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> 幼儿英语儿歌:clap your hands歌词及翻译
幼儿英语儿歌:clap your hands歌词及翻译
作者:派乐多&&& 来源:派乐多&&& 时间:
12月31号报名92折优惠英语儿歌The Rainbow Song(彩虹歌)歌词及翻译
英语儿歌The Rainbow Song(彩虹歌)歌词及翻译
The Rainbow Song
Oh l like & RED it&s the color of an apple.
ORANGE-it&s the color of an orange.
YELLOW-it&s a lemon and our wonderful sun,
GREEN-it&s the color of the trees and lots of
Things that grow.
And then there&s BLUE for the sky
And PURPLE-that&s a color that&s fun, fun, fun.
And when we put those colors side by side,
Now what do you think we&ve done?
We&ve made a rainbow,
And it&s a really beautiful one, one,one.
Oh l like RED-
It&s the color of an apple.
It&s the color of an orange.
It&s a lemon and our wonderful sun, sun, sun.
It&s the color of the trees and lots of things that
And then there&s BLUE for the sky
And PURPLE&that&
儿歌视频大全爱我你就抱抱我 春晚林妙可版歌词:爸爸妈妈 如...
【百度文库 - 少儿英语】★以下是无忧考网为大家整理的15首经典英文儿歌学英语(带歌词汉语翻译)文章,供大家参考! [小编提示]更多请点击无忧考网以下链接: ||||||<embed width="450" align="middle" height="500" pluginspage="/go/getflashplayer" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" name="reader" src="/static/flash/txtreader.swf?docurl=/play&docid=c64fb52d915f804d2b16c196&title=15%E9%A6%96%E7%BB%8F%E5%85%B8%E8%8B%B1%E6%96%87%E5%84%BF%E6%AD%8C%E5%AD%A6%E8%8B%B1%E8%AF%AD%2C%E5%B8%A6%E6%AD%8C%E8%AF%8D%2C%E6%B1%89%E8%AF%AD%E7%BF%BB%E8%AF%91&doctype=txt&fpn=50&npn=50&readertype=external&catal=0&cdnurl=http://txt./play" wmode="window" allowscriptaccess="always" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" ver="9.0.0" allowfullsc《爱情公寓3》同名主题曲英文歌词大翻译!
The song &iPartment (Love Apartment)& is the theme song of the third season of iPartment, a popular Chinese sitcom. iPartment 3 has been aired since July 30th, 2012.
Composer: Chen Yunruo
Lyrics: Gan Shijia, Wei Zheng & Wang Yuan
Singers: Wang Chuanjun, Chen He, Sun Yizhou, Jin Shijia & Lou Yixiao
女:其实我 也明了 对的人 那么少 
Woman: Actually I now understand too that with the perfect match, being so rare
女:能够一起到老 那比什么都重要 
W: Simply being able to grow old together, that&s what&s most important.
女:怕身材不够好 怕美丽会变少 
Woman: Afraid my figure isn&t good enough, afraid my beauty will
男:总是不明了 为何要烦恼 
Man: I never understood why you worry [about those things]
男:世界太纷扰 自在就好 
M: The world is too , it&s better to just relax and be yourself
女:总是 为他们烦恼 
W: I&m always worrying about them [men]
女:王子哪里去了 青蛙也做主角
W: Where have the princes gone? Even the frogs want to take the lead 
M: I&m always
by women&s /silly thoughts
男:那些事 有什么大不了 
M: Those things, what&s the big deal?
M: They&re [women] like the Martians who have come to Earth
W: They&re [men] like the weather, so hard to predict
M: We&re not on the same /wavelength/channel [meaning we are not on the same page]
M & W: But my heart is pounding
女:我只要 我只要 你的笑 你的好 
W: I just want, I just want, your smile, your kindness
男:我想逃 我想逃 你太吵 你太闹
M: I want to flee, I want to flee, you are too , you are too noisy
女:其实我 也明了 每个人 都骄傲
W: Actually I now understand too that everyone is proud
合:我在向你奔跑 想让你看到 
M & W: But I am running to you, and want to be seen by you
男:我只要 我只要 对我笑 对我好 
M: I just want, I just want, you to smile at me, you to be nice to me
女:我想逃 我想逃 嫌我吵 嫌我闹
W: I want to flee, I want to flee, because you think I am fussy, because you think I am noisy
男:其实我 也明了 对的人 那么少 
M: Actually I now understand too that with the perfect match, being so rare
女:能够一起到老 那比什么都重要 
W: Simply being able to grow old together, that&s what&s most important.
男:总是 为他们烦恼
M: I&m always worrying about them [women]
男:怕伤心忘不掉 怕爱情会退烧
M: Afraid of being hurt and unable to forget, afraid that the love will cool
女:其实很明了 何必再吐槽 
W: Actually everything is clear, why continue worrying and complaining
女:庸人方自扰 自在就好 
men would worry, it&s better to just relax and be yourself  
男:总是 为自己烦恼 
M: I&m always worried about myself
男:情书总不着调 告白没有人教 
M: My love letters are always poorly-written, and nobody ever taught how to confess my love
W: I&m always stunned by men&s silly/muddle-headedness
女:说愿意 只不过 下一秒 
W: Saying &I do& is only one second away [meaning it is very easy to win a woman&s heart if men were just smarter or more careful]
M & W: I have always stubbornly believed
M & W: that your moon represents my heart [Note: This line is adapted from the famous love song &The Moon Represents My Heart&.]
男:不在同一个频道 心偏偏在跳 
M: We&re not on the same frequency/wavelength/channel [meaning we are not on the same page]&


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