活塞中的pin boss rib是什么的缩写意思

个人识别码(personal identification number);
1. She'd do anything for a bit of pin money.
2. It has taken until now to pin down its exact location.
3. Zita was herself unconventional, keeping a safety-pin stuck through her ear lobe.
4. Cleanse your face thoroughly and pin back your hair.
5. Data recorders also pin-point mechanical faults rapidly, reducing repair times.
1. 控制住:清楚地固定或建立
was finally able to pin down the cause of the disease.
2. 强求承诺:强迫某人提供确定意见或正确信息
The reporter pinned the governor down on the issue of capital punishment.
1. 归罪:将错事或罪行归于…
The murder was pinned on the wrong defendant.
(as) clean (或 neat) as a new pin
1. 非常整洁
for two pins I'd (或 she'd,等) ——
1. 巴不得,恨不得
1. “别住;钉住;扣住”释义下的同义词
别针;大头针 Pins are very small thin pointed pieces of metal. They are used in sewing to fasten pieces of material together until they have been sewn.&
...needles and pins...
Use pins to keep the braid in place as you work.
(用别针等)别住;(用图钉等)钉住 If you pin something on or to something, you attach it with a pin, a drawing pin, or a safety pin.&
【语法信息】:V n prep
【语法信息】:V n with adv
They pinned a notice to the door...
Everyone was supposed to dance with the bride and pin money on her dress...
He had pinned up a map of Finland.
按住;压住;使动弹不得 If someone pins you to something, they press you against a surface so that you cannot move.&
【语法信息】:V n adv/prep
【语法信息】:V n
I pinned him against the wall...
I'd try to get away and he'd pin me down, saying he would kill me...
She fought at the bulk that pinned her.
(尤指把两件东西固定在一起的)销,栓,楔,钉 A pin is any long narrow piece of metal or wood that is not sharp, especially one that is used to fasten two things together.&
...the 18-inch steel pin holding his left leg together.
...a two-pin continental adaptor.
(常指不公正地)把…归罪于,把…归咎于 If someone tries to pin something on you or to pin the blame on you, they say, often unfairly, that you were responsible for something bad or illegal.&
【语法信息】:V n on n
They're trying to pin it on us...
The trade unions are pinning the blame for the violence on the government.
把(希望、信心等)寄托在…上 If you pin your hopes on something or pin your faith on something, you hope very much that it will produce the result you want.&
【语法信息】:V n on n
The Democrats are pinning their hopes on the next election.
用发夹把(头发)别住 If someone pins their hair up or pins their hair back, they arrange their hair away from their face using hair pins.&
【语法信息】:V n with adv
【语法信息】:V n prep
Cleanse your face thoroughly and pin back your hair...
In an effort to look older she has pinned her fair hair into a French pleat.
胸针;饰针;(背面有别针的)徽章,像章 A pin is something worn on your clothing, for example as jewellery, which is fastened with a pointed piece of metal.&
【语域标签】:AM 美
...necklaces, bracelets, and pins.
(手榴弹的)保险针,保险销 A pin is the part of a hand grenade that is pulled out in order to make the grenade explode.&
静得连针掉在地上也听得见 You can say you could have heard a pin drop when a place is extremely quiet, especially because everyone is waiting for someone to speak or when someone has made a shocking remark.&
1. 大头针, 别针
The dressmaker used a pin to fasten the pattern to the cloth.
Did you see the diamond pin she got for Christmas?
3. 锁, 钉, 插头, 闩
The doctor put a steel pin in his wrist.
He's a bit unsteady on his pins.
5. (有别针的)徽章
6. (接骨用的)钢钉
7. (插头的)管脚
8. (保龄球等的)木瓶,瓶柱
10. (手榴弹上的)保险栓,保险针
11. 琐碎物;小东西
12. 发夹,发叉;夹发针(=hairpin);扁平发夹(=bobby pin)
13. 针状物
15. (滚木柱戏或滚木球戏的)木柱,球柱;(表示得分的)被击倒球柱
1. 把…别住, 把…钉住
She had pinned a wild rose in her hair.
2. 压住, 使不能动
The policeman pinned his arms behind him.
3. (用钉等)钉住;(用别针等)别住;(用销子等)闩住;固定住
4. (用针等)刺穿
5. 牵制,钳制;围住
The army pinned the enemy to its ground by powerful infantry attacks.
6. 使依附于,使系于
He always pins his destiny to other person.
7. 把…归罪于,把…归咎于
Don't try to I didn't do it!
8. 抓住;保持(尤指行为、争论的界限)
9. 清楚地解释
1. 针的;钉的;销的
2. 大头针的;别针的;
3. (皮革)有针头似小点的
1. a piece of jewelry that is pinned onto the wearer's garment
2. when a wrestler's shoulders are forced to the mat
3. small markers inserted into a surface to mark scores or define locations etc.
"fever left him weak on his sticks"
5. axis consisting of a short shaft that supports something that turns
6. cylindrical tumblers consisting of two parts that are held when they are aligned with a key the bolt can be thrown
7. flagpole used to mark the position of the hole on a golf green
8. a small slender (often pointed) piece of wood or metal used to support or fasten or attach things
9. a holder attached to the gunwale of a boat that holds the oar in place and acts as a fulcrum for rowing
10. a club-shaped wooden ob set up in groups as a target
1. to hold fast or
"The child was pinned under the fallen tree"
2. attach or fasten with pins
"pin down the butterfly"
4. immobilize a piece
personal identification number
page and item number
plan identification number
position indicator
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3. 个人识别码(personal identification number)
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排针(pin Header); 排母(Female Heade家旗电子有限公司电脑、USB连接器排针、排母连接器电话:86-7地址:中国 …
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  photoelectric plethysmograph 光电式体积描记器
  photoelectric polarimeter 光电偏振计
  photoelectric power converter 光电功率变换器
  photoelectric precision encoder 光电精密编码器
  photoelectric pyrometer 光电高温计
  photoelectric radiation detector 光电辐射探测器
  photoelectric reader 光电读出器
  photoelectric recorder 光电记录器
  photoelectric recording instrument 光电记录器
  photoelectric red threshold 光电红色阈
  photoelectric reflection type handy digital tachometer 手持式光电反射数字转速表
  photoelectric register controller 光电定位控制器
  photoelectric relay meter 光电式继电器电表
  photoelectric relay 光电继电器
  photoelectric scanner 光电扫描器
