yes no i dont knowlikes (s ) andmaths

Student's book------------ Module 7 My school day【单元知识概要】【内容综述】本模块围绕" 我的一天学校生活"这个话题展开,内容紧密结合初中学生现实的学习、生活。,通过本模块的学习,学习时间的表达方式以及行为动词(主语为I, they, we, you)一般现在时的陈述句形式; 要求学生掌握一些与有关科目名称相关的基本词汇,能简单地向他人介绍自己一天学校生活的情况。【网络构建】重点词汇o'clock, talk, half, past, art, chemistry, history, about, what about..., start, get up, have, house, back, or, go, home, dinner, finish, housework重点词组 get up, go to..., have breakfast/ lunch/ supper,
do one's homework, do housework,
have a break, half past two, talk to sb, go home, lessons start, lessons finish, talk about sth ...交际用语1. What are your lessons today?2. I don't like maths!3. Lessons start at nine o'clock..4. I get up at half past seven in the morning and have breakfast.5. My school is next to my house.6. We have a break and I talk to my friends.7. We have lunch in the dining hall at half past twelve.8. We have meat and rice, with, vegetables, or hamburgers.9. We go home at half past three.10. Lessons finish at 3:30.语言技能听听懂钟点的表述及分辨学校的课程科目,提高学生实际应用能力。说能向别人简单介绍学校开设的课程科目及上课时间。流利的说出含有本模块生词、短语。读能读懂一天学校生活的文章,并从中获取重要信息。 进行简单的阅读技能训练写1. 能够使用and 连接2个简单句2.能够简单描写个人一天学校生活的情况。知识技能1. 使用地道的英语介绍自己一天学校生活的情况。礼貌的进行日常对话。2. 时间的表达方式.3. 行为动词(主语为I, they, we, you)一般现在时的陈述句形式.【学法指要】1. 培养在词语与相应事物之间建立联想的习惯,形成话题联想的习惯。如在谈论上什么课时可以联想自己的课程表,把学过及本课出现的学科名:Chinese ,English,maths,art,history,science 等,还有学过的时间表达放在一块记忆,知识就更加系统化。2.运用联系,归纳,推测等技能来记忆单词和相应的短语,如在记忆在学校生活的一些短语时,如get up,have breakfast,have lunch,have dinner,go home,go to bed,go to school,play football,do my homework......可联系自己的生活实际,用英语表达出来,进行整体记忆,效果更佳。          Unit 1
I like maths!【预习导航学案】(走进去,眼前一道美丽的风景)【轻松起航】一.翻译下列短语。1.吃早餐_____________
3. have got__________4. 休息__________ 5.吃肉______
6.have an English book_______________二.试着把下列时间用逆读法表达出来。8. 12点整_____________
9. 6:30_____________10. 4:15________________
11. 8:20____________12. 9:50_______________
13. 11:55___________【激活思维】1. 请仔细观察以下短语,你发现什么了吗?  have breakfast  have lessons  have a break  have a good timehave 可是个万能词,你还学过哪些包含它的用法的短语呢?把它们写在下面吧!2. 在上一模块我们学习了时间的顺读法,想一下用逆读法怎么读呢?【互动研学课堂】(名师点拨,顺利走进互动学习快车道)【教材研读】一.Today, we have Chinese at eight o'clock We have science at nine o'clock and we have maths at ten o'clock今天我们8点有语文课, 9 点有科学课, 10点有数学课。中学science课程包括一些理科基础性学科, 物理, 化学, 生物等都属于science学科. 中学常见学科的英文表达:Chinese语文
history 历史
geography地理 art
arts美术 physical
education (P.E.) 体育二..What day is it today? 今天星期几? It's Friday. 今天星期五.要与提问日期区别开来What's the date today?
今天是几号?It's September 10th.
今天是九月十号.三..What are your lessons today? 今天你上什么课?注意在这里要what用来提问.四.表述日常行为会用到时间,注意时间的表达方式,上一模块我们学习了时间的顺读法,现在我们学习一下逆读法..如果是半小时之内,一般过、差式,即几点差几分,几点过几分。(以30分为分界线) eg.
twenty-five past one
half past two
seventeen to four
twenty-two to five用几点过几分的表达方式,"...past..."如果超过了半小时,则用还差几分不到几点的表达方式,即"to..."这是时间的逆读法.at half past six(6:30)
five past six(6:05) 在6点5分at
five to six(5:55) 在5点55分at ten to eleven (10:50) 在10点50分五.When is your science lesson? 你们什么时候上科学课?(1)以"when"提问,"什么时候"?可以是较长的时间段,也可以是较短的时间点 eg.
