may i enjoyi want you是什么意思的意思

请高手给讲解下句中的on your own 和may 的意思?Please take a few moments to look around.I hope you’ll enjoy you tour.And asyou continue on your own may I suggest you visit our impressive philatelic collection._百度作业帮
请高手给讲解下句中的on your own 和may 的意思?Please take a few moments to look around.I hope you’ll enjoy you tour.And asyou continue on your own may I suggest you visit our impressive philatelic collection.
请高手给讲解下句中的on your own 和may 的意思?Please take a few moments to look around.I hope you’ll enjoy you tour.And asyou continue on your own may I suggest you visit our impressive philatelic collection.
MAY I此处是自己要建议大家参观our impressive philatelic collecton的委婉说法.意思是要不要去看一下?尊重对方的意见.没有强求的意思on one's own 靠自己,独立完成
on your own是固定词组,“独立地,自愿的”May是助动词,引导一般疑问句May I suggest you visit our impressive philatelic collection?
on your own
may 只是语气助词 没有实际意义
And as《是否因为AS的作用,MAY才倒装?》
you continue on your own may I suggest you visit our impressive philatelic collection—You can ______ music here.—Yes. But I don’t like the music. May I listen to the CDCDs by S.H.E?
—You can ______ music here.—Yes. But I don’t like the music. May I listen to the CDCDs by S.H.E?
—You can ______ music here.—Yes. But I don’t like the music. May I listen to the CDCDs by S.H.E?高频词,一定要记住哦!
(与 would 或 should 连用表示客气)想;
(非正式口语,代替 as)和…一样;
and the like
like anything
1. (非正式)十分,非常;在很大程度上
they would probably worry like anything.
(as) like as not
she would be in bed by now, like as not.
like enough (或 most like)
1. (古)很可能
he'll have lost a deal of blood, I dare say, and like enough he's still losing it.
as, like这两个词均有“像”之意。
like, love, enjoy, fancy, adore, prefer这些动词都有“喜欢,喜爱”之意。
: 最常用词,往往只表不太强烈的兴趣或关注,不带强烈的感情,除非另加修饰语。
: 不但表示强烈的喜欢,而且含依恋之情,因此多用于能激起深厚情感的人或物。
: 指对能提供感观或智力上满足或快乐的东西表示欣赏或喜爱。
: 指喜爱投合自己心意、嗜好或欲望等的人或物。
: 非正式用词,口语体。指非常喜爱,带强烈的感情色彩。
: 指有选择性或偏向性的喜欢。
像;像…一样 If you say that one person or thing is like another, you mean that they share some of the same qualities or features.&
He looks like Father Christmas...
Kathy is a great mate, we are like sisters...
It's a bit like
it's never as bad as you fear...
(是)…样的人(或事物) If you talk about what something or someone is like, you are talking about their qualities or features.&
What was Bulgaria like?...
What did she look like?...
was it like growing up in Hillsborough?...
比如;例如 You can use like to introduce an example of the set of things or people that you have just mentioned.&
【搭配模式】:n PREP n/-ing
The neglect that large cities like New York have received over the past 12 years is tremendous...
He could say things like, 'Let's go to the car' or 'Let us go for a walk' in French.
与…情形一样 You can use like to say that someone or something is in the same situation as another person or thing.&
It also moved those who, like me, are too young to have lived through the war...
Like many cities in Germany, it had to recreate itself after the second world war.
(表示行为如同…一样)像孩子一样哭泣/像老鹰一样监视 If you say that someone is behaving like something or someone else, you mean that they are behaving in a way that is typical of that kind of thing or person. Like is used in this way in many fixed expressions, for example to cry like a baby and to watch someone like a hawk.&
【搭配模式】:v PREP n
I was shaking all over, trembling like a
Greenfield was behaving like an irresponsible idiot.
(表示行为符合…的特点)她就是这么个人/这一点也不像他 You can use like in expressions such as that's just like her and it wasn't like him to indicate that the person's behaviour is or is not typical of their character.&
【搭配模式】:v-link PREP n
You should have told us. But it's just like you not to share...
