
so 改成 too
too ... to 如此、、、以至于
Too…to do sth太…而不能我太累了,不能再往前走了。
I'm too tired to go any farther. SO改为Too
so 改成too
出门在外也不愁一道英语改错题求解题:If people cannot afford to buy their own house,they can rent property from a private landlord,as 10% of the population does,or from their local council.这句话中的as 10% of the population does是错误的,应该_百度作业帮
一道英语改错题求解题:If people cannot afford to buy their own house,they can rent property from a private landlord,as 10% of the population does,or from their local council.这句话中的as 10% of the population does是错误的,应该
一道英语改错题求解题:If people cannot afford to buy their own house,they can rent property from a private landlord,as 10% of the population does,or from their local council.这句话中的as 10% of the population does是错误的,应该改成as do 10% of the population,请问这里为什么要用倒装使用法?
首先是10% of the population 是复数而不是单数,因为 population指“人口”总称,是集合名词时,常用单数.作主语,其谓语动词可以用单数,侧重整体;也可用复数,侧重个体.这里是侧重个体的.所以用do而不用does.其次,as可以引导倒装句用于强调,在这句话中,as do 10% of the population 是对前面rent property from a private landlord这个的修饰,强调有10%的人会这样做.
请问如果换成the same as 10% of the people do对不对?
不对,如果要改用the same as,要这样:If people cannot afford to buy their own house, they can rent property from a private landlord, the same behavior as 10% of the population (have/do 可省), or from their local council.
the same as是经常听到和使用的一个词组,请问这里为什么中间一定要加behavior才对?求解析
首先你要知道the same as 的用法.
the same as用法:“同....一样”这里as是连词,the same+名词+as......, 也可以什么都不加,直接the same as...
例句: I have the same long hair as my sister.
My sister's hair is the same as mine.
你要修改的句子中,the same as 是作为插入语,修饰they can rent property from a private landlord这句的,做这句的定语,加上behavior会使句义更清楚。
没有倒装,do接can时态,实际含义为do=rent ......landlord。
首先是10% of the population 是复数而不是单数,因为 population指“人口”总称,是集合名词时,常用单数。作主语,其谓语动词可以用单数,侧重整体;也可用复数,侧重个体。这里是侧重个体的。所以用do而不用does。其次,as可以引导倒装句用于强调,在这句话中,as do 10% of the population 是对前面rent property from a...
不对,如果要改用the same as,要这样:If people cannot afford to buy their own house, they can rent property from a private landlord, the same behavior as 10% of the population (have/do 可省), or from their local council.
the same as是经常听到和使用的一个词组,请问这里为什么中间一定要加behavior才对?求解析
首先你要知道the same as 的用法.the same as用法:“同....一样”这里as是连词,the same+名词+as......, 也可以什么都不加,直接the same as...例句: I have the same long hair as my sister.
My sister's hair is the same as mine.你比较下上面的例句和你要修改的句子有什么不同呢?你要修改的句子中,the same as 是作为插入语,修饰they can rent property from a private landlord这句的,做这句的定语,加上behavior会使句义更清楚。高一必读:
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高中英语改错习题与解析:Dear editor
短文改错是英语中一大重要点,学好短文改错,对提高英语能力有很重要的意义,小编为大家整理了高中英语改错习题与解析:Dear editor,希望大家喜欢。
Dear editor,
In the past my hometown was used to be a beautiful place. 1.______
Thick trees and green grass could be seen in everywhere. In 2.______
order to build house and grow more crops, people cut down 3.______
more and more trees. With time went on, the whole forest was 4.______
almost destroyed. Gradually the green hills have changed into 5.______
wasteland. As a result, sandstorms struck us now and then, from 6.______
which we suffer a lot. However, I do hope all the people should 7.______
realize the terribly result of not caring about our environment. 8.______
What's more, they should take good care of the forests and plant 9.______
trees instead cutting them down to improve our living conditions. 10._____
1.去掉was? 2.去掉in? 3.house&houses? 4.With&As或went &going?5.&? 6.struck&strike 7.However&So? 8.terribly&terrible 9.they&we? 10.instead后加of
高中英语改错习题与解析:Dear editor就到这里结束了,同学们一定要认真阅读,希望能有所启发,对大家的学习和生活有所帮助。高考英语短文改错解题技巧_百度文库
1.Dear classmates, It is 60 days since the great heat hit the easterncounties and cities in our province, which has brought the
76. ____________people there a lot of trouble. Most of them didn’t have
77. ____________enough water to drink. Some of their crops or animals have
78. ____________died and even more is dying. Besides, thousands of them
79. ____________have been ill. To make matters the worse, hundreds of them
80. ____________have lost their lives. Since the news reported, people have
81. ____________showed their love in different way. Some give food and
82. ____________clothes, and some even give away money for them. As
83. ____________students, of course they should give a hand to those people
84. ____________in trouble. So offering your only pocket money and let’s
85. ____________help to fill the world with love.
