android goldfish下载es是指金鱼的种类吗,他作为android goldfish下载的复数什么意思?

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goldfish bowl是什么意思
中文翻译英英解释百科解释金鱼缸:&&&&金鱼。 :&&&&n. 1.(游戏用的)木球,保龄球。 2.〔 pl.〕滚 ...
例句与用法1.The white house is both a goldfish bowl and an isolation ward .白宫既是一个金鱼缸,又是一个隔离病房。2.A celebrity may have to live in a goldfish bowl名人像活在金鱼缸,很难避人耳目。 3.That ' s like putting the cat near the goldfish bowl引狼入室;等于把猫放在金鱼缸旁。 4.Mum : louisa , have you changed the water in the goldfish bowl妈妈:路易莎,金鱼缸里的水换过了吗? 5.That ' s like putting the cat near the goldfish bowl参考译文这等于把猫放在金鱼缸旁。 / /自找麻烦;自讨苦吃;开门揖盗。 6.She has been living in a goldfish bowl since she won the beauty contest自从她选美获胜,她就像活在金鱼缸中,任人参观,毫无隐私。 7.She has been living in a goldfish bowl since she won the beauty contest自从她选美获胜后,她就像活在金鱼缸中,任人参观,毫无隐私。 8.As long as you are law - abiding , you have less worry about living in a goldfish bowl只要你是奉公守法,你就不用太操心住在金鱼缸里。 9.Being a chinese in a small town , mr . lee feels like he is living in a goldfish bowl身为小城中的中国人,李先生觉得自己好像住在金鱼缸,没有隐私权。 10.He pasted picture postcards around goldfish bowls to make the goldfish think they were going places他把明信卡图片贴满金鱼缸,让金鱼以为它们到处游玩&&更多例句:&&1&&
goldfishesHappy Sunday I have four goldfishes in my room. They are very beautiful. I love them very much...._百度知道
Happy Sunday I have four goldfishes in my room. They are very beautiful. I love them very much....
Happy Sunday I have four goldfishes in my room. They are very beautiful. I love them very much. On weekdays, I’m always busy. I must study and do homework and so on, so I have no time to care(照顾) them.
But today is Sunday, I am very free. Then, I start to enjoy my goldfishes. They are colorful, but each has a big mouth, two small eyes and a long tail(尾巴). I take the food and intend(打算)to feed them. They are very intelligent(聪明). It seems that they know I will feed them, so they are coming up from everywhere. Everyone is opening up its big mouth and waiting for the delicious food. I am smiling! They look very lovely! Then, I put the food into the tank(水缸). They are eating it very quickly. I enjoy this process(过程) very much!
Today, I am really happy! What a happy Sunday! 小题1:How many goldfishes are there in the home?________________________________________________小题2:Why can not the writer(作者) care the goldfishes on weekdays?&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&________________________________________________小题3:What do the goldfishes look like?________________________________________________小题4:When can the writer feed the goldfishes?________________________________________________小题5:Does the writer have a good time on Sunday?
小题1:There are four goldfishes. 小题2:Because on weekdays, he is always busy.& He must study and do homework and so on,小题3:They are colorful, but each has a big mouth, two small eyes and a long tail.小题4:On Sunday.小题5:Yes. He does.
试题分析:本文介绍了作者度过了一个开心的星期天。作者养了四条金鱼,在平日里他总是很忙着学习,和做作业等,所以没时间照顾金鱼。在星期天他有空,打算喂金鱼,而且好好的欣赏了一下漂亮的金鱼。这些金鱼似乎知道作者要喂他们,都靠近他,张大嘴巴,等着事物,他把食物放进鱼缸里,他们很快就吃完了。作者觉得玩得很开心。小题1:题中问的是在家里有多少条金鱼,故在文中第一段找到的答案为There are four goldfishes. 有四条金鱼。小题2:题中问的是为什么作者在平日里不能照顾金鱼,根据文中第一段可知答案为Because on weekdays, he is always busy.& He must study and do homework and so on,因为在平日里他总是很忙,必须学习,和做作业等。小题3:题中问的是金鱼长得什么样?根据第二段可知答案为They are colorful, but each has a big mouth, two small eyes and a long tail.他们是色彩缤纷的,每一条金鱼都有一个大嘴巴,两只小眼睛和一条长尾巴。小题4:题中问的是作者什么时候能喂金鱼。 根据But today is Sunday, I am very free.可知在星期天作者有空,可以喂金鱼,故答案为:On Sunday.小题5:题中问的是作者在星期天玩得愉快吗?根据Today, I am really happy! What a happy Sunday! 可知他玩得很开心。因此用肯定回答Yes. He does.
出门在外也不愁fish fishThis goldfish belong to me.这里的belong要用单数形式还是复数形式啊?goldfish是当单数还是复数啊?可有些人说不加s的啊?fish作鱼的种类可数,其他应该没有特殊情况了吧 还有用what is还是what are _百度作业帮
fish fishThis goldfish belong to me.这里的belong要用单数形式还是复数形式啊?goldfish是当单数还是复数啊?可有些人说不加s的啊?fish作鱼的种类可数,其他应该没有特殊情况了吧 还有用what is还是what are
fish fishThis goldfish belong to me.这里的belong要用单数形式还是复数形式啊?goldfish是当单数还是复数啊?可有些人说不加s的啊?fish作鱼的种类可数,其他应该没有特殊情况了吧 还有用what is还是what are the goldfish…?
单数,与fish一样,当鱼和鱼肉讲时单复数同形。当鱼类讲时,可加es表示复数。所以用 what is the the goldfish...


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