compound complex-complex sentence 是什么句

Sentence Types
Sentence Types
First, the bad news. . .
There are billions of sentences out there that we might have to understand.
Next, the good news. . .
All sentences fall into just four categories.
Simple Sentence
Compound Sentence
Complex Sentence
Compound-Complex sentence
Let's take them one at a time.
A simple sentence is a sentence with one independent clause.
Note what the definition does not say. It doesn't say that a simple sentence is short or easy to understand. It doesn't say anything about phrases. A simple sentence can have forty-seven phrases, but only one independent clause.
Let's look at an example:
I love simple sentences.
(That's easy enough. It is obviously one independent clause.)
But look at this:
Being an English teacher with a penchant for syntactical complexity, I love simple sentences.
(It's longer, more challenging and contains bigger words, but it's still a simple sentence. Being an English teacher with a penchant for syntactical complexity" is a participial phrase. "With a penchant" and "for syntactical complexity" are prepositional phrases.)
Look at this:
Being an English teacher with a penchant for syntactical complexity, I love to read simple sentences upon getting up and before going to bed.
(Amazingly, it's still a simple sentence. I am piling on phrase after phrase, but the sentence still contains only one independent clause.)
A compound sentence contains two or more independent clauses.
I love conjunctive adverbs, but my students love each other.
(The independent clauses are in blue. This sentence contains no dependent clauses)
Sometimes a compound sentence contains more than two independent clauses.
I love conjunctive adverbs; my students love each other, and we all love holidays.
Sometimes longer linking words can be used.
I can name several conjunctive adverbs; consequently, my friends are impressed.
A complex sentence is a sentence that contains one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses.
Because life is complex, we need complex sentences.
(The independent clause is in blue. The dependent clause is italicized.)
Because people know that I am an English teacher,they make allowances for how I dress and what I say.
(This sentence contains four dependent clauses. The independent clause is in blue. Note that two of the dependent clauses are inside of and part of the independent clause. Don't be alarmed. That happens all the time.)
A compound-complex sentence contains two or more independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses.
Because I am an English teacher, some people expect me to speak perfectly, and other people expect me to write perfectly.
(The dependent clause is underlined, and the independent clauses are in blue.)
Some people tell me that my grading is too tough, and others tell me that my assignments are boring.
(The independent clauses are in blue. The dependent clauses are italicized. Note that the dependent clauses occur within the independent clauses. It often happens.)雅思基础写作_百度文库
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The original L208incoln Log 5C set with approximately 208 pieces  was made by Lincoln Logs a division of Playskool Manufacturing  Company, later sets NOT the same 5C set tho&ugh made by K'NEX  Industries, Inc.
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If the disks are herniated (bulging is another term) the specific nerves causing your problems ARE being pinched/compressed by the disks - that's what happens when you herni&ate a disk. The diagnosis you describe is disk herniations between the C3/C4/C5/C6 vertebrae. I've had flattened disks between C5/6/7, with a resulting fusion operation to correct it as well. In my case I had no choice as my left arm was becoming paralyzed. I've also had 2 other major spinal surgeries.
You should already have received some kind of treatment plan, likely Flexeril, and anti-inflammatory and / or a strong painkiller like Percocet or Vicodin. It's important that you DO NOT LIFT anything over a couple of pounds. I'm guessing that this happened as either a whiplash injury or something similar.
If the problem is already causing tingling and numbness in your fingers you need to report that immediately to your doctor. If you're not already seeing a Neurosurgeon, you should be. Orthopedists are useless in spine and disk problems as they understand the bone aspects, but not the neurological complexities. A general doctor just doesn't have the expertise required to treat this.