  photoelectric scanning moire grid 光电归描云纹版
  photoelectric scanning monochromator 光电扫描单色仪
  photoelectric scleroscope 光电硬度计
  photoelectric sensor 光电传感器
  photoelectric smoke-density controller 光电烟密度控制器
  photoelectric sorter 光电分类器
  photoelectric spectrocolorimeter 光电分光测色计
  photoelectric spectrometer 光电分光计
  photoelectric spectrophotometer 光电分光光度计
  photoelectric sphygmograph 光电脉压计
  photoelectric steelscope 光电析钢仪
  photoelectric switch 光电开关
  photoelectric tachometer 光电转速计
  photoelectric tape reader 光电读带器
  photoelectric telegraph transmitter 光电发报机
  photoelectric template colorimeter 光电模板比色计
  photoelectric timer 光电定时器
  photoelectric tracer 光电跟踪器
  photoelectric tracing flame cutting machine 光电跟踪气割机
  photoelectric transducer 光电变换器
  photoelectric transfer fibre 光导纤维
  photoelectric transformer 光电变换器
  photoelectric transmitter 光电发报机
  photoelectric triode 光电三极管
  photoelectric tristimulus colorimeter 光电三色激励比色计
  photoelectric tube 光电管
  photoelectric turbidimeter 光电浊度计
  photoelectric type ammeter 光电式电流计
  photoelectric type velocity measuring device of high voltage switch 光电式高压开关测速仪
  photoelectric viewing tube 光电显像管
  photoelectric viscometer 光电粘度计
  photoelectric weft-finder 光电探纬器
  photoelectric whirl measuring apparatus 光电转速测量仪
  photoelectric width gauge 光电宽度计
  photoelectric yarn regularity tester 光电式纱线均匀度检验仪
  photoelectrical cell 光电管
  photoelectrical controller 光电控制器
  photoelectromagnetic detector 光电磁检测器
  photoelectromagnetic photo-detector 光电磁光检测器
  photoelectrometer 光电计
  photoelectron analytical spectrometer 光电子分析光谱仪
  photoelectronic device 光电子器件
  photoelectronic diode 光电子二极管
  photoelectronic pulse amplifier 光电子脉冲放大器
  photoelectronic transducer 光电子变换器
  photoemission microscope 光电发射显微镜
  photoemissive cell 光电发射管
  photoemissive detector 光发射探测器
  photoemissive photodetector 光电发射光电检波器
  photoemissive relay 光电放射式继电器
  photoemissive tube photometer 光电发射管光度计
  photoflash lamp 照相闪光灯
  photoflash 照相闪光灯
  photoflood& 超压强烈溢光灯
  photoflood bulb 超压强烈溢光灯泡
  photoflood lamp bulb 超压强烈溢光灯泡
  photoflood reflector for back-ground lighting with stand 背景灯
  photoflood reflector lamp with stand 脚光灯
  photofluorometer 荧光计
  photoformer 光电函数发生器
  photogalvanic cell 光电池
  photogalvanometer 微量光电流计
  photoglow tube 充气光电管
  photogoniometer 光电测角仪
  photogoniometer 照相测量经纬仪
  photogrammeter 摄影经纬仪
  photogrammetric plotter 摄影测量绘图仪
  photograph album 相册
  photograph facsimile apparatus 相片传真机
  photograph stand 照相架
  photographic and cinematographic supplies 照相及电影器材
  photographic blotting paper 照相吸水纸
  photographic chemicals 照相用药品
  photographic current meter 照相海流计
  photographic densitometer 照相密度计
  photographic developer 显影剂
  photographic ditto machine 照相复印机
  photographic emulsion detector 照相乳胶检测器
  photographic emulsion 照相乳剂
  photographic enlarge lamp bulb 照相放大用白炽灯泡
  photographic equipment 照相设备
  photographic gelatin 照相明胶
  photographic lens 照相透镜
  photographic materials 照相器材
  photographic memory 照相存储器
  photographic paper 印相纸
  photographic photometer 照相光度计
  photographic plotter 摄影绘图仪
  photographic pyrometer 照相高温计
  photographic recorder 胶片记录器
  photographic recording oscillograph 摄影记录示波器
  photographic recording polarograph 摄影极谱仪
  photographic reducer 照相减薄剂
  photographic reprinter 照相复印机
  photographic revolver 旋转摄影器
  photographic sensitizer 照相增感剂
  photographic sensitometer 照相感光计
  photographic sound recorder 光学录音机
  photographic spacecraft 摄影航天器
  photographic supplies 照相器材
  photographic telescope 照相望远镜
  photographic viewfinder 照相取景器
  photographical clinometer 照相测斜仪
  photogravure ink 凹版用油墨
  photogravure paper 照相凹版纸
  photogravure pigment paper 凹版碳素纸
  photogravure press 影印机
  photogravure printing ink 影印油墨
  photogravure proofing machine 凹印打样机
  photogravure 照相凹版
  photogrph amplifier 照片放大器
  photogun 光电子枪
  photoheliograph 太阳照相仪
  photointerpreter 光电判读仪
  photointerpretometer 相片判读仪
  photointerrupter 光斩波器
  photoisolator trigger 光隔离触发器
  photoisolator 光隔离器
  photojunction cell 光结电池
  photolitho paper 照相平版印刷纸
  photolithograph 照相平版
  photoluminescence powder 光致发光粉
  photoluminescent thermometer 光致发光温度计
  photomagnetic quantum therapy unit 光磁量子治疗机
  photomapper 光制图仪
  photomask 光掩模
  photomechanical horizontal camera 卧式制版照相机
  photometer axis 测光轴
  photometer bench 光度计架
  photometer head 光度头
  photometer test plate 光度试验板
  photometer 测光仪
  photometric analyzer 光度分析仪
  photometric paper 光度测定纸
  photomicrograph film 显微照相软片
  photomicrograph 显微照片
  photomicrographic camera 显微照相机
  photomicrographic device 显微照相仪
  photomicroscope 显微照相机
  photomixer 光混频器
  photomodulator 光调制器
  photomotograph 肌动光电描记仪
  photomultiplier cell 光电倍增管
  photomultiplier counter 光电倍增管计数器
  photomultiplier detector 光电倍增检测器
  photomultiplier receiver 光电倍增管接收机
  photomultiplier tube 光电倍增管
  photomultiplier 光电倍增管
  photomultisensor 光电多路传感器
  photon camera 光子摄像机
  photon correlation spectrometer 光子相关光谱仪
  photon counter 光子计数器
  photon coupled isolator device 光子耦合隔离器
  photon detector 光子检测器
  photon monochromator 光子单色仪
  photon propulsion 光子式火箭发动机
  photon-counting detector 光子计数检测器
  photon-coupled isolator 光子耦合隔离器
  photonephelometer 光电浊度计
  photooscillometer 照相示波仪
  photoparametric amplifier 光参量放大器
  photoparametric diode 光参量二极管
  photophone 光电话机
  photoplethysmograph 光体积描记器
  photoplotter 摄影测绘仪
  photoprint 照相复制器
  photoprinter 影印机
  photoprinting paper 影印相纸
  photoradar 光雷达
  photoradiometer 光辐射计
  photoreader 光电阅读器
  photoreceiver 光接收机
  photoreceptor 光感受器
  photorecombination laser 光复合激光器
  photorecorder 自动记录照相机
  photorectifier 光电检波器
  photoreflective polarization coupler 光反射偏振耦合器
  photorefractive coupler 光折射耦合器
  photorefractive intermodal exchanger 光折射模内交换器
  photorelay 光控继电器
  photorepeater 照相复印机
