
United Sweets of America map: A dessert for every state in the country.
If Every State Had an Official Dessert, What Would It Be? (Montana Gets S’mores.)
What would America be without dessert? It would be puritanical. It would be boring. It would be healthier, probably.
Thankfully for our collective culture, if not our blood sugar levels, America is a land of desserts. Drive across the country, and you&ll find pralines and cookies in every gas station, pies and cakes in every diner. More than oil, more than , more than , even, sugar is the fuel that keeps America running.
And so it is clear that each state ought to claim its own dessert, even as we all praise apple pie as the ultimate symbol of Americana. Surprisingly, only eight states have an official dessert (along with 15 that have recognized state cookies, state candies, and other dessert subcategories). I see this as an enormous oversight and a trenchant example of the failure of bureaucracy to meet citizens& needs. And so I decided, on the heels of , to assign a dessert to every one of these blessed United States.
Such a formidable task requires some ground rules:
1. No two states can have the same dessert. Once a dessert is assigned to one state, no other state can lay claim to it. This rule will no doubt chagrin many readers who believe their state deserves banana pudding, but, as we all learned in childhood, we can&t always have banana pudding when we want it.
2. Brands are not desserts. For the purposes of this map, a dessert is a treat that can be made in your kitchen, not a trademarked secret recipe. There are lots of dessert brands closely associated with states&Ben and Jerry&s in Vermont, MoonPie in Tennessee,
in Connecticut, and Hershey&s in Pennsylvania, for instance&but you won&t find any of them on this map. (I did make a single exception for a certain brand name that has become synonymous with gelatin desserts of all stripes.)
3. No state gets apple pie&or chocolate chip cookies. Assigning apple pie to a single state would be tantamount to declaring that state more American than the others. We wouldn&t want to be responsible for sparking a second civil war, and so we&ve decided to take apple pie off the table, so to speak.
Chocolate chip cookies aren&t quite as emblematic as apple pie, and unlike apple pie they have a clear place of birth: . But chocolate chip cookies have since spread across the nation like an invasive species, taking root in the hearts of all Americans. It wouldn&t be fair to let one state lay claim to such a universal favorite. (Besides, Massachusetts already has a bunch of great desserts to choose from.)
This map was difficult to compile, given that so many desserts are regional rather than local in origin, and it will no doubt draw complaints from, say, Louisianans who think they should have gotten red velvet cake. But remember: Even if your state didn&t get your favorite dessert, you&re still allowed to eat it.
(Map by .)
Also known as Alabama Lane cake, Lane cake is one of those boozy, eggy, dried-fruit-filled confections we don&t eat enough of these days. , a Lane cake is a sponge cake layered with a raisin-bourbon filling and frosted with a marshmallow-y &.& Lane cake is also to Harper Lee what the madeleine is to Marcel Proust: The baked good
in the Alabama-set .
Baked Alaska
OK, fine, so the baked Alaska was not invented in Alaska. It wasn&t even invented by someone who had been to Alaska. Cakes topped with ice cream and encased with meringue , under names like &omelette surprise& and &omelette & la norv&gienne& (Norwegian omelette, probably an allusion to Norway&s cold climate). But it was the name popularized in the 1870s by Delmonico&s Restaurant in New York&a tribute to the newly purchased &that stuck. It&s easy to see why the visually apt name caught on: The white, mounded dessert bears more than a passing resemblance to the snow-capped .
Furthermore, Alaska is the only state name that describes a dessert not merely as a modifier, but as a noun. To omit this singular sweet from a list of pseudo-official state desserts would be a dereliction of my duties.
Sopaipillas are similar to frybread&invented by Arizona&s original residents, &which is to say that they&re deep-fried circles or squares of leavened dough. While frybread can be served with sweet or savory fillings, sopaipillas are more commonly served drizzled with honey as a dessert food. Some dessert experts see sopaipillas as , but it&s not fair for New Mexico to hog all of the American Southwest&s desserts.
