是否. whether or not , 不可以有兩個不同的選擇在句子. whether you choose (to) study or not.
3 but whether you know what are you pursuing& but 可刪. what you are pursing.
4. .For there has not been few people who even do their job very well ,but they are blind to their own ideals& for 的用法不明. there are not a few people who do their job(s) very well.
5. search and pursue those maybe not (good for) making money but (is) significant and (can enrich) your life and ideas
6 You play (an) only lead role
寫得不錯, 繼續加油
amysying说:You use a saying to start the passage. It is a clever way. Good.你可以注意一下一些細節1 &Even (if) there are is多了一個are a big...(1)whether the pitcher strikes the stone, or the stone the pitcher, it is bad for the pitcher.帮看一下有错吗?(2)感觉一些字母的大小写与是否在句首无关,可以解释一下吗?有劳姑娘了。
于长江1说:(1)whether the pitcher strikes the stone, or the stone the pitcher, it is bad for the pitcher.帮看一下有错吗?(2)感觉一些字母的大小写与是否在...1. 我還是覺得. whether or not . whether the pitcher strikes the stone or not . 用either , 不知道能不能表達你的意思呢?2. 句首一定要大寫. 如果句中大寫的話, 有特別的原因, 如是名稱, 地方名, 國家名等. 詳細你可以看這裡
If you're a student, are you studying a major that you like or just parents what you study?topic的这句话应该是If you're a student, are you studying a major that you like or just parents want you study?吧?
好細心阿, 同學. 有留心上課 ^^
Sorry to tell the truth,We're worldly person living in
reality. Dreams are too luxury
for many to afford. Just think of responsibilities before you prepare to kick-start
grand dreams if you're older than 18 years old, unless
luck dogs whose families can easily provide everything for you to fulfill your dreams.
I think there're three steps to make our dreams come true proudly.
first,be independent.
people who help us there,especially parents,there's a saying in China--the son desires to serve, but his parents are no more.
The last,earn everything by ourselves to
the dream.So rock the dreams,do whatever you want.
你好,我是楼下的peterzhuo, 水平非常有限,几点建议哈。1、fist second 首字母大写 2、是不是应该这样说but his parents pass away?3、earn everything by ourselves to
the dream 中 to the dream 删掉是不是好点。4、感觉三个理由应该展开再多一些,特别是第一个,不然总感觉有些空洞。欢迎讨论,互相学习,共同进步!
Dreams are too luxury
for many to afford. 该是for many people 吧?
謝謝同學分享你想看法. 分點說明, 很有層次,
1. We're worldly person &people
2. rock the dreams. ^^ 好有趣的用法.
peterzhuo说:你好,我是楼下的peterzhuo, 水平非常有限,几点建议哈。1、fist second 首字母大写 2、是不是应该这样说but his parents pass away?3、earn everything by ourselve...peter ,點評得很好。謝謝你
What is the difference between ideal and reality? Thinking about a basketball shooter who is able to make more than seven of every ten times of shooting during practicing, however, he can only achieve nearly 50% in average during games. It is because in a real game, there are defensive players, pressures, audience and all kinds of unpredictable things.
As the saying goes, it needs thousands of reasons to go ahead but only one to give up. On your way to success, there would be tremendous handicaps and onerous work of daily life may wear out your body. In the end of the day, maybe one o'clock in the morning, can you still remember what your dream is? Frankly speaking, I'm not sure about myself yet. In the past, I've tried, succeeded, failed, given up or even lost for many goals. For the future, I'll work even harder and make everyday count.
Peter. 真心真得越來好. 多練習果然有進步的, 很通順. 錯得很少. 繼續加油, 期望能每次都讀到你的作品^^&第一段用籃球手來說明, 很生動傳神. 也很配合你的說法. 我吹毛求疵的指出幾點:1 during practicing& practice 本身可以是動詞也可以是名詞. during practice, 應該就可以了2. unpredictable things& 不好意思. 我雞毛. things感覺太籠統. 我會用incidents.3. there would be tremendous handicaps& handicaps. 雖有障礙的意思, 但應該是指身體上的殘缺而造成的障礙, 如果在路上遇到的, 我會用obstacles 4.
onerous work 給一個贊. 第一次見這詞5 given up or even lost for many goals& or. 是用在否定的句式裡, 如, 我不能成功做一堆事. 最後會用or, 如果你是做了一些事. 應該是用and 來接.
for 可以刪去寫得很好..
(My Dream My Life )
Hi, morning. And glad to see you again.I fell into deep thinking the second I read what you wrote in the 1st paragraph. And the saying mentioned in the 2nd paragraph also draws my attention, which is woth reflection.Beside, sometime I also feel quite at sea. But I will take your advice and work harder and make every day worthful.Thanks.
