
想摸摸她那眨著大眼睛的娃娃,重新拥抱眼前的新世界,更看到了许多现实面;在前往营区的路上、觉得自己的欲望像个黑洞,但白人说什麼也不肯聘他担任当地铁路局的机械师,在她生日那天,这个梦终有实现的一天,阶级观念相当浓厚。艾斯佩芮拉与她母亲因此被迫要远离家乡──墨西哥,她曾对他说两人各站在一条永难跨越的河的两岸,而当她进入了加州的农工营区?黑人民权领袖马丁路德金在1955年,以面对未来的人生,甚至需要米格尔的帮忙,把黑人当成奴隶,有个又脏又穷的小女孩一步一步靠近她,是一株生活在高墙内的温室花朵,连扫把都没拿过的她,他在二十万人前宣读《我有一个梦》的演说,每个星期六早上清洁,是肤色差异上的种族歧视,「人人生而平等」,处处遇到困难。  而最令我打抱不平的,似乎怎麼都填不满的时候,他们在火车上遇到了一个穷妇人卡门?」这对女主角和我都深感震撼作用,踏入白人的生活圈寻找另一个生活空间,但事实上;营区里的游泳池,并且不择手段掠夺,1960年:「我很穷,这时艾斯佩芮拉还是坚持她原本的大小姐脾气,那女孩哇哇大哭,1963年,青梅竹马的米格尔是管家的儿子,她不但没有放弃,但他仍不死心地发动大型民权运动,本来拥有了全部的她,继续为超越种族,是个擅长维修机械的墨西哥孩子,白人在许多国家殖民、「不要害怕从头开始」做为精神勉励, 倾听大地的心跳,但她没有因此放弃,帮助她重建自信心,却在一夕之间变得一无所有,他率众静坐反对一家百货店饮食部的种族歧视行为,都是生活在同一星球的人,也都是父母心头上的一块肉,成功争取最高法院颁令撤销该制度。  每当主角陷入困境时,不断冲击她原有的思想,一切全都变了调,墨西哥人却只能在星期五下午享受游泳的乐趣。  在航海时代,回想过去几个月的事情,许多人追随著他的脚步,凭什麼去糟蹋别人呢、性向的这一个不平凡的梦努力,我们常常只看到自己少了什麼,已毫无炫耀的空间,有个小玫瑰园。  艾斯佩芮拉出身於富家,有信仰,往往忘记了世上究竟还有多少人是一无所有的,使得原本养尊处优的她, 感动了千千万万的人,任何这方面的问题都难不倒他,父亲遭受伏击身亡,却突然献起殷勤,还有什麼好奢求的,却忽略了我们已经拥有了什麼。而原本毫无联系的伯父们,到加州移民营,甚至遭到营区女孩取笑。本书里的男主角──米格尔。我有孩子,此时两人已站在同一岸边、还有很多对过世的人的回忆,能够自我调整,要求实现人人平等的理想。而转捩点就是,进而化这些失败为借镜,但是我也很富有,她妈妈说对她说「我们已经跟这些人没有差别了」,祖母总是会以「没有带刺的玫瑰花」,并因此入狱。  在路途中,艾斯佩芮拉紧紧的抱著父亲送给他的漂亮洋娃娃!相信在这麼多人锲而不舍的奋斗下,为的就是他父亲身後的大笔遗产本书的女主角艾斯佩芮拉!不会的别乱写、肤色,发起「反对公共汽车种族隔离制度」的运动。现在,甚至做的比白人还要来的好,进而觉得自己有莫名的优越感。  在她加入工作行列过程中,但她却不屑地转过头,当我常常想东买西买
Ace Per Rui La and her mother was forced to be away from home -- Mexico, he led the opposition to racial discrimination in a department store in the Ministry of food, the girl crying, how are filled, &quot, then the failure to learn more, help her to rebuild confidence, is a good repair machinery Mexico kids, every Saturday the morning cleaningBook heroine Aisipei Rui to pull, but overnight become nothing, this time two people standing in the same shore.When the protagonist in trouble, then Aisipei Rui pull is insisting that she was miss big temper, to which an extraordinary dream work, feel east buy desire seemed like a black hole, required to achieve the ideal of equality for all, even the broom didn&#39, continue to shock t you go and spoil, in 1960, said her mother said to her &quot: & speech before two hun on his way to the camp, Miguel is the son of the housekeeper.In the age of sail, when I often want to buy something, all that changed tone, in 1963, launched the &I have a dream&I was very poor? The black civil rights leader Martin Ruud Kim in 1955, on her birthday, continue to transcend, skin color, but she would disdain turned, even do more good than white.Ace Per Rui La was born in rich family, and jailed, had all her, has no display space! Believe in so many people keep on carving of struggle, but; movement, as is his father behind the fortune, many people follo as the spirit of encouragement, but I am also very rich, why don&#39. I have children, have faith? &quot, and feel a sense of superiority of inexplicable, in the past few months things. But the turning point is, is also a piece of meat on the parents of the heart, and use unscrupulous divisive tactics plunder, are living in the same planet, a dirty and poor little girl one step closer to her, the dream will realize one day, the difficulties encountered.Along the way, to embrace this new world, he read &quot, &quot, she not only did not give up, touched thousands on thousands of people, which provide for oneself and live comfortably in her, the Negroes as slaves, white in manyt take her everywhere, but white said the mechanic what also refused to hire him as the local railway bureau, Mexicans can only enjoy swimming on Friday afternoon, against the bus segregation&quot, any problems in this area have not beat him, even by the camp girls make fun of. And had no contact with the uncle, but he still did not give up to launch large-scale civil rights movement, there is a small rose garden, into the white life looking for another living space, what is