
locus pulcher这个是“美丽的地方”locus bono 这个是“好的地方”locus bonoque pulcher“好的美丽的地方”因为不太好定义“美好”这个词.发音:1.罗库斯 部儿给的2.罗库斯 波诺3.罗库斯 波诺亏 部儿给的重音全部在第一个字上,这个不是梵蒂冈的发音,梵蒂冈发音比较囧,如果你读这几个词不是为了宗教目的,那就可以.一生所求 用拉丁文怎么说_百度作业帮
一生所求 用拉丁文怎么说
一生所求 用拉丁文怎么说
一生所求 用拉丁文怎么说?一生所求英语是:A lifetime ambition拉丁文语便是:A vita sua ambitio【很希望我的回答会对你有帮助.如有不明白,可以再追问,并祝你进步!】太阳神之眼用拉丁语怎么说_百度作业帮
Solis oculus = 太阳神之眼Apollonis oculus = 阿波罗之眼注意一下,其实在古希腊神话中太阳神赫利俄斯(拉丁Sol,Solis)和阿波罗(掌管健康与诗歌以及守护神谕的神明)曾经是两名不同的神明,只有在公元前五世纪自欧里庇德斯之后的文学家才开始将两者混着称呼,从而才有了太阳神阿波罗之称.楼主可以根据个人情况自行选择.firm的翻译中文意思-在线英汉词典
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简明英汉词典firm[fE:m]n.公司, (合伙)商号adj.结实的, 坚硬的, 坚定的, 坚固的, 牢固的, 稳固的, 严格的vt.使牢固, 使坚定vi.变稳固, 变坚实adv.稳固地, 坚定地美国传统词典[双解]firmfirm 1AHD:[f?rm] D.J.[f*8m]K.K.[f)m]adj.(形容词)firm.er, firm.est(1)Resistant to externally applied pressure.坚硬的:抵抗外来压力的(2)Marked by or indicating the tone and resiliency of healthy tissue:健壮的:表明身体的健康状态和健康组织的机能:firm muscles.结实的肌肉(3)Securely fixed in place:稳固的:Despite being hit by the car, the post was still firm.尽管被车撞了,柱子仍然很稳固(4)Indicating or possessed of determination or resolution:坚决的:表明或具有决心和意志的:a firm voice.坚决的声音(5)C steadfast:坚定的;不移的:a firm ally.坚定的联盟(6)N fixed and definite:坚挺的:不易改变的;稳定的和确定的: a firm offer.明确的协议;固定的出价(7)U steady:不浮动的;稳固的:Stock prices are still firm.证券价格仍都很稳定(8)Strong and sure:强有力的,确信的:a firm grasp.紧紧的一握v.tr.intr.(及物动词和不及物动词)firmed, firm.ing, firmsTo make or become firm.使稳定,使变坚固adv.(副词)firmer, firmestW resolutely:不动摇地,坚决地:stand firm.坚定地站立语源(1)Middle English ferm 中古英语 ferm (2)from Old French 源自 古法语 (3)from Latin firmus * see dher- 源自 拉丁语 firmus *参见 dher- 继承用法firm“lyadv.(副词)firm“nessn.(名词)参考词汇(1)firm, hard, solid(2)The central meaning shared by these adjectives is “tending not to yield to external pressure, touch, or force”: 这几个形容词所共有的中心意思是“不屈服于外界压力、触动或力量”: 硬褥子; 硬似花岗岩;solid ice. soft 坚冰 soft基本词义firmfirm 2AHD:[f?rm] D.J.[f*8m]K.K.[f)m]n.(名词)(1)A commercial partnership of two or more persons, especially when unincorporated.合股:尤指在没被合并时的两个或更多人的商业合伙(2)The name or designation under which a company transacts business.商号,商行:在某名称或名义下公司办理事务语源(1)Italian firma 意大利语 firma (2)from firmare [to ratify by signature] 源自 firmare [签名证明] (3)from Medieval Latin firm3e 源自 中世纪拉丁语 firm3e (4)from Latin [to confirm] 源自 拉丁语 [使确实] (5)from firmus [firm] * see dher- 源自 firmus [稳定的] *参见 dher- 注释In these days of agribusiness, a farm and a firm are probably closer than they have been since the time before the