为什么充电宝充不进去电了 strngway

  新华网12月25日电&据科技博客网站Gizmodo报道,Paick"s Noble 日前推出了一款售价只有50美元的体积轻巧的充电宝,其电源接口以特有的弹出式设计避免了接口沾染灰尘的可能,  拿着一块比你的智能手机还要大个儿的备用电池方便快捷何在?这个事实首先让人崩溃的是手机本应是便于携带的设备。备用电池的未来,体积减小就是王道。Paick"s Noble 设计了一款弹出式的USB接口,可以有效防止灰尘和破损,这样一体化的设计让整个备用电源非常便于携带。    这款充电宝电容高达6,000毫安,一次足以让散步苹果手机“起死回生”,或能一次性充满iPad及其他更大的平板电脑。尽管这款充电宝并非市面上可以购买到的体积最小的,但两个USB和一个mini USB接口足以让它成为你的包包里最实用的装备。售价仅50美元,如此便携的充电宝你还在等什么呢?  译者:张艺  百度新闻与新华网国际频道合作稿件,转载请注明出处。  Pop-up Ports Keep this Backup Battery Slim and Svelte  What"s the point of carrying around a backup battery that"s larger than the smartphone it"s designed to boost? It defeats the purpose of carrying a pocketable device in the first place. When it comes to backup batteries, slim is the only way to go, and with a set of pop-ports that keep its USB ports free of dust and crap, Paick"s Noble will easily slip into a bag or pocket.  The Noble"s 6,000mAh battery is large enough to bring three iPhones back from the dead, or completely recharge an iPad or other larger tablet. At half an inch thick it"s not the slimmest battery you can buy, but with two USB and a microUSB port, it could be one of the more useful tools in your bag. And, with an introductory price of just $50 it"s a ridiculously affordable way to ensure you never find yourself with a dead phone. [Paick]来源新华国际)


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