  photoresistance relay 光敏电阻继电器
  photoresistor 光敏电阻
  photoscintillater 光闪烁器
  photosensing material 光敏材料
  photosensitive cell 光敏电池
  photosensitive detector 光敏检测器
  photosensitive diode 光敏二极管
  photosensitive emulsion 光敏乳胶
  photosensitive fiber optic sensor 光敏光纤传感器
  photosensitive film 感光胶片
  photosensitive glass 光敏玻璃
  photosensitive glass-ceramics 光敏微晶陶瓷
  photosensitive paper 感光纸
  photosensitive plate 照相感光板
  photosensitive resin 感光树脂
  photosensitive switch 光敏开关
  photosensitive tube 光敏管
  photosetting machine 照相排字机
  photostat 直接影印机
  photostereograph 立体测图仪
  photoswitch 光控继电器
  phototechnical film 印刷技术用胶片
  phototechnical plate 印刷技术用干板
  phototelegraphic apparatus 传真电报机
  phototelephone 光电话机
  phototelescope 照相望远镜
  phototheodolite 照相经纬仪
  phototherapy apparatus 光疗设备
  phototherapy unit 光疗机
  phototimer 照相计时器
  phototransistor detector 光电晶体管检测器
  phototransistor 光电晶体管
  phototriode 光电三极管
  phototron 矩阵光电管
  phototronic photocell 矩阵光电池
  phototube relay 光电管继电器
  phototube 光电管
  phototype paper 感光纸
  phototype setter 照相排字机
  phototype 照相凸版
  phototypesetting film 照相排字软片
  phototypesetting paper 照相排字用印相纸
  photovoltaic cell 光生伏打电池
  photovoltaic converter 光电变换器
  photovoltaic infrared detector 光电红外探测器
  photovoltaic meter 光生伏打计
  photovoltaic photodetector 光生伏打光电检测器
  photovoltaic pickup tube 光生伏打摄像管
  photox cell 氧化亚铜光电池
  phoxim 腈肟磷
  phrenic nerve stimulator 膈神经剌激器
  Phrilan 弗里纶卷曲粘胶短纤维
  phthal-acid resin 邻苯二甲酸树脂
  phthalamide 邻苯二甲酰胺
  phthalate anhydride 苯二甲酸酐
  phthalic acid 酞酸
  phthalic anhydride 邻苯二甲酸酐
  phthalic diamide 邻苯二甲酰胺
  phthalic ester 邻苯二甲酸酯
  phthalide 苯酞
  Phthalide 四氯苯酞
  phthalimide 邻苯二甲酰亚胺
  phthalocyanine blue 酞菁蓝
  phthalocyanine color 酞菁颜料
  phthalocyanine green 酞菁绿
  phthalocyanine 酞花菁
  phthalogen auxiliary agent 酞菁素助剂
  phthalonitrile 酞腈
  Phthalthrin 似虫菊
  phthalylsulfacetamide 酞磺醋胺
  phthalylsulfamethizole 酞磺胺甲二唑
  phthalylsulfathiazole 酞磺胺噻唑
  phthiobuzone 酞丁安
  phthiobuzonum liniment 酞丁安搽剂
  Phyban HC 甲胂一钠
  Phygon 二氯醌
  Phyomone 萘乙酸
  physical analystical instrument 物理分析仪
  physical apparatus& 物理仪器
  physical balance 物理天平
  physical hygrometer 干湿球湿度表
  physical instrument 物理仪器
  physical property type pressure transducer 物理性能压力传感器
  physically strengthened glass 物理增强玻璃
  physics educational apparatus 物理教学仪器
  physio-stimulator 生理刺激器
  physiological bedside monitor 生理床边监护仪
  physiological data recorder 生理数据记录器
  physiological monitor 生理监护仪
  physiological saline 生理盐水
  physiological signal processor 生理信号处理仪
  physiotherapeutic instrument 理疗仪器
  physostigmine 毒扁豆碱
  Phytar 二甲胂酸
  phytic acid 植酸
  Phytoactin 非多爱新
  phytolacca acinosa roxb.var. 马尾丝
  phytomenadione 维生素K1
  phytometer 蒸腾计
  phytonadiol sodium diphosphate 二氢维生素K1二磷酸钠
  Phytosol 壤虫磷
  pianica 口风琴
  piano felt 钢琴呢
  piano hinge 琴铰链
  piano key 钢琴
  piano keyboard 钢琴键盘
  piano lacquer 钢琴漆
  piano string 钢琴弦
  piano wire 钢琴丝
  piano 钢琴
  piano-accordion 键盘式手风琴
  pianocoder 电脑钢琴
  pianola 自动钢琴
  Piara 皮亚拉棉
  Piazza 广场牌汽车
  pibecarb 匹贝卡
  picarde ratine 细毛圈棉布
  piccalilli 酸辣泡菜
  piccolo 短笛
  Picfume 氯化苦
  picilorex 匹西雷司
  pick end hammer 尖嘴锤
  pick guitar 匹克吉他
  pick hammer 鹤嘴锤
  pick handle 镐柄
  pick mattock 钢镐
  pick stitch 细丝绣花
  pick 镐
  pick-and-back conveyer 可伸缩运输机
  pick-hoe 镐锄
  pick-on-pick moire 匹克匹克波纹绸
  pick-root machine 掘根机
  pick-up pump 抽出泵
  pick-up tube 摄像管
  pickaback plane 机载飞机
  pickaxe 尖嘴地锄
  pickel 冰杖
  picker bar 火杆
  picker 拣选机
  picking stick 打梭棒
  pickle 酸菜
  pickled cabbage with shredded bamboo shoot 雪菜笋丝
  pickled cabbage 雪菜
  pickled capsicum 甜酸辣椒
  pickled cucumber 酸黄瓜
  pickled kelp 腌海带
  pickled leaf mustard in sesame oil 香油酱芥菜
  pickled leaf mustard 腌芥菜
  pickled leek 酸荞头
  pickled lettuce 腌莴苣
  pickled mango 酸芒果
  pickled muskmelon slice 酱瓜片
  pickled peanut 酱花生
  pickled radish 酸萝卜
  pickled red capsicum 甜酸红辣椒
  pickled rutabaga 酱甘蓝
  pickled seaweed 腌海藻
  pickled tender cucumber 酱嫩黄瓜
  pickled tuber mustard 榨菜
  pickled turnip 酱萝卜
  pickled vegetable 泡菜
  pickler 腌制器
  pickles 泡菜
  pickling machine 酸洗机
  pickpurse 荠菜
  pickup camera 摄像机
  pickup felt 引纸毛毯
  pickup 电唱头
  Pickup 皮卡牌汽车
  pickup 无蓬低拦小型运送车
  picloram 毒莠定
  picnic basket 旅行篮
  picnic flask 旅行瓶
  picnic stove 野餐方便炉
  picnometer 比重瓶
  picobenzide 匹可齐特
  picoline 甲基吡啶
  picoperine 吡哌乙胺
  picosecond streak camera with readout system 带读出系统的皮秒超高速扫描摄影机
  picot trim vest 锁边内衬衣
  picotrin 匹可曲林
  picotte 皮科特羽纱
  picric acid 苦味酸
  picrolite 变种石棉
  picrolonic acid 苦铜酸
  picrotoxin 印防己毒素
  pictorial computer 图解式计算机
  picture and sound editor 声画编辑机
  picture board 图像板
  picture box 图画箱
  picture camera 电影摄影机
  picture demodulator 图像解调器
  picture dictionary for children 儿童识字卡
  picture frame glass 镜框玻璃
  picture frame 镜框
  picture glass 镜框玻璃
  picture hat 阔边花式帽
  picture in bark 树皮画
  picture in carved shell 贝雕画
  picture in cork 软木画
  picture in crayon 蜡笔画
  picture in picture insertion system 画中画插入系统
  picture in picture special effect transmission system 画中画特技播出系统
  picture in picture TV set 画中画电视机
  picture in plume 羽毛画
  picture in straw 麦秸画
  picture made of sorghum stalk 高粱杆画
  picture monitor 图像监视器
  picture nail 图画钉
  picture of hanging brocade 挂锦
  picture oscillating transformer 帧振荡变压器
  picture out picture TV set 画外画电视机
  picture phone 电视电话
  picture post card 风景明信片
  picture puzzle 拼图板
  picture receiver 图像接收器
  picture transmitter 图像发射机
  picture tube tester 显像管试验机
  picture tube 显像管
  picture velvet 印经丝绒
  picture video detector 视频检波器
  picture-finding eyepiece 取景目镜
  picture-sound camera 声画摄影机
  picturephone set 可视电话机
  pie dish 馅饼碟
  pie knife 馅饼刀
  pie pan 烙馅饼平锅
  pie plate 饼盘
  pie server 馅饼铲刀
  piece frozen peeled prawn 散冻虾仁
  piece frozen prawn ball 散冻虾球
  piece goods and textile fabrics 布匹及纺织品