Class Committee76. 正确
77. didn’t改为don’t
78. or 改为and
79. is改为are
80. 去掉the
81. reported前加was
82. way改为ways
83. for改为to
84. they改为we
85. offering改为offer 2.While my printer’s type began to go faint, I at once
76. ____________called a repair shop, where friendly man told me that the
77. ____________printer probably needed only be cleaned. Because the
78. ____________shop charge 50 pounds for so many cleanings, he told
79. ____________me, that would be better for me to read the printer’s
80. ____________directions and try the job myself. Pleasant surprised
81. ____________by his word, I asked, “Does your boss know that you
82. ____________discourage business?” “Actually it’s in my boss’s idea,”
83. ____________the employer replied. “We usually make more money on
84. ____________repairs if we let people try to repair things themselves first.” 85. ____________76. While→When
77. friendly前加a
78. be前加to
79. charge→charged 80. that→it
81. Pleasant→Pleasantly
82. word→words
83. 去掉in
84. employer→employee
√3.As new students at an university in Boston, many
76. ___________of us were unfamiliar with the campus but consequently
77. ___________late for class. One professor, however, was particular
78. ___________intolerant of being late, making clear that no excuse
79. ___________would be acceptable. So when a girl student came in his
80. ___________class one morning late, we expected the worst results.
81. ___________Obviously upset, the professor demanded the reason for
82. ___________her coming late. “I was being waiting on line to buy your
83. ___________new book,” she replied very nervously. Looked at the rest
84. ___________of the class, the professor asked, “Well, why were the rest
85. ___________of you late?”
77. but→and
78. particular→particularly
79. clear前加it
80. in→into 81. results→result
83. 去掉being
84. looked→looking
85. the rest前加not4.Two sailors who had just been finished a long voyage
76. ______________went home to their village and decided have a few
77. ______________drink in a bar. When they had had enough, they came
78. ______________out of the street to look for something amusing to do,
79. ______________and it was a quiet place, so they couldn’t find anything.
80. ______________At last, we saw a village boy, leading a pig by a rope,
81. ______________coming slow towards them. They decided they would
82. ______________have a joke with him. “Hello,” one of the sailors said
83. ______________to the boy. “How does your brother have to have a rope
84. ______________round his neck when he goes for walk with you?”
85. ______________“To stop him joining the navy,” the boy answered.76. 去掉been
77. have前加to
78. drink→drinks
79. of→into
80. and→but
81. we→they
82. slow→slowly
84. How→Why
85. walk前加a5. When I first learned to write in English, I ran into many 76. ________difficulties. The main problem was in that I always thought
77. ________in Chinese and tried to translate anything into English.
78. ________My teacher advised me to keep my diary. I followed her
79. ________advice and should put down 100 words or so each day. 80. ________Soon I began to enjoy talk to myself on paper as I was
81. ________learning to express me in simple English. One day I wrote 82. ________a little story and showed to my teacher. She liked it
83. ________very much and reads it to the class. All said the story was
84. ________a good one. Their word were a great encouragement to me. 85. ________76. √
77. 去掉in
78. anything→everything
80. 去掉should
81. talk→talking
82. me→myself
83. showed 后面加it
84. reads→read
85. word→words从里面选几道就好了,我是高一的学生.高中应该都做短文改错,单句改错高考不考.祝你学习顺利!
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除了最后一行没有错之外,其他的都需要判断,10行中只有一行是全对的,其他的要不就是单词有错要不就是缺单词,或者说是多一个单词,没行只能改1个地方.第一道 The World Trade Center in New York city burned in the morning of September 11st,2001 after the twin 110...
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It is about 200 miles far away from London,and it
has a very big schoolyard.You ca...
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