When is your birthday? My birthday is Dec. 你的生日是什么时候?
我的生日是12月29日。这里就是指一天的时间段。When do you go home?
你几点回家?I go home at 4:30 p.m. 我下午4:30回家。 这里when问的是具体的时间。(2)具体几点我们通常用what time提问What time is it now?
What's the time?
几点了?It's 9:26.现在几点了?现在九点二十六。What time is it by your watch? It's 8:36. Oh, It's 50 minutes late.你手表几点了? 8:36,哦,它慢了50分钟。六.It's my favourite lesson. 它是我最喜欢的课.最喜欢的, 除了favorite ,我们还可用短语 . What subject do you like best ? 你最喜欢的是什么学科? Why do you like English best ? 为什么你最喜欢英语?七.Talk about your lessons.
谈论一下你的课程。talk about sth/ sb 论某事或某人 talk to 对...说话, 强调一方对另一方talk with 和...说话,强调双方谈话【方法链接】例1 就划线部分提问We have _science_ at nine o'clock today.答案 What are your lessons today?点拨 在提问什么科目时用what.例2 Today is Friday.(就划线部分提问)_______ _______ is it today?答案 What day点拨 提问星期几要用 What day ......?例3 We have English and maths this afternoon. (就划线部分提问) ________ _______ do you have this afternoon?答案 What lessons点拨 提问上什么课用 what lesson/lessons.例4(
)--What time is it?--It's ___________________.A. six half
B. half six C. six and half
D. half past six答案 D点拨 当时间不过半时用逆读法,要用past.例5.(
) --What time is it?--It's ___________________.A. fifty past eleven
B. fifty eleven
C. ten to eleven答案 D点拨 如果超过了半小时,则用还差几分不到几点的表达方式,即"to..."例6 (
)_______ is your birthday?A. What time
D.How答案 B点拨 提问生日一般只问日期,而不是日期.例7 It's seven thirty now.( (就划线部分提问)  _______
is it now?答案 What time点拨 提问具体的时刻要用What time......?例8 I like fish best.()Fish is ___________ _________ food.答案 my favourite点拨 favorite=like ......best例9 school,often,at,6:30,go,I,to.(连词成句)答案 I often go to school at 6:30.点拨 这种题目需要先看懂句子大意,然后根据意思和句子成分找出主要句子成分,然后判断句式,是疑问句还是陈述句,再来排列句子。例如这句话经判断是个陈述句,找出主语是I ,谓语动词是go,go to school ,再跟上时间 at 6:30即可。例10 (
) They are talking _______ the new filmA. to
D. with答案 C点拨 talk about sth/ sb 论某事或某人Unit 2
Lessons start at nine o'clock.【预习导航学案】(走进去,眼前一道美丽的风景)【轻松起航】一. 读课本,找出以下短语的意思并写下来.1.get up _______
2.have to _______
4.have a to my friends______
6.go home ___________7have dinner__________
8.lessons start_________二.用and 或or连接句子。9.I can speak English. I can speak English very well.  10.He likes playing piano. He can't play it well.11.They often run in the morning. They don't like running.12..She has two daughters. Her daughters are doctors.【激活思维】1.你在学校的一天都有哪些活动?用英语把它们以短语的形式写下来吧!2.你知道and这个单词怎么用吗?它和with又有什么区别呢?【教材研读】一. .I get up at half past seven in the morning and have breakfast.我早上7点半起床, 然后吃早餐。have breakfast 吃早餐have lessons 上课
have a rest 休息
have dinner 吃饭
have a good time 玩得愉快
have a look 看一看 注意: 一日三餐前不需要加任何的冠词吃一日三餐既可用have 也可用eat, 如 eat breakfast, eat dinner.二.We have a break and I talk to my friends. 我们休息一下,和朋友谈话.
have a break= have a rest 休息talk to 对...说话, 强调一方对另一方 talk with 和...说话,强调双方谈话tell sb. sth. 告诉 某人某事
talk about sb/sth 谈论某人或某事Talk about your family. 谈论一下你的家庭.四. My school is next to my house.我的学校在我家旁边.next to 在...旁边/附近I work in the office next to hers.我工作的办公室在她的办公室旁边.Come and sit next to me. 来,坐我旁边.五. I do my homework and go to bed at ten o'clock.我做完作业,然后在10点上床睡觉六.Lessons start at nine o'clock . 9点钟开始上课.Lessons finish at 3:30.