words farm and firm developed from the same Latin word, firm3, “to strengthen, make fast, confirm, attest,” which is derived from Latin firmus, the source of firm, meaning “secure.” In Medieval Latin firm3e came to mean “to ratify by signature,” from which sense eventually came our word firm, first recorded in 1574 with the meaning “signature.” This word firm later added the senses “designation under which a firm transacts business” and “commercial house.” Latin firm3e by way of Old French also gave us Middle English ferme, the ancestor of our word farm. 大农场经营年代,农场和商行也许比在farm 和 firm 从同一拉丁语 firmare, 意为“加强,使牢固,使确定,使证明”发展来之前联系更为紧密, 它是从拉丁词firmus 派生而来, 即firm 一词的来源,意为“确定的”。 在中世纪拉丁语中,firmare 开始取意为“用签名来批准,”从此含义出发,最终有了我们的 firm 这个词, 1574年它首次被记录下来,意为“签名”。 Firm 这个词后来增加了两个含义,“商行借以办理事务的名称”和“经商的房屋。” 拉丁词firmare 也通过古法语给了我们中世纪英语 ferme 这个词, 它是我们的单词farm 的前身 现代英汉词典firm 1[f\:m]adj.(1)坚牢的,坚固的You must always build on firm ground.你必须始终脚踏实地。Mother kept a firm hold on her son's hands as he said goodby to her abroad."儿子向母亲告别到国外去时,母亲紧紧地拉住他的双手。"(2)稳定的;坚定的a firm belief坚定的信念Prices are still firm.物价仍然稳定。The teacher was firm and did not change her mind.老师很坚决,他不改变主意。词性变化firmadv.坚定地;稳定地to stand firm站稳firmvt., vi.(常与up连用)变坚固,变坚实;变稳定The jelly firmed quickly.果冻很快就凝结起来了。基本词义firm 2[f\:m]n.商行;公司现代英汉综合大辞典firm[fE:m]adj.(1)结实的, 坚固的, 稳固的(2)坚定的, 坚决的; 强有力的; 严格的(3)【商】确定的; (行市)坚挺的; (货币)稳定的; (金融)紧缩的firm ground陆地firm belief确信firm friendship牢不可破的友谊a firm faith坚定的信仰a firm foundation牢固的基础take firm measures采取坚决措施be firm with children严格对待孩子as firm as a rock坚如磐石be firm on one's legs站稳立场be on firm ground脚踏实地; 在稳固的基础上词性变化firm[fE:m]adv.稳固地; 坚定地hold firm固守stand firm站稳立场firm[fE:m]vt.(1)使牢固, 使稳固; 使稳定; 使坚定; 使坚实(2)确认(契约等)vi.(1)变牢固, 变稳固; 变坚定(2)变坚实继承用法firmly[5f\:mlI]adv.firmness[5f\:mnIs]n.参考词汇firm&&&& hard&&&& solid&&&& stiff&&&&都含“坚硬的、不易拉弯和失去原形的”意思。(1)firm 指“组织和结构坚韧、不易弯曲的”, 如:His muscles are firm.他的肌肉坚实。(2)hard指“厚或坚硬的, 而不易穿透、不易切割和压碎的”, 如:as hard as a rock坚如岩石。(3)solid指“物体的结构很坚固, 密度一致, 坚硬得能抗压”, 如:Houses must be bulit on solid ground.房屋必须建造在坚硬的土地上。(4)stiff指“坚硬而不能弯曲的”, 如:a stiff collar硬领。用法词典firm源自拉丁词firmus结实的,坚固的英文相关词典firmbusiness&&&&company&&&&enterprise&&&&fixed&&&&immovable&&&&inflexible&&&&rigid&&&&secure&&&&solid&&&&stationary&&&&unyielding&&&&flabby&&&&flimsy&&&&fragile&&&&loose&&&&weak&&&&[七国语言]英汉公共大词典firm公司;坚固的;坚定的[七国语言]英汉建筑大词典firm商会美国传统词典firmfirm 1AHD:[f?rm] D.J.[f*8m]K.K.[f)m]adj.firm.er, firm.est(1)Resistant to externally applied pressure.