  piece goods 布匹
  piece of antler 鹿茸片
  piece of Chinese spotted deer antler 中国梅花鹿茸片
  piece of special explosive 特殊炸药块
  piece of spotted-deer antler 梅花鹿茸片
  piece packaging machine 零件包装机
  piece sewing machine 缝布机
  pieotamide monohydrate 一水吡考他胺
  pier glass 穿衣镜
  Pierce 皮尔斯牌手表
  piercer 钻孔器
  piercing drill 穿心钻
  piercing machine 冲孔压力机
  piercing mill 穿孔机
  piercing saw blade 钢丝锯条
  piercing saw 弓锯
  Pierpont 皮尔蓬牌手表
  Pierre Cardin 皮尔·卡丹牌时装
  piezo resistor 压电电阻器
  piezo resonator 压电谐振器
  piezo-oscillator 压电振荡器
  piezocalibrator 压电石英校准器
  piezoceramics 压电陶瓷
  piezocoupler 压电耦合器
  piezocrystal 压电晶体
  piezoelectric accelerometer 压电加速度计
  piezoelectric buzzer 压电蜂鸣器
  piezoelectric cartridge 压电式拾音头
  piezoelectric ceramic discriminator 压电陶瓷鉴频器
  piezoelectric ceramic element 压电陶瓷元件
  piezoelectric ceramic filter 压电陶瓷滤波器
  piezoelectric ceramic ignitor 压电陶瓷点火器
  piezoelectric ceramic loudspeaker 压电陶瓷扬声器
  piezoelectric ceramic microphone 压电陶瓷送话器
  piezoelectric ceramic transformer 压电陶瓷变压器
  piezoelectric ceramics 压电陶瓷
  piezoelectric crystal 压电晶体
  piezoelectric driver 压电传动器
  piezoelectric filter 压电滤波器
  piezoelectric flowmeter 压电流量计
  piezoelectric force transducer 压电力传感器
  piezoelectric gyroscope 压电陀螺仪
  piezoelectric indicator 压电指示器
  piezoelectric laser modulator 压电激光调制器
  piezoelectric light modulator 压电光调制器
  piezoelectric lighter 压电打火机
  piezoelectric loudspeaker 压电扬声器
  piezoelectric micrometer 压电测微计
  piezoelectric microphone 压电传声器
  piezoelectric monitor 压电监视器
  piezoelectric oscillator 压电振荡器
  piezoelectric oscillograph 压电示波器
  piezoelectric pickup 压电拾音器
  piezoelectric pressure gauge 压电式压力计
  piezoelectric pressure indicator 压电式压力指示器
  piezoelectric pressure recorder 压电式压力记录仪
  piezoelectric probe 压电探针
  piezoelectric pyrometer 压电高温计
  piezoelectric quartz crystal 压电石英晶体
  piezoelectric quartz filter 压电石英滤波器
  piezoelectric quartz 压电石英
  piezoelectric receiver 压电受话器
  piezoelectric rectifier 压电整流器
  piezoelectric relay 压电继电器
  piezoelectric resonator 压电谐振器
  piezoelectric sender 压电变送器
  piezoelectric stabilizer 压电稳定器
  piezoelectric strain gauge 压电应变仪
  piezoelectric transducer 压电换能器
  piezoelectric triaxial accelerometer 压电式三轴加速度计
  piezoelectric type vibration gauge 压电式振动计
  piezoelectric vibrator 压电振动器
  piezolighter 压电点火器
  piezometer type thermometer 压力式温度计
  piezometer 压力计
  piezometric tube 测压管
  piezoquartz manometer 压电石英压力计
  piezoquartz 压电石英
  piezoresistance pressure transducer 压阻式压力传感器
  pifexole 匹非克索
  pifoxime 哌福肟
  pig& machine 铸铁机
  pig breaker 碎铁机
  pig casting machine 铸锭机
  pig copper 生铜
  pig fleshing machine 猪分割设备
  pig hair combings 猪毛渣子
  pig hair meal 猪毛粉
  pig hide 猪皮
  pig iron breaker 生铁打碎机
  pig iron electric furnace 生铁电炉
  pig iron for steel making 炼钢生铁
  pig iron 生铁
  pig lead 粗铅锭
  pig leather for making belt 猪皮带革
  pig leather for making garment 猪皮服装革
  pig leather for making gloves and garment 猪皮手套-服装革
  pig leather for making gloves 猪皮手套革
  pig leather jacket for child 猪革皮儿童茄克
  pig leather suitcase 猪皮箱
  pig leather waist belt 猪皮裤带
  pig leather working gloves 猪皮工作手套
  pig leather 猪皮革
  pig lining leather 猪皮里革
  pig luncheon tongue 猪舌
  pig moulding machine 铸锭机
  pig nappe leather jacket 猪光面革皮茄克
  pig shocking machine 生猪屠宰电击机
  pig skin gelatin 猪皮胶
  pig skin glaze 猪皮釉
  pig skin gloves with cotton back 猪皮线背手套
  pig skin gloves without lining 猪皮无里手套
  pig skin maw 猪皮鳔
  pig skin piqué 猪皮棱纹布
  pig skin shoes 猪皮鞋
  pig skin 猪皮
  pig skinner 剥猪皮机
  pig sole leather 猪皮底革
  pig starter feed 仔猪饲料
  pig stomach 猪肚
  pig suede leather jacket 猪绒面革皮茄克
  pig suede leather 猪绒面革
  pig suede upper leather 猪皮绒面革
  pig thyroid gland 猪甲状腺
  pig trotter 猪蹄
  pig upper leather 猪皮面革
  pig wool 猪毛绒
  pig 猪
  pig's bristle 猪鬃
  pig's leg stewed in sauce 红烧猪腿
  pig's rib with cured beans 豉汁排骨
  pig's rib with plum 梅子排骨
  pig's rib with salted black bean juice 豉汁排骨
  pig's tail stewed with peanut 花生猪尾
  pigeon egg 鸽蛋
  pigeon 鸽
  piggy packer 夹运装卸机
  pigment density analyzer 色素密度分析仪
  pigment dispersing agent 颜料分散剂
  pigment dyeing binding agent 涂料染色粘合剂
  pigment fibre yarn 无光化纤纱
  pigment for enamel ware 搪瓷颜料
  pigment for pottery and porcelain 陶瓷颜料
  pigment green B 颜料绿B
  pigment paper 炭素纸
  pigment paste 颜料膏
  pigment photogravure paper 炭素照相凹版纸
  pigment printing binding agent 涂料印花粘合剂
  pigment printing ink black 涂料色浆黑
  pigment printing ink bordeaux 涂料色浆枣红
  pigment printing ink brilliant blue 涂料色浆艳蓝
  pigment printing ink brown 涂料色浆棕
  pigment printing ink carmine 涂料色浆洋红
  pigment printing ink deep red 涂料色浆深红
  pigment printing ink fruit-green 涂料色浆果绿
  pigment printing ink golden yellow 涂料色浆金黄
  pigment printing ink green 涂料色浆绿
  pigment printing ink light yellow 涂料色浆嫩黄
  pigment printing ink navy blue 涂料色浆藏青
  pigment printing ink orange 涂料色浆橙
  pigment printing ink orange-red 涂料色浆桔红
  pigment printing ink pink 涂料色浆桃红
  pigment printing ink red-violet 涂料色浆红青莲
  pigment printing ink scarlet 涂料色浆大红
  pigment printing ink turquoise blue 涂料色浆翠蓝
  pigment printing ink white 涂料色浆白
  pigment printing ink yellow 涂料色浆黄
  pigment sky blue 孔雀蓝
  pigment taffeta 涂料塔夫绸
  pigment transfer paper 涂布复写纸
  pigment 颜料
  pigmented rayon 无光人造丝
  pigmented wool 有色羊毛
  pigmented yarn 纺染丝
  pigtailed laser diode 带尾纤的激光二极管
  pigtailed photodiode 带尾纤的光电二极管
  pije 佩伊厚粗呢
  piketoprofen 吡酮洛芬
  pile blanket 绒毯
  pile carpet 绒毛地毯
  pile collar 桩箍
  pile cotton blanket 棉绒毯
  pile drawer 拔桩机
  pile drawing machine 拔桩机
  pile driver hammer 打桩锤
  pile driver tower 打桩机架
  pile driver 打桩机
  pile driving boat 打桩船
  pile driving engine 打桩机
  pile engine 打桩机
  pile extractor 拔桩机
  pile fabric 起绒织物
  pile face brocade 绒面缎
  pile floor covering 毛绒地毯
  pile gloves 拉绒手套
  pile hammer 打桩机
