silly force什么意思 recheck嘛意思

radiofrequency radiation 射频辐射;
radio frequency receiver 射频接收机;
radio frequency relay 射频继电器;
reduced frequency response 降频响应
Radio Frequency Radiation
Ready for Release
Run for Record
Radio Free Roscoe
Radio Free Roscoe (TV show)
Ready For Recheck
Reason for Resource
Receive Frame Reference
Reduced Force Rehearsal (US Army)
Request For Resources
...收益法(Excess Earnings).权利金节省法(RFR):估计拥有该无形资产所能节省的权利金折现值总和;超额收益法(EE): 以归属于某无形 …
- 基于21个网页
2. 帝国研究委员会
- 基于1个网页
3. 红旗规则
...红旗规则(RFR,Red Flags Rule)是美国的一套联邦法律,要求一些企业和组织制订和实施书面计划,以保护消费者免遭身份盗用。任何允许备兑账户的债权人或金融机构,必须为红旗规则执行一项计划。.
- 基于1个网页
1. 射频接收使能
RFR-N 射频接收使能 RFS Radio Frequency Signal 射频信号 RFSAW Radio Frequency Surface Acoustic Wave Filter 射频声表面滤波器 RFSCAP 外接滤波电容 RFSIG.
- 基于1个网页
1. 必要运费率
(五) 必要运费率(required freight rate RFR) 180(六) 内部收益率(internal rate of return IRR) 180(七) 投资偿还期(Pay Back Peri.
- 基于4个网页
1. 抵挡故障率
RFQ Request For Quote 请求报价,请求引证RFR Reject Failure Rate 抵挡故障率RFS Ready for Send 发送就绪
- 基于38个网页
2. 反抗故障率
RFQ Request For Quote 请求报价,请求引证RFR Reject Failure Rate 反抗故障率RFS Ready for Send 发送就绪
- 基于1个网页
0){var rand = parseInt(Math.random() * (000)+100000);top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'))+'?renovate='+}else{top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'));};}" action="/">
您还可在这里补充说明下 O(∩_∩)O~
App::Hashl v1.00
icli v0.48
App::Raps2 v0.53
Travel-Routing-DE-VRR v2.10
Travel-Status-DE-DeutscheBahn v1.05
Travel-Status-DE-IRIS 1.02
Travel-Status-DE-URA 0.04
Travel-Status-DE-VRR 1.09
ekgping v1.31
envstore v2.1
feh v2.13.1
ssh-forcecommand v1.0
These projects are neither developed nor maintained any more. Some do offer
basic functionality, though.
App::Slackeria v0.12
comirror v0.1
dthumb v0.2
efa: Changed -p/--proximity` default walking time from 8 to 10 minutes
efa: The -p/--proximity` option now takes an optional duration argument
EFA: use_near_stops now accepts an integer (interpreted as walking time
in minutes) instead of a boolean value
Added github repo to dist metadata and the doc
Result: distinguish between overcrowded trains (q97) and very overcrowded
trains (q96)
Result: Verify delay key 60 ("delays because of storm")
Result: Add qos key 70 ("no wifi" -- not entirely sure yet)
IRIS-&new: Fix default lwp_options value (was documented, but not used)
Result-&route_interesting: Also consider airports
Stations: Update DS100 code list. Fixes 9 stations in K?ln, Düsseldorf
and Wuppertal which had a wrong code/name combination assigned due to
a parser error
Result-&route_interesting: Also consider airports
Result: Add route_info accessor
Result: Add is_cancelled accessor
Result: Add type accessor
DeutscheBahn-&new: Add lwp_options parameter to pass options to
IRIS-&new: Use lwp_options to explicitly pass arguments to the
LWP::UserAgent constructor. Unknown arguments are now longer
implicitly passed on
db-iris: Improve output format for wing trains
EFA: Fix crash when -&results is called after a network error occured
EFA: Add timeout parameter to constructor (default: 10 seconds)
efa-m: Add --timeeout option
Result: Fix deep recursion error in TO_JSON
Result: Add arrival_wings, departure_wings and is_wing accessors
(a wing train is coupled to the respective departure, but has its own ID)
db-iris: Indicate wings in output
Result: Remove train_no_transfer accessor (was based on erroneous
Result: Add is_unscheduled, replaced_by and replacement_for accessors
db-iris: Add -oR to show replacement information
New dependency: Text::CSV
Fix ASEAG parser (was fragile and broken by changes in the backend output)
Travel::Status::DE::URA::Result: Add -&type accessor for compatibility
with other Travel::Status modules (always returns "Bus" at the moment)