I graduated from college one year ago.I had to resign my job in October last year because my uncle had recommended a job that not only could earn more money but was better circumstance of work as well for me.Much to our surprise, that job is so rigorous to requiring facade of candidates.I was interviewed three times, but all failure.I was interviewed one month ago, I staying at home where waiting for the ultimate consequence.I heard from my uncle that the outcome may be not smoothly.However, I still believe that he must bring me good news until at present.Sometimes I always think if I were born in an affluent family, I would choose to study abroad.Not only I could acquire a doctorate but also I don't need to take care of my family.It is so amazing.On the other hand, I prefer to console myself at once when I feel upset for my origin.I often tell myself, God chooses a poor family for me, which must have some reasons.As the proverb goes, everyone will have different lessons to learn when they come into the world.God won't care who you are, how much money you have, how beautiful you are, how many people who respect you.It could easily say that your life mustn't be smoothly all the time. Everyone is equal in God eyes.To be honest, it is an efficient way to enable my heart to be silent.You could try the way to clear your mind when you encounter the same problem.
智敏, 好用功的同學. 寫得很好, 繼續努力同意你的想法, 神對每個人的安排不一樣, 我很喜歡一句說話. everything happens for a reason. 到最後. 一定會明白神的心意.1. a job (that not only could earn more money but) was better circumstance of work& 去除了括號那部分, a job was better circumstance of work. 這說法有些不妥, 不如說. the work condition was better. 2 rigorous 用得很好3
that job is so rigorous to requiring facade of candidates&
job is so rigorous that it requires the facade of candidates4 one year ago, one month ago, 其實可以用a 來伐替5. the outcome may be not smoothly, your life mustn't be smoothly all the time, smoothly,是adv, 用smooth. 可以了
I graduated from university in 2007, English major. I had worked in 4 companies as Assistant Manager, Sales Assistant, Production Assistion. It took me more than 2 months for looking for a job almost everytime. Now I'm hunting for a job for more than 2 months. Becaus I did't work hard in university and I didn't pass the TEM8. And I am introverted, not good at communication. I shoud have studied hard in my major. So I just can do some junor position. Now, I want to improve my English level. I am going to take part in the CATTI. I want to be a translator in the future.
^^ 原來是英文專業的同學. 我比你懶多了. 我基本上大學把所有英文丟回給老師. 畢業後水準差不多連個初中生都不如, 多次面試都因為英文差勁而失敗告終. 所以我下了決心要改. 我上沪江學到好多. 用了一年時間就進步不少了. 我覺得只要有決心. 一定會成功的.希望你也能向著目标進發不知道你有沒有留意英聞天天譯這節目, 如果你想做Translator. 我覺得那節目很適合你. 你有時間看看.
Assistant Manager, Sales Assistant, Production Assistion. 小寫可以了. 最後一個Assistion 應該是手誤了. Becaus(e)some junor position& junior positions
So I just can do some junor position.应该是junior 和positions然后这个表达是do some positions 该是 do some jobs 或者do in some positions.
Just a dailogue in the film “The pursuit of happiness”: you got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can’t do something themselves, they manna tell you you can’t do it. If you want something, go get it. Period. Yesterday, my friend talked to me that it is meaningless to do so much dictation and I kept silent because I didn’t want to controvert with her. As an advertisement of JUMEI, you can deny me but it’s my future not yours. There are full of enquiries in the success and it is lonely to pursuit the success. My dream is always changing but I will keep an idea in my mind that in the future I will thank to the struggling, persistent myself so keep fighting ~~
當練練筆也不錯丫. 我喜歡你這 it's my future not yours. 太多人喜歡指指點點了1 There are full of enquiries in the success . & enquiries. 你意思是疑問嗎? 因為那是詢問的意思. 換一詞會不會更貼切. 感覺the. 字可以刪, 應該沒有特指吧2 persistent myself so keep fighting& 這句有點怪怪的. be persistent to keep fighting?2.