The reason you need to report it is that if you're having tingling/numbness in your fingers (especially if it's creeping its way from the tips to the knuckles) the disk inflammation isn't getting any better and the pressure is enough that it's starting to cut off the nerve impulses to your hand. Unless you get it looked at and treated, you could wind up with long term nerve damage or worse. I've already faced this and been through it, aside from dealing with these problems myself for over 20 years. In my case, within 2 weeks of the initial pain my left arm was almost paralyzed, and my fingers were numb from the fingertips to the first knuckle. The fusion I had included a bone graft from my right pelvic area as well as a plate. It is not something to take lightly. If your doctor is not treating it as a serious issue, you need to get another one fast. I cannot stress the importance of getting the disk pressure relieved off of the nerve in question, likely the C5/C6 disk.
Also, do not do any activity requiring any lifting, arm strength, etc., and don't drive if you can avoid it. If you're not taking any anti-inflammatory drugs (which I'd be shocked if you weren't) you need to start. Message me and let me know what meds they have you on so far.
I had this category started because this is the one area in my life in which I've dealt with for many years, and I've survived bad doctors, diagnoses, hospital mistakes, pain on scales you can't imagine (even now), and continuing spinal damage and severe pain. Hopefully I can help you and others avoid the bad things that I've been through. if you have specific questions don't hesitate to PM me.
2 sites you need to look at:
American Pain Foundation - /8thkgm
Spine Universe - /ysxy5l
If you eventually require surgery, let me know as there are certain decisions you'll face where the wrong choice can have consequences down the road.
TSD -RAVEN- - Category Supervisor
 I hope this helps if someone told you all those disc were bulging you must have had a mri? I just went threw the same thing c5 c6 had a pinch nerve and they did therapy did another mri showed nerve wasnt pinch anymore anyway to make along story short have a Dr do a milogram and catscan this shows all around the disk. Worked for me just had a fushion on c5 c6. Hope this helps.
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No. This question has already been answered on this site, but I will answer it yet again! A compound sentence contains more than one independent clause, linked by (for example&) a conjunction: 'I went into the kitchen to feed my cat, but she was nowhere to be seen.' A complex sentence contains an independent and at least one dependent clause: 'I went into the kitchen to feed my cat, who is black and white.' A sentence can be both compound and complex: 'I went into the kitchen to feed my cat, who is black and white, but she was nowhere to be seen.'
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A gold ring will have the gold content inscribed inside. It may  also have the manufacturer's mark inside. 5C would be the  manufacturer's mark.
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As per any cellphone with a Lithium-Ion battery, the cellphone should be switched off and put on a continuous charge for 8 hours.
N.B.: For the first charge, don't disconnec&t the phone from the power source even if the phone indicates that the battery is fully charged. Leave it to charge for 8 hours.
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Continuing on from ["Identifying Different Sentence Structures: Simple and Compound Sentences,"](/sentence-structure/how-to-write-a-simple-sentence-c&ompound-sentence-complex-sentence-or-compound-complex-sentence) the next two types of sentence structures are complex and compound-complex. These two forms are more complicated to create, but if you can remember what independent and dependent clauses are, then you will have a much easier experience.To review, independent clauses are often called main clauses and express a complete thought, meaning they can stand alone as sentences. These sentences have a main subject and main verb or verb phrase (predicate). An example is "The dog chews the shoe." Here, "the dog" (subject) is performing the action "chews" (verb). Dependent clauses, or subordinate clauses, do not have a main subject or verb and cannot stand for instance, "While I was at the party this past weekend." If you wrote this in your essay, could you classify it as a complete thought? Your readers would be left with this question: what happened while you were at the party this past weekend? Because the clause is vague, it cannot stand alone. To fix a mistake such as this one, you would need to attach an independent clause that would explain who is doing what at the party. It would look something like this: "While I was at the party this past weekend, Tammy and John had an argument and ruined everyone's mood." Now the sentence has the appropriate information to describe who was at the party and what happened.It is important to recognize independent and dependent clauses because complex and compound-complex sentences contain both types, but in plex sentences have one independent (main) clause and one or more dependent (subordinate) clauses. When the dependent clause comes before the independent clause, divi otherwise, no punctuation is necessary. Here are a few examples:If you work hard in school, you will be able to attend a reputable