  pile liner 衬绒
  pile on pile 叠花丝绒
  pile oscillator 反应堆振荡器
  pile puller 拔桩机
  pile rug 绒头地毯
  pile shearer 剪绒头机
  pile socks 毛巾袜
  pile weft 绒头纬纱
  pile 绒毛
  pile-lined flight jacket 衬绒飞行茄克
  pile-lined horsehide surcoat 衬绒马皮外罩衣
  piler bed 堆垛机
  pileus 无沿帽
  piling adhesive 打桩胶
  piling car 堆垛车
  piling crane 叠板堆垛吊车
  piling machine 堆布机
  pill box 丸药盒
  pill for cerebral thrombosis 益脑复健丸
  pill for digging tree hole 植树挖穴弹
  pill for promoting coronary circulation 活心丸
  pill for soothing the liver and regulating the stomach 舒肝和胃丸
  pill for throat disease 喉症丸
  pill of costus and amomum with six noble ingredients 香砂六君子丸
  pill of cow-bezoar 犀黄丸
  pill of six ingredients with magical effect 六神丸
  pill of six ingredients with rehmannia 六味地黄丸
  pill of toad venom 蟾酥丸
  pill press 压丸机
  pillar bolt 柱形螺栓
  pillar box 邮筒
  pillar candle 圆柱蜡烛
  pillar cock 水龙头
  pillar crane 转柱起重机
  pillar file 柱锉
  pillar jib crane 转柱挺杆起重机
  pillar stitch machine 嵌线缝纫机
  pillar tap 柱式龙头
  pillow bag 枕袋
  pillow case in coloured strips 彩条布枕套
  pillow case linen 枕套亚麻布
  pillow case with border 有边枕套
  pillow case without border 无边枕套
  pillow case 枕套
  pillow cover with button closing 钮扣枕套
  pillow cover with press stud closing 揿钮枕套
  pillow cover with zipper closing 拉链枕套
  pillow cover 枕套
  pillow inner 枕芯
  pillow linen 亚麻枕套布
  pillow mat 枕席
  pillow sack 枕套
  pillow sham 枕头饰套
  pillow towel 枕巾
  pillow 凸纹棉布或亚麻布
  pillow-cotton 棉枕套布
  pillow-cover towel 枕巾
  pillow-fustian 狭棱条灯芯绒
  pillow-slip 枕套
  pilocarpine 匹鲁卡品
  pilose antler 鹿茸
  Pilosimeter 皮洛西米特纱线测试仪
  pilot air valve 控制空气阀
  pilot alarm 导频告警器
  pilot alternator 辅助交流发电机
  pilot amplifier 导频放大器
  pilot balloon theodolite 测风经纬仪
  pilot balloon 导航气球
  pilot band filter 导频带通滤波器
  pilot bearing 导向轴承
  pilot boat 引航船
  pilot brush 控制刷
  pilot cable 引导电缆
  pilot cloth 海员厚绒呢
  pilot contactor 辅助接触器
  pilot controller 辅助控制器
  pilot direction indicator 飞行航向指示器
  pilot director 航向指示器
  pilot exciter 导频激励器
  pilot filter 导频滤波器
  pilot generator 辅助发电机
  pilot guide bit 导向钻头
  pilot horizontal display 飞行员水平显示器
  pilot jacket 飞行茄克
  pilot ladder 领航员梯
  pilot lamp 指示灯
  pilot light 指示灯
  pilot motor 辅助电动机
  pilot narrow-band filter 导频窄带滤波器
  pilot operated ball float valve 液控浮球阀
  pilot oscillator 主控振荡器
  pilot plunger 调节柱塞
  pilot reamer 导径铰刀
  pilot receiver 导频接收器
  pilot regulator 导频调节器
  pilot relay 导频继电器
  pilot sensor 导频传感器
  pilot switch 辅助开关
  pilot tap 导向丝锥
  pilot tube 风速指示器
  pilot valve 导向阀
  pilot wheel 操纵轮
  pilot-frequency oscillator 导频振荡器
  piloted multi-diameter reamer 带导向柱异径铰刀
  pilotless aircraft 无人驾驶飞机
  pilotless high-altitude reconnaissance plane 无人驾驶高空侦察机
  pilou 棉法兰呢
  Pilsen 皮尔森啤酒
  pilula gastrodiae 天麻丸
  pilulae chlorotrianiseni 氯烯雌酚醚滴丸
  Pimacol 萘乙酸钠
  pimaricin 匹马菌素
  pimeclone 哌美克隆
  pimefylline 匹美茶碱
  pimelic acid 庚二酸
  pimethixene 匹美噻吨
  pimetine 匹美汀
  pimetremide 匹美酰胺
  piminodine 匹米诺定
  pimozide 匹莫齐特
  pimsole ducks 平索尔平布
  pin bit 手摇钻头
  pin connector 销钉接头
  pin cropping machine 截销钉机器
  pin crusher 棒磨机
  pin disk mill 转盘销钉式碎土机
  pin drill 针头钻
  PIN electrical modulation attenuator PIN电调衰减器
  pin for artificial tooth 假牙销
  pin gauge 销规
  pin holder 销钉夹钳
  pin insulator for telephone line 电话线路针式绝缘子
  pin insulator 针形绝缘子
  PIN microwave high-speed switching antenna PIN微波高速开关天线
  pin plate 针板
  pin rib 细棱纹薄细布
  pin spanner 销子扳手
  pin spot light 细光束聚光灯
  pin type anti-pollution insulator for high voltage over-head line 防污型高压线路针式绝缘子
  pin type electrical porcelain insulator 针式电瓷瓶
  pin type insulator for high voltage line 高压线路针式绝缘子
  pin type insulator for low voltage line 低压线路针式绝缘子
  pin type insulator 针式绝缘子
  pin vice 销钳
  pin wheel hosiery boarder 直升式袜子定形机
  pin wire brass 制针用黄铜丝
  pin 大头针
  pin-back shirt 背扣衬衫
  pin-index system 管脚符号系统
  pin-lift molding machine 顶杆式造型机
  pin-making machine 大头针机
  pin-point cotton chenille robe 提花线毯长袍
  pin-point tufting chenille robe with push-up sleeves 提花线毯布配收口灯笼袖长袍
  pin-stripe duck 细条子帆布
  pin-tuck double-breasted bodice uniform 双排胸钮打细裥制服
  pin-type wood cross arm porcelain insulator 针式木横担瓷瓶
  pina fibre 菠萝纤维
  pinafore dress 断腰裙
  pinafore 围裙
  Pinara cotton 皮纳拉棉
  pinazepam 匹那西泮
  pinball game 弹子机
  pinball machine 弹球机
  pince-nez 夹鼻眼镜
  pincers 镊子
  pincette 小镊子
  pinch bar 撬棍
  pinch cock 弹簧夹
  pinch laser 箍缩激光器
  pinch pass mill 平整机
  pinch roll leveller 张拉辊矫直机
  pinch roll 夹送辊
  pinch roller 紧带轮
  pinch welder gun 钳式焊枪
  pinch welder 焊钳
  pinchback coat 皱背外衣
  pincheck suiting 针格西服料
  pinched resistor 扩散致窄电阻器
  pinchers 钳子
  pindolol 吲哚洛尔
  pindone 杀鼠酮
  pine cone 松树球果
  pine needle meal 松针粉
  pine needle oil 松针油
  pine needle wool 松叶纤维
  pine oil 松油
  pine pollen 松花粉
  pine resin 松脂
  pine silk 人造丝纺绸
  pine squirrel skin plate 松鼠皮褥子
  pine strawberry 松草莓
  pine tar oil 松焦油
  pine tar paper 松焦油纸
  pine tar pitch 松焦油沥青
  pine tar 松焦油
  pine wooden folding chair 松木折椅
  pine wooden stool 松木小圆凳
  pine wool 松叶纤维
  pine 松木
  pine-leaf shaped needle 松叶形针
  pine-tree oil 松树油
  pineapple broken pieces in syrup 糖水菠萝碎块
  pineapple cake 菠萝酥
  pineapple chocolate wafer cream 菠萝巧克力威化
  pineapple cloth 菠萝纤维织物
  pineapple cream biscuit 菠萝夹心饼
  pineapple crisp 菠萝酥
  pineapple drop 菠萝糖
  pineapple essence 菠萝香精
  pineapple fibre 菠萝纤维
  pineapple ice cream cone 菠萝甜筒
  pineapple ice cream 菠萝雪糕
  pineapple jam 菠萝酱
  pineapple jelly drop 菠萝软糖
  pineapple jelly 菠萝冻
  pineapple juice 菠萝汁
  pineapple knife 菠萝刀
  pineapple leaf fiber 菠萝叶纤维
  pineapple lollipop 菠萝棒糖
  pineapple peels and chips meal 菠萝皮粉
  pineapple peels and chips pellet 菠萝皮粉粒
  pineapple pieces in light syrup 糖水菠萝块
  pineapple spiral slices in syrup 旋片糖水菠萝
  pineapple sponge cake 菠萝松糕
  pineapple whole slices in syrup 全片糖水菠萝
  pineapple wine 菠萝酒
  pineapple 菠萝
