
我想知道,一段记忆究竟是多长,是童年的冰淇淋在烈日下迅速融化,是穿着棉布裙走过的长长的路途,是爱上你的一瞬间,还是之后那长久的思念与痛苦? I would like to know what is a period of long memory, childhood is the ice cream melting rapidly in the hot sun, wearing cotton cloth skirt traversed the long journey, is the moment you fell in love with, or after that long and painful miss? 我不知道,我分不清。I do not know, I hard to tell. 我只痛恨自己仍然记得这爱恋中的每一个细微末节,没有一丝遗漏,完整得令人心惊。它们在寂静的午夜漂浮出来,在我的脑中不断循环交错,最终形成一部漫漫无终的蒙太奇。我爱这默片,它承载我多少温暖,无数年少。 I just hated their love still remember that in each of nuances, without the slightest omission is alarming in the integrity. In the quiet of the night they float out, in my mind constantly staggered cycle, ultimately forming a long, but after Montage. I love this Mopan, how much I carry warmth, and countless young. 喝大杯的水,走大段的路,在街角看一场风景,去海边听一回海啸。我的身体生寂寞的藤,缠缠绕绕,纠纠结结。然后我绝望的发现,藤条上的每一个触角都在拼命的吸食记忆,我没有新事来供养,于是过往的翻涌变本加厉。Drink a cup of water, and take big way, in the corner of a scenic view to the beach to listen to a tsunami. My body hygiene lonely rattan, tied winding around and correct tangled knot. Then I found despair, a rattan on the antennae are trying very hard to use memory, I do not have new things to support, then the past Fanyong intensified. 原来有些事情,越想逃避就越怕追赶,越是可以就越难释怀。这样浅显的道理想必你早就明白,只是我,还傻傻地陷于轮回之中,无力自拔。 That some things, the more afraid of catching up with Yuexiang escape, the more can be the more difficult it is to dispel his suspicion. This simple truth presumably you have to understand, but I also Shasha, in a cycle, unable to extricate themselves. 我想起曾经那样鉴定的信念,想要陪在你身边,看云卷云舒,看遍人事变迁,而我们会永远以不离不弃的姿态相守。今生,今世,永生永世。 I remember once identified as the belief paternity around you want to see Yunjuanyunshu to see over personnel changes, and we will always be Buchibuqi Xiangshou posture. Present, present, immortalized Inverness. 可是有谁说过,有些新年,终究只是一个人的痴心妄想。尽管我那么那么努力地想在你的生命中留下深刻的痕迹,但在你的心上,我只是那一颗小小的尘埃,时光的车轮碾过就会碎得干干净净,风过无痕。Who said, however, some New Year, but that is only a person's wishful thinking. Despite such efforts, then I think your life in a profound mark, but in your heart, and that I am only a little dust, the wheel of time will be Sid Nianguo clean, wind a scratch. 我也以为你要的那种爱只有我懂,平静,温暖,没有大风大浪却又时刻紧紧相扣。你不要猜疑,我便不再猜疑。你不要打扰,我便走开。只要你心中装得是我,怎样都好。可是现在我才明白,纵是我再怎样懂你适合你,你若不爱,一切也枉然。 I also think you need to understand that I am the only love, serenity, warmth, but not always closely related storms and waves. Do not suspicion, I will no longer suspicion. Do not disturb, I would walk away. If you installed in my mind, what is good. But now I understand, if I understand how you again for you, if you love everything to no avail. 我那些年少的痴想啊,终于在现实的残酷中平了棱角,黯了光芒,在你的一句话里断了所有活路。I Chixiang those young ah, and finally in the cruel reality of the angular Zhongping, the An light, in your words, cut off all Guoluo. 那么会是谁呢?Who is then? 会是谁,如此幸运,可以陪在你身边,手被你暖暖地执在手心,脸贴在距你心脏最近的地方。或许她还不懂事,也有些坏脾气,但你微微笑着不介意,只因爱她,你敞开心扉让她知道你一切的落寞和欢喜,承接你全部的疼爱与照顾。 Who is so lucky, can accompany around you, your hands are warm and bailiffs in the palm, you face affixed to the heart from the recent local. Perhaps she is not a thoughtful, but also some bad temper, but you do not mind slightly with a smile, because love her, you open their hearts to let her know that you all lonely and joy, following you all the love and care. 会是谁呢?我真羡慕她。Who is? I really envy her. 她可以给你想要的那种幸福吧,是我想给,却给不了的那种。因为我总是情绪化,反反复复,悲悲喜喜。我像小孩子一样不断的身手向你索要糖果,而你摸摸口袋,找不到属于我的那份。