Encoding is hard - it may be broken if your LWP::UserAgent or perl is
Clarify Result-&train_id documentation
Add IRIS delay/qos keys 13, 60, 75, 76
Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Exception::Ambiguous: Add post_value accessor
which contains the ambiguous input value
Improve error messages
Add VRR2 and DING EFA services
Fix a crash related to unscheduled additional stops in a train's route
Improve Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Stations matching
Add IRIS delay/qos keys 56, 59, 61, 65, 73, 74, 77
The perl module LWP::UserAgent (at version 6.08) does not play well with custom
CA certificates and most online resources seem to be outdated. Two notes on
that (which may or may not apply to non-Debian systems as well):
If a certificate failed verification,
Temporary workaround: sudo mv /usr/share/perl/5.20.1/IO/Socket/{,_}
(and then later sudo mv /usr/share/perl/5.20.1/IO/Socket/{,_})
LWP::UserAgent does not support custom certificates installed with
You'll need HTTPS_CA_FILE=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt in your
New non-core module dependency: List::Compare
Add support for canceled and additional stops
db-iris: Add options -oa and -oc
Result: Add accessors additional_stops and canceled_stops
Improve support for delayed trains
Support additional IRIS delay messages
Add primitive JSON serializer to Travel::Status::DE::DeutscheBahn::Result
Fix $result-&delay (was broken by changes in the RIS output format)
Support additional IRIS delay messages
efa: Add -l / --list option
efa: Add -s / --service option
Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::get_efa_urls() now returns a list of hashrefs
Documentation improvements
Add URLs for several austrian EFA services
(pointed out by Gregor Herrmann)
Support EFA services which do not distinguish between scheduled
and realtime data (also pointed out by Gregor Herrmann)
efa: Add -D/--discover option
efa: Add -A/--auto-url option
Travel::Routing::DE::EFA: Add get_efa_urls method
efa: Remove --post option from documentation (it has not been supported
since version 1.04)
Route::Part: Add {arrival,departure}_{route,station}maps accessors
efa: Add -m / --maps option
Fix exclude / --exclude (didn't work at all previously, possibly
because of a server-side API change)Apache Maven Eclipse Plugin -
Version: 2.10
Full name:
Generates MyEclipse configuration files
Requires a Maven project to be executed.
Since version: 2.5.
Invokes the execution of the
generate-resources prior to executing itself.
Required Parameters
The default output directoryDefault value is: ${}.User property is: outputDirectory.
When set to false, the plugin will not create sub-projects and
instead reference those sub-projects using the installed package in
the local repositoryDefault value is: true.User property is: eclipse.useProjectReferences.
Optional Parameters
If set to true, the groupId of the artifact is
appended to the name of the generated Eclipse project. See
projectNameTemplate for other options.Default value is: false.User property is: eclipse.addGroupIdToProjectName.
If set to true, the version number of the artifact is
appended to the name of the generated Eclipse project. See
projectNameTemplate for other options.Default value is: false.User property is: eclipse.addVersionToProjectName.
List of eclipse build commands to be added to the default ones. Old
New style:
Note the difference between
buildcommand and
buildCommand. You can mix and match
old and new-style configuration entries.
Allow to configure additional generic configuration files for
eclipse that will be written out to disk when running
eclipse:eclipse. FOr each file you can specify the name and the
text content.
