
1.choos order dishes (in a restaurant)
1. 装点菜式上他也毫不吝啬:每一道菜都美得诱人,让人不忍下口。 He also doesn't skimp on presentation: each of the dishes has an aesthetic appeal, making it almost a shame to eat. 2. 我们吃点菜吧。 Let's dine a la carte. 3. 本酒家为满足和适应多层次消费者的需要,供应大、中、小套菜和随意点菜,任君选择。 This restaurant has complete dinners in large, medium and small sizes and a la carte selections with which to satisfy and accommodate the various requirements of consumers. 4. 你喜欢点菜或是自助餐? Do you prefer regular menu or buffet? 5. 点菜在餐车。 The carte service is in the dining car. 6. 他点菜的本领几乎可以与卢斯先生媲美。 He could order a dinner almost as well as Mr. Luce.当前位置: &
音标:[ diǎncài ]&&
英文翻译choos order dishes (in a restaurant) 短语和例子
例句与用法1.You order the dishes and i 'll foot the bill .你点菜,我来付帐。2.He could order a dinner almost as well as mr. luce .他点菜的本领几乎可以与卢斯先生媲美。3.We have not ordered yet .我们还没点菜呢。4.He ordered in french .他用法语点菜。5.Please order for me .请为我点菜。6.This is menu . are you ready to order now侍者:这是菜单。您现在可以点菜了吗? 7.Waitress : may i take your order now , sir女服务生:先生,现在可以帮您点菜了吗? 8.He capped the bottle after having some root beer他喝了点菜根汽水后把瓶子又盖好。 9.It is ordered that we should order our food in order根据要求,我们应该按顺序点菜10.Waiter : mrs . howard , may i take your order霍华德夫人,我可以为您点菜了吗? &&更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&
相邻词汇热门词汇您好, []|
1. Do you have reservations?您订位了吗?reservation 预定,预约 Room reservation 订房2. Is this for here or to go?在这里吃还是带走?Can I order take-out here?我可以叫菜带走吗?take-out 带走的菜3. Would you like a table in the smoking or nonsmoking section?您要在吸烟区还是非吸烟区?4. You would better not jump the line?你最好不要插队。jump the line 插队5. What is today's specialty?今天的特色菜是什么?Specialty: 特色菜6. I am afraid we will have to cancel the order.恐怕那道菜我们不要了。cancel the order 不点了7. What would you recommend?你们推荐什么?What do you think I should order?What is your suggestion?What do you suggest to order?8. I'll treat you tonight.今天晚上我请客。No, let's go Dutch.别了,我们AA制吧。go Dutch: AA制,也可以说 split the bill。9. 还要别的什么吗?And what to follow?Won't you have more?Anything else you want?Is there anything else that you'd like?
Copyright & 1998 - 2015 Tencent. All Rights Reserved我想点菜用英语怎么说?_百度作业帮
May I have a menu, please?
I would like to order food请别人点菜英文怎么说和老外吃饭一般会用到哪些简单的英文?_百度作业帮
how would you like to make the order?i can recommend some chinese delicacies if you like to try some other food.
Please order your dishes。请您点菜。


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