She can give you the kind of happiness to it is that I want to, not the kind of Izvestia. Because I always emotional, repeatedly, sad Exploration Hi. I like children as the skill to keep you requested candy, and you feel pockets, I am not belong to the former. 原来你已没有多余的爱给我,是我一直傻傻追随。So you have no extra love to me, which I always Shasha follow. 不属于自己的,即使曾经在身边逗留,最后仍要挥手道别,原来这是注定,谁也无可奈何,而时日渐长,记忆就会在时光的深处发霉,慢慢腐蚀了曾经的面貌,直至幻灭。我也逃脱不了这命运吧,在你的记忆中越走越深,最后以模糊的形态死去,灰飞烟灭。 Do not belong to them, even stay around once in the last wave goodbye still, the original is doomed, and no one can do, and increasingly long time, memory will be in the depths of moldy time, slowly eroding the face once, until disillusionment . I also can not escape this fate bar, in the memory of the farther you deep, the final form of vague dead, destroyed. 那也好。Or that. 也许很多很多年后我们还会再见面,那时我们还能认出彼此吗?或许会牵扯出几分记忆,让我们淡淡的点点头,微笑,擦肩而过,再没有什么悸动,因为过往的一切已经长眠于茵茵流动时的时光河流之下,永难复还。Perhaps after many, many years we will meet again, then we also recognize each other? Qianchechu memory might be a bit, let us casually nodded, smiled, and passed, there is Jidong, because the past has been buried in all the time Jessica river flows, Yong also difficult rehabilitation. 是否这世上所有无法相爱的人都会走到这地步?不悲不喜,平平淡淡。有人说这是时间对我们的慈悲,冲淡那么多的爱和恨,情与仇,沉淀出平实的人生。如果有一天我们真的要在擦肩而过后各自平静地消逝在人海中,是不是证明,我们真的失去了彼此。 Does that mean that the world can not love all the people will come to this point? Not sad do not like, flat light. Some people say that this is the time for our compassion, watered down so much love and hate, intelligence and hatred of precipitation a down-to-earth life. If one day we have to pass in their calm after disappearing in the crowd, is not proved, we really lost each other. 我是真的要失去你了吗?I really want to lose you? 某年某月某日,我深切的想念你,可是可是,亲爱的,你告诉我记忆终会死在时光里。午夜之后,黎明之前,我终于看到了那些盛开在时光中的花儿,据说它们的名字,叫绝望。On a year of a one day, I miss you deeply, but, however, my dear, I can tell you will eventually die in the time. After midnight, before dawn, I finally see those blooming flowers at the time, said their names, called despair.
I would like to know what is a period of long memory, childhood is the ice cream melting rapidly in the hot sun, wearing cotton cloth skirt traversed the long journey, is the moment you fell in love with, or after that long and painful miss?
I do not know, I hard to tell.
I just hated their love still remember that in each of nuances, without the slightest omission is alarming in the integrity. In the quiet of the night they float out, in my mind constantly staggered cycle, ultimately forming a long, but after Montage. I love this Mopan, how much I carry warmth, and countless young.
Drink a cup of water, and take big way, in the corner of a...
主题:首尔大学克莱茨 - 2010年夏季入学(冠岳下午班) 日期:周一,日14时51分06秒0900 入学通知书AfternoonClass在首尔大学的韩国语例行程序 恭喜! 您已获得冠岳下午班在韩国首尔大学语言教育中心提供的。请阅读下面的指令,并随时与我联系,如果您有任何问题 (电话:+82-2-880-) (一)课程时间 日&#年8月13日 (二)缴交学费 如果您目前居住在韩国以外,你想获得的语言课程签证(D首次- 4),您必须支付两节'学费。 但是,您可以支付1次,如果你想获得90天的C - 3签证(短期访问签证),或你想改变从C - 3,为F1,F2等签证身份为D - 4,或者你已经有了一个有效的签证。 截止日期:日 金额:3,000,000韩元(获得第一次的D - 4签证)
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Aunt Edith doesn accept defeat easily. She began studying medical reports in the library and found an article in a magazine about a well-known heart surgeon, Dr. Michael DeBakey, of Houston, Texas. HE had saved the life of someone with the same ailment. The article said Dr. DeBakey Aunt Edith couldn possibly pay them. But could he tell her of someone whose fee she could pay?