Why does he want to do a mad thing like that? It's not like him.
好像,似乎(但事实并非如此)(一些人认为此用法不正确) Like is sometimes used as a conjunction in order to say that something appears to be the case when it is not. Some people consider this use to be incorrect.&
His arms look like they might snap under the weight of his gloves...
On the train up to Waterloo, I felt like I was going on an adventure.
如同(一些人认为此用法不正确) Like is sometimes used as a conjunction in order to indicate that something happens or is done in the same way as something else. Some people consider this use to be incorrect.&
People are strolling, buying ice cream for their children, just like they do every Sunday...
He spoke exactly like I did...
We really were afraid, not like in the cinema.
(用于否定短语中强调以…为最)没有什么能比得上它/没有什么地方能比得上它 You can use like in negative expressions such as nothing like it and no place like it to emphasize that there is nothing as good as the situation, thing, or person mentioned.&
【搭配模式】:with neg
There's nothing like candlelight for creating a romantic mood...
There was no feeling like it in the world.
(强调否定)没有,不到 You can use like in expressions such as nothing like to make an emphatic negative statement.&
【搭配模式】:with neg
Three hundred million dollars will be nothing like enough...
It's really not anything like as bad as it looks.
(表示思考下面的话或用作口头禅)嗯,这个(一些人不喜欢此用法) Some people say like when they are thinking about what to say next or because it has become their habit to say it. Some people do not like this use.&
I decided that I'd go and, like, take a picture of him while he was in the shower.
(用于重述自己或他人当时的话或自己当时的想法)说,想(一些人不喜欢此用法) Some people say like when they are reporting what they or another person said, or what they thought about something. Some people do not like this use.&
He said 'I'm attracted to you.' I'm like 'You're
My dad was there and he's like: 'Yeah. Yeah. I want to come.'
喜欢;喜爱 If you like something or someone, you think they are interesting, enjoyable, or attractive.&
【语法信息】:V n
【语法信息】:V -ing
【语法信息】:V to-inf
【语法信息】:V n adj/prep
【语法信息】:V n about n/-ing
【搭配模式】:no cont
He likes baseball...
think why Grace doesn't like me...
What music do you like best?...
(用于征询意见)觉得 If you ask someone how they like something, you are asking them for their opinion of it and whether they enjoy it or find it pleasant.&
【语法信息】:V n/-ing
【搭配模式】:no cont
How do you like America?...
How did you like the trip?
(表示赞同)喜欢,希望 If you like something such as a particular course of action or way of behaving, you approve of it.&
【语法信息】:V n
【语法信息】:V to-inf
【语法信息】:V n -ing
【语法信息】:V -ing
【语法信息】:Also V n about n/-ing
【搭配模式】:no cont
I've been looking at the cookery book. I like the way it is set out...
The US administration would like to see a negotiated settlement to the war...
Opal, his wife, didn't really like him drinking so much...
(表示习惯)愿意,希望 If you say that you like to do something or that you like something to be done, you mean that you prefer to do it or prefer it to be done as part of your normal life or routine.&
【语法信息】:V to-inf
【语法信息】:V n to-inf
【搭配模式】:no cont
I like to get to airports in good time...
I hear Mary's husband likes her to be home no later than six o'clock.
(表示愿意)想要 If you say that you would like something or would like to do something, you are indicating a wish or desire that you have.&
【语法信息】:V n
【语法信息】:V to-inf
【搭配模式】:no cont
I'd like a bath...
If you don't mind, I think I'd like to go home.
想要(说) You can say that you would like to say something to indicate that you are about to say it.&
【语法信息】:V to-inf
【搭配模式】:no cont
I'd like to apologize...
I would like to take this opportunity of telling you about a new service which we are offering.
(礼貌地提议或邀请)想要 If you ask someone if they would like something or would like to do something, you are making a polite offer or invitation.&
【语法信息】:V n
【语法信息】:V to-inf
【搭配模式】:no cont
Here's your change. Would you like a bag?...
