iphone手写输入法问题 os9.02手写法不流𣈱

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摘要: /design/80.html一根线的渲染为了说明多种设备的不同像素渲染情况,我们比较了一个一像素宽的线是怎样渲染的:最初的iPhone – 没有高清屏,比例系数是1。iPhone 5 – 有高清屏,比例系数是2。iPhone...
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摘要: About Information Property List FilesUILaunchImageFileUILaunchImageFile (String - iOS) specifies the name of the launch image file for the app on olde...
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摘要: 手动切一下 老的push,再切回来,就会出有了,我想是一个bug.Xcode 6 Segue with UINavigationItemup vote0down votefavoriteI've just created a Segue from a ViewController (which is...
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摘要: /Library/LaunchAgents//Library/LaunchDaemons
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摘要: Sincemy other answer (animating two levels of masks)has some graphics glitches, I decided to try redrawing the path on every frame of animation. So fi...
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摘要: rand(3) / random(3) / arc4random(3) / et al.Written byMattt ThompsononAugust 12th, 2013What passes for randomness is merely a hidden chain of causalit...
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摘要: 在企业分发的app下载过程中,iOS8发现挂在官网上的企业版的app点击了提示是否安装应用程序,但始终安装不上程序,的device console发现安装的时候出现LoadExternalDownloadManifestOperation: Ignore manifest download, alr...
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摘要: 今天测试最新的微信iOS SDK, 仅仅是建了一个空的工程,把sdk加进去运行,就报了以下错误:Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: &operator delete[](void*)&, referenced from: +[WeChat...
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摘要: 第一、四个用途用途一:定义一种类型的别名,而不只是简单的宏替换。可以用作同时声明指针型的多个对象。比如:char* pa, // 这多数不符合我们的意图,它只声明了一个指向字符变量的指针,// 和一个字符变量;以下则可行:typedef char* PCHAR; // 一般用大写PCHAR ...
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摘要: #include #include // Define a callback to be called when the sound is finished// playing. Useful when you need to free memory after playing.static vo...
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摘要: PredicateSELFRepresents the object being evaluated.CORE DATARetrieving Specific ObjectsIf your application uses multiple contexts and you want to test...
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摘要: Libraries and frameworks are designated as Required by default, but you can change this designation to Optional.Required libraries must be present on ...
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摘要: Learn about the startup key combinations you can use with Intel-based Macs.You can use the following startup key combinations withIntel-basedMacs.KeystrokeDescriptionPress C during startupStart up from a bootableCD, DVD, or USB thumb drive (such as OS X install media).Press D during startupStart up
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摘要: Debugging Process StartupQ: How do I debug a process's startup code?A:This depends on how the process is launched. For a typical application-level process, you can debug the startup code by launching it from within the debugger in Xcode. However, there may be circumstances where that's not a
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摘要: Glossary term terminologyCertificate authority A norganization that authorizes a certificate.Certificate signing request(CSR) A file that contains personal information used to generate a signing certificate. This file also contains the public key to be included in the certificate, along with identif
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摘要: I understand that the External Accessory framework in iOS 3.0 and later will allow my application to communicate with Bluetooth devices. So why doesn't my application see the Bluetooth accessory sitting next to my iPhone?A:The External Accessory framework is designed to allow iOS applications to
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摘要: The HTML importer should not be called from a background thread (that is, theoptionsdictionary includesNSDocumentTypeDocumentAttributewith a value ofN...