3:30下课. 在这里, start 和 finish是一对反义词.另外,注意finish的用法: finish doing sth.When are you going to finish doing your homework?你打算什么时候完成你的家庭作业?七.We have meat and rice , with vegetables, or hamburgers. 我们吃肉米饭和菜,或者汉堡包.  I drink Coke or water.
我喝可乐或水.or是个并列连词,意思是 "或者"的意思, 也用于连接并列的单词、词组、短语或句子.其用法如下:1.连接并列的单词、词组、短语或句子,表示\"或者\"的意思。如:We can visit the World Park or travel around the world. 我们可以参观世界公园,或者周游全世界。2.用在选择疑问句中,灵活译为\"还是\"。如:Is that an apple or an orange?那是苹果还是桔子?3.否定句中,代替and ,表示\"和\"的意思。如:I don\'t like bread , rice or porridge.我不喜欢面包、米饭和粥。4.连接两个并列的句子,表示\"否则,要不然\"的意思。如Hurry up, or you'll be late.快点,否则你要迟到啦。八.
and, but的用法1)and的基本意义为\"和, 又, 而\",是专门连接并列的单词、词组、短语或句子,起承上启下的作用。用在句子开头的时候,一般不译出来。同学们要注意的是:and所连接的词语或句子属于并列关系,前后是没有任何矛盾的。如:Tom and David are in the same class.汤姆和大卫在同一班。Let\'s go and see, OK? 咱们去看看,好吗?I bought Granny a present, and she liked it very much.我给奶奶买了件礼物,她非常喜欢。2) but表示\"但是,可是,却\"的意思。也是连接并列的单词、词组、短语或句子,要提醒大家注意的是:but虽然属于并列连词,但是却表示转折关系,总用于前后句发生矛盾的时候。另外大家还要注意:英语和汉语在表示\"虽然......但是......\"的时候是不同的,英语中,用了\"虽然\"就不用\"但是\",用了\"但是\"就不再用\"虽然\"虽然天很晚了,但是他们还是继续工作。[误] Though it was very late, but they still went on working.[正] Though it was very late, they still went on working.[正] It was very late, but they still went on working.【方法链接】例1 They _____ an English lesson on Monday.A. go
D. get答案 C点拨have a/an ... lesson ,上/有一节...... 课例2(
) I have _______ supper at 6:30 in the evening.A. a B. an C. the D./  C. the
D./答案 D点拨 一日三餐前不加任何冠词.例 3 He often talks__________ his desk mate in class.A. to B. in C. at D.for答案 A点拨 talk to 对...说话, 强调一方对另一方例4 My house is ___next
to____ our school.(就划线部分提问)答案 Where is your house?点拨 这里提问的是在哪里,应where.例5 改错I am (A) not know (B) his name (C).答案 A点拨 因为know是个行为动词,所以应用don't来否定.例6 They finish _______(do) their homework at six.答案 doing点拨 finish的用法: finish doing sth.例 7用所给词的适当形式填空Lessons ________(start) at 3:00 in the afternoon.答案 finish点拨 因为后面的时间是下午,所以要填它的反义词finish.例8 They get up .They have breakfast.(用and合为一句)答案 They get up and have breakfast.点拨 这里and连接的是两个并列的谓语动词.例9 (
) She doesn't like playing football _______ watching TV.A. or
C. in D. to答案 A点拨 在否定句里不用and而用or来代替.例10 (
) She has a ruler, ________ it's too small.A. and
B. so C. but答案 C点拨 这两个分句之间含有转折之意,故选C例11 Is your friend a boy?Is your friend a girl?(用or连接为一个选择疑问句)答案 Is your friend a boy or a girl?点拨 选择疑问句只需用or连接两个分句即可,前后分句仍保持一般疑问句的形式;但其回答不用yes或no,而是选择一个回答即可.如这个句子,只需回答a boy或a girl即可.例12 (
) He likes drawing pictures ________ he can't draw very well.A. and
D.to答案 C点拨 前后两个分句之间是转折的关系,故选but.               Unit 3
Language in use【预习导航学案】(走进去,眼前一道美丽的风景)【轻松起航】一. 词形变换1.houses(单数)
2、no(同音词)3、do not(缩略式)
6、can(否定式)7.finish (反义词)________
fast (合为一词)_______二. 选择填空9.I think the hat is ______ the chair. A. to B. in C. over D. on10.I go to bed ______ about nine o'clock every day. A. at  B. in  C. on  D. for11.- ___ is this man?
