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Freelance webdesigner & WordPress expert Tom Hermans - Hi, I am a creative freelancer available for responsive webdesign, webdevelopment, graphic design & WordPress + PodsCMS
Hi, I am a freelance webdesigner / webdeveloper WordPress expert, webdesign & webdevelopment
Based in Belgium, working in Antwerpen, Brabant, Limburg, Vlaanderen, Belgi? en Nederland
I'm experienced with almost anything web.
What can I do for you?
I am a webdesigner, webdeveloper, graphic designer, UX thinker, frontend engineer, online enthusiast. My skillset is broad through experience.
i am a designer
WordPress Webdesign
Responsive Webdesign
WordPress Theme Development
User Experience Strategy (UX)
User Interface Design (UI)
Branding and Corporate Identity
Graphic & Print Design
i am a developer
Frontend developer
HTML5 / CSS3 / jQuery
JavaScript, jQuery
PHP, MySQL Webdevelopment
WordPress Development
Information Architecture Strategy
i am a chameleon
Branding and Corporate Identity
User Interaction
User Experience
Using WordPress as CMS
Speaking on Webdesign
Communications passionate (web/mobile/opensource)
I work or worked for these companies and brands on all kinds of projects, designing the web, print, logo's or developing code.
most recent:
Telenet / Yelo
Darwin BBDO
projects for:
Ici Paris XL
Hill+Knowlton Strategies
Software Advies
Alligence Communications
Internet Architects
previous work:
These Days Y&R
Telenet Business
Photo Studio Graphics
Big Media Group
Recent Works
Take a look at some recent projects (web / print / ..)
For Axe, the well-known brand of deodorants, bodyspray and stylingproducts, we were asked to build a new website, focusing on lifestyle, music and fashion. Information architecture was already done by HeadOffice, the actual build of the site we discussed with them, opting for full AJAX navigation, homepage videoplayer, multi-language, masonry layout, infinite scroll, contests with and without Spotify Connect, music player, and some nifty animation and transitions in navigation, hover effects and so on. Preferrably built with WordPress as backoffice, since they already were proficient with that. In a few [&]
For the new website for L’Oréal they asked me to take care of the frontend development for the newly designed homepage. A nice design was provided, and after some back and forth discussion we set out to build a visual rich landing page enticing people to click toward their interest, with some nice behaviour effects, zoom, fade etc, clear call to actions and big, nice fonts. Building of the existing grid, but using a clear module based approach as I usually do, leveraging the power of Sass, we created a versatile [&]
For the new to be built Unicef website, I got the request to fill in the role of frontend developer, WordPress theme developer and general WordPress consultant to make a static design come to life and function as it should. This involved checking and revising the frontend work that was done til then, make adaptations and different page templates and test and fix certain templates and behaviours. One of the things we stumbled upon in the beginning was the initial choice for qTranslate collided with a good SEO approach, so we [&]
Recently Published Blogposts
I've also been blogging, have a read of my latest posts. Usually revolving around web design, technology, mobile etc..
In 2012 I talked about Responsive Web Design at WordCampNL, a methodology about which I was very convinced at the time, and meanwhile the rest of the world too. This year I wanted to take the acronym a step further and gave it a slightly different meaning, Responsible Web Design (or Rant on Web Design). With that definition I want to step away from the purely technical side of things, but focus more on UX, design and content and how they fit together from a user- and frontend-perspective. User Experience [&]
WordPress is great .. but .. I’ve been working with WordPress for 6 years or something. And most of the times that’s a bunch of fun, and I always find a way to make something work, but… some stuff is still a bit hard to do (or I’m not aware of a better method). And sometimes, it’s hard to choose on which tradeoffs to make. With the arrival of Custom Post Types in 3.0 the Managing of Content in our System became a lot more powerful for instance, but it doesn’t [&]
IFTTT : Put the internet to work for you. Sinds een paar jaar gebruik ik een webservice die misschien voor velen van jullie nog relatief nieuw is : IFTTT.. euh.. wat ? IFTTT staat voor If This Then That, oftewel, Als Dit Dan Dat. Met deze IFTTT tutorial wil ik even laten zien wat het is, hoe het werkt en wat je ermee kan doen Het gaat hier eigenlijk over een webservice die twee andere webservices koppelt met een simpele regel: “als dit gebeurt, doe dan dat”. Een webservice is letterlijk [&]--Hello!____Tom.who___?( ) --This is Mike speaking.A.I'm,is that B.This is,is that C.This is,are you D.I am,are you_百度作业帮
--Hello!____Tom.who___?( ) --This is Mike speaking.A.I'm,is that B.This is,is that C.This is,are you D.I am,are you
--Hello!____Tom.who___?( ) --This is Mike speaking.A.I'm,is that B.This is,is that C.This is,are you D.I am,are you
B.This is,is that 打电话的习惯用语根据答句写出正确的句子.A:_________B:I am sorry to hear that.A:_________B:Tom is sad today._百度作业帮
根据答句写出正确的句子.A:_________B:I am sorry to hear that.A:_________B:Tom is sad today.
根据答句写出正确的句子.A:_________B:I am sorry to hear that.A:_________B:Tom is sad today.
A:I got hurted when I went across the street this morning.B:I am sorry to hear that.A:What's wrong/matter with you?B:Tom is sad today.
A:Tom's mother is ill today.B:I am sorry to hear that.A:Me too.B:Tom is sad today.
it's a bad day!what's the matter?
A: I felt so sick right now.B:I am sorry to hear that.A:How is Tom?B:Tom is sad today.


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