rough pitch fine pitch什么意思思?谢谢

麻烦哪位大侠能告诉我这些是什么意思啊 .谢谢拉!Words Of SensesSome words appeal to the sense of smell, taste, hearing, or touch. For example, sweet appeals to the sense of taste.DIRECTIONS: Select the one word in each sentence that_百度作业帮
麻烦哪位大侠能告诉我这些是什么意思啊 .谢谢拉!Words Of SensesSome words appeal to the sense of smell, taste, hearing, or touch. For example, sweet appeals to the sense of taste.DIRECTIONS: Select the one word in each sentence that
麻烦哪位大侠能告诉我这些是什么意思啊 .谢谢拉!Words Of SensesSome words appeal to the sense of smell, taste, hearing, or touch. For example, sweet appeals to the sense of taste.DIRECTIONS: Select the one word in each sentence that most appeals to the sense of smell, taste, hearing, or touch. Underline the word.Example: The nuts were salty in my mouth.1.Wild winds roared round the ship. 2.The sour apple made my mouth water. 3.Carpenters often choose rough sandpaper. 4.He wiped the food from his sticky fingers. 5.No one liked the bitter fruit. 6.Were the bees buzzing round the door? 7.The damp air was hard to breathe. 8.The key clicked in the lock. 9.Mother bought a firm head of lettuce. 10.The straw tickled the boy's bare feet.
感官的话说    一些单词吸引的嗅觉、味觉、听觉、或触摸.例如,甜的上诉到的味觉.    用法:选择一个词在每个句子,最吸引的嗅觉、味觉、听觉、或触摸.下划线单词.    例:在我嘴里坚果是咸的.    1.狂风咆哮着一轮船.    2.酸苹果让我直流口水.    3.木匠通常选择粗砂纸.    4.他掸去食品从他的棘手的手指.5.没人喜欢这种苦涩的果实.    6.蜜蜂嗡嗡作响的圆门吗?    7.潮湿的空气呼吸困难.    8.钥匙在锁的点击.    9.妈妈买了一个公司生菜头.    10.稻草逗男孩的光着脚.英语中的 pitch 是什么?声调?还是?回答者必须给出证据(例如参考链接),以便证明你的回答是对的,谢谢!_百度作业帮
英语中的 pitch 是什么?声调?还是?回答者必须给出证据(例如参考链接),以便证明你的回答是对的,谢谢!
英语中的 pitch 是什么?声调?还是?回答者必须给出证据(例如参考链接),以便证明你的回答是对的,谢谢!
pitch 如果是在语音学中确实表达这个意思。pitch change
也就是 intonation 。虽无连接但是保证正确
pitch_百度词典pitch[英][pitʃ] [美][pɪtʃ] n.沥青,人造沥青;树脂;程度;倾斜vt.用沥青涂;扔,投;树起,搭起;定位于vi.抛,扔;[棒球]当投手;搭帐篷;向前跌或冲
6. N-UNCOUNTSee also: 音高 The pitch of a sound is how high or low it is. He raised his voice to an even higher pitch.他把音调抬得更高了。iciba所引《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》/pitch
[pitʃ]vi. 倾斜;投掷;搭帐篷;坠落vt. 投;掷;定位于;用沥青涂;扎营;向前倾跌n. 沥青;音高;程度;树脂;倾斜;投掷有道说的the post office was far away over rough roads 其中的over是什么意思总是觉的英语中的介词瞎用谢谢嘿嘿_百度知道
the post office was far away over rough roads 其中的over是什么意思总是觉的英语中的介词瞎用谢谢嘿嘿
over本意为超过,在......之上的意思,当然有很多其它意思。这句话中引申为“花费周折到某地去”。比如有一然话Come over here.这句与Come here.是有区别的。前句“强调到这边来要花时间或者费事”,或者有“无论如何你过来一下”的意思。而后句更多只强调结果只要你到这里来就行了。over 就可以理解为跨过时间上或空间上一段距离,费周折做事情。比如think over,take over, hand over 里面都有这种意思。英语中的介词有许多意思,可以通过句子环境来加强理解。共同学习,回答希望你满意。


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