A. Who B. Where
C.How D. How old12. Is she in Class 2
____ in Class 3? A. at
B. on C. and
D. or 13.Tom and I
______ students.
D. ×【激活思维】1.单词的构成有很多种形式如:football是由单词foot和ball合成的;no,know是一对同音词。我们记忆也可以找出它们的联系,这样就可一起到事半功倍的效果。你还能想出哪些例子呢?2.我们在这一单元里学习了时间的读法及用法,快来总结以下介词in, at, on 的用法吧【教材研读】一.介词at/in /on 用法当它们都用在时间的前面时,at常用在具体某一时刻前,如at six o'clock,at half past twelve等。而in常用在一段时间的前面,如in the morning,in 1999等。至于on则常用在具体的某一天前,如:on Sunday morning,on Wednesday等。三.do homework
do housework 做家务They do their homework at 6:00 every day.他们每天6点钟做作业。He often helps his mother do housework.他经常帮他妈妈做家务。四.In the UK,children finish school and go home at about threeo'clock in the afternoon.在英国,孩子们在下午大约3点钟时就放学回家.五. 语法行为动词的一般现在时(1)1. 要表达经常性或习惯性的动作,要用一般现在时  I do my homework and go to bed at ten o'clock.我做完作业,然后在10点上床睡觉。.I get up at half past seven in the morning and have breakfast.我早上7点半起床, 然后吃早餐。2. 表示现在的状态,也可用一般现在时 I know him very well.我和他很熟. I like English very much.我非常喜欢英语.3. 第一人称和第二人称以及第三人称复数的一般现在时其谓语动词没有形式变化,其否定形式一般是在谓语动词前加don't( do not). I don't know him very well. 我和他不很熟. They don't like maths. 他们不喜欢数学。 主语是第一人称和第二人称及第三人称复数的其谓语动词一般现在时形式列表如下:肯定形式否定形式I go to school on Sunday.I don't go to school on Sunday.You sing very well.You don't sing very well.We have Chinese at eight o'clockWe don't have Chinese at eight o'clockThey go to bed at nine o'clock.They don't go to bed at nine o'clock.【方法链接】例1(
)They go to the park ______ Sunday morning.A. in B. at C. on D.╳答案 C点拨 在早晨,下午,晚上前用in而在具体某一天的早晨,下午,晚上则要用on例2 I do my homework at 6:00 every day (改为否定句)答案 I don't do my homework at 6:00 every day.点拨 此题学生常误做为: I don't my homework at 6:00 every day.在这里do my homework 里的do是个行为动词,需在其前面加don't.应该明白这两个do并非是一事,don't里的do是个助动词,并非是 原句中的那个行为动词do.例3 We go to bed at nine o'clock.(改为否定句)答案 We don't go to bed at nine o'clock.点拨 这是个含有行为动词go,主语为第一人称复数的一般现在时的句子,故应go前加上don't变为否定句.例4 His father ________ (go) to work by bike.答案 goes点拨 一般现在时的句子主语和谓语动词要保持一致,his father是第三人称单数,故谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式goes.          Module7
【同步升级演练】【基础巩固题】I. 中译英:1.打篮球
7.回家_____________ 8.做家务 _________________II.根据句子意思及首字母提示补全单词,完成句子:9.What's the time? - It's h_____ past seven.
10.I usually g ____ up at 6 o'clock in the morning.11.- What is your f_______ lesson? - Maths.
12.I like English very much , what a _____ you?13.- When is your English lesson?
at seven o'clock.III. 汉语提示,完成句子:14..We have _____(化学)at half past four this afternoon.
15._________(历史)is my favorite lesson.16.We play baseball on the ______(操场).
17.I often ________(起床) at six o'clock.18.The children in the UK ____(放学) and go home at about three o'clock in the afternoon.【探究提高题】IV.用括号内单词的适当形式填空.19.What are your _______(lesson) today?