college.Finding the independent clause first might be the easiest approach. The main subject and verb of this sentence are "you will be able to attend," so all the words after the comma make up the main clause. The phrase before the comma, "If you work hard in school," cannot stand alone, so it is the subordinate clause.If you work hard in school, you will be able to attend a reputable college that values each student's learning potential.This sentence is still complex since "that values each student's learning potential" is another subordinate clause.Because the restaurant is a private franchise that won't be opening more locations, it draws many customers who are willing to wait a few hours to be seated.Scan this sentence for the main subject and verb. Hopefully you were able to isolate "it draws many customers" as the independent clause. Different from the previous two examples, this sentence contains three dependent clauses: "Because the restaurant is a private franchise," "that won't be opening more locations," and "who are willing to wait a few hours to be seated."Compound-complex sentences have two or more independent clause and at least one subordinate clause. This structure will use a comma and a coordinating conjunction (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) to separate the independent clauses.Many students who join clubs and sports teams have trouble managing their time, and they often fall behind in their academics.This example is a bit tricky since the first subject/verb pairing is interrupted by the subordinate clause. "Many students...have trouble managing their time" is the first independent clause that is broken up by the dependent clause "who join clubs and sports teams." After the comma, "they often fall behind in their academics" is the second independent clause.Though Eric typically enjoys horror movies, he rented a science fiction film and he enjoyed it very much.Again, the first part of the sentence, "Though Eric typically enjoys horror movies," is the dependent clause and "he rented a science fiction film" and "he enjoyed it very much" are independent clauses.When you experiment with different sentence structures in your writing, remember to check for appropriate punctuation so you don't end up with either run-ons or fragments that will hinder the quality of your piece. Until you get the hang of these structures, compare your own sentences to the examples provided to determine where you will need to add the punctuation.Most writers provide a variety of compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences throughout their works, relying on the occasional simple sentence to provide a thought-provoking punch.
They, too, learned these structures over time, so keep practicing and you will be writing sentences like the pros.
Take a closer look. There is an echidna on the Australian 5 cent coin. The normal non-commemorative Australian 50 cent coin has the kangaroo and emu on the reverse as a part o&f the Australian Coat of Arms.
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A compound sentence is one that contains at least two independent clauses and is typically joined by a conjunction. An independent clause contains a subject and predicate and &forms a complete thought.
Example: Mary went to the park, and David went to the store.
A complex sentence contains one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses. Unlike independent clauses, dependent clauses cannot stand alone as complete sentences. Example: Because it's raining today, Mary will not be going to the park.
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A compound-complex sentence has two or more INDEPENDENT clauses and one or more SUBORDINATE clauses.
Example: The first and only president of the Congress of the Confederati&on, which managed the first U.S. government, was John Hanson, and he was elected by the Congress in 1781.
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A sentence with at least two independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses (which can also be called subordinate clause) is referred to as a complex-compound sentence. Sometimes also called a compound-complex sentence.
 Example The dog lived in the backyard, but the cat, who knew he was superior, lived inside the house.
Independent clauses: The dog lived in the backyard.The cat lived inside the house.
Dependent clause: who knew he was superior A compound-complex sentence is a compound and complex sentence joined together. Pretty self-explanatory, right? Here's an example:
Jenny ended up talented and she had many good traits because she was on the debate team, which was quite an honor.
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In grammar, a compound complex sentence is made up of two  independent clauses as well as at least one dependent clause. An  independent clause can stand alone, while a depe&ndent clause  cannot, since it is not a complete sentence.
Compound complex sentence consists of two or more independent  clause and at least one dependent clause. 
 "The door of the morning room was open as I &went through the  hall, and I caught a glimpse of Uncle Tom messing about with his  collection of old silver."  "Those are my principles, and if you don't like them . . .  well, I have others."  "For in the end, freedom is a person and  one faces down fears of today so that those of tomorrow might be  engaged. 


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