&![CDATA[&fileset-config file-format-version=&1.2.0& simple-config=&true&&
&fileset name=&all& enabled=&true& check-config-name=&acme corporate style& local=&false&&
&file-match-pattern match-pattern=&.& include-pattern=&true&/&
&filter name=&NonSrcDirs& enabled=&true&/&
Instead of the content you can also define (from version 2.5) an
url to download the file :
or a location :
&!-- The file defined in the location is stored in this dependency --&
List of eclipse project facets to be added to the default ones.
List of eclipse project natures to be added to the default ones.
The version of AJDT for which configuration files will be
generated. The default value is &1.5&, supported versions are
&none& (AJDT support disabled), &1.4&, and &1.5&.Default value is: none.User property is: eclipse.ajdtVersion.
List of eclipse build commands. By default the
org.eclipse.jdt.core.javabuilder builder plus the
needed WTP builders are added. If you specify any configuration for
this parameter, only those buildcommands sp
the defaults won't be added. Use the
additionalBuildCommands parameter for that.
Configuration example: Old style:
For new style, see additionalBuildCommands.
List of container classpath entries. By default the
org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER classpath
container is added. Configuration example:
&classpathContainer&org.eclipse.jst.server.core.container/org.eclipse.jst.server.tomcat.runtimeTarget/Apache Tomcat v5.5&/classpathContainer&
Put classpath container entries last in eclipse classpath
configuration. Note that this behaviour, although useful in
situations were you want to override resources found in classpath
containers, will made JRE classes loaded after 3rd party jars, so
enabling it is not suggested.Default value is: false.User property is: eclipse.classpathContainersLast.
Enables/disables the downloading of javadoc attachments. Defaults
to false. When this flag is true remote repositories
are checked for javadocs: in order to avoid repeated check for
unavailable javadoc archives, a status cache is mantained. With
versions 2.6+ of the plugin to reset this cache run mvn
eclipse:remove-cache, or use the forceRecheck
option with versions. With older versions delete the file in the target directory.User property is: downloadJavadocs.
Enables/disables the downloading of source attachments. Defaults to
false. When this flag is true remote repositories are
checked for sources: in order to avoid repeated check for
unavailable source archives, a status cache is mantained. With
versions 2.6+ of the plugin to reset this cache run mvn
eclipse:remove-cache, or use the forceRecheck
option with versions. With older versions delete the file in the target directory.User property is: downloadSources.
Deprecated. use downloadSourcesUser property is: eclipse.downloadSources.
Eclipse workspace directory.User property is: eclipse.projectDir.
List of artifacts, represented as groupId:artifactId,
to exclude from the eclipse classpath, being provided by some
eclipse classPathContainer.
Enables/disables the rechecking of the remote repository for
downloading source/javadoc attachments. Defaults to false. When
this flag is true and the source or javadoc attachment
has a status cache to indicate that it is not available, then the
remote repository will be rechecked for a source or javadoc
attachment and the status cache updated to reflect the new state.User property is: forceRecheck.
Hibernate configuration placeholder
The plugin is often capable in predicting the required jee version
based on the dependencies of the project. By setting this parameter
to one of the jeeversion options the version will be
EJB version
Servlet version
JSP version
User property is: eclipse.jeeversion.
Limit the use of project references to the current workspace. No
project references will be created to projects in the reactor when
they are not available in the workspace.Default value is: false.User property is: eclipse.limitProjectReferencesToWorkspace.
A list of links to local files in the system. A configuration like
this one in the pom :
will produce in the .project :
The relative path of the manifest fileDefault value is: ${basedir}/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF.User property is: eclipse.manifest.
The project packaging.User property is: project.packaging.
If set to true, the standard execution environment
matching the compiler settings is set as JRE. If set to
false, the JRE matching the configured compiler-plugin
executable or JAVA_HOME is selected by name, if it is configured in
the workspace.Default value is: false.User property is: eclipse.preferStandardClasspathContainer.
Allows configuring the name of the eclipse projects. This property
if set wins over addVersionToProjectName and
addGroupIdToProjectName You can use [groupId],
[artifactId] and [version] variables. eg.
