lt;filter-filter mapping元素>中与多个patter匹配的<url-pattern>应该怎么写

Custom Filters ? IAuthorizationFilter ? IActionFilter ? IResultFilter ? IExceptionFilter ActionFilterAttribute class ActionFilterAttribute public virtual void OnActionExecuted (ActionExecutedContext filterContext); public virtual void OnActionExecuti
package import java.util.ArrayL import java.util.C import java.util.C import java.util.HashM import java.util.I import java.util.S import; import me.
&http entry-point-ref=&authenticationProcessingFilterEntryPoint&& &intercept-url pattern=&/admin/**& access=&ROLE_ADMIN& /& &intercept-url pattern=&/user/**& access=&ROLE_USER,ROLE_ADMIN& /&
Spring Security in the application of recent time, accumulated some experience, write them want to give some enlightenment to those who need it, after all, online for the spring security configuration and application are not many, most applications a
Spring Security 3.x came out for some time, with Acegi is a big different, and 2.x versions also have some small differences, there are some documents online, it was translated Spring Security 3.x of the guide, but by reading the guide could not imme
Recently learned about spring mvc, by the way looked to put the spring security. See the official documentation, and learn from the online learning experience of others, read some source code, generally have an understanding of their works. Get to be
很多朋友都问过我同样一个问题:&Smart 目前有身份认证与权限管理等安全控制功能吗?& 当听到这样的问题时,我真的非常不好意思,实在是没有这方面的特性.不过当我学习了 Shiro 以后,让我萌发了一个想法: 能否提供一个更加 Smart 的 Shiro 框架呢? 大家知道,Smart 是一款轻量级 Java Web 开发框架,此外,Smart 还提供了一系列的模块,之前开发过一款 Smart SSO 模块,它是不依赖于 Smart 框架的,可以在任何的 Web 项目中使用. 那么,能
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Write a filter that is your own class, so that this class implements the Filter interface, this interface, there are three methods init () doFilter () destroy () Mainly for doFilter () operation, you can write this method in the operation you want to
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First, just a realization of ideas: 1 Use regular expression means to achieve the script filtering, this method is accurate and a higher rate, but may not be according to the requ 2 In order to ensure configuration flexibility (i
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; About php.; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; This file must be named 'php.ini' and placed in the httpd.conf in PHPINIDir directive specifies the directory. ; The latest version of the php.ini you can see in the following two locations: ;
Struggle for a week, and finally come up with a springSecurity3 profile Want to help the students later. Common function has a, and can all be configured refine Shenshu. For example, you can configure, remembermeService's cookie time for one year. Al
Validator Instructions for use Forms Authentication class This Reclining Buddha thinking a little bit better than the Hermit , js From &people I Foshan & v1.05 Validation framework derived from minor c
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; About php.; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; This file must be named 'php.ini' and placed in the httpd.conf in PHPINIDir directive specifies the directory. ; The latest version of the php.ini you can see in the following two locations: ;
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;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; About php.; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; This file must be named 'php.ini' and placed in the httpd.conf in PHPINIDir directive specifies the directory. ; The latest version of the php.ini you can see in the following two locations: ;
How to prevent computer hacking method? Here are some of the prevention of computer hacking simple knowledge, can tell you some help. 1, the operating system not to use pirated, a back door. 2, log users must set the password of the user in the contr
Ordinary items (not combined with Spring Security) that can add the following code in web.xml &filter& &filter-name& CAS Single Sign Out Filter &/ filter-name& &filter-class& org.jasig.cas.client.session.SingleSignOutFilter &/ f
&Zend Framework technology Filmography& Video table of contents &Zend Framework technology Filmography& Introduction: Zend Framework is a set of Zend Launches PHP development framework in PHP that the industry has been more and more at
1.Spring Security 11 Step for the application to add security 2. Past and Present Appeared since 2003 Spring Developed from the Acegi Security Extensions . The latest version 3.x, Has become a part of Spring . J2EE enterprise applications to provide
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WEB applications, security is always a top priority must face is the most headache thing, in fact, the security system will include only two issues: authentication and authorization. Before doing site systems, security testing logic necessary securit
Problem description: 1. According to the known url, get url in the id, and then spliced to another url, to obtain the corresponding value of the id. For example: Known url: /play/index/4b6a3c233b4cb.html?peixun=1&start=680000 A
Using Extjs on IE &Access Denied& problem: IE security level is too high Tools - internet Options - Security - Custom Level - Other - access to the data source through the field is set to be used on it
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Note: Non-original Table of Contents Custom FilterCell 1. Introduction 1.1. Custom Droplist Cell sample filter Custom FilterRowsCallback 1. Introduction 1.1. Custom FilterRowsCallback sample Form Guide 1. Introduction 1.1. JSP 1.1.1. Form a technical
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/ / Description of the procedures ======================== ================= 1. The system randomly generated number (up to 5000), the generated numbers saved to the file, format: txt fo 2. According to custom filter or filter gr
Using the @ Repository, @ Service, @ Controller and @ Component to identify the class as Bean Since Spring 2.0 release, gradually introduced a number of annotations to simplify development of Spring. @ Repository annotation will be among the first to
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processed in 0.117 (s). 8 q(s)servlet-mapping与filter-mapping 的处理顺序是什么?_百度知道
servlet-mapping与filter-mapping 的处理顺序是什么?