amysying说:當練練筆也不錯丫. 我喜歡你這 it's my future not yours. 太多人喜歡指指點點了1 There are full of enquiries in the success . & enquiries. 你意思是...1,enquiry 改成query。。。。我一直误以为是质询的意思了。。。。。the success 我想表达成功道路的意思,不要加the么。。。2,我是想说将来的我会感谢现在努力,坚持的自己,所以加油↖(^ω^)↗~~~
嗯,你好。1. Just a dailogue in the film “The pursuit of happiness”, 变成Just as a dailogue in the film “The pursuit of happiness” put it, 个人感觉要好点。2. they manna tell you,manna应是wanna吧。3. thank to, 我会用appreciate。
CECILE1209说:1,enquiry 改成query。。。。我一直误以为是质询的意思了。。。。。the success 我想表达成功道路的意思,不要加the么。。。2,我是想说将来的我会感谢现在努力,坚持的自己,所以加油↖(^ω^)↗~~~呵呵. 明白, 大家一起加油
放羊的阿涛说:嗯,你好。1. Just a dailogue in the film “The pursuit of happiness”, 变成Just as a dailogue in the film “The pursuit of happin...manna是manage to 缩写吧~~而且这是台词,我不大敢改~~其他接受啦~~~\(≧▽≦)/~啦啦啦这篇文章练练笔啦~~所以用词之类的没有好好斟酌~~脑子里蹦出啥写啥。。。
Hi: I am your downstairs, feel free to submit a essay. Have a nice day.
Do we have the ability to control our destiny? The truth is that one can set his goal and try to attain that, and one can dreams his dream and try to live it, the difference must be known.
Life is so short, if you have a dream, make a plan to realize it now. Don't let people tell to you what you can do what you can't do. Nobody can control your future on yourself. No matter what result is, at least you try it.
Don't let your ideal only in your dream,
&Hope lies in dreams, in imagination, and in the courage of those who dare to make dreams into reality.& by Jonas Salk.
多謝同學參加. 最後那句你引得很好.
有些詞性可以注意一下The true& the truthThe different& the difference Don't let people tell to you, what you can do, what you can't do& Don't let people tell you what you can do and what you can't. No matter what's the result& No matter what
result is.繼續加油
amysying说:多謝同學參加. 最後那句你引得很好.
有些詞性可以注意一下The true& the truthThe different& the difference Don't let people tell to you, w...Thank you. Have a nice day.
There's always differential between ideal and reality, such as the sky and earth. When I was graduated, I dreamed for studying abroad. But that dream didn't come true eventually. 答题用时:[47:58]
寫得不錯. 不過再寫長一些表達得會更清晰
I am a college student majoring in Pharmacy, which is not chosen on my own nor by my parents. In fact, I am a major transfer, so are 95% of my classmates. I have to admit that I am tired, after one and half an year in the Ivory Tower, tired of reciting complex chemical equations again and again, tired of dissect various small cute animals. I study hard, but the subjects are definitely not what I like. What a satire! It was my reality, confusing and disappointing.However, the time paid me back. After an optional course on security investment, I fell in love with finance staffs. I am absorbed in stocks, bonds, and futures. And my blood surges when I behold the changing numbers on the screen. It is not about the money, but it is about the game. I want to be a gameplayer.Surely, I am contrite about the choices I made, day after night. But at least I know where I am being and where I am going. I am a slow walker, but I will not walk backwards any more.
忘了說。最後一句我也有學。活學活用丫!staff 和stuff要留意
I don't like my major,either.So I choose to minor in what I like.You could have access to the knowledge via many approaches.Wish the best!
taixian10说:I don't like my major,either.So I choose to minor in what I like.You could have access to the knowledge via many approac...thanks
amysying说:忘了說。最後一句我也有學。活學活用丫!staff 和stuff要留意en,打错了。
With the time flying, I’ve became an office worker around three years .I never imagine what I should do while I graduate form college. Finding a job and getting used it. Now, if someone ask me how do you think about your job? Do you ever regret for choosing it? Maybe I’d like to say nothing but grateful. Being a employee, I’ve learned how to deal with trouble, how to keep calm when feel angry, how to get along with co-workers .I met many things I’ve never thought I could pass them through.
However, everyone need grow up and come into real life, not even me. Although there still have many things are always out of my control, please always keep one old saying in mind” failure is the mother of success”.
Hello第一句应该是for three years吧第二行中间一句话,既然两边都是句号的话应该没必要用进行时。。。第三行have you ever regretted choosing it?第四行a改成an第五行,可以把meet换成come acrossWish the best!!共同进步~~~
taixian10说:Hello第一句应该是for three years吧第二行中间一句话,既然两边都是句号的话应该没必要用进行时。。。第三行have you ever regretted choosing it?第四行a改成an第五行,可以把mee...感谢~~
不用悲催丫. 已經寫出來了, 寫得挺不錯的. 你撓頭的頭相真可愛.
多來練習, 一定會進步的. 1. 注意一下過去时I (have) never imagine(d) what I should do while I graduate(d) form college.2
if someone ask(ed) me how do you think about your job?> 虛擬應該用過去时.3.