[groupId].[artifactId]-[version]User property is: eclipse.projectNameTemplate.
List of eclipse project natures. By default the
org.eclipse.jdt.core.javanature nature plus the needed
WTP natures are added. Natures added using this property
replace the default list.
Skip the operation when true.Default value is: false.User property is: eclipse.skip.
List of exclusions to add to the source directories on the
classpath. Adds excluding=&& to the classpathentry of the eclipse
.classpath file. [MECLIPSE-104]
List of inclusions to add to the source directories on the
classpath. Adds including=&& to the classpathentry of the eclipse
.classpath file.
Java projects will always include &**/*.java&
Ajdt projects will always include &**/*.aj&
Spring configuration placeholder
Allow declaration of struts properties for MyEclipse
Whether to place test resources after main resources. Note that the
default behavior of Maven version 2.0.8 or later is to have test
dirs before main dirs in classpath so this is discouraged if you
need to reproduce the maven behavior during tests. The default
behavior is also changed in eclipse plugin version 2.6 in order to
better match the maven one. Switching to &test source last& can
anyway be useful if you need to run your application in eclipse,
since there is no concept in eclipse of &phases& with different set
of source dirs and dependencies like we have in maven.Default value is: false.User property is: eclipse.testSourcesLast.
This eclipse workspace is read and all artifacts detected there
will be connected as eclipse projects and will not be linked to the
jars in the local repository. Requirement is that it was created
with the similar wtp settings as the reactor projects, but the
project name template my differ. The pom's in the workspace
projects may not contain variables in the artefactId, groupId and
version tags. If workspace is not defined, then an attempt to
locate it by checking up the directory hierarchy will be made.User property is: eclipse.workspace.
JEE context name of the WTP module. ( ex. WEB context name ). You
can use &ROOT& if you want to map the webapp to the root context.User property is: wtpContextName.
Must the application files be written for ear projects in a
separate directory.Default value is: false.User property is: eclipse.wtpapplicationxml.
What WTP defined server to use for deployment informations.User property is: eclipse.wtpdefaultserver.
Must the manifest files be written for java projects so that that
the jee classpath for wtp is correct.Default value is: false.User property is: eclipse.wtpmanifest.
The version of WTP for which configuration files will be generated.
The default value is &none& (don't generate WTP configuration),
supported versions are &R7&, &1.0&, &1.5& and &2.0&Default value is: none.User property is: wtpversion.
Parameter Details
If set to true, the groupId of the artifact is
appended to the name of the generated Eclipse project. See
projectNameTemplate for other options.
Type: boolean
Since: 2.5
Required: No
User Property: eclipse.addGroupIdToProjectName
Default: false
If set to true, the version number of the artifact is
appended to the name of the generated Eclipse project. See
projectNameTemplate for other options.
Type: boolean
Since: 2.5
Required: No
User Property: eclipse.addVersionToProjectName
Default: false
List of eclipse build commands to be added to the default ones. Old
New style:
Note the difference between
buildcommand and
buildCommand. You can mix and match
old and new-style configuration entries.
Type: java.util.List
Since: 2.5
Required: No
Allow to configure additional generic configuration files for
eclipse that will be written out to disk when running
eclipse:eclipse. FOr each file you can specify the name and the
text content.
&![CDATA[&fileset-config file-format-version=&1.2.0& simple-config=&true&&
&fileset name=&all& enabled=&true& check-config-name=&acme corporate style& local=&false&&
&file-match-pattern match-pattern=&.& include-pattern=&true&/&
&filter name=&NonSrcDirs& enabled=&true&/&
Instead of the content you can also define (from version 2.5) an
url to download the file :
or a location :
&!-- The file defined in the location is stored in this dependency --&
Type: org.apache.maven.plugin.eclipse.EclipseConfigFile[]
Since: 2.5
Required: No
List of eclipse project facets to be added to the default ones.
Type: java.util.Map
Since: 2.5
Required: No
List of eclipse project natures to be added to the default ones.