20.When is your ________ (China) lesson?21.They ________(not do) their homework..
22.Would you like ______(go)with me?23.Sunday is the ______ (one) day in a week.. 24.Lucy and Lily are _______ (English).V.补全对话.A: What _25___ is it today?B: It's Wednesday. What are your lessons today?A: Today ,we _26__Chinese _27_ eight o'clock. We have science At nine o'clock and we have maths at ten o'clock.B: I __28____ like maths! My maths teacher is so strict(严厉的)! We have chemistry at half _29____ eleven. We don't have science today. In the afternoon, I have are at half past one and I have an English lesson at half past two. What __30___ you?A: We
have __31__ art lesson, __32______. I love art, it's my ___33___ lesson.VI.单项选择(
) 34. This is
) 35. Is this your ruler?
A. this is
B. it isn't
C. it is D. this is not(
) 36. That's not my bike.
______ , this is my bike.
B. Ask C. Look
D. look at(
)37. It's time ______ home.
B. come C. to go  D. to come(
)38. It's warm (暖和) here. Take ______ your hat, please.
A. of  B. off  C. to  D. down(
)39. Our lessons
at 7:30 every morning.
A. start B. starting C. starts D. to start(
)40. I go to Park School
Oxford, UK.
A. at B. in C. with D. near( )41. The policeman is talking
the driver.
B. with C. on
D. at( )42. Does he like maths ______________ art?
A. and B. with C. or
D. so( )43. Tim likes football ________ he often watches football matches on TV.
D. and【拓展延伸题】VII改错:(
) 44.Sorry (A) ,are (B) you Mr. Green (C)?
) 45.Tom isn't (A) at (B) the home
) 46.Lily (A) is (B) English girl (C).
) 47. Is (A) your (B) friend an English (C).
) 48. Are (A) you Li Ming? Yes (B), I'm(C).
) 49. He's (A) in (B) Number Five (C).
(A)  Luck and Kate are English girls. They are twins. They are studying Chinese in Beijing now. They are in Miss Gao's class. In their class, there are fifty-two students. There are twenty-eight boys and twenty-four girls.  Where are the twins? Look, they are sitting near the door of the classroom. Lucy is wearing a red coat. Kate is wearing a yellow sweater. They are having a Chinese class. They like Chinese.根据短文内容判断正误。对的在括号里打"T",错的打"F"。(
)50、The two girls are twins. They are in a school of China. (
)52、Lucy is in a yellow sweater.(
)53、Now they are studying Chinese in the classroom.
)54、There are twenty-eight girls in their class.(B)Li Ming is a schoolboy. He is twelve. He lives in Shanghai. He studies in No.1 Middle School. He gets up at half past five every day . He reads English and Chinese in the morning. He has breakfast at seven . After that , he goes to school with his friends. They have four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. In the evening he does his homework at home. But he often watches TV on Saturday evening. Li Ming likes drawing . He draws better than his sister. He likes reading story-books. Now he is reading an English book in the room.(
) 55.Li Ming is a _______.
A. student B. girl C. teacher D. doctor(
)56.Li Ming gets up _____ every day.
A. at seven B. early C. at six D. very late(
)57.Li Ming does his homework ______.A.
every evening B. at school
C. at home D. in the afternoon(
)58.Li Ming likes ______.A. English and Chinese B. playing football C. growing flowers D. drawing and reading(
)59. Li Ping has _____classes at school every day .A. four
D. six【中考模拟】. 补全对话:A: Hi, Jack. What do you like doing after school?B.
60A: Do you like to have a race(比赛) with Class 2?B:.
61C: May I join your team too?A:.
62B: Who else is good at running?C: Charlie.A: Is he in the classroom?C:
63B: Where is he now?C:
64A: Let's ask him to join us.B and C: OK. Let's go.【单元质量评估】
Module Seven        (满分100分,时间为100分钟)I、语音
在下面各组单词中找出一个划线部分读音与其他三个不同的选项:(5分) (
)1. A. past
B. art C. half D. have
)2. A. half B. talk C. wall D. all (
)3. A. about B. house C. young
)4. A. school B. lunch C. watch D. match (
)5. A. think B. these C. birthday
D. theaterII. 根据句子意思把括号内的汉语译成英语:(5分)6. He likes
(艺术).7. There isn't any milk
(和) coffee in the fridge.8. They often ____________________(谈论) the football match.9.In the evening,we watch TV and have___________(晚饭,正餐)10. They have _____(历史)at half past four this afternoon.III. 用适当的介词填空:(5分)11.I go to school ____ the morning.
