one directionns是什么意思

当前位置: &
new directions是什么意思
中文翻译新方向出版社:&&&&adj. 1.新的,崭新的;新发现的,新发明的;新开发的 ...:&&&&n. 1.方位,方向;范围,方面。 2.〔pl.〕 指挥 ...
例句与用法1.The main thing, however, was to find a new direction for her abundant energies .首要问题是要为她充沛的精力开辟新的用武之地。2.The dog screamed, and wheeling in terror, galloped headlong in a new direction .狗尖叫着,恐怖地转了几圈,换了一个方向往前直窜。3.A few creative minds set the new directions and the rest of the artists adopt the new styles and explore their consequences .少数有创造性的人提出了新的风格,而其他艺术家则采纳这种新风格去探索它的影响。4.New directions for singapore : 1991 and beyond新加坡的新方向:九十年代前瞻5.The philippines and china : old ties , new directions古老的友谊崭新的气象6.Terrorism in the region : changing alliances , new directions存在主义视野中的新武侠小说7.The plan eia is a new direction in the field of eia摘要规划环评是环评领域一个新方向。 8.Travel will lead you in new directions处女:旅行将为你找到新的方向。 9.Movement in a new direction helps you find new cheese朝新的方向前进,你会发现新的奶酪。 10.E - government : the new direction of promoting administrative efficiency提升行政效率的新方向&&更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&
相邻词汇热门词汇当前位置: &
in all direction是什么意思
中文翻译朝四面八方:&&&&In =【化学】 indium (铟). :&&&&adj. 1.所有的,全部的,整个的,一切的。 2.非常 ...:&&&&n. 1.方位,方向;范围,方面。 2.〔pl.〕 指挥 ...
例句与用法1.The children scattered in all directions .孩子们四处散开。2.The virgins at sight of him fled in all directions .少女们看到他都四处奔逃。3.Failure meant ruin in all directions .失败就等于全面破产。4.The explosion sent us running in all directions .那次爆炸把我们轰得东奔西逃。5.Sparks of molten steel dash in all directions .钢花乱迸。6.When the police arrived , the crowd scattered in all directions .人群向四处散去。7.Highways radiate in all directions .公路四通八达。8.The task forces now shot forward in all directions .至此,各方面的工作小组都迅速成立了起来。9.The morning sun rises in the east , shedding its rays in all directions .旭日东升,光芒四射。10.I could hardly keep up it, and spilling bottles in all directions .我几乎供不上,以致使瓶子东倒西歪。&&更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&
相邻词汇热门词汇give directions是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:
give directions的用法和样例:
A post with a sign giving directions for travelers, usually placed at a crossroad.
A position facing or commanding a given direction; exposure.
方位座向面临或朝向一指定方向的位置; 方位
give directions的海词问答与网友补充:
give directions的相关资料:
directionKK:[]DJ:[]n.1.方向;方位[C][U]He drove in the direction of the farm.他向该农场方向驶去.2.方面;领域[C]This town shows improvement in many directions.该镇在许多方面都有改进.3.指导;指挥;管理[U]Our company is under good direction.我们公司管理有方.4.指示;用法说明[P][(+for)]Follow the directions that your doctor gives you.请遵医嘱.5.趋势,倾向[(the) S]
direction[di5rekFEn, dai5rekFEn]n.方向, 指导, 趋势, (常用复数)指示, 用法, 说明(书), 收件人地址in all directions的汉语意思
in all directions的汉语意思
求in all directions和in every direction 的汉语意思谢谢啦!


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