价格行为交易之趋势篇、区间篇、反转篇 中文版电子书(trading price action交易法系列 作者:AL Brooks)

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Trading Price Action Reversals: Techni.
Trading Price Action Reversals: Technical Analysis of Price Charts Bar by Bar for the Serious Trader
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淘豆网网友近日为您收集整理了关于翻译老外文章(Price Action Trading Strategies)的文档,希望对您的工作和学习有所帮助。以下是文档介绍:翻译老外文章(Price Action Trading Strategies) Price Action Trading Strategies: Pin Bars, Fakey’s, Inside Bars价格行为交易策略:锤子十字线,Fakey,内部日烛线原文地址:ex-trading-strategies/price-action-setups-pin-bars-fakeys-inside-barsIn this Forex trading lesson, I am going to share with you three of my favorite price acti pin bars, inside bars and fakeys. These trading setups are simple yet very powerful, and ifyou learn to trade them with discipline and patience you will have a very potent Forex trading(来源:淘豆网[/p-6394545.html]) edge.在这一外汇交易课程里,我将与你分享三个价格行为交易策略;锤子十字线,内部日和 fakeys。这些交易模式都非常简易而且非常给力,如果你学会利用它们而且遵守纪律和有耐心的话,你将拥有一个非常强大的外汇交易绝招。Whilst these three setups are my ‘core’ setups, there are many other versions and variations of themthat we focus on in our members’ community and advanced price action trading course. However, youcan learn some good basics in this article to lay the foundation for future learning. So, without furtherdelay, let’s get this party started…同时,这三(来源:淘豆网[/p-6394545.html])个交易模式是我的“核心”模式,它们还有其它许多的版本和变化,我们专注于我们的会员社区和更先进的价格行动交易的课程。不过,你还是能够通过这篇文章学到一些很好的基础,为以后的学习奠定基础。好,就不再浪费时间了,让我们来开始学习。。。Pin Bar Setup:锤子十字线模式The pin bar is a staple of the way I trade the Forex market. It has a very high accuracy rate in trendingmarkets and especially when occurring at a confluent level. Pin bars occurring at important support andresistance levels are generally very accurate setups. Pin bars can be taken counter trend as well, aslong as t(来源:淘豆网[/p-6394545.html])hey are very well defined and protrude significantly from the surrounding price bars, indicating astrong rejection has occurred, and preferably only on the daily chart time frame. See the illustration tothe right for an example of a bearish pin bar (1st bar) and a bullish pin bar (2nd bar) —&锤子十字线是我交易外汇市场的“主食”。它在趋势市场里有很高的准确率,尤其发生在一些汇合的水平上。锤子十字线通常都精准地发生在那些重要的支撑和阻力水平上。锤子十字线能够很好地提示趋势逆反,当它们在周围的 K 线之中显得特别清晰、突出、显眼的时候,往往表明一个强烈的反转已经发生了,而日线图是唯一最好地利用它的时间框架(来源:淘豆网[/p-6394545.html])。看看右边的图例,第一个是表示熊市到来的锤子十字线,第二个则是表示牛市到来的锤子十字线In the following chart example we will take a look at pin bars occurring within the context my favorite way to trade them. Also, note that this uptrend began on the back of two bullish pinbars that brought an end to the existing downtrend.以下的图表例子里,我们可以看到那些锤子十字线出现时的市场趋势背景;这是我最喜欢的交易方式。此外,请注意最左下方的两个牛市锤子十字线带来了上升趋势的开始的同时,也提示了下跌趋势交易的完结和出场。Fakey Setup:Fakey 模式:The fakey trading strategy is ano(来源:淘豆网[/p-6394545.html])ther bread and butter price action setup. It indicates rejection of animportant level within the market. Often times the market will appear to be headed one direction andthen reverse, sucking all the amateurs in as the professionals push price back in the opposite direction.The fakey setup can set off some pretty big moves in the Forex market.As we can see in the illustration to the right, the fakey pattern essentially consists of an inside bar–&(来源:淘豆网[/p-6394545.html])setup followed by a false break of that inside bar and then a close back within its range. The fakey entryis triggered as price moves back up past the high of the inside bar (or the low in the case of a bearishfakey).Fakey 交易策略是价格行为模式里的额外的面包和黄油。