12.Bill gets up ____ half past five every morning.13.We don't have any lessons _____ Sunday.
14.We play football ____half _____ five in the afternoon.15.-
When is your English lesson?
- ____ seven.IV、单项选择:(10分)16._____? - It's Sunday. A. What's day is it?
B. What day is it? C. What's the day is it? D. What the day is it?17.We ______ lessons today.
B. not have
C. haven't some
D. don't have any18.- When is your English lesson?
- It's at _______. A. eight o'clock
B. eight half o'clock
C. half past eight o'clock
D. half o'clock seven19.They ___ at six o'clock in the evening. A. do homeworks
B. do their homework
C. does his homework D. do their homeworks20.In the morning, I get up ____ wash my face.
D. and21.My brother and I _____ at school from Monday to Friday. A. have lunchs
B. have a lunch
C. have lunch
D. have the lunch22.I have many things to do, _______ me. A. not speak to me
B. not talk to me
C. talk to
D. don't talk to me23.I'm tired(累了). Let's ______. A. have a break
C. go to school
D. play basket ball24.We ____ three lessons in the morning.
C. there are
D. go25.- ______ is your school?
- It's next to my house.
D. WhatV句型转换:(10分)26.My English lesson is at 8 o'clock.. (对划线部分提问)
______ is your English lesson?27.Today is Monday. (对划线部分提问)
______ ________ is today?28.We have three lessons in the morning. (改为否定句)
We ______ ________ three lesson in the morning.29.We do our homework at home in the evening. (改为否定句) We _____ _______ our homework in the evening.30.My father likes swimming. I don't like it.(选择but或and连接句子)My father likes swimming ______ I don't like it at all.VI完形填空:(10分)Janet Jin is a tennis star. She is
In the morning, she usually
at seven o'clock, she
her friends usually
tennis at nine o'clock. They play for 3 hours. At twelve o'clock, Janet has
lunch. School
at one o'clock. At four o'clock, she usually plays tennis again. At six o'clock, she has dinner. She usually does
homework at 7:30. At 9:00, she
tennis on TV. Janet usually goes to bed at 10:30. Tennis is Janet's life.31.A. 13 years old
B. 13 year old
C. 13 years age
D. 13 age32.A. get up
B. gets up
C. go to bed
D. goes to bed33.A. has lunch
B. has the lunch
C. has breakfast
D. has the breakfast34.A. half seven
B. seven half
C. seven and half
D. half past seven35.A. and
D. or36.A. plays the
C. play the
D. play37.A. a
D. a big38.A. start
D. finish39.A. the
D. one's40.A. looks
C. looks at
D. watchesVII 阅读理解:(40分)
①There are seven days in a week. They are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Most(多数) children go to school from Monday to Friday. Most people don't work on Saturday or Sunday and most shops are closed in England on Saturday and Sunday. But in China shops are open every day. Sunday is always a holiday. Some people go to church(教堂) on that day. The time between Friday evening and Monday morning is the weekend. It is time for rest. We don't work all the time. We have to rest from time to time. We rest over the weekend.(
)41. Most children don't go to school on ________A. Saturday B. Monday C. Wednesday D. Tuesday(
)42. Most people go to work on _______________A. Saturday B. Sunday
C. Tuesday
D. Monday(
)43. In China shops are open _______________.A. on Tuesday
B. every day
C. on Thursday
D. at weekend(
)44. We have ___________ on the weekend.
A. to work B. a good rest C. lessons D. time( )45. There are ________ people in most shops in England on Sunday. A.
some B. many C. no D. every②time
weekMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday9:10MathMathEnglish10:30ChemistryHistoryChemistryChemistry11:15History1:45PhysicsPhysicsPhysics3:00EnglishMath( )46. What lessons do they have at 1:45 on Wednesday? A. Physics B. Chemistry C. History D. Math( )47. Do they have lessons at 10:30 on Thursday?A. Yes, they have. B. No, they don't. C. We don't know. D. None(没有)of the above.( )48. On Friday, a physics lesson begins at ____________
