
1.N-VAR骨;骨头Your bones are the hard parts inside your body which together form your skeleton.Many passengers suffered broken bones...许多乘客骨折。Stephen fractured a thigh bone...斯蒂芬断了一根股骨。The body is made up primarily of bone, muscle, and fat...人体主要是由骨骼、肌肉和脂肪构成。2.VERB剔除(肉类或鱼)的骨头If you bone a piece of meat or fish, you remove the bones from it before cooking it.&Make sure that you do not pierce the skin when boning the chicken thighs...剔鸡腿骨时切勿戳破外面的皮。The boned fish is so easy to serve.剔了刺的鱼很容易烹制。3.ADJ(工具或装饰品)骨制的A bone tool or ornament is made of bone.&...a small, expensive pocketknife with a bone handle.昂贵的骨柄小折刀5.PHRASE基本部分;梗概The bare bones of something are its most basic parts or details.There are not even the bare bones of a garden here — I've got nothing.这儿连个花园的影子都没有——我什么也没看到。6.PHRASE太过直白;过于直率;露骨If something is too close to the bone, it makes you feel uncomfortable because it is very close to the truth or to the real nature of something.&7.PHRASE从内心;凭直觉If you say that you feel or know something in your bones, you are indicating that you are certain about it, although you cannot explain why.&I've got a feeling in my bones that things are not quite right.直觉告诉我情况不太对头。8.PHRASE开诚布公;直言不讳If you make no bones about something, you talk openly about it, rather than trying to keep it a secret.&Some of them make no bones about their political views.他们中的一些人坦率地表达了自己的政治观点。9.PHRASE毫不犹豫;毫不迟疑;二话不说If you make no bones about doing something that is unpleasant or difficult or that might upset someone else, you do it without hesitating.&Stafford-Clark made no bones about reapplying for the job when Daldry was standing for it.当戴德利对他表示支持时,斯塔福德-克拉克毫不迟疑地再次申请了这份工作。10.PHRASE瘦得皮包骨头;瘦骨嶙峋You can say someone is just skin and bone when you do not approve of the fact that they are very thin.&He was nothing but skin and bones.他瘦得只剩皮包骨头了。11.PHRASE(削减)达到最低限度,到最小化If something such as costs are cut to the bone, they are reduced to the minimum possible.&It has survived by cutting its costs to the bone...它通过最大限度地降低运营成本生存了下来。Profit margins have been slashed to the bone in an attempt to keep turnover moving.为了维持资金周转,利润率已被降为最低。12.PHRASE(影响)深刻地,彻骨地You use to the bone to indicate that you are very deeply affected by something. For example, if you feel chilled to the bone, your whole body feels extremely cold, often because you have had a shock.&What I saw chilled me to the bone.我看到的景象令我不寒而栗。相关词组:
1. 博宁2. 珩磨3. 测平法4. 施骨肥于
1. I had spent the last few months boning up on neurology.
2. He was boning up for an examination.
3. He's boning up on English.
4. Make sure that you do not pierce the skin when boning the chicken thighs.
5. He spent one year boning up for the university entrance examination.
骨;骨头 Your bones are the hard parts inside your body which together form your skeleton.&
Many passengers suffered broken bones...
Stephen fractured a thigh bone...
The body is made up primarily of bone, muscle, and fat...
剔除(肉类或鱼)的骨头 If you bone a piece of meat or fish, you remove the bones from it before cooking it.&
【语法信息】:V n
Make sure that you do not pierce the skin when boning the chicken thighs...
The boned fish is so easy to serve.
(工具或装饰品)骨制的 A bone tool or ornament is made of bone.&
【搭配模式】:usu ADJ n
...a small, expensive pocketknife with a bone handle.
基本部分;梗概 The bare bones of something are its most basic parts or details.&
There are not even the bare bones of a garden here — I've got nothing.
太过直白;过于直率;露骨 If something is too close to the bone, it makes you feel uncomfortable because it is very close to the truth or to the real nature of something.&
【搭配模式】:usu v-link PHR
从内心;凭直觉 If you say that you feel or know something in your bones, you are indicating that you are certain about it, although you cannot explain why.&
【搭配模式】:PHR after v
I've got a feeling in my bones that things are not quite right.