Perhaps while you wait you would like a drink at the bar...
Would you like to come back for coffee?
(礼貌地请求或命令)希望 If you say to someone that you would like something or you would like them to do something, or ask them if they would like to do it, you are politely telling them what you want or what you want them to do.&
【语法信息】:V n
【语法信息】:V n to-inf
【语法信息】:V to-inf
【搭配模式】:no cont
I'd like an explanation...
We'd like you to look around and tell us if anything is missing...
Would you like to tell me what happened?
同样(或相似)的人(或事物) You can use like in expressions such as like attracts like, when you are referring to two or more people or things that have the same or similar characteristics.&
You have to make sure you're comparing like with like...
Homeopathic treatment is based on the 'like cures like' principle.
爱好;喜欢的事物 Someone's
likes are the things that they enjoy or find pleasant.&
【搭配模式】:usu poss N
I thought that I knew everything about Jemma: her likes and dislikes, her political viewpoints.
等等;以及诸如此类 If you mention particular things or people and then add and the like, you are indicating that there are other similar things or people that can be included in what you are saying.&
【搭配模式】:n PHR
Many students are also keeping fit through jogging, aerobics, weight training, and the like.
(用于非正式地提出或同意建议)如果你乐意的话 You say if you like when you are making or agreeing to an offer or suggestion in a casual way.&
【搭配模式】:PHR with cl
You can stay here if you like...
'Shall we stop talking about her?' —
'If you like.'
可以说;换句话说 You say if you like when you are expressing something in a different way, or in a way that you think some people might disagree with or find strange.&
【搭配模式】:PHR with cl/group
This is more like a downpayment, or a deposit, if you like.
拼命地;猛烈地;极快地 You can use the expressions like anything ,like crazy, or like mad to emphasize that someone is doing something or something is happening in a very energetic or noticeable way.&
【搭配模式】:PHR after v
working like mad at the moment.
像…这样的人(或东西) You can talk about the likes of someone or something to refer to people or things of a particular type.&
【搭配模式】:PHR n
Why would somebody like her want to spend an evening with the likes of me?...
She went to Cambridge and rubbed shoulders with the likes of George Bernard Shaw.
很可能;也许 If you say that something will happen like as not or as like as not, you mean that it will probably happen.&
【搭配模式】:PHR with cl
They'd come and bring their neighbours, like as not.
不管喜不喜欢 If you say that something will happen or is true like it or not, or whether someone likes it or not, you mean that although the situation may be unpleasant, it has to be faced.&
【搭配模式】:PHR with cl
Like it or not, our families shape our lives and make us what we are...
We're going to have to spend the night here whether we like it or not.
(用于展示过程)像这样/像那样/照这样 You say like this ,like that, or like so when you are showing someone how something is done.&
【搭配模式】:usu PHR with cl
It opens and closes, like this.
(用于吸引注意力)像这样/像那样 You use like this or like that when you are drawing attention to something that you are doing or that someone else is doing.&
【搭配模式】:PHR after v
I'm sorry to intrude on you like this...
Stop pacing like that.
(数量、名称、描述等)更接近于 You use the expression more like when mentioning an amount, name, or description that in your opinion is more accurate than one that has already been mentioned.&
【搭配模式】:PHR n/-ing
on company advice — well, orders, more like.
大约;左右;接近 You use the expression something like with an amount, number, or description to indicate that it is approximately accurate.&
【搭配模式】:PHR n
They can get something like ?3,000 a year...
'When roughly would this be? Monday?' — 'Something like that.'
那样好多了;这才像话 If you say that's more like it, you mean that the thing that you are referring to is more satisfactory than it was on earlier occasions.&
That's more like it, you're getting into the swing of things now.
前所未有(或闻所未闻)的事物 If you refer to something the like of which or the likes of which has never been seen before, you are emphasizing how important, great, or noticeable the thing is.&
【搭配模式】:n PHR cl
...technological advances the like of which the world had previously only dreamed of...