C. 1:45 D. 3:00( )49. How many lessons do they have in a week?
C. 12 D. 13( )50. How many kinds of lessons do they have in a week?
D. 6③On weekdays, Jim gets up at 6:30. He has breakfast at 7:00 and then he goes to school. He goes to school with his friend, Roy.He goes to school at about 7:30 every day. He doesn't like to be late. They start classes at 8:00. They have lunch at school in the middle of the day. In the afternoon, they finish school at 3:00, and Jim go home at about 4:00. But they often play basketball, and he gets home at 5:00. He has supper at about 6:00 with his parents.  In the evening, Jim does his homework. He often watches TV on Saturday evening. He goes to bed at about 10:30根据短文内容,选择正确的答案:51.- When does Jim get up on weekdays? - He gets up at _____A. six
B. half past six C. seven D. half past seven52.- Does he go to school at about seven o'clock?
- ____.A. six
B. half past six
D. half past seven53.- Where does he have lunch?
- ________.A. At school
B. At home
C. in the middle of the day
D. in the afternoon54.He usually has lunch at _________.
A. middle day
B. morning
D. 1:0055.The meaning of "get home" in Chinese is _______ A. 回家
D.离开家④School in the USA are a little different(不同的)
from schools in China. Usually, there is no school uniform (校服) in the USA. In many Chinese schools , students have school uniforms .Classes start at 8:30 each morning and the school day ends(结束) at 3:30 or 4 o'clock in the USA. In China , classes usually start at 8:00 in the morning and the school day ends at 5:30 in the afternoon .Students have one hour for lunch and two 20-minutes(分钟) breaks(休息) each day in the USA. One break is in the morning, and the other is in the afternoon.. In China, students have two hours for lunch and a ten-minute break after each class. In the USA, students often go to the school cafeteria(食堂) at lunchtime or at a break. They buy food and drinks(饮料) there. But in China, students often play games on the playground(操场) or have a break in the classroom after lunch or at a break.阅读上文,回答下列问题:56.Is there uniform in the schools in the USA?
____________________________________.57.When do the students in the USA end their school? _________________________________.58.How long do Chinese students can have break each day? ____________________________ .59.How many breaks do the students in the USA have? ________________________________.60.Which kind of school do you like ? ______________________________________________.VIII.书面表达(15分)请根据名片及作息表的信息,以My day为题,写一篇短文,字数在60-80左右。ScheduleTimeActivity6:00Get up6:20Climb the hill7:00Have breakfast7:30Go to work8:00Star the work11:30Finish the work12:00Have lunch(in the hospital)2:00Start the work againModule 7【轻松起航】部分
UNIT 1预习导航【答案及解析】一.1.have breakfast
2.have lessons
4.have a break
5.have meat
6.有一本英语书二.8.two o'clock 9.six thirty/half past six 10.four fifteen/fifteen past four 11.eight twenty/twenty past eight 12.nine fifty/ten to ten 13.eleven fifty-five/five to twelve【激活思维】部分【答案及解析】1.have a look 看一看 have a swim游泳 I have a book 我有一本书
have English 上英语课 have a drink 喝点酒或饮料
have a dream 做梦2. 如果是半小时之内,一般过、差式,即几点差几分,几点过几分。(以30分为分界线) eg.
twenty-five past one
;用几点过几分的表达方式,"...past..."如果超过了半小时,则用还差几分不到几点的表达方式,即"to..."这是时间的逆读法.【轻松起航】部分 UNIT 2 预习导航学案【答案及解析】一.1.起床 2. 吃早饭 3.与......相邻 4.休息一下 5.和朋友们交谈 6.回家 7.吃饭 8.开始上课三. 9.I can speak English and I can speak English very well.
10.He likes playing piano but he can't play it well.11.They often run in the morning but they don't like running.