So Aunt Edith wrote to him. She simply listed her reasons for wanting live: her three children, who would be on their own in three or four more years, her little-girl dream of traveling and seeing the world. There wasn a word of self-pity---only warmth and humor and the joy of living. She mailed the letter, not really expecting an answer.A few days later, my doorbell rang. Aunt Edith
she stood in the hall and read aloud: our beautiful letter moved me very deeply. If you can come to Houston, there will be no charge for either the hospital or the operation.Signed:Michael。That was seven years ago. Since then, Aunt Edith has been around the world. Her three children are happily married. For her age, she is one of the youngest, most alive people
Andy was still traveling in Spain when he realized he had to confirm(确认) his flight home with the airline company. He was visiting Spain in order to improve his Spanish. When he was speaking to people in person he had no difficulty understanding what they said. However, when he was speaking on the phone, he still had a problem. Andy called the airline. And the clerk confirmed that his plane was leaving at nine o’clock three days from that day. She also told Andy to be at the airport two hours earlier in order to check in his luggage and get a seat.
Since he was leaving in three days, Andy didn’t lose any time. He visited as many places as he could. He thought that it would probably be a while before he had enough money again. He wished he could come back and spend a year in Spain.
Too quickly, the final day arrived. Andy left early for the airport to arrive two hours before take-off. He hated to rush. He went to the clerk to present his ticket. The clerk looked at the ticket with astonishment. “Why, sir, but your flight was at nine o’clock in the morning, and now it is eight in the evening.” “But I confirmed my flight,” insisted Andy. “Will I have to pay for another ticket?”
“No, sir. However, the next flight out will be three days from now.”
Andy’s look of shock turned to one of pleasure as he realized that now he could continue his vacation.
Andy was still traveling in Spain when he realized he had to confirm(确认) his flight home with the airline company. He was visiting Spain in order to improve his Spanish. When he was speaking to people in person he had no difficulty understanding what they said. However, when he was speaking on the phone, he still had a problem. Andy called the airline. And the clerk confirmed that his plane was leaving at nine o’clock three days from that day. She also told Andy to be at the airport two hours earlier in order to check in his luggage and get a seat.安迪还在西班牙旅行的时候,他意识到应该和航空公司确认一个回去的航班。他去西班牙是为了提升自己的西班牙语。当他和人们面对面交流的时候,他可能懂得人们所说的。但是,当用电话交流的时候,他仍然存在问题。安迪打电话给航空公司。航空公司的职员确认的他的航班是在三天后的9点钟起飞。她也告诉安迪要提前两个小时来到机场,以便登记行李和安排坐位。
Since he was leaving in three days, Andy didn’t lose any time. He visited as many places as he could. He thought that it would probably be a while before he had enough money again. He wished he could come back and spend a year in Spain.自从他知道自己要在三天内离开了,安迪不想浪费任何时间。他尽自己的努力参观了很多地方。他想在他又一次有足够前的时候可能会有一段时间。他希望他能够再次回来,然后可以在西班牙呆上一年。
Too quickly, the final day arrived. Andy left early for the airport to arrive two hours before take-off. He hated to rush. He went to the clerk to present his ticket. The clerk looked at the ticket with astonishment. “Why, sir, but your flight was at nine o’clock in the morning, and now it is eight in the evening.” “But I confirmed my flight,” insisted Andy. “Will I have to pay for another ticket?”时间过得真快呀,最后一天终于来了。安迪在飞机起飞前两小时就来到了机场。他不喜欢仓促行事。他到了一位职员面前出示了自己的机票。职员用一种惊讶的眼神看着他的机票。“先生,怎么会这样,你的机票是早上九点的,现在已经是晚上八点了”。安迪坚持说“我已经确认过机票的”。“那我要买另外一张机票吗?”
“No, sir. However, the next flight out will be three days from now.”“不,先生”,但是下一班飞机将会在此后的三天到达。
Andy’s look of shock turned to one of pleasure as he realized that now he could continue his vacation.安迪的神情由震惊变得高兴,因为他意识到他可以继续他的旅程。
时间过得太快了,Andy离开西班牙的日子到了.他很早出门提前两个小时来到机场.他讨厌急忙.他到机场职员那里亮出机票.职员很惊讶的看着机票.&为什么.先生.你的航班是在早上的九点,但是现在已经是晚上八点了.& Andy说&但是我已经确认...


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