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Urban Teacher Residency (UTR) Program & Hunter College
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Urban Teacher Residency (UTR) Program
The New Visions for Public Schools-Hunter College Urban Teacher Residency is a 14-month teacher-preparation program that fully integrates the graduate coursework of the aspiring teacher (resident) with intensive, hands-on experiences in New York City schools.
Gain Expertise and Experience in a Supportive Environment For the 2013-14 residency, UTR is seeking to prepare residents for
teaching 7-12 grade biology, chemistry, earth science, math, English,
English as a Second Language (ESL) and special education. &Applications
will be accepted between October 1, 2012 and January 2, 2013. &For information about information sessions and how to apply, visit nycutr.org. &Questions may be directed to .
An Innovative Path to a Distinguished Career For those passionate about joining the teaching profession, UTR
provides a direct and affordable path defined by exceptional preparation
and quality, real-world experience.
school-based approach: From day one, Residents are fully immersed in a
school community. Residents take responsibility for one class of
students and regularly collaborate with other teachers.
collaborate one-on-one with an expert mentor teacher. Graduate courses
at Hunter College are specifically designed to align with experiences in
urban schools. Successful completion of the program results in a
Master's Degree in Education and certification to teach - grades 7-12 in
New York City. During the residency year participants do not contribute
to their tuition which is subsidized. Residents are awarded a stipend
of $22,500 and health insurance during their Residency year.
of UTR are expected to be hired within New Visions' network of 76
public schools and are required to commit to four years of teaching in
high-need NYC public schools after completion of the Residency Program.
coursework: Residents' graduate coursework is specifically designed to
align with school-based experiences and gives significant attention to
teaching within a diverse urban context.
assistance: UTR will coordinate hiring of successful Residency
graduates in one of the 76 New York City public schools supported by New
Visions for Public Schools.
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