如果能更细些,比如pattern一样的情况:&#47这个回答基本可以认同;url-pattern&&#47,是这样的过程么,其中的详细执行过程,例子更好些; ,b&lt,servlet,都是&lt,url-pattern&a&#47。不过
&// &filter-mapping&&lt,普通servlet和过滤器谁先执行答案是过滤器先执行;filter先判断是不是要过滤这个请求;//servlet-mapping&gt:用户未登陆不能回答问题;/&#47,肯定是先要进行用户登陆的判断;b&发现该请求要执行过滤操作,于是执行doFilter中的代码用户请求&/ba&quot,这就是一个普通servlet要完成的工作(提交一个问题)可是贴吧规定;/url-pattern&url-pattern&gt:根据&lt:用户请求&quot,如果登陆了才把用户的回答提交,当我点击提交回答的时候;a/filter-mapping&gt,执行的情况是;servlet-mapping&gt?&/b&url-pattern&a/&a/filter-name&//b&/对于上面的配置;url-pattern&/filter-name&&#47:不管url-pattern的值一样或者不一样你想想看;a/发现该请求不用执行过滤操作;/
&lt:根据&servlet-name&gt,这就是过滤器的工作想象以下;servlet-name&filter先判断是不是要过滤这个请求;/url-pattern&&a/url-pattern& &lt
出门在外也不愁java 的filter配置 url-pattern_百度知道
java 的filter配置 url-pattern
&url-pattern& &
&url-pattern&/url-pattern&gt.js&filter-mapping& &*;&filter-name&ViewFilter&/ViewFilter&lt,我想过滤css和js文件在xml里面是这样这样配&filter-name&filter-mapping&//url-pattern&gt.css&filter-name&/*;filter-name&gt同一个filter文件;能不能在同一个pattern里面用逗号分开
&filter-mapping&ViewFilter& &/url-pattern&
的servlet了(filter不同,后文会提到)。其匹配规则和顺序如下:&1.&&&& 精确路径匹配。例子:比如servletA 的url-pattern为 /test,servletB的url-pattern为 /*
servlet了。&2.&&&& 最长路径匹配。例子:servletA的url-pattern为/test/*,而servletB的url-pattern为/test/a/*,此
时访问http://localhost/test/a时,容器会选择路径最长的servlet来匹配,也就是这里的servletB。&3.&&&& 扩展匹配,如果url最后一段包含扩展,容器将会根据扩展选择合适的servlet。例子:servletA的url-pattern:*.action&4.&&&& 如果前面三条规则都没有找到一个servlet,容器会根据url选择对应的请求资源。如果应用定义了一个default servlet,则容器会将请求丢给default servlet(什么是default servlet?后面会讲)。&&&&& 根据这个规则表,就能很清楚的知道servlet的匹配过程,所以定义servlet的时候也要考虑url-pattern的写法,以免出错。&&&&&&
二,url-pattern详解&&&&&&&&& 在web.xml文件中,以下语法用于定义映射:&l. 以&/&开头和以&/*&结尾的是用来做路径映射的。&2. 以前缀&*.&开头的是用来做扩展映射的。&3. &/& 是用来定义default servlet映射的。&4. 剩下的都是用来定义详细映射的。比如: /aa/bb/cc.action&所以,为什么定义&/*.action&这样一个看起来很正常的匹配会错?因为这个匹配即属于路径映射,也属于扩展映射,导致容器无法判断。
另外,关于url-pattern映射之后, request的servletContextPath , ServletPath , PathInfo 情况,可参照下面链接的文章
阅读(...) 评论()请问为什么这个filter的URL pattern映射不对呢,服务器启动就出错_百度知道
请问为什么这个filter的URL pattern映射不对呢,服务器启动就出错
&lt.jsp&lt,服务器启动就出错Invalid &filter/filter/*.do就可以的;filter// &#47,如果配置成/请问为什么这个filter的URL pattern映射不对呢;*;*


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