Red velvet cake
Red velvet cake is having a moment, , which insists that the scarlet-hued cake was invented at the Waldorf-Astoria in New York, &though some Southern cake historians believe that story is more legend than fact.& Whatever its true history, red velvet cake is firmly situated in the public imagination as a creation of the South: Who can forget the armadillo-shaped groom&s cake in ? Granted, Steel Magnolias is technically set in Louisiana, but that&s not far from Arkansas (which doesn&t have any state dessert specialties to speak of). Plus, red velvet cake is colored cardinal and white&the official .
Meyer lemon cake
Meyer lemons, a cross between lemons and oranges, grow easily in California&s temperate climate, so it&s no wonder Alice Waters& crew at Chez Panisse
when they were inventing California cuisine in the 1960s. Nowadays, elegant, not-too-sweet Meyer lemon cake is ubiquitous on West Coast restaurant menus.
The legalization of recreational marijuana in Colorado at the beginning of this year opened the floodgates to . It was never any question that Colorado&s state dessert would be laced with THC&the question was, what kind of sweet edible should get the crown? Cookies? Brownies? Gummy bears?
Thankfully, Maureen Dowd recently settled matters in an
describing a &caramel-chocolate flavored candy bar& that made her &convinced that I had died and no one was telling me.& If you&d like to make weed-laced caramel-chocolate bars at home in Dowd&s honor,
is one of many recipes available online.
Spice cookies
Connecticut is known as the Nutmeg State not because nutmeg grows there (it doesn&t), but because &its early inhabitants had the reputation of being so ingenious and shrewd that they were able to make and sell wooden nutmegs&&in other words, they were able to pass off fake nutmegs as real ones. It&s a bit of a convoluted origin story, and one that doesn&t speak well of the state&s integrity. But it does make a certain amount of sense: Connecticut&s earliest settlers were Dutch, and the Dutch are big on baking spices. Spice cookies aren&t quite as popular in Connecticut as they are in the Old World, but it&s hard to find fault with the soft, aromatic New England variety.
Strawberry shortcake
Strawberries were declared the official state fruit of Delaware in 2010, and you can&t argue with
(&Whereas, strawberries are an important product of Delaware&s a and whereas children and adults love to pick th and whereas strawberries can be a refreshing part of everyone&s diet &&).
is indubitably the best strawberry dessert, so this one was easy.
Key lime pie
Key lime pie is . There is an
in Cape Canaveral. Florida media outlets specialize in
Key lime pies served in the state. And the limes in Key lime pie are named after the Florida Keys. This choice was easy as pie.
Peach cobbler
might have the slickest website of any American agricultural association. Not only is the design eye-catching, with accents of aquamarine and, well, peach, but you can also win an iPad if you share your &.& Point being, Georgia peach growers know that peach is practically synonymous with Georgia, and they&re milking it for all its worth.
Georgia has its pick of peach desserts, so why did I assign it peach cobbler instead of the more obvious peach pie? The Georgia Peach Council offers . Surprising, yes, but I&m not about to argue with professionals.
Does the phrase &shave ice& make your grammatically fastidious brain hurt? You clearly have never had real Hawaiian shave ice, which is so good it&s been known to cure pedantry. Made from large blocks of ice shaved into the finest flakes imaginable, drenched with whatever fruit-flavored syrup your heart desires, and sometimes drizzled with sweetened condensed milk, shave ice might be Hawaii&s most important contribution to American culture. Case in point: America&s first Hawaiian president .
Huckleberry pie
Did you think Idaho&s state dessert was going to be a potato cake? Come on, now. OK, fine, &but it&s hardly the regional treat huckleberry pie is.
If you&ve never eaten a huckleberry, it&s probably because agricultural scientists haven&t yet figured out how to domesticate them&they only grow in the wild. If you have eaten a huckleberry, you probably live . Or you&re a black bear. Or both. Either way, you probably like the sweet-tart goodness of huckleberry pie.
in 1893, so I thought it was only fair to credit Chicago for one of the world&s favorite baked goods. After all, the original recipe, which contains a pound of chocolate and a pound of butter, is a good one.
