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时间: 10:41:54 来源:可可英语 编辑:max
CMore than anything else in the world, Lion liked being King of the jungle.He walked around, showing off his power and pride.Each day Lion took a long lazy sleep under the shade of his favourite tree.He always dreamed of weaker animals bowing(鞠躬) before him.One day Mouse ran through the jungle and tripped over Lion’s huge paws.Lion woke up with a start.“How dare you wake me up! ”he shouted angrily.Lion grabbed Mouse with one paw.“On the second thought, I’m in the mood for the snack, and you’ll make a delicious meal.”, he said.Mouse cried out, “King Lion, please spare(饶恕) me! If you let me live, I’ll always remember your kindness.And, some day, I might be able to help you.”“ How could such a powerless little mouse ever help me?” That thought made Lion laugh so much that he decided to let Mouse go.A week later, Lion was walking through the jungle on the way to his favourite tree when he stepped onto a hunter’s net.The net scooped him up. No matter how he twisted and turned, he couldn’t escape.When Mouse heard Lion’s frightened shouts, he raced to help. Mouse quickly chewed(咬)through the ropes to make a hole in the net.Soon, Lion moved out and was free. Lion looked down at the little mouse. “Thank you for saving my life,” said Lion, smiling his widest smile.“I was mistaken.You are not a powerless little mouse.You are a great friend!”31. What did Lion do each day? A. He stepped onto a hunter’s net. B. He bowed before weaker animals. C. He showed kindness to animals in the jungle. D. He had a good sleep under his favourite tree.32. How did Mouse wake up Lion? A. He made a hole in the net. B. He shouted at Lion angrily. C. He tripped over Lion’s paws. D. He prepared a delicious meal for Lion.33. Why did Lion let Mouse go? A. Because he was trapped in the net. B. Because he took Mouse as his good friend. C. Because he believed Mouse could save him. D. Because he doubted if Mouse could be of any help.34. What do you think of Mouse? A. Clever and honest. B. Silly and lazyC. Humorous and stubborn D. Proud and selfish.35. What can we learn from the passage? A. Pride makes you lose what you have. B. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. C. Even the small can show great strength. D. When the cat’s away, the mice will play.DMike Myers is a teacher at Chauncey Rose High
School in Terre Haute,
Indiana.Last year, he taught his students about the world’s rain forests.They learned that rain forests are important because the plants and animals of the rain forest give us food, wood, and medicine.Destruction of the world’s rain forests is a serious problem.Unluckily, rain forests are disappearing at a rate of 80 acres per minute!As part of a class project, Myers’ students bought three acres of rain forest in Central America.They paid $25 per acre.The students hope that the land they bought will be protected and not destroyed. The students became so interested in rain forests that they decided to get a closer look at a real rain forest.So last June, Myers and four of his students took a boat ride down a river.They saw alligators and crocodiles.In the middle of the week, a guide took Myers and his students into the rain forest.“The monkeys were not happy that we were in their forest.They broke small branches off the trees and threw them at e us,” one of the students said, “It was a great learning experience for all of us,” said Myers.Each student chose something specific about Costa Rica to study involving the plants, animals, food, and culture.During the last few days the group had time to do fun activities.They went whitewater rafting and horseback riding, and visited Costa
Rica’s active volcano.Myers hopes to make the trip every year with a different group of kids.36. How much did Myers’ students pay for the rain forest they bought? A. $25 B. $75C. $80 D. $200037. What did Myers and his students do at the beginning of the trip? A. They went into the rain forest. B. They bought acres of rain forest. C. They took a boat ride down a river.D. They visited Costa Rica’s active volcano.38. The word “Destruction” in paragraph 2 probably means “the process of being ______.” A. destroyed B. developedC. described D. discovered.39. When the monkeys saw Myers and his students, they ___________. A. felt excitedB. felt angryC. jumped off the trees D. left the rain forest40. The passage mainly shows that Myers and his students __________. A. did something to protect rain forest B. wanted to buy the rain forest in Costa Rica C. were interested in the culture of Costa Rica D. went to the rain forest for various fun activities 非选择题 (共50分)四、填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)A) 根据括号中所给定汉语写出单词,使句子意思完整正确,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为41-45的相应位置上。41. Millie lives on a healthy diet. She ________(很少) has sweet snacks.42. Stephen was________(忙碌的) with the report on giant pandas last week.43. People aren’t allowed to eat food on the underground in Nanjing from the next________ (月).44. Madee felt proud when she ________the national flag in the playground this Monday.45. Jiangnan Examination Office in Confucius Temple attracted________of tourists on China Tourist Day this year.B). 根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空,并将爱那个答案填写在答题卡号为46-50的相应位置上。46. The twin brothers always keep________(argue) about what TV programmes to watch.47. It’s easy for local people________(choose) various goods in Sunnyside Shopping Mall.48. Students in some junior schools can________(learn) to play tennis or baseball in PE lessons.49. The Bruce family had to give up camping in the Purple
Mountain on such a________ (fog) day.50. Many students are________(happy) with too much homework.They need more time for their hobbies.C) 根据对话内容,从下面方框中选择适当的单膝或短语填空,使对话内容完整正确,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为51-55的相应位置上.