Type: java.util.List
Since: 2.5
Required: No
The version of AJDT for which configuration files will be
generated. The default value is &1.5&, supported versions are
&none& (AJDT support disabled), &1.4&, and &1.5&.
Type: java.lang.String
Since: 2.5
Required: No
User Property: eclipse.ajdtVersion
Default: none
The default output directory
Since: 2.5
Required: Yes
User Property: outputDirectory
Default: ${}
List of eclipse build commands. By default the
org.eclipse.jdt.core.javabuilder builder plus the
needed WTP builders are added. If you specify any configuration for
this parameter, only those buildcommands sp
the defaults won't be added. Use the
additionalBuildCommands parameter for that.
Configuration example: Old style:
For new style, see additionalBuildCommands.
Type: java.util.List
Since: 2.5
Required: No
List of container classpath entries. By default the
org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER classpath
container is added. Configuration example:
&classpathContainer&org.eclipse.jst.server.core.container/org.eclipse.jst.server.tomcat.runtimeTarget/Apache Tomcat v5.5&/classpathContainer&
Type: java.util.List
Since: 2.5
Required: No
Put classpath container entries last in eclipse classpath
configuration. Note that this behaviour, although useful in
situations were you want to override resources found in classpath
containers, will made JRE classes loaded after 3rd party jars, so
enabling it is not suggested.
Type: boolean
Since: 2.9
Required: No
User Property: eclipse.classpathContainersLast
Default: false
Enables/disables the downloading of javadoc attachments. Defaults
to false. When this flag is true remote repositories
are checked for javadocs: in order to avoid repeated check for
unavailable javadoc archives, a status cache is mantained. With
versions 2.6+ of the plugin to reset this cache run mvn
eclipse:remove-cache, or use the forceRecheck
option with versions. With older versions delete the file in the target directory.
Type: boolean
Since: 2.5
Required: No
User Property: downloadJavadocs
Enables/disables the downloading of source attachments. Defaults to
false. When this flag is true remote repositories are
checked for sources: in order to avoid repeated check for
unavailable source archives, a status cache is mantained. With
versions 2.6+ of the plugin to reset this cache run mvn
eclipse:remove-cache, or use the forceRecheck
option with versions. With older versions delete the file in the target directory.
Type: boolean
Since: 2.5
Required: No
User Property: downloadSources
Deprecated. use downloadSources
Enables/disables the downloading of source attachments. Defaults to
false. DEPRECATED - use downloadSources
Type: boolean
Since: 2.5
Required: No
User Property: eclipse.downloadSources
Eclipse workspace directory.
Since: 2.5
Required: No
User Property: eclipse.projectDir
List of artifacts, represented as groupId:artifactId,
to exclude from the eclipse classpath, being provided by some
eclipse classPathContainer.
Type: java.util.List
Since: 2.5
Required: No
Enables/disables the rechecking of the remote repository for
downloading source/javadoc attachments. Defaults to false. When
this flag is true and the source or javadoc attachment
has a status cache to indicate that it is not available, then the
remote repository will be rechecked for a source or javadoc
attachment and the status cache updated to reflect the new state.
Type: boolean
Since: 2.5
Required: No
User Property: forceRecheck
Hibernate configuration placeholder
Type: java.util.Map
Since: 2.5
Required: No
The plugin is often capable in predicting the required jee version
based on the dependencies of the project. By setting this parameter
to one of the jeeversion options the version will be
EJB version
Servlet version
JSP version
Type: java.lang.String
Since: 2.9
Required: No
User Property: eclipse.jeeversion
Limit the use of project references to the current workspace. No
project references will be created to projects in the reactor when
they are not available in the workspace.
Type: boolean
Since: 2.5
Required: No
User Property: eclipse.limitProjectReferencesToWorkspace
Default: false
A list of links to local files in the system. A configuration like
this one in the pom :
will produce in the .project :
Type: java.util.List
Since: 2.8
Required: No
The relative path of the manifest file
Since: 2.5
Required: No
User Property: eclipse.manifest
Default: ${basedir}/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
The project packaging.