开诚布公;直言不讳 If you make no bones about something, you talk openly about it, rather than trying to keep it a secret.&
【搭配模式】:V inflects
Some of them make no bones about their political views.
毫不犹豫;毫不迟疑;二话不说 If you make no bones about doing something that is unpleasant or difficult or that might upset someone else, you do it without hesitating.&
【搭配模式】:V inflects
Stafford-Clark made no bones about reapplying for the job when Daldry was standing for it.
瘦得皮包骨头;瘦骨嶙峋 You can say someone is just skin and bone when you do not approve of the fact that they are very thin.&
【搭配模式】:bone inflects
He was nothing but skin and bones.
(削减)达到最低限度,到最小化 If something such as costs are cut to the bone, they are reduced to the minimum possible.&
【搭配模式】:PHR after v
It has survived by cutting its costs to the bone...
Profit margins have been slashed to the bone in an attempt to keep turnover moving.
(影响)深刻地,彻骨地 You use to the bone to indicate that you are very deeply affected by something. For example, if you feel chilled to the bone, your whole body feels extremely cold, often because you have had a shock.&
【搭配模式】:PHR after v
What I saw chilled me to the bone.
bond-相近词汇-新浪字典 ... bonfire 大篝火,营火 boning 珩磨 bonito 鲣.
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Curative Effect of Bone Metastasis Cancer Pain by Radiotherapy and Boning放疗和博宁治疗骨转移癌疼痛的疗效观察
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bongkrekic acid 米醇菌酸boning 测平法;去骨boninic acid 包宁地衣酸.
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He spent much of his time boning up on the classics ., 他用很多时间苦读古典作品.
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骨科方面英语 _ 上海疯狂英语 ... Bones 骨骼的功能 Bone Tumors 骨肿瘤 Bunions 姆趾黏液囊肿大.
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  准系统(BareBone)作为半DIY半整机备受DIY玩家欢迎,尤其是在游戏笔记本领域上非常流行。能够灵活选择自己喜欢的CPU、显 …
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骨瓷(bone china) 、贝瓷、珍珠瓷(pearl china)等。由于珍珠瓷成本太高几乎没有工业化生产,所以骨瓷是世界上公认的最高档 …
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3. 骨髓(bone marrow) 位于长骨的骨髓腔和骨松质的间隙内,由造血细胞和网状结缔组织构成。分为红骨髓和黄骨髓两种。幼畜的骨髓.
- 基于2217个网页
0){var rand = parseInt(Math.random() * (000)+100000);top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'))+'?renovate='+}else{top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'));};}" action="/">
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bardolino[,bɑ:də'li:nəu]bardolino 基本解释n. (意大利)巴多利诺酒bardolino 网络解释1. 巴多利诺酒& & bardolatry 莎士比亚崇拜 | Bardolino 巴多利诺酒 | bare bones 梗概2. (意大利)巴多利诺酒& & bardolatry || 莎士比亚崇拜 | Bardolino || (意大利)巴多利诺酒 | bardraft || 拦门沙水深bardolino 网络例句1. The new vineyards are selected not only for the quality of their terrain and location, but also for their historical significance, in the classico zones of Valpolicella, Bardolino and Soave. & &该酒园位于Valpolicella山区南部,山谷延伸至阿迪杰河平原。酒园接着在瓦波利切拉,芭得里诺及索瓦地区陆续兼并数家历史悠久,地形优越的酒园,才发展成为今天的规模。2. Bardolino pairs well with savory light Italian pasta dishes, vegetable entrées such as melanzane alla parmigiana, light meat dishes and fresh cheeses. & &配意大利面食,蔬菜等头盘或者清淡肉类菜及新鲜的奶酪。