(2)Marked by or indicating the tone and resiliency of healthy tissue:firm muscles.(3)Securely fixed in place:Despite being hit by the car, the post was still firm.(4)Indicating or possessed of determination or resolution:a firm voice.(5)C steadfast:a firm ally.(6)N fixed and definite: a firm offer.(7)U steady:Stock prices are still firm.(8)Strong and sure:a firm grasp.v.tr.intr.firmed, firm.ing, firmsTo make or become firm.adv.firmer, firmestW resolutely:stand firm.语源(1)Middle English ferm (2)from Old French (3)from Latin firmus * see dher- 继承用法firm“lyadv.firm“nessn.参考词汇(1)firm, hard, solid (2)The central meaning shared by these adjectives is “tending not to yield to external pressure, touch, or force”:
solid ice. soft 基本词义firmfirm 2AHD:[f?rm] D.J.[f*8m]K.K.[f)m]n.(1)A commercial partnership of two or more persons, especially when unincorporated.(2)The name or designation under which a company transacts business.语源(1)Italian firma (2)from firmare [to ratify by signature] (3)from Medieval Latin firm3e (4)from Latin [to confirm] (5)from firmus [firm] * see dher- 注释In these days of agribusiness, a farm and a firm are probably closer than they have been since the time before the words farm and firm developed from the same Latin word, firm3, “to strengthen, make fast, confirm, attest,” which is derived from Latin firmus, the source of firm, meaning “secure.” In Medieval Latin firm3e came to mean “to ratify by signature,” from which sense eventually came our word firm, first recorded in 1574 with the meaning “signature.” This word firm later added the senses “designation under which a firm transacts business” and “commercial house.” Latin firm3e by way of Old French also gave us Middle English ferme, the ancestor of our word farm. 英汉船舶大词典firm n.坚实的,牢固 英汉电力大词典firm n.坚固的,牢固的,稳定的 朗文英汉综合电脑词典firm 坚固;厂商,公司 英汉电信大词典firm n.坚固的,公司 英汉法学大词典firm n.厂商 ,公司,事务所 ;adj.确定 英汉广播大词典firm n.融和 英汉航海大词典firm n.市价俏,市价紧 英汉航空大词典firm n.坚固的,稳固的;n.确定的 英汉化学大词典firm adj.坚固的;vt.使...变坚固 英汉海运大词典firm 公司,商行,商号坚固的,坚实的坚决的,坚定的无变动的,稳定的坚固固定的,固体的确定的, 基本词义firm 公司,商行坚固的,坚实的坚决的,坚定的 基本词义firm 坚固固定的,固体的公司,商行确定的,稳定的 基本词义firm 公司,商行,商号坚固的,坚实的坚决的,坚定的无变动的,稳定的 英汉经贸大词典firm n.市价俏,市价紧,商号 英汉计算机大词典firm adj.坚固的;vt.使...变坚固 英汉机械大词典firm n.可靠的,坚固的 英汉建筑大词典firm n.坚固的,坚定的,牢固的 英汉农牧林大词典firm n.栽苗覆土,坚固的,坚实的 英汉水利大词典firm n.可靠的,坚固,稳定的,栽苗覆土,坚固的,坚实的 英汉医学大词典firm adj.商行,可靠的 英汉中医大词典firm n.结实的,坚硬的,牢固的
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