  pineapple-filled longans in syrup 糖水龙眼夹菠萝
  pineapple-filled {lychee} in syrup 糖水荔枝夹菠萝
  pinellia syrup 半夏露
  Pinellia tuberifera Tenore 半夏
  pinellia 半夏
  pinene 蒎烯
  pinenut candy 松子糖
  pinenut kernel 松子仁
  pinenut 松子
  pineseed and ham moon cake 松子火腿月饼
  pineseed cake 松子香酥
  pinhead tea 珠茶
  pinhole camera 无透镜摄影机
  pinhole detector 针孔检波器
  pinhole eyepiece 针孔目镜
  pinion cutter 插齿刀
  pinion drive shaft 小齿轮传动轴
  pinion gear 小齿轮
  pinion quill shaft 小齿轮套筒轴
  pinion shaft 小齿轮轴
  pinion steel 小齿轮钢
  pinion wheel 小齿轮
  pinion 小齿轮
  pink glass 粉红色玻璃
  pink glaze 桃红釉
  Pink Lady 粉红佳人
  pink powder 桃花散
  Pinkerton cuirass ventilator 平克顿氏护胸甲通气器
  pinking roller 压花滚刀
  Pinkus metal 平基斯铜合金
  pinnacle nut 六角槽顶螺母
  pinning machine 订商标机
  pino iso-butyraldehyde 蒎诺异丁醛
  pinokpok 蕉麻织物
  Pinoran 枯莠隆
  Pinot Blanc 白比诺葡萄酒
  Pinot Noir 黑比诺葡萄酒
  pinoxepin 哌氧平
  pintado 平泰多印花砑光平布
  pinter 指针式热效率测定仪
  pintle valve 针阀
  pintle-type nozzle 针喷嘴
  Pinto 斑马牌汽车
  pinus massoniana lambert 松花粉
  pinwale corduroy frock 细棱条灯芯绒布外衣
  pinwale corduroy jacket 细棱条灯芯绒布短外衣
  pinwale corduroy shirt 细棱条灯芯绒布衬衫
  pinwale corduroy topper 细棱条灯芯绒布短大衣
  pinwale corduroy 细条灯芯绒
  Pinzgauer 平茨高尔牌载重汽车
  piolet 破冰斧
  Pioneer audio & visual products 先锋音像产品
  Pioneer 先锋牌组合音响
  pip amplifier 脉冲放大器
  pip integrator 脉冲积分器
  pipacycline 匹哌环素
  pipamazine 匹哌马嗪
  pipamperone 匹泮哌隆
  pipazethate 匹哌氮酯
  pipe and cable locator 导管及电缆定位仪
  pipe and tube cutoff machine 截管机
  pipe anvil vice 管子台虎钳
  pipe bender 弯管器
  pipe bending fatigue tester 弯管疲劳试验机
  pipe bending machine 弯管机
  pipe bit 管钻
  pipe boot 管靴
  pipe bushing 管衬套
  pipe callipers 测管厚卡尺
  pipe cap 管帽
  pipe carrier 导管支座
  pipe chamfering machine 钢管倒棱机
  pipe chuck 管子卡盘
  pipe clamp 管夹
  pipe cleaner 清管器
  pipe compensator 导管补偿器
  pipe crossing joint 四通管
  pipe cut-off machine 切管机
  pipe cutter 割管机
  pipe cutting and threading machine 切管和车螺纹机
  pipe cutting machine tool 切管机床
  pipe cutting machine 切管机
  pipe cutting wheel 割管轮
  pipe die 管模
  pipe dog 管钳
  pipe edges sewing machine 滚边缝纫机
  pipe end chamfering machine 管端倒棱机
  pipe expander 扩管器
  pipe expanding machine 扩管机
  pipe feeder 管式加料机
  pipe fitting 管道配件
  pipe gasket 管道接头垫圈
  pipe gauge 管厚规
  pipe grip 管道夹握器
  pipe gripper 管子夹钳
  pipe hoop 管箍
  pipe insulated joint 导管绝缘接头
  pipe joint 导管接头
  pipe layer 管道敷设机
  pipe laying machine 铺管机
  pipe laying ship 铺管船
  pipe machine 管螺纹切丝机
  pipe mill 轧管机
  pipe organ 管式大风琴
  pipe pendant lamp 管吊灯
  pipe pendant 管吊环
  pipe pliers 管钳
  pipe press 管式压力机
  pipe prover 管道检验仪
  pipe reamer 管子铰刀
  pipe roller 滚管机
  pipe scraper 管子刮刀
  pipe screw-cutting lathe 管子螺纹车床
  pipe sleeve 管套
  pipe socket wrench 管子套筒扳手
  pipe spanner 管子扳手
  pipe steel 管钢
  pipe still 管式炉
  pipe straightener machine 钢管矫直机
  pipe straightener 管子矫直机
  pipe tap 管子螺丝锥
  pipe tee 丁字管
  pipe tester 管道试验器
  pipe thread cutting machine 管材车丝机
  pipe thread die 管螺纹板牙
  pipe thread plug gauge 管螺纹塞规
  pipe thread ring 管螺纹环
  pipe thread tap 管丝锥
  pipe threading lathe 管子螺纹车床
  pipe threading machine 管螺纹车床
  pipe tobacco flavour 烟丝香精
  pipe tobacco 烟斗丝
  pipe tongs wrench 管钳扳手
  pipe tongs 管子钳
  pipe turnbuckle 导管反正扣
  pipe valve tray 管式浮阀塔盘
  pipe vice 管子台虎钳
  pipe vise chain 管钳链条
  pipe welder 焊管机
  pipe welding machine 焊管机
  pipe wrench with double-curved handle 双曲柄管子钳
  pipe wrench 大管钳
  pipe 管道
  pipe-coil type evaporator 盘管式蒸发器
  pipe-cooler 管式冷却器
  pipe-laying tractor 铺管拖拉机
  pipe-laying winch 铺管绞车
  pipe-mover 管道移动器
  pipe-still heater 管式加热炉
  pipe-swabbing machine 管材清理机
  pipe-testing machine 管材试验机
  pipe-type electric precipitator 管式电收尘器
  pipe-type electrostatic dust-precipitator 管式静电收尘器
  pipe-ventilated motor 管道通风电动机
  pipe-wall gauge 管壁厚度测量仪
  pipebuzone 哌保松
  pipecuronium bromide 哌库溴铵
  piped medical gas supply system 管道医用气体供应系统
  piped stem 直筒裤
  pipeline burying machine 埋管机
  pipeline dredger 吸扬式挖泥船
  pipeline milking machine 管路式挤奶机
  pipeline mixer 管道混合器
  pipeline oil pump car 输油管线油泵车
  pipeline pump 管线泵
  pipeline scraper 清管刮刀
  pipeline trailer-mounted pump 输油管线挂车泵
  pipemidic acid 吡哌酸
  pipenzolate bromide 吡哌喷酯
  piperacetazine 哌西他嗪
  piperacillin 哌拉西林
  piperalin 粉病灵
  piperamide 哌拉酰胺
  piperaquine phosphate 磷酸喹哌
  piperaquine 双喹哌
  piperazine calcium edetate 哌嗪依地酸钙
  piperazine camsilate 哌嗪樟磺酸盐
  piperazine citrate 枸橼酸哌哔嗪
  piperazine estrone sulfate 哌嗪雌酮硫酸酯
  piperazine hexahydrate 六水合哌嗪
  piperazine phosphate 磷酸呱哔嗪
  piperazine sulfate 磷酸哌嗪
  piperazine 哌嗪
  piperic acid 胡椒酸
  piperidine 哌啶
  piperidolate 哌立度酯
  piperine 胡椒碱
  piperocaine 哌罗卡因
  piperonal 胡椒醛
  piperonyl alcohol 洋茉莉醇
  piperoxan 哌罗生
  piperphenidol 哌芬尼多
  piperylone 哌立酮
  pipet 吸管
  pipette 滴管
  pipewort 谷精草
  piping and brief rounded collar blouse 细边小圆角领上衣
  piping around collar pajamas 捆边领睡衣
  piping machine 配管机
  pipobroman 哌泊溴烷
  pipoctanone 哌泊他酮
  pipofezine 哌泊非嗪
  piportil L4 ampoule 皮波梯尔注射液
  piposulfan 哌泊舒凡
  pipotiazine palmitate 安乐嗪棕榈酸酯
  pipotiazine 哌泊噻嗪
  pipoxizine 哌泊昔嗪
  pipoxolan 哌泊索仑
  pipradrol 哌苯甲醇
  pipratecol 哌拉替可
  piprinhydrinate 哌苯茶碱
  piprofurol 哌丙呋罗
  Pipron 粉病灵
  piprozolin 哌普唑林
  pique damas 比谷斜纹绸
  pique 灯芯布
  piquizil 哌喹齐尔
  piqué anglais 素色纺毛哔叽
  piqué crepe 凹凸绉
  piqué dimity 凸纹巴里纱
  piqué voile 凸纹巴里纱
  Pira 辟拉牌手表
  piracetam 吡乙酰胺
  Piran 混杀丹
  pirandamine 吡喃达明
  pirate playset 套装海盗玩具
  pirazinon 比嗪农
  pirazolac 吡拉唑酸
  pirbenicillin 吡苄西林
  pirbuterol hydrochloride 盐酸吡布特罗
  pirbuterol 吡布特罗
  Pirck's metal 皮尔克耐热镍铬合金
  pirenzepine 哌仑西平
  piretanide 吡咯他尼
  piribedil 吡贝地尔
  piridicillin 吡地西林
  piridocaine 匹多卡因
  piridoxilate 吡多酯
  pirimicarb 抗蚜威
  pirimiphos ethyl 乙基虫螨磷
  pirimiphos methyl 虫螨磷
  Pirimor 抗蚜威
  pirinixic acid 匹立尼酸
  pirisudanol 吡舒达诺
  piritramide 哌腈米特
  pirlindole 吡吲哚
  pirmenol 吡美诺
  pirn winder 卷纬机
  pirn 纬纱管