3. Outlined in the Beijing Olympic Games, at 13:30 on August 13 Switzerland and France than was Ankan Qiela La Road Cycling Championship. Ankan Qiela La France in the World Championships: 2004 Bardolino, Italy was eighth, 2005 Madrid, Spain, was third, 2006 Salzburg, Austria received first place in 2007 at Stuttgart, Ge France 2005 cycling sai Laise S Flanders Cycling Grand Prix E3 Belgium Harelbeke 2007 Road Cycl Florence - Bicycle sai Pistoia, Italy Paper 2004 Si T Ghent - Victoria Buddhist r Road Cycling Events, the Belgian peacekeepers Buddhist roots fourth in 2006 Belgian peacekeepers were sixth B HEW Classic Bicycle Germany 2005 Hamburg Road Cycling sai fourth in the 2006 German Beer, Luke second C Milan - San Remo Road Cycl San Remo, Italy, the 2008 Road Cycli Monte Siena, Italy 2008 Paschi Eroica Road Cycling sai was the first Swiss national championships, in 2008 Switzerland was the first M Stettlen 2007 Switzerland was the first in 2006 was the first Ruishiboning root 2005 Switzerland was the first H Highway Cycling Merit 2007 Rui Shibu Kruger was second in Paris - Roubaix bicycle sai , 2006 France was the first R Roubaix France was second in
Roubaix F Denmark Post bike sai The 2006 final ranking was the first Danish F ring The 2006 Belgian Flanders Cycling Road Cycling sai M Etruscan - Adriatic bike sai , 2008 Italy's Benetton and child care - Badelt-care was the first in the Central bike sai Luxembourg, Luxembourg Central Di Jixi 2005, bike sai Central California, the United States in 2008 in Pasadena, California, Athens, Greece in 2004 was the 10th i Olympics & &瑞士法比安坎切拉拉在世界锦标赛:2004 意大利巴多利诺上获得第八名,2005 西班牙马德里上获得第三名,2006 奥地利萨尔茨堡上获得第一名,2007 德国斯图加特上获得第一名;2005 法国莱塞比耶自行车赛获得第七名;佛兰德E3自行车大奖赛获得第二名;2007 比利时哈勒尔贝克公路自行车赛获得第二名;佛罗伦萨-皮斯托亚自行车赛,2004 意大利皮斯托亚获得第四名;根特-维佛根自行车赛获得第四名;公路自行车赛 2005 比利时维佛根获得第四名;2006 比利时维佛根获得第六名;HEW自行车经典赛 2005 德国汉堡公路自行车赛第四名;2006 德国比尔,路克挑战赛第二名;米兰-圣雷莫公路自行车赛获得第二名;2008 意大利圣雷莫公路自行车赛获得第一名;2008 意大利锡耶纳 Monte Paschi Eroica 公路自行车赛获得第一名;瑞士全国锦标赛,在2008 瑞士Messen 获得第一名;2007 瑞士Stettlen 获得第一名;2006 瑞士伯宁根获得第一名;2005 瑞士Hagendorn获得第一名;公路自行车赛 2007 瑞士布鲁格获得第二名;巴黎-鲁贝自行车赛,2006 法国鲁贝获得第一名;2008 法国鲁贝获得第二名;2005 法国鲁贝获得第八名;丹麦邮政自行车赛决赛排名赛 2006 丹麦腓特烈斯贝获得第一名;环佛兰德自行车赛 2006 比利时Meerbeke 公路自行车赛获得第六名;伊特鲁里亚-亚得里亚海自行车赛,2008 意大利圣贝内代托-德尔特龙托获得第一名;在环卢森堡自行车赛,2005 环卢森堡迪基希,获得第二名;环加利福尼亚自行车赛,在2008 美国加利福尼亚帕萨迪纳,获得第四名;2004 希腊雅典个人计时赛获得第十名;奥运会 2008 北京奥运会男子公路个人赛季军。从 bardolino 开始单词接龙选择难度小学英语初中英语高中英语大学英语出国英语考试英语bardolino是什么意思,bardolino在线翻译,bardolino什么意思,bardolino的意思,bardolino的翻译,bardolino的解释,bardolino的发音,bardolino的同义词,bardolino的反义词,bardolino的例句,bardolino的相关词组,bardolino意思是什么,bardolino怎么翻译,单词bardolino是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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&2015  京ICP备号-6 京公网安备30 Finish the neckline and facing. Measure the base of the neckline from corner to corner and add. 2.5cm (1 inch). Cut the boning this length.的海词问答与网友补充:
相关词典网站:Wait a minute, i have a bone to pick with you .且慢,我要和你算帐。His bones was laid in westminster .他的遗骸安放在威斯敏斯特大教堂。Our budget has been pared to the bone .我们的预算已削减到最低限度。Crushed bones make one of the best fertilizers .骨粉是最佳肥料之一。She used up the chicken bones to make soup .她把鸡骨头全用来熬汤了。更多例句:&&
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