Sugar cream pie
According to the Indiana Foodways Alliance, & is sugar cream.& What is a sugar cream pie? The name is pretty literal: It&s a pie whose filling contains cream, flour, sugar, and vanilla&no eggs. It&s also sometimes called Hoosier sugar cream pie, just in case any other state wanted for some reason to take credit for it.
Cherry pie
As a famous gourmand once said, && Every year at the annual fundraiser known as Veishea, Iowa State students sell thousands of cherry pies to raise money for the . This bake sale tradition .
A chilled concoction of instant pudding, imitation whipped cream, and crushed chocolate sandwich cookies,
is the most prominent dessert named in honor of Kansas. (I promise, I looked for other ones, but this was it.) Kansas dirt cake is not to be confused with Mississippi mud pie, which is a totally different soil-themed dessert.
Bread pudding
The home of bourbon deserves a bourbon-flavored state dessert, and the very best bourbon-flavored dessert is . Granted, a bunch of Southern states (notably Louisiana) lay claim to bread pudding, but given that none of those states would be able to make decent bread pudding without bourbon, I&m giving this one to Kentucky.
Bananas Foster
Louisiana has an unfair number of desserts it could plausibly assert ownership of. There&s king cake, which seems too Mardi Gras&specific to represent the Creole State year round. There&s bread pudding, which I gave to Kentucky on a bourbon-related technicality. There are beignets, which are usually eaten more for breakfast or a snack than for dessert.
Then there&s : invented in New Orleans, adequately boozy, easy to set on fire. Both festive enough for Louisiana&s pre-Lenten revelries and simple enough to make any other time of the year. Yes, bananas Foster will do quite nicely.
Blueberry pie
Maine is the country&s leading producer of lowbush or &wild& blueberries, which tend to be smaller, brighter, and more intensely flavored than the commercially viable highbush blueberries. Predictably, Mainers won&t shut up about their blueberries, and every Mainer you meet probably has a prized wild-blueberry pie recipe to sell you on. The Maine state Legislature&s
in 2011 was a foregone conclusion.
Smith Island cake
Smith Island is a tiny community of a few hundred people on the Chesapeake Bay. When they&re not catching soft-shell crabs, Smith Islanders spend their time making absurdly exacting cakes of
interspersed with chocolate icing. The Smith Island Baking Company, the only bakery on Smith Island, has proclaimed itself &,& and assuming they&re judging on a scale of arduousness, I have to agree. Even though Smith Island cakes aren&t commonly made in the rest of Maryland, they became the
in 2008&a testament to Smith Island&s PR power (and to the paucity of other Maryland dessert specialties).
Boston cream pie
The Parker House Hotel alleges that its chef invented the Boston cream pie&a sponge cake layered with pastry cream and topped with a chocolate fondant&in 1856. History blogger , explaining that &cream pie& was a common 19th-century term for round cakes layered with pastry cream, that the chocolate topping came into play later, and that people only started calling this dessert &Boston cream pie& because there was already a well-known dessert called &Boston cream cake,& which was in fact not a cake but a cream puff. (Got all that?) Regardless, the name stuck, Bostonians embraced it, and no less a distinguished Massachusetts family than
championed the dessert as a symbol of the commonwealth. Sometimes, the myth is more import this is one of those times.
Anyone with milk, butter, sugar, and chocolate can make fudge. But the residents of
have taken fudge to another level, building an entire tourist industry around it and claiming to have && it. Michiganders aren&t the only ones who think this: In the history and recipe book , author Lee Edwards Benning calls Mackinac Island both &the fudge capital of the United States& and &the fudge capital of the world.& And when &the fudge king of Mackinac Island& died in 1996, he got , the ultimate endorsement of the importance of one&s life&s work. This year&s
will take place Aug. 22 and 23.