We are dealing with an epidemic the likes of which we have never seen in this century.
1. 喜欢, 喜爱
The students much like the new dean.
Women like to be thought younger than they are.
He likes getting up early.
I like that you should call on me frequently.
I' I'd like some hot food.
我饿了, 我想吃一点热的东西。
3. 喜欢做;喜欢(以某种方式制作或产生的东西)
4. (用于否定句)愿做
5. (与 would 或 should 连用表示客气)想,想要,希望
1. (表示方式)如同, 像; 相似; 类似
She is dressed in white like a nurse.
她穿着白衣服, 像个护士。
2. (表示态度)想要, 有…的意向
I don't feel like work today.
3. (表示属性)像, 像…一样; 与…类似; 好像是, 看来有…可能(或迹象); 能表明…特征, 像…才会
The child was like its mother in looks.
4. (表示列举)比如, 诸如…之类, 像…等
It was like them to leave the work to us.
他们就是这样子, 总是把工作留给我们做。
5. (询问意见)…怎么样
6. (指某人常做的事)符合…的特点,像…才会
1. 相似的, 相同的
Each employee received a like bonus.
The two girls are very like.
1. 相类似的人[事物]
Have you ever heard its like?
2. 喜好;爱好
3. (尤指被视为没有某人或某物那么好的)种类,类型
1. 像…一样;如同
2. 好像;仿佛;似乎
1. (非正式口语,代替 as)和…一样,如,像
2. (非正式口语,思考说下句话、解释或举例时用)大概,可能
1. prefer or
"Do you care to try this dish?"
"Would you like to come along to the movies?"
2. find en
"I like jogging"
"She likes to read Russian novels"
"I like my nephews"
4. f consider, evaluate,
"How did you like the President's speech last night?"
"I'd like a beer now!"
1. r having the same or some of the
"suits of like design"
"a limited circle of like minds"
"members of the cat family have like dispositions"
"as like as two peas in a pod"
"doglike devotion"
"a dreamlike quality"
"like amounts"
"equivalent amounts"
"the same amount"
"gave one six blows and the other a like number"
"an equal number"
"the same number"
3. having the same or sim
"all politicians are alike"
"they looked utterly alike"
"friends are generaly alike in background and taste"
4. conform
"boxes with corresponding dimensions"
"the like period of the preceding year"
表态:喜欢(like),热度的表现,是激励用户的主要方式;转载:转载可添加理由; 回应:隐藏在页面细节里; 其他类: 个性化页 …
- 基于48160个网页
七年级英语单词表 ... build 体格;体形 like 像;如同 always 总是;始终.
- 基于14492个网页
字典中兴字的解释 ... (5) 情欲[ passion] (1) 喜欢;喜爱[ like] (2) 同本义[get up].
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Hey monkey ! Would you like some bananas ?, 嘿 ! 猴子 ! 你想吃香蕉吗?
- 基于2243个网页
职称英语等级考试A - 原版英语_馆档网 ... lightning 闪电 likeness 相像,相似(之处) limb 肢,臂,翼.
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英语词汇的奥秘 ... emptimess 空虚,空洞 likeness 相似,类似 willingness 心甘情愿.
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医学用语_百度文库 ... brain n. 脑子 likely a. 可能的;似乎合适的 man-like a. 象人的.
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likelihood 多半likely 或许;可能likeness 类似
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英汉释义 like [ laik ] vt. 喜欢;愿意;想 vi. 希望;喜欢 prep. 像;如同 adj. 相似的;同样的 n. 爱好;同样的人或物英英释义 n. a similar kind &dogs, foxes, and the like&; & we don't want the likes of you around here& 同义词: the like | the likes of a kind of person &We'll not see his like again& 同义 同义词:ilkv. prefer or wish to do something &Would you like to
0){var rand = parseInt(Math.random() * (000)+100000);top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'))+'?renovate='+}else{top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'));};}" action="/">
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