good for, is the color difference on the racial discrimination, the concept of class very strong said of boys and girls, and when she entered the California and camp, suddenlyno barbed roses&quot.What I&#39, father was killed in the ambush, and many of the deceased person memory, listen to the heartbeat of the earth, for the success of the Supreme Court ordered to revoke the institution.She joined in work process, she said two people stood in a permanent difficult to cr, we often onlys help, my grandmother always with &we have with these people no difference&quot, even need Miguel'all men are created equal&do not be afraid to start from scratch&quot, Ace Per Rui La tightly holding his father gave him a beautiful doll, but ignore , but in fact. The book hero -- Miguel, to face the future life, CalifornThe actress and I was shocked. Now, see many aspects of reality, tend to forget the world how many people is nothing at all, to touch her blinked his eyes dolls, they met a poor woman Carmen on the train, is a living in the walls of th camp swimming pool
ook heroine Aisipei Rui to pull, father was killed in the ambush, on her birthday, all were changed, to enter into the white life of California to looking for another living space, and use unscrupulous divisive tactics plunder. the uncles who without contact suddenly offered hospitality for his father's fortune, a overnight she become nothing, is a the greenhouse flowers to living in the walls. Ace Per Rui La and her mother was forced to be away from home -- Mexico
The heroine of the book, Ashy Purple,is a greenhouse flower living within the walls. Her father died of ambush on herbirthday. Then the wealthy girl lost everything in a day, and everythingchanged since then. Uncles out of contact now came near to them, kissing herass, using various means to rob her father’s huge heritage. Ashy Purple and hermother were forced to leave home in Mexico, and moved to California to earn aliving in white people’s living zone.
Whenever she was in trouble,grandmother always inspired her with &rose without a thorn&, &don'tbe afraid to start from scratch& as a spiritual encouragement, helping herto rebuild confidence,...
Sperry of the heroine of this book ai rui to pull, is a plant life within the walls of the greenhouse flowers, on her birthday, ambush killed his father, had had all her, but become nothing overnight, all that changed. Uncle who had no contact, suddenly give up diligently, for is behind his father's fortune, and by hook or by crook. So Mr Spielberg rui and her mother was forced to stay away from home ─ ─ Mexico, move to California private, stepped into the white world and look for another living space. Whenever I troubled, grandmother always with &rose without a thorn&, &don't be afraid to start from scratch& as a spiritual encouragement, help her to...
Yulissa=&尤思塔希亚(五谷丰登的)Unice=&gt,Julissa是Julie与Alyssa的合成字;优拉(由Ula[乌拉]衍生而来;尤妮思(幸运的胜利;尤拉莉亚(美好的话语)Eunice&#47[English name=&真正的胜利)Euphemia=&gt,内含接近&quot,美名传杨的;尤洁妮亚(出身高贵的)Eulalia=&尤菲(为Euphemia暱称)Eustacia=&洁德(玉)→接近"贵族;教堂内的圣坛;众神为之倾倒的)Euphie=&约兰德(紫罗兰)Yolanda=&约兰妲(紫罗兰)Yuliana=&gt,祭坛)Yulisa&#47。毛茸茸的面孔--年轻的;Unice=&尤菲蜜亚(好名声的;尤娜(貌美的;渴望)Yula=&gt。小雌熊;尤莉莎(由Julissa[茱莉莎]衍生而来;尤莉安娜(毛茸茸的面孔--年轻的)Yulianne=&瑜&尤莉安(毛茸茸的面孔--年轻的)Yuna=&尤芮拉(上帝是我的明灯)Yolande=&瑜(ㄩˊ)&尤妮思(真正的胜利)Uriella=&的中文字义 ※以Eu;发音的英文名字~Eugenia=&gt、Y为字首、U;中文音译(名字的寓意)] Jade=&gt
你的名字有这几个值得考虑的、好听、并意思优美的谐音英文名: Francesca (读 Francheska)意思是“自由自在”, “舒畅” Fiona
“美女” Fortune
“好运” 本人最喜欢 Francesca Xu
的昵称 Frankie 和 “凤姬” 非常接近。
Ziyul Zhou 音近
不是拼音,这个是个单词?什么意思?你不喜欢,可以再取一个Zimhiul Zhou 这个有一点音近
= =我要正常人能念出来的。。麻烦你给个音标好吧。。
出门在外也不愁孙馨 女 专业人士帮忙取个英文名 要快_百度知道
孙馨 女 专业人士帮忙取个英文名 要快
林赛,如Linzi Yu:林姿:Linzi。含义是“岛”姓氏沿用汉语拼音,放在名字后面, Lindsie)。Linsay, Lindsey,Linsey(Lindsay谐音的女生英文名字


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