Do you ever regret> 如果用ever 的話, 用have you ever regretted 4. say nothing but (feel) grateful(adj)5 how to keep calm when (I) feel angry6 how to get along with (my) co-workers7 everyone need(s) to grow up. 注意everyone是單數, 要動詞要加s8 there still have many things are always out of my control.> there.要接are there still many things always out of control. 可以刪去my
taixian10说:Hello第一句应该是for three years吧第二行中间一句话,既然两边都是句号的话应该没必要用进行时。。。第三行have you ever regretted choosing it?第四行a改成an第五行,可以把mee...taixian. 謝謝你的點評
Every guy may have a period of silence,in which he puts effort into his dreams,not complaining,not minding the noises outside,just adheres to his ideal and never surrenders.Over time,looking back to see your youth,you may be moved by yourself,you may be grateful to the insistent young guy.I know ,in the reality world,there are too many things that
won't work out even you cling to it . There are too many things won't present in the way you suppose.Fortunately,I still choose to believe in dreams after twist and turn in my life,and I still believe that Heaven helps those who help themselves .关注这个节目一段时间了,第一次发言,好紧张!!第一段就是翻译了一下我比较喜欢的网上的一段话。
我也好紧张啊今天,第一次被阿雪催着交作文(诋毁阿雪,坏笑~)tianxian写得很好呢!看出来很用心的!竹光提些问题哦:1. in which he puts effort into , in which = in this period好像不太对,这里用during which time好些吧,就等于during this period2. ,not complaining,not minding the noises outside,just adheres to his ideal and never surrenders.感觉并列的语法好像不太对,请小编再来主持一下吧3. 第一段有两个主语,he&you, 建议统一一下, 有些地方可以用one/ones(比如in which one puts effort)4. ,you may be grateful to the insistent young guy. 去逗号,you另起一句啦5. in the reality world, 换成in reality 或者 in real life6. even you cling to it 改成even though you have clinged to it.
嘻, 多下筆寫. 比光看學得快, 真的. 真高興我的節目能吸引到你動筆1. Every guy may have> every甚麼的是單數, 我第一次動筆也忘了. 被主持指出來, 後來就永遠記住了, 要用has.2 in the reality world> in reality .可以了. 是一個固定的表達3. after twist and turn in my life. after 之後要用名詞. twisting and turning其他都不錯. 繼續努力. 期待你的第二三四五六七八次. ^__^( 不會太貪心吧)
竹光说:我也好紧张啊今天,第一次被阿雪催着交作文(诋毁阿雪,坏笑~)tianxian写得很好呢!看出来很用心的!竹光提些问题哦:1. in which he puts effort into , in which = in this peri...嘻. 有人催催. 會寫得更勤快的. 保証進步神速. 你信我你看得比我還仔細. 我看我推薦你來陪我一起做節目好了..
竹光说:我也好紧张啊今天,第一次被阿雪催着交作文(诋毁阿雪,坏笑~)tianxian写得很好呢!看出来很用心的!竹光提些问题哦:1. in which he puts effort into , in which = in this peri...3Q 啦~~~
amysying说:嘻, 多下筆寫. 比光看學得快, 真的. 真高興我的節目能吸引到你動筆1. Every guy may have> every甚麼的是單數, 我第一次動筆也忘了. 被主持指出來, 後來就永遠記住了, 要用has.2 in the re...我会努力坚持滴~~有些问题只有别人指出才会注意到~~
amysying说:嘻. 有人催催. 會寫得更勤快的. 保証進步神速. 你信我你看得比我還仔細. 我看我推薦你來陪我一起做節目好了..赞成!!我来起个哄~~~~~
A few years back, when I was in high school, my dream was to become an editor or tour guide. But when choosing major for my university, I suddenly realized I had made a mistake—I should study arts instead of science! But it is that dream inspired me and made me qualified to go to a university. I had a great time in college and enjoyed my study. So in graduating year, I decided to pursue higher education abroad. I took TOEFL and GRE prepared my materials. But to my surprise, universities abroad don’t have higher education in my field! Well, I have to compromised to stay in my university for another 3 years. But that dream of overseas study derived me to improve English and get a high GPA. A few months ago, when I was interviewed by GIA (an American company), the interviewer asked me a question: where did you learn your English? I smiled. Dreams are beautiful. Reality sucks. But as long as you stick to that ethereal dream, you will get something back, something different from what you want, but might be better.