12.She has two daughters and her daughters are doctors.【激活思维】部分【答案及解析】1.我们在学校的活动常见的有很多,如:get up , run., have breakfast, go to school, lessons start, have a break, talk to friends, go to playground, play football, have lunch, lessons finish , go home, have dinner, do homework, go to bed 等等。2 .and, 和,是个连词,用来连接两个并列的句子或句子成分。如He and his father are at home 连接的是并列主语。He likes swimming and singing .连接的就是两个并列的宾语了;而with是个介词, "和......一起"的意思,不表示并列.当它和主语连用时,谓语动词仍由主语决定,不受with的影响.如: He with his father is at home.【轻松起航】部分
UNIT 3 预习导航学案【答案及解析】一 2.know 3.don't 4.our 5.him 6.can't 7.start 8.breakfast二. 9.D
on the chair 在椅子上 10 . A 具体时刻前用介词at 11.B 提问地点用where 12.D or 或者 13.C and 连接的是两个并列的主语Tom 和我,是复数。【激活思维】部分【答案及解析】1.同音词: meet,meat ;you, u ; 缩略词:don't, doesn't
反义词: finish, go , 词形变化: he , his , him ......2.当这三个词都用来修饰时间时,in后跟一段时间如: in the morning ,in 2006; at 要用在某一时刻前如: at 6:00 o' on
要用在具体的某一天前如: on Wednesday, on my birthday.Module 7 My school day【同步升级演练】部分【答案及解析】I. basketball 2.five thirty/half past five 3. six twenty/twenty past six4.have a break 5. six fifty /ten to seven 6. go to bed 7.go home houseworkII.9. half 10.get 11.favourite 12.about 13.It'sIII. 14. chemistry 15.History 16.playground 17.get up 18.finish schoolIV.19. lessons 20. Chinese 21. don't 22 .to go 23. first 24. EnglishV. don'29.30. 31.32.33. favouriteVI.34.B 字母 ''s"的音标是/es/, 第一个音标是个元音,所以要用
35.B Is this /that ......?用it来回答而不是用this/that . 36. C 只表示看的动作,不表示结果,后未跟宾语,无须加介词at.37.C It's time to do sth 该做......了,到了做......的时候了. 38.D 根据句意是摘下,拿下之意39.A 主语lessons是复数,所以用start. 40.B Park School在UK, Oxford 的范围之内,故要用介词in. 41.B talk to sb, 和某人交谈 42.C 二者选择用or 43. D like和 watch是两个并列的谓语动词,要用 and.VII.44.(A) Excuse me
当在打扰别人向人询问时用 excuse me 而不是 sorry.45.(C) at home
at home 是一个固定搭配,在家的意思.46.(C) an English girl
这里 English是个形容词47.(C)
English一个英国人不可说成an English ,因为是所有英国人的总称,而只能说an English boy/girl/man/woman ,或直接用其形容词的用法. 48.(C)
I am 当做答语时不可以缩写.49.( B) 去掉 in表示是几号时前面不需任何的介词.VIII.(A) 50--54TTFTF
(B) 55-59 ABCDD【中考模拟】60. I like running. 61. Yes, that's a good idea.62. Sure.
63. No, he isn't.
64. He's on the playground.Module 7 【 单元质量评估】【答案及解析】I.1--5
否定句中表达"和"的意思时用or 而不用and 8. talk about 9.dinner 10.historyIII.11. in 12. at 13. on 14. at , past 15. atIV 16.B 提问星期几用What day is it? 17. D 由lessons可知前面是复数用some或any而some不能用于否定句中. 18. A .B中的只用于逆读法中,C 中多了o'clock 只有整点是才加o'clock. 19.B. AD 中的homework不可数,不能用为复数;C 主语是they ,不能用his. 20.D and连接两个并列的谓语 21.C 一日三餐不用复数且前面不加任何介词. 22.D 根据句意用祈使句. 23.A 根据句意需填 A 休息 24.B 上课用动词have
25.A 问在哪里用whereV
27.What day
28. don't have 29.don't do 30.butVI
36-40 DDBCD.VII ①41-45 ACBBC.
② 46-50 ABCDC ③ 51-55 BDACC 57. At 3:30 or 4:00 o'clock in the afternoon. 58. They have two hours for lunch and a ten-minutes break after each class. 59. They have two. 60. 学生可根据自己的喜好自由回答.VIII One possible version:
My dayMy name is Zhao Qiang. I live in 114 Beijing Road, Qingdao ,Shandong. I am a doctor. I work in Qingdao People's Hospital. I work very hard. At 6:00 I get up, then I climb the hill. At 7:00 I have breakfast. I go to work at 7:30.In the hospital, I start my work at 8:00 at about 11:30, I have a good rest and have lunch in the hospital at 12:00 at 2:00, I start my work again. Then I go home at 5:30. I cook for family. They have supper at 6:30.In the evening, I watch CCTV news on TV at 7:00. At about 10:30, I go to bed.


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