它指示着市场内部重要水平的反转。很多时候,市场将出现一个方向性的指引,继而反转,这是市场主力在吸掉所有菜鸟级别的交易者的筹码,然后职业的操盘手立即向反方向推动价格。Fakey 模式可以在外汇市场上掀起一些漂亮的大动作。正如我们在右边的图例所看到的,Fakey 形态基本上是由一个内部日蜡烛线–&紧跟着的是一个在内部日蜡烛线区间内伴随着假突破后收盘价又收回到区间内的长影线烛线。Fakey 入场位是触发价格重拾升(来源:淘豆网[/p-6394545.html])势继而越过内部日烛线的高点(或者是熊市时内部日烛线的低点)。In the chart below we can see the market was recently moving higher before the fakey formed. Note thefakey was formed on the false-break of an inside bar setup that occurred as all the amateurs tried topick the market top, the pros then stepped in and flushed out all the amateurs in a flurry of buying…在以下的图表中我们可以看到最近的市场在 Fakey 形态形成之前已经创出了一个新高点。注意!Fakey 形态其成因是:这个时候,所有的菜鸟交易者都在兴致勃勃、不亦乐乎地做着一件事——猜顶!,他们在逆势做空了!然而这时候职业操盘手们就像一头头(来源:淘豆网[/p-6394545.html])虎视眈眈,等着这些小绵羊跌入他们的包围圈的豺狼猎豹一样,看准着这个机会大举介入,顺势收缴掉这些在慌忙中进行交易的菜鸟的筹码,把他们扫地出门。。。然后,回到原地,当什么事都没发生过!哈哈!这样一场血雨腥风却没有硝烟的战争过后,便形成了那一个具有长影斜(假突破)的内部日烛线,从而形成整个 Fakey 形态结构。Inside Bar Setup:内部日模式:The inside bar is a great trend continuation signal, but it can also be used as a turning point signal.However, the first way to learn how to trade the inside bar strategy is as a continuation signal, so that iswhat we will focus on here, more info on the inside bar and all t(来源:淘豆网[/p-6394545.html])he ways to trade it can be found in myadvanced price action trading course. As we can see in the illustration to the right, an inside bar pletely contained within the range of–& the previous bar内部日烛线是一个绝佳的趋势延续信号,但它也可以被用来作为一个转折点信号。然而,我们要学习怎样交易内部日烛线是以它来作为延续信号的,所以我们将集中到这一点上来,更多的有关内部日烛线的介绍和它的所有交易方法可以在我的 Price action trading course 进阶课程中找到。我们可以从右边的图例中看到,一个内部日烛线被完全地包含于前一天烛线的范围之内。It shows a brief consolidation and then a break out in the dominant trend (来源:淘豆网[/p-6394545.html])direction. Inside bars are bestplayed on daily and weekly charts. They allow for very small risks and yet very large rewards. The insidebar bined with a very strongly trending market is one of my favorite price action setups.它显示价格经过一个简短的整固之后将继续朝着趋势的主方向突破。日线图和周线图是内部日烛线最好利用的时间架构。它让你冒很小的风险的同时给予你很大的获利空间。内部日烛线策略结合一个强势的趋势市场,是我其中一个最喜欢的 price action 模式。In the example below, we are looking at a current (as of this writing) EURUSD inside bar trade setupthat e off to the downside with the existing bearish market momentum. We can see a niceinside bar setup formed just after the market broke down below a key support level, the setup has e off significantly lower and is still falling towards the next support at 1.2625, as of this writing. Manyof our members are in on this trade as we’ve discussed it extensively in both the members forum andthe daily member’mentary.在下面的例子中,我们正在顺着现有的熊市势头中寻找(截止至发稿) EUR/USD 的内部日烛线模式。我们可以看到一个很好内部日模式在市场向下突破一个关键支撑后形成,形态显示价格自跌落到一个明显的低位后还将朝着下一个支撑位 1.2625 方向下跌,截止至发稿。我们许多的成员都在这个交易里并在会员论坛和日常评论里展开了广泛的讨论。As you can see from the three examples above, Forex trading does not have to plicated orinvolve plastering messy and confusing indicators all over your charts. Once you master a few solidprice action setups like the ones above and the others in my Forex trading course, you will be well onyour way to ing a more confident and profitable trader, just remember, mastering these setups willrequire passion, dedication and discipline.正如以上你能看到的三个例子,外汇交易并不复杂,并不需要在你的图表中堆砌各种各样的繁复的、混乱的和使人困惑的指标。当你切实掌握了像以上之一的价格行为模式又或是其它在我们的外汇交易课程,你将用自己的方式成为一个更自信和盈利的交易者,要记住,掌握这些模式将需要***、付出和纪律。播放器加载中,请稍候...