跪謝你的支持, 十分感動^_^""你分析的角度很新鮮. 的確, 有時錯誤的選擇, 只要努力. 結果可能會更好看到一些小毛病..1 I should (have) studied arts2
universities abroad. 我覺得abroad, 已經有特指了, 應該前面加個theethereal dream>好棒^^
Would you mind telling your major? Just arts?
跪謝你的支持, 十分感動^_^&&你分析的角度很新鮮. 的確, 有時錯誤的選擇, 只要努力. 結果可能會更好看到一些小毛病..1 I should (have) studied arts2
universi...谢谢雪儿监督!day day up~upup~~
ioriqq123说:Would you mind telling your major? Just arts?Gemology! Ha, go look up the dictionary, buddy~
Gap between ideals and reality
It's great that you guys above have already found your position. However, it's still a question for me.
Actually,I wonder what my dream is. Economist? Doctor? Lawyer? Yeah, they flash throught my mind once. Historian stays for longer time. However, these are not really dream in my mind, sometimes I think.
Dream is the power for getting up with the sense of dynamic on time every moring, which I find no where is. As a result, you know, I am late for work.
Then it's reality.
Job, marriage and other problems follow graduattion. At the present time, house is the first place in a marriage. Some may oppose the point.
Let alone all kinds of saying in creazy society, have U ever take a farther consideration, such as your lovely angel-baby (at the moment of your first face-to-face meeting with his little chubby hand wrap your giant finger), or your old parents (whose figure getting smaller and farther slightly)? And the people you really care about or being resposible for is far more than the two above.
How could you provide a comfortable home to a sweet families by just renting an apartment, avoiding moving home from here to another place once 3 months? How could we call it comfortable?
Whether you admit or not? The house is the problem. Yeah, we could eran money to afford it. And, you know what? The reality is far more complicated than you think.
Much more exist the severe problems in reality, of which house price is just one small part. The safty of food you eating (especially those in Yangtze River Delta). The quality of water you boiling(especially those in Shanghai). Even the air you breathing (specially those in Beijing).
Further more, if you'd like to know, the insult of human is happening every day. Well, the follwing are some sensitive and political issues, for which I'm *****(U know what the stars mean :P ).
OK. The article is much more than 100 words. In fact, I wonder how many people would make it here.
If you could finish the reading, I'm telling you all the above is just bullshit. It's impossible to discuss this problem just with hundreds of words.There
are more problems.
And what is the really world like? The problem remind me of the words Monica told Rachel in :
Enjoy your life.
Well, I'm talktive. F**k me.(Actually,it means just 骂我). However, I have the last word:
呵呵呵. 你講得很有道理. 其實, 大家很肯寫已經是很好反而我不應該老挑人錯, 弄得大家一本正經, 老是怕寫錯.. 不會罵你丫. ( 我比較喜歡雞蛋. 尤其是丟臭雞蛋.. 哈哈但還是小小指出一個吧.. 你別丟我graduattion> 打多了個t 啦。。>>>>>>>>>掩臉狂跑<<<<<<<<<
Generally, it is a complex topic for me.
Maybe you might ask me why i said as this?
Now I will give my answer to you.
my major is computer science, I was very lucky to achieve the first job adapting my major.
With getting a well salary and relax working, I really felt happiness during that time frame. Secondly, I gradually lost my comparability in the job market without continue learning and developing my own ability.
I have only working for earn the salary and pay the loan of house and car.
I lost my passion in my working little by little for the shift of personally interesting.
I get the time to wake up now,
I should achieve the more specific knowledge in my work market and also I'd better get a higher English certification such as the BEC vantage.
However I should kept my comparability eternally in the job market with developing the personally ability continually.
I think dream has something to do with reality. We learn things from the reality to build our dream.
We live in reality whether the reality is gorgeous or full of sadness.Maybe we can't get rid of bad side of our reality,but we are human,the smartest creature on the planet,so there is always gonna be a way out.
Hey buddy,did you see that light from the sky,it's beautiful.You want it .let's move.See that's how dream work on reality.Dream always give you power to help you to seek when you can't find direction or you are too tired to make dream come true!
So when you come to a situation that you can everything right and valuable,well,and the dream will lead you to the top of the world in some way but certainly.答题用时:[22:59]
The worst thing for me is that I can't find my own dream and I lose my destination.I don't know what I can do to fulfill my life now.Actually I hate current life where I have no need to think.Once I had definite goal that is to study abroad,but at last,I quit.The reason is
I can't use more money from my parents who
are not wealthy.I need to earn some money
to raise myself.Parents are growing older and older,it is improper to aggravate their burden.And since I choose the way to work,I will insist on it.I believe someday I wil realize my go-abroading dream.


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