  pirn-changing loom 自动换纡织机
  pirnabin 吡那宾
  Pirnean wool 珀宁松捻细绒线
  pirnless loom 无梭织机
  pirogliride 吡咯格列
  piroheptine 吡咯庚汀
  pirolate 匹罗酯
  pirolazamide 吡拉酰胺
  piromidic acid 吡咯米酸
  piroplasminum injection 抗焦虫素注射液
  piroxicam 吡罗昔康
  pirprofen 吡洛芬
  pirquinozol 吡喹诺唑
  pistol pyrometer 手枪式高温计
  pistol 发令枪
  pistol-grip air drill 枪柄气钻
  piston air valve 活塞式空气阀
  piston air washer 活塞气垫
  piston aircraft engine 活塞式飞机发动机
  piston alloy 活塞铝合金
  piston attenuator 活塞式衰减器
  piston barrel 活塞筒
  piston bolt 活塞螺栓
  piston boss 活塞销座
  piston bushing 活塞衬套
  piston cast iron ring 活塞铸铁环
  piston check ring 活塞护环
  piston coil spring 活塞式盘簧
  piston compression ring 活塞压缩环
  piston compressor 活塞式压缩机
  piston connecting rod 挺摇杆
  piston cooling oil pump 活塞冷却油泵
  piston cup 活塞皮碗
  piston drill 活塞凿岩机
  piston drive sampler 活塞驱动取样器
  piston ellipsoid grinding machine 活塞椭圆磨床
  piston engine 活塞式发动机
  piston extruder 活塞式挤泥机
  piston extrusion machine 活塞式挤压机
  piston fluid meter 活塞式流量计
  piston gauge 活塞式压力计
  piston gland 活塞压盖
  piston governor valve 活塞调节阀
  piston guard ring 活塞护环
  piston gudgeon pin 活塞销
  piston head 活塞头
  piston hydromotor 活塞液压马达
  piston hydroreducer 活塞式液力减压器
  piston jig 活塞式跳汰机
  piston junk ring bolt 活塞压环螺钉
  piston junk ring 活塞压环
  piston leather packing 活塞皮垫圈
  piston meter 活塞流量计
  piston motor 活塞液压马达
  piston oil ring 活塞油环
  piston oil-pump 活塞式油泵
  piston oscillator 活塞振荡器
  piston packing ring 活塞胀圈
  piston pin bearing 活塞销轴承
  piston pin boss 活塞销座
  piston pin bushing 活塞销衬套
  piston pin clamping spring 活塞销卡簧
  piston pin lock ring 活塞销锁环
  piston pin retainer 活塞销护圈
  piston pin 活塞销
  piston positioner 活塞式定位器
  piston puller 活塞拉拔器
  piston pump 活塞泵
  piston reciprocating mud pump 活塞往复式泥浆泵
  piston ring chamfer grinding machine 活塞环倒角磨床
  piston ring expander 活塞扩环器
  piston ring extractor 活塞环拆卸器
  piston ring grinding machine 活塞环磨床
  piston ring material 活塞环材料
  piston ring pliers 活塞环安装钳
  piston ring 活塞环
  piston rod cap 活塞杆盖
  piston rod cotter 活塞杆栓
  piston rod cross head 活塞杆十字头
  piston rod guide cap 活塞杆导板盖
  piston rod guide 活塞杆导承
  piston rod nut 活塞杆螺母
  piston rod oiler 活塞杆加油器
  piston rod pin 活塞杆销
  piston rod 活塞杆
  piston rubber packing 活塞橡胶垫
  piston scraper ring 活塞刮油环
  piston series machine tool 活塞系列加工机床
  piston skirt 活塞裙
  piston slide valve 活塞式滑阀
  piston spring 活塞弹簧
  piston striker 活塞冲击器
  piston super charger 活塞式增压器
  piston type air compressor 活塞式空压机
  piston type air starter 活塞式气动起动器
  piston type domestic water pump 活塞式家用水泵
  piston type dosing pump 活塞计量泵
  piston type drill 活塞式凿岩机
  piston type flowmeter 活塞式流量计
  piston type fuel pump 活塞式燃料泵
  piston type internal combustion engine 活塞式内燃机
  piston type knapsack sprayer 活塞式背负喷雾机
  piston type paint sprayer 活塞式喷漆器
  piston type pressure controller 活塞式压力调节器
  piston type pressure gauge for load 负荷活塞式压力表
  piston type pressure gauge 活塞式压力表
  piston type pressure sensor 活塞式压力传感器
  piston type pump 活塞泵
  piston type regulating valve 活塞式调节阀
  piston type rotary pump 活塞式回转泵
  piston type sensor 活塞式传感器
  piston type variable area flowmeter 活塞式可变截面流量计
  piston valve steam engine 活塞阀蒸汽机
  piston valve 活塞阀
  piston 活塞
  pistonphone 活塞发声仪
  pit crane 翻坯吊车
  pit lathe 地坑车床
  pit planer 落地刨床
  pit saw 坑锯
  pit scale 地磅
  pit thermometer 农用温度计
  pit type furnace 坑式电炉
  pit type gas carburizing electric furnace 井式气体渗碳电炉
  pit type quench tempering furnace 井式淬火回火炉
  pit type tempering resistance furnace 井式回火电阻炉
  pit-picker 挖坑机
  pitch coal 沥青煤
  pitch coke 沥青焦炭
  pitch control oil pump 调螺距油泵
  pitch control rod 螺距调节杆
  pitch control worm gear shaft 调螺距蜗轮轴
  pitch diameter comparator 螺纹中径比较仪
  pitch gauge 节距规
  pitch indicator 节距指示器
  pitch paver 沥青摊铺机
  pitch polisher 沥青抛光机
  pitch pump 沥青泵
  pitch tester 节距试验器
  pitch thermometer 沥青温度计
  pitch 沥青
  pitched felt 柏油毡
  pitched kraft paper 防潮牛皮纸
  pitched paper 防潮纸
  pitched ribbed kraft paper 防潮条纹柏油纸
  pitcher 大水罐
  pitching machine 自动投球机
  pitching tool 斧凿
  pith-ball electroscope 木髓球验电器
  pitless electronic truck scale 无基坑电子汽车磅
  pitman arm 转向臂
  pitometer log 水压计程仪
  pitometer 皮氏压计
  pitot tube 皮托管
  pitressin 增压素
  pitsaw file 半圆锉
  pitted olive in syrup 化核苏榄
  Pittman cotton 皮特曼棉
  pittosporm root 山栀茶
  pituitary gonadotrophin 垂体促性素
  pituitary membrane scalper 鼻粘膜刀
  pituitary posterius powder 脑垂体后叶粉
  Pivacin 杀鼠酮
  Pivalyl valone 杀鼠酮
  pivalyn 杀鼠酮
  pivampicillin 匹氨西林
  pivhydrazine 匹戊肼
  pivmecillinam 匹美西林
  pivot bearing 枢轴承
  pivot screw 枢轴螺钉
  pivot slewing crane 枢转起重机
  pivot transmitter 枢轴式发射机
  pivoted armature 枢轴衔铁
  pivoted bucket conveyor 枢轴斗式输送器
  pivoted jib crane 旋转式悬臂吊车
  pivoted relay 支点继电器
  pivoting fan 摇头风扇
  pix carbonis 煤焦油
  pix detector 视频检波器
  pizotifen 苯噻啶
  placenta cream 胎盘膏
  placenta hominis 紫河车
  placenta injection 胎盘组织注射液
  placenta pill 河车大造丸
  placer 灌注机
  placket shirt 半开襟套衫
  plagiogranite 斜长花岗岩
  plagiograph 斜缩放仪
  plague vaccine 鼠疫菌苗
  plaid blouse 长方格上衣
  plaid flannel 格子法兰绒
  plaid gingham 长方格色织布
  plaid jacquard gloves 长方格提花手套
  plaid rayon skirt 长方格人造丝裙
  plaid sport coat 长方格运动衫
  plaid sport denim 长方格运动粗斜棉布
  plaid stripe knitter 格子条花针织机
  plaid towel 长方格毛巾
  plaid 格子呢
  plain artificial fur 素色人造毛皮
  plain asbestos yarn 纯石棉纱
  plain baby napkin 平织尿布
  plain back velvet 平纹地经绒
  plain back velveteen 平纹地纬绒
  plain bangle 光身手镯
  plain bearing 滑动轴承
  plain beer mug 平光啤酒杯
  plain blanket 素毯
  plain blown tumbler 平光吹制杯
  plain box silk 板绫
  plain bulged spittoon 素色柿型痰盂
  plain bulldozer 平原推土机
  plain bumper 振实机
  plain cage beater 平边笼式打浆器
  plain calliper gauge 普通卡规
  plain camlet 素羽纱
  plain candle 圆柱蜡
  plain carbon steel 普通碳素钢
  plain carbon tool steel 普通碳素工具钢
  plain carpet 素色地毯
  plain casserole 素色焙盘
  plain chiffon voile 素雪纺巴里纱