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摘要: IOS7 app 默认是全屏模式,所以之前的程序窗口会上向移动到状态栏上面,所以在底边会有一条大白边表格单元格,默认是白色背景,之前程序设置的透明效果,这里不在起作用,需要用下面的委托方法改变。- (void)tableView:(UITableView*)tableViewwillDisplayCell:(UITableViewCell*)cellforRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath*)indexPath表格委托方法- (UIView *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView viewForHeaderInSection:(NSInte
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摘要: file:///Users/yangiori/Library/Developer/Shared/Documentation/DocSets/com.apple.adc.documentation.AppleiOS7.0.iOSLibrary.docset/Contents/Resources/Documents/navigation/index.htmlA workaround - open your browser and go to:file:///Users/userName/Library/Developer/Shared/Documentation/DocSets/com.apple
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摘要: High Precision Timers in iOS / OS XThe note will cover the do's and dont's of using high precision timers on iOS and OS X.High Precision Timers in iOS / OS XDo I need a high precision timer?A suggestion for synchronizing with display updatesHow do timers work?How do high precision timers wor
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摘要: Technical Q&A QA1719How do I prevent files from being backed up to iCloud and iTunes?Q: My app has a number of files that need to be stored on the device permanently for my app to function properly offline. However, those files do not contain user data and don't need to be backed up. How can
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摘要: //// InfoDetailViewController.m// StyleWeekly//// Created by Iori on 13-5-24.// Copyright (c) 2013年 Iori. All rights reserved.//#import &InfoDetai...
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摘要: 想知道你强化到20、25级,会花费多少金币吗,用这个app来告诉你。下载地址:Download
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摘要: Unable to create any keyboard shortcuts after the iOS 6.1.3 update on iPad 3I had two keyboard shortcuts on my device before updating to iOS 6.1.3. After the update I wanted to create two more keyboard shortcuts but I am not able to do so as the area is greyed out. I cannot even delete the old ones.
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摘要: - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { static NSString *CellIdentifier = [NSString stringWithFormat:@&Cell&]; UITableViewCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:CellIdentifier]; if (cell == nil) { cell ...
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摘要: The iPad Split-Keyboard and (Missing) NotificationsPosted on May 19, 2012Developing an app that people actually use is a great way to discover holes in your knowlege of new APIs. I recently released a side project of mine for sale on the App Store under the nameOnePAD. It's an electronic pocket
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摘要: NSValue Class Reference–initWithBytes:objCType:+valueWithBytes:objCType:+value:withObjCType:+valueWithNonretainedObject:+valueWithPointer:+valueWithRange:NSNumber Class ReferenceInherits fromNSValue:NSObject+numberWithBool:+numberWithChar:+numberWithDouble:+numberWithFloat:+numberWithInt:+numberWith
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摘要: About Document InteractioniOS provides technologies for displaying previews of files that your app doesn’t directly support. iOS also provides a systemwide registry of file type associations, allowing your app to handle the opening of files from other installed apps. These powerful technologies incl
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摘要: -(void)prepareForSegue:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue sender:(id)sender{1 if([[segue identifier] isEqualToString:@&groupPopoverSegue&])2 {3 UIViewController *vc = segue.destinationViewC //popover 视图控制器时,ios5视图控制器会马上执行viewdidload,ios6中当你显示执行第5行语句时也会执行viewdidload。非popover会等prepareFor..
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摘要: self.contentView 里有时会出这样的子视图。。。。&UILabel: 0x81667f0; frame = (0 0; 0 0); clipsToBounds = YES; userInteractionEnabled = NO; layer = &CALayer: 0x8166880&&
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摘要: (lldb) po [success compare:@&yes&]$1 = 0 &nil&(lldb) p [success compare:@&yes&](int) $2 = 0(lldb) p [success isEqualToString:@&yes&] 安全写法(char) $3 = '\0'(lldb) p success(NSString *) $4 = 0x(lldb) p [success compare:@&yes&] == 0 //NSOrdere
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摘要: 1 2 /* 3 File: TagSelectionController.m 4 Abstract: The table view controller responsible for displaying all available tags. 5 The controller is also given an Event object. Row for tags related to the event display a checkmark. If the user taps a row, the corresponding tag is added t...
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摘要: AX ERROR: Could not find my mock parent, most likely I am stale使用设计好的cell做为