A:You’ve been to Australia, haven’t you?B: Yea, I have.I was working in Australia for a year and I traveled51 the country.A: What kind of work were you doing?B; I was teaching Chinese52 things – Kung Fu and paper cut in a school.A: Did you see kangaroos?B: Yes. One weekend, I was driving in the countryside.I saw a kangaroo jumping right to my car! When I stopped the car, it stopped jumping and53me.Then I saw it was carrying its baby in its front.A: What was the best place you visited in Australia?B: Uluru! It is a red mountain in the desert.It’s very special54for Australians.A: Did you miss your family55 you were in Australia?B; Yes, I missed them, but I never forget the experience in Australia!五、 阅读填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) A) 阅读下面短文,根据所读内容,在文章后第56-65小题大空格里填入一个最恰当的单词,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为56-65的相应位置上。 注意:每个空格只填1个单词。 Mayme Clayton collected books, magazines and letters written by African Americans.Her son, Avery Clayton,thought her collection was important. Unlike most books,these were rare and hard to find.They were written by writers who helped shape African American culture.One book in the collection was written by Phillis Wheatley.Wheatley was a slave who wrote poetry.She was the first African American to publish (出版) a book. Wheatley herself signed (签名) the book in the Claytons’ collection.No one else owns a copy signed by Phillis Wheatley.By the time she passed away at age 83, Mrs. Clayton had more than 30,000 books by or about black people.Her collection also includes papers about slaves, photographs, movies, sheet music, and personal letters by black leaders and artists.It is one of the biggest personal collections of African American history and culture in the United States. Avery Clayton’s dream was to create a museum for his mother’s treasures.Scholars say that Mrs. Clayton’s collection is very important.Without her work, part of African American heritage (遗产) would have been lost. “We didn’t know these things existed,” says Sara Hadron of California’s Huntington Library. The collections new home is likely to be in Culver City, California.Part of Avery Clayton’s dream is to share the cultural riches his mother collected with others. He especially wants kids to have a chance to see the collection.“ At present African American culture is being explained by pop culture,” he says, “ It’s important to offer a more complete picture.”Mayme Clayton and Her CollectionPersonal
information● She liked56
books, magazines and letters written by African Americans.●She57when
she was 83years old.Her collection● Compared
with other books, the books she collected couldn’t be found 58 .● The only copy written
and59 by Phillis Wheatley was in her collection.● She had a
large collection ,60 books, paper, photographs and other things by black leaders and artists.● Her
collections is of great 61 to African American history and culture. Her62 dream● A63
for the treasure would be created.● He hopes
to64the culture riches collected by his mother with more
people, especially65.B) 根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为66-75的相应位置上.
In the 1930s, Dan West was farming in Spain.It was wartime, and people were starving (挨饿). An i 66hit him as he handed out cups of milk to children. “These children don’t need a cup.They need a cow.” This was the b67of Heifer International. Heifer International gives different k68 of gifts.Its gifts might say “quack” or “moo”.Dan West asked friends in the United States to give gifts of heifers(小母牛), or young cows.S 69then, Heifer International has given animals to four million families.It gives people the chance to f70themselves. Heifers International wants the people they help to help others.For one project, the groups71 chickens to some children in Asia.The children yearned for(向往) the day when they could help others.Nine-year-old Julie knew she had to look after her chickens w72 so they would produce new eggs and healthy chicks.She t73 good care of them, and they gave birth to strong, healthy chicks.Julie then passed on the gift of chicks to other families. Because of Heifer International, children can s74 their days in a schoolhouse instead of working in the fields.They can use the money they earn from their animals to pay for school.Heifer International has made a huge d75 to people’s lives for many years.People should be grateful to a kindhearted farmer named Dan West.66i ▲67b ▲68k ▲69s ▲70f ▲71s ▲ 72w ▲73t ▲74s ▲75d ▲六、书面表达(满分15分) 假如你是来自英国某中学的交换生Daniel, 你想参加英文报纸Jinling Daily 广告中介绍的机器人培训班。
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adj. 幽默的,诙谐的
n. 收集,收取,聚集,收藏品,募捐
adj. 传统的
adj. 纯白的 n. 百合花
n. 破坏,毁灭,破坏者
adj. 受惊的,受恐吓的
n. 阴影,遮蔽,遮光物,(色彩的)浓淡vt
adj. 文献的n. 纪录片
adj. 密封的,不透气的,无懈可击的
n. 环境,外界


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