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翻译老外文章(Price Action Trading Strategies) Price Action Trading Strategies: Pin Bars, Fakey’s, Inside Bars价格行为交易策略:锤子十字线,Fakey,内部日烛线原文地址:ex-trading-strategies/price-action-setups-pin-bars-fakeys-inside-barsIn this Forex trading lesson, I am going to share with you three o...
&&&&&&&&&&&&Trading Price Action Reversals: Technical Analysis of Price Charts Bar By Bar For The Serious Trad
Trading Price Action Reversals: Technical Analysis of Price Charts Bar By Bar For The Serious Trad
丛&书&名:Wiley Trading
&&  A detailed guide to spotting and profiting from trend reversalssing the technical analysis of price action
  A trend doesnt last forever and it transitions into either a trend in the opposite direction or into a trading range. When a trend reaches some critical magnet, it stalls and starts to pullback. If the pullback extends too far, traders do not know if the trend will resume or if the market will reverse and then trend in the opposite direction. Because the market often goes very far after a reversal takes place and the protective stop can be very small, the risk reward ratio is excellent and this keeps traders looking for them constantly. There are many types of reversals and each has specific characteristics that traders can use in their trading.There are several other important topics that need to be discussed and they are included in this volume. Price action analysis works on all time frames but there are different techniques that traders can use in trading intraday, daily, weekly and monthly charts. For example, a day trader can use an always in approach where he is in the market all day long, switching to long or short depending on the price action. Many markets now trade on the Globex almost 24 hours a day and the Forex is also a 24 hour market. Both provide trading opportunities. The first hour of the day session of every market provides some of the best trading of the day if you understand how to handle the volatility and why the sharp reversals are taking place. Options are also great tools for trading 60 minute and daily charts because they contain your risk on overnight positions.Even though there are countless setups some are better than others and these are discussed in the chapter on the best trades. The book ends with many general guidelines that will help traders handle the emotions that come while trading.
  Al Brooks (Roseville, CA)s a technical analysis contributor to Futures magazine and an independent day trader. His approach to reading price charts was developed over a 15-year period in which he changed careers fromphthalmology to trading. He graduated from the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine in 1978 and received his B.S. in mathematics with honors from Trinity College in 1974.?His web site, , outlines his trading approach and view as well as hosts a subscription-based daily trading chat room in which Al talks with other traders about the market.
Title Page
List of Terms Used in This Book
Part I: Trend Reversals: A Trend Becoming an Opposite Trend
Chapter 1: Example of How to Trade a Reversal
Chapter 2: Signs of Strength in a Reversal
Chapter 3: Major Trend Reversal
Chapter 4: Climactic Reversals: A Spike Followed by a Spike in the Opposite Direction
Chapter 5: Wedges and Other Three-Push Reversal Patterns
Chapter 6: Expanding Triangles
Chapter 7: Final Flags
Chapter 8: Double Top and Bottom Pullbacks
Chapter 9: Failures
Chapter 10: Huge Volume Reversals on Daily Charts
Part II: Day Trading
Chapter 11: Key Times of the Day
Chapter 12: Markets
Chapter 13: Time Frames and Chart Types
Chapter 14: Globex, Premarket, Postmarket, and Overnight Market
Chapter 15: Always In
Chapter 16: Extreme Scalping
Part III: The First Hour (The Opening Range)
Chapter 17: Patterns Related to the Premarket
Chapter 18: Patterns Related to Yesterday: Breakouts, Breakout Pullbacks, and Failed Breakouts
Chapter 19: Opening Patterns and Reversals
Chapter 20: Gap Openings: Reversals and Continuations
Part IV: Putting It All Together
Chapter 21: Detailed Day Trading Examples
Chapter 22: Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Charts
Chapter 23: Options
Chapter 24: The Best Trades: Putting It All Together
Chapter 25: Trading Guidelines
About the Author
About the Website


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