Seven-layer bars
states &a potluck isn&t a potluck without bars.& The best bars for a potluck or any other occasion are seven-layer bars, so called because they contain butter, graham cracker crumbs, chocolate chips, butterscotch chips, walnuts, shredded coconut, and sweetened condensed milk, in that order.
Mississippi mud pie
Mississippi mud pie is a relatively dignified affair compared to its thematic cousin, Kansas dirt cake. And it&s a relatively straightforward affair compared to Boston cream pie, in that it&s actually a pie, not a cake, and it contains one or more elements that resemble mud. Depending on the baker, Mississippi mud pie might contain a chocolate crumb crust or a traditional pie crust, which might be filled with chocolate pudding or chocolate cake or brownie batter, which might be topped with whipped cream or ice cream. Two things are certain: It will contain chocolate, and it will be just about the richest thing you ever tasted.
Gooey butter cake
Gooey butter cake is a St. Louis curiosity that seems to defy description (despite the seemingly specific nature of its name). It falls somewhere between a sheet cake and a bar: It starts with a layer of thick, extra-buttery yellow cake (doctored from a cake mix box, usually), but the gooey part comes from a filling made of cream cheese, powdered sugar, and eggs. Like most great regional specialties, it comes with , all of which place its birth somewhere in the 1930s or 1940s.
This map generally takes a skeptical eye toward breakfast food, but it will make an exception for gooey butter cake: Although many sources identify it as a snack or breakfast dish, I cannot condone eating such a sweet and rich course before sunset.
The s&more was not invented in Montana, but hear me out: Montana is one of the best hiking destinations in the country. It&s home to Glacier National Park and part of Y its name means &mountain,& for crying out loud. And anyone who plans a hike, camping trip, or other mountain-based recreational activity without bringing graham crackers, milk chocolate, and marshmallows is a fool. QED.
Popcorn balls
Nebraska is , growing about one-quarter of our national supply. According to , popcorn balls were invented during a day of wonky Nebraska weather: First heavy rains sent syrup flowing from sorghum grass into the cornfields, then extreme heat caused the corn to pop, and finally a tornado swept the sugar-coated popcorn into clusters. Climate change makes this story seem actually kind of plausible, but the folktale gives short shrift to whoever really invented candy-coated popcorn spheres, Nebraska&s homegrown contribution to the nation&s dessert menu.
Chocolate fondue
The Bellagio Hotel in Las Vegas is home to , which is reason enough to award melted chocolate dip to this state. But the extravagance of Las Vegas isn&t the only relevant factor here: The Silver State is the most mountainous state in the country, , and its superficial resemblance to the Swiss Alps lends a nice congruency to the pairing of Nevada with this alpine treat.
New Hampshire
Whoopie pie
New Hampshire, Maine, and Pennsylvania have all claimed ownership of the whoopie pie, which raises a question: Why haven&t any of these states come up with a less cringe-y name for it? (Some people call them &gobs.& Keep working on it!)
Whoopie pies are not pies: They&re chocolate cake disks sandwiched around vanilla frosting or marshmallow fluff. And while the Pennsylvania Amish and Mainers both have strong, proprietary feelings for whoopie pies, Yankee magazine
are made at a bakery in the Granite State.
New Jersey
Salt water taffy
Atlantic City, New Jersey, has made a number of lasting contributions to Americana: Monopoly, the Miss America pageant, , and, most importantly, those
that, despite their name, contain no salt water.
New Mexico
New Mexico became the first state to adopt a state cookie in 1989, when it made things official with this traditional anise-and-orange-scented . The fact that New Mexico went out of its way to declare a state cookie before anyone else did speaks to a serious-mindedness that this map would be remiss not to respect.
New York state is much more than New York City&but New York City&s signature dessert has acquired such mythic proportions that it overshadows the rest of the state&s sweets. In fact, New York&style cheesecake, with its impossibly tall and dense layer of cream-cheese filling, has eclipsed all other styles of cheesecake to become America&s definitive cheesecake style.