  plain chocolate 纯巧克力
  plain circular knitting machine 单面圆型针织机
  plain cloth 平布
  plain coloured pile blanket 素色绒毯
  plain coloured towel 素色毛巾
  plain conductor 裸线
  plain cooking pot with handle 素色带柄烧锅
  plain cotton sateen 素棉缎
  plain crepe satin 素丝缎
  plain crepe 平绉
  plain cup wheel 杯形砂轮
  plain cutter 平铣刀
  plain deep wash basin 素色深脸盆
  plain deflector 平面折流器
  plain double warp bag 双经平纹袋
  plain drill 扁头凿子
  plain embroidery traycloth 平绣盘布
  plain fancy suiting 素花呢
  plain filigree article 平填丝制品
  plain flannel 素色法兰绒
  plain flat knitter 针织横机
  plain foil 素箔
  plain forging machine 平锻机
  plain friction-disc seed drill 通用磨盘式播种机
  plain galvanized steel sheet 镀锌铁皮
  plain gauze 素纱罗
  plain glass 平面玻璃
  plain grinding machine 外圆磨床
  plain habotai 平织电力纺
  plain handkerchief 素色手帕
  plain harrow 普通耙
  plain interlining woolen 素驼绒
  plain interlock knitting machine 双罗纹平针织机
  plain kerchief 素色头巾
  plain knit gloves 平针手套
  plain loom 平纹织机
  plain lustre 素色有光呢
  plain milk cup 素色奶杯
  plain milling cutter 平面铣刀
  plain milling machine 普通铣床
  plain mug with cover 素色盖杯
  plain necktie 素色领带
  plain oblong tray 素色长方盘
  plain ordinary wash basin 素花平边面盆
  plain organdy 素色奥甘迪纱
  plain paper 普通纸张
  plain pearl gauze 素珍珠罗
  plain pencil 素色铅笔
  plain percale 素色高级密织薄纱
  plain plush 素色平纹长毛绒
  plain rayon taffeta 素色人丝塔夫绸
  plain rayon velvet 人丝素绒
  plain rib body machine 平罗纹大身圆型针织机
  plain rice spoon 素色饭匙
  plain ridged edge wash basin 素色卷边面盆
  plain ring 光面戒指
  plain round steel 普通圆钢
  plain round tea tray 素色圆茶盘
  plain safety glass 原板安全玻璃
  plain satin shoes 素缎鞋
  plain satin 素缎
  plain scarf 素色围巾
  plain seamless mug with cover 素色带盖口杯
  plain seamless mug 素色口杯
  plain shade rib hosiery 素色罗纹袜
  plain share 普通犁铧
  plain sheet glass 平板玻璃
  plain sleeve for taper shank 普通锥柄套筒
  plain snap gauge 普通外经规
  plain soup plate 素色汤盘
  plain spheroid 椭球罐
  plain spiral milling cutter 普通螺旋铣刀
  plain spittoon with foot 素色高脚痰盂
  plain steel-bar 光面钢筋
  plain stretch pyjamas for teenage 弹力素色少年睡衣
  plain stretch vest for lady 弹力素色女背心
  plain stripper 带漏板的造型机
  plain tea towel 平纹茶巾
  plain thermos flask 素色热水瓶
  plain thread broaching tap 普通螺纹拉削丝锥
  plain tile 平瓦
  plain toe boots 光头靴
  plain toe shoes 光头鞋
  plain top gloves 平口手套
  plain transit 普通经纬仪
  plain tricolour 素三彩
  plain type breaker 简单型断路器
  plain velvet 素丝绒
  plain vice 平口钳
  plain washer 平垫圈
  plain Wilton 平纹威尔顿地毯
  plain wool 无卷曲毛
  plain woven fabric 平纹织物
  plain woven ribbon 塔夫绸带
  plain yarn 单色纱
  plain-colour handkerchief 素色手帕
  plain-coloured bed sheet 素色床单
  plain-coloured face cloth 素色方巾
  plain-coloured flannelette bath towel 素色拉绒浴巾
  plain-coloured flannelette bed sheet 素色拉绒床单
  plain-coloured printed bath towel 素色印花浴巾
  plain-coloured printed bed sheet 素色印花床单
  plain-coloured satin brocade 素软缎
  plain-coloured stripe crepe de Chine 素色条子双绉
  plain-coloured towel made of high grade cotton yarn 高级棉纱素色毛巾
  plain-laid rope 三股左旋绞绳
  plain-surface concrete floor tile 平面混凝土地板阶砖
  plainback 背面平纹哔叽
  plainness measuring meter 平面度测定仪
  plaited article 编织品
  plaited bamboo articles 竹编织品
  plaited dress 褶裥连衫裙
  plaited straw articles 草编织品
  plaited synthetic fibre handbag 人造纤维编结手提包
  plan position indicator scanner 平面位置指示扫描器
  plan-position repeater 平面位置显视器
  planar avalanche photodiode 平面雪崩光电二极管
  planar ceramic tube 平面陶瓷管
  planar diode 平面型二极管
  planar dye laser 平面染料激光器
  planar electrode tube 平板电极管
  planar epitaxial phototransistor 平面外延光电晶体管
  planar head-on photomultiplier 平面窗式光电倍增管
  planar multimode coupler 平面多模耦合器
  planar phototransistor 平面光电晶体管
  planar stripe laser 平面条形激光器
  planar temperature transducer 平面型温度传感器
  Planavin 磺乐灵
  planchette paper 币坯纸
  plane cutting tool 平面刀具
  plane gasoline 航空汽油
  plane gauge block 平面规
  plane iron 刨铁
  plane kerosene 航空煤油
  plane milling and boring machine 龙门镗铣床
  plane mirror 平面镜
  plane polariscope 平面偏振镜
  plane polarizer 平面偏光镜
  plane position indicator 平面位置显示器
  plane position repeater 平面位置转发器
  plane repeater indicator 平面位置辅助指示器
  plane rotary screen 平面旋转筛
  plane set-hammer 方锤
  plane sheet reflector 平板反射器
  plane table alidade 平板照准仪
  plane table compass 平板仪罗盘
  plane table 平台
  plane 刨子
  plane-concentrating monochromator 平面汇集单色仪
  plane-motion rotary screen 平面迥转筛
  plane-parallel capacitor 平行极板电容器
  plane-parallel diode 平行板二极管
  plane-parallel grid 平行平面栅极
  plane-parallel magnetron 平行平面电极磁控管
  plane-planer 平面刨床
  planer center 刨床转度夹盘
  planer drilling machine 龙门钻床
  planer gauge 刨规
  planer knife sharpener 磨刨机
  planer milling machine 龙门刨铣床
  planer type milling machine 龙门铣床
  planer type milling-boring machine 龙门铣镗床
  planer 刨床
  planer-type machine 多刀刨床
  planet agitator 行星式搅拌器
  planet gear shaft 行星齿轮轴
  planet gear speed reducer 行星齿轮减速机
  planet grinding head 行星磨头
  planet pinion& 行星小齿轮
  planet stirrer 行星式搅拌器
  planet type grinding machine 行星式研磨机
  planet type mixer 行星式混合机
  planet wheel 行星轮
  planetarium projector 天象投影仪
  planetarium 天象仪
  planetary ball mill 行星式球磨机
  planetary ball swager 行星式钢球旋锻机
  planetary cam 行星凸轮
  planetary compulsory mixer 行星式搅拌器
  planetary cooler 行星式冷却机
  planetary gathering system 转盘式配页机
  planetary gear set 行星齿轮组
  planetary gear 行星齿轮
  planetary high frequency vibrator 行星式高频振动器
  planetary hot mill 行星式热轧机
  planetary mill 行星式轧机
  planetary radiometer 行星辐射计
  planetary rolling mill 行星轧机
  planetary stirrer 行星式搅拌机
  planetary stranding machine 行星式钢丝绳捻股机
  planetary tube cold rolling mill 行星式冷轧管机
  planetary-gear-train motor 行星齿轮系电动机
  planimegraph 缩图器
  planimeter 面积计
  planimetric plotter 平面绘图仪
  planing cutter 刨刀
  planing machine 刨床
  planing tool 刨刀
  planisher 打平器
  planishing hammer 打平锤
  planishing mill 轧光机
  planitron 平面数字管
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