Type: java.lang.String
Since: 2.5
Required: No
User Property: project.packaging
If set to true, the standard execution environment
matching the compiler settings is set as JRE. If set to
false, the JRE matching the configured compiler-plugin
executable or JAVA_HOME is selected by name, if it is configured in
the workspace.
Type: boolean
Since: 2.10
Required: No
User Property: eclipse.preferStandardClasspathContainer
Default: false
Allows configuring the name of the eclipse projects. This property
if set wins over addVersionToProjectName and
addGroupIdToProjectName You can use [groupId],
[artifactId] and [version] variables. eg.
Type: java.lang.String
Since: 2.5
Required: No
User Property: eclipse.projectNameTemplate
List of eclipse project natures. By default the
org.eclipse.jdt.core.javanature nature plus the needed
WTP natures are added. Natures added using this property
replace the default list.
Type: java.util.List
Since: 2.5
Required: No
Skip the operation when true.
Type: boolean
Since: 2.5
Required: No
User Property: eclipse.skip
Default: false
List of exclusions to add to the source directories on the
classpath. Adds excluding=&& to the classpathentry of the eclipse
.classpath file. [MECLIPSE-104]
Type: java.util.List
Since: 2.6.1
Required: No
List of inclusions to add to the source directories on the
classpath. Adds including=&& to the classpathentry of the eclipse
.classpath file.
Java projects will always include &**/*.java&
Ajdt projects will always include &**/*.aj&
Type: java.util.List
Since: 2.6.1
Required: No
Spring configuration placeholder
Type: java.util.Map
Since: 2.5
Required: No
Allow declaration of struts properties for MyEclipse
Type: java.util.Map
Since: 2.5
Required: No
Whether to place test resources after main resources. Note that the
default behavior of Maven version 2.0.8 or later is to have test
dirs before main dirs in classpath so this is discouraged if you
need to reproduce the maven behavior during tests. The default
behavior is also changed in eclipse plugin version 2.6 in order to
better match the maven one. Switching to &test source last& can
anyway be useful if you need to run your application in eclipse,
since there is no concept in eclipse of &phases& with different set
of source dirs and dependencies like we have in maven.
Type: boolean
Since: 2.9
Required: No
User Property: eclipse.testSourcesLast
Default: false
When set to false, the plugin will not create sub-projects and
instead reference those sub-projects using the installed package in
the local repository
Type: boolean
Since: 2.5
Required: Yes
User Property: eclipse.useProjectReferences
Default: true
This eclipse workspace is read and all artifacts detected there
will be connected as eclipse projects and will not be linked to the
jars in the local repository. Requirement is that it was created
with the similar wtp settings as the reactor projects, but the
project name template my differ. The pom's in the workspace
projects may not contain variables in the artefactId, groupId and
version tags. If workspace is not defined, then an attempt to
locate it by checking up the directory hierarchy will be made.
Since: 2.5
Required: No
User Property: eclipse.workspace
JEE context name of the WTP module. ( ex. WEB context name ). You
can use &ROOT& if you want to map the webapp to the root context.
Type: java.lang.String
Since: 2.5
Required: No
User Property: wtpContextName
Must the application files be written for ear projects in a
separate directory.
Type: boolean
Since: 2.5
Required: No
User Property: eclipse.wtpapplicationxml
Default: false
What WTP defined server to use for deployment informations.
Type: java.lang.String
Since: 2.5
Required: No
User Property: eclipse.wtpdefaultserver
Must the manifest files be written for java projects so that that
the jee classpath for wtp is correct.
Type: boolean
Since: 2.5
Required: No
User Property: eclipse.wtpmanifest
Default: false
The version of WTP for which configuration files will be generated.
The default value is &none& (don't generate WTP configuration),
supported versions are &R7&, &1.0&, &1.5& and &2.0&
Type: java.lang.String
Since: 2.5
Required: No
User Property: wtpversion
Default: none
Copyright &
All Rights Reserved.


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