&In a city of constant ethnic flux, cheesecake is itself a constant, offering something for everyone,& , and the statement still rings true today. The Big Apple has , but
in the city remains an ever-popular pastime.
North Carolina
Sweet potato pie
Sweet potato pie is one of those pan-Southern desserts, a mainstay of soul food with roots in slave cooking. So why does North Carolina get it, instead of, say, Georgia, Virginia, or Mississippi? Tar Heels , which gives them dibs on the tuber&s most illustrious dish.
North Dakota
I must confess that I&ve never been to North Dakota, but I&m nonetheless pretty confident about my choice of krumkake as this state&s dessert. Krumkake is not a crumbcake: It&s a thin, rolled up Norwegian cookie, somewhere between a pizzelle and a waffle cone. And it&s pronounced kroom-cacka.
Here&s why I feel it&s the right choice for North Dakota: The Roughrider State&s official tourism site includes two krumkake mentions on its list of &.& A blog post by one Kaitlin Ring of Williston called && lists &krumkake as one North Dakotans& favorite ethnic foods. (&Ethnic for us is German and Norwegian,& Ring explains.) But what sealed the deal for me was
on , presented without comment, as though the reasons for its inclusion were obvious to any North Dakotan worth her salt.
Buckeye candy
Buckeye candy is so called for its , the state tree of Ohio and nickname for its residents. Like a cross between peanut butter fudge and peanut butter cups, Buckeye candies consist of a ball of sweet peanut butter dough dipped in melted chocolate. Congratulations to Ohio for producing a confection that actually looks like the thing it&s supposed to look like, and that&s delicious to boot.
&It was an abnormally cold winter in the year 1893.& So begins
of Oklahoma&s oldest fried pie company. The tale continues, &The different ranchers in the Arbuckle Mountains had their ranch hands go out into the midst of the inclement weather to tend to the cattle &&
Long story short, the ranchers were miserable that winter until one resourceful woman started making them fried pies. That woman&s granddaughter, Nancy Fulton, is now known as &,& and she has turned her inherited knowledge of fried pies&fruit-filled turnovers, basically&into a miniature empire that&s extended its tentacles into .
Blackberry cobbler
Blackberries grow like weeds in the Pacific Northwest, and Oregon is the . Fresh blackberries are pretty good raw, but they&re even better cooked into a sweet, buttery batter&try .
Banana split
Thanks in part to the sugar-loving Pennsylvania Dutch, the Keystone State lays claim to loads of desserts: apple dumplings, shoofly pie, whoopie pies, . But the United Sweets of America can choose only one, and it&s a classic of&the&dessert canon. In 1904, , nestled some scoops of ice cream in between the two halves, added some whipped cream and flavored syrups, and made history in Latrobe, Pennsylvania.
If this provenance weren&t enough, the chocolate sauce that&s a required topping on all banana splits provides a nice nod to .
Rhode Island
Frozen lemonade
Rhode Island was a tough one: It boasts two iconic sweet substances, coffee milk and frozen lemonade. After a lot of reflection, I decided coffee milk qualifies primarily as a beverage, not a dessert. (It&s literally just milk sweetened with coffee-flavored syrup.) Frozen lemonade also possesses beveragelike qualities, but at the moment it&s served, this tart, granita-like slushy is thick enough to eat with a spoon, which makes it a dessert in my book. The most famous purveyor of frozen lemonade in Rhode Island is , which has been cooling palates since 1948.
South Carolina
Coconut cake
Many bakers make coconut cakes, but only one baker has trademarked the phrase &Ultimate Coconut Cake.& The creation of pastry chef Claire Chapman, the pastry chef at the Peninsula Grill in Charleston, the Ultimate Coconut Cake& has been f&ted by the likes of Martha Stewart and Bobby Stewart. New York Times tastemaker Florence Fabricant : &Coconut-infused butter cream is slathered between six layers of golden poundcake made with coconut milk in the batter. & In Charleston, some brides are ordering it as wedding cake.& The state that has taken coconut cake to its overelaborate zenith is the state that gets coconut cake as its official state dessert.
South Dakota
Like North Dakota, South Dakota has a fair amount of inhabitants of German and Scandinavian extraction. Kuchen just means cake in German, and in South Dakota it can refer to a number of different types of cake, but the type recognized as the official state dessert, according to , is &a sweet dough crust filled with custard, which is served plain or studded with fruit, such as prunes, peaches, blueberries and apples.& To get a better sense of how kuchen is made, check out
in Delmont, South Dakota, or start making reservations for this year&s festival.
Banana pudding
Many states&perhaps all the states&wanted banana pudding as their state sweet. The layered concoction of sliced bananas, vanilla pudding, vanilla wafers, and whipped cream is an honest-to-God American treasure. And Tennessee is the state that has developed a festival worthy of banana pudding&s charms: The
has been running for five years in Hickman County, Tennessee. In addition to naming &the best maker of banana pudding in the United States,& the festival crowns a , a ritual of retrograde sexism that is forgivable only because it&s done for the greater glory of banana pudding.
The pecan tree is Texas& official state tree, the native pecan is Texas& official state nut, and San Saba, Texas, is the self-proclaimed &.& Does it surprise you that the Texas House of Representatives ? It should not. Texas has covered all its bases where it comes to pecans, and to give this Thanksgiving dessert to any other state would just be wrongheaded. (It would also probably qualify as &.&)
Utah is the only state whose dessert is the same as . (Come to think of it, Jell-O is one of the only desserts that is made out of meat.) There&s a reason the so-called &Mormon Corridor& is also known as the &&&Jell-O is the most potent symbol of Latter-day Saint culture and cuisine. (Literally the most potent&remember, Mormons don&t consume coffee, tea, or alcohol.)
Maple candy
store, &Your Vermont maple candy and maple wedding favors specialists,& isn&t the only place you can buy maple candy&a magical confection that is made from pure, concentrated, whipped maple syrup&but it is the most aptly named.
Chess pie (the name is possibly a ) is filled with a custard containing eggs, butter, flour, sugar, and usually cornmeal. Chess pie is awarded to Virginia because the very first written recipe for such a pie, .
Nanaimo bars
Yes, Nanaimo bars get their name from Nanaimo, British Columbia, and they are indubitably Canadian by birth. But it&s unsurprising that these sweets, which consist of a layer of graham cracker and nut crust, a layer of pudding or buttercream frosting, and a layer of chocolate, gained popularity south of the Canadian border as well. And it was Seattle-based behemoth Starbucks, which , that introduced them to the rest of America.
Washington, D.C.
The cupcake craze of the early 21st century did not begin in Washington, D.C., but it ended there. Our nation&s capital is home to , including Georgetown Cupcake, which rose to prominence on the TLC reality show &the program that forever linked the District of Columbia with cupcakes in the nation&s imagination. No one tell D.C. that .
West Virginia
Shoofly pie
Shoofly pie is a colorful name for molasses pie. It seems to have been invented, like so many other desserts, , but molasses is a beloved ingredient , as evidenced by the , held annually in Arnoldsburg, West Virginia, .
What is a kringle, you ask? Why, just head over to , which tells you everything you need to know: The home page bears several photographs of the ring-shaped, fruit-filled, streudel-like pastries and a large insignia reading &Official State Pastry of Wisconsin.& Wisconsinites know that the best kringles are found in Racine County, whose Danish immigrants have made it &.&
Cowboy cookies
The connection between cowboys and cowboy cookies is unclear, unless it&s just that cowboys, like the rest of us, enjoy oatmeal cookies packed with chocolate chips, pecans, and coconut. Regardless, as the state with the most enduring cowboy cred, Wyoming gets .
Thanks to Eliza Berman for contributing research to this article.
Correction, Aug. 26, 2014: This article originally stated that Mormons don&t consume caffeine. Mormon scripture specifically prohibits &hot drinks,& understood to mean coffee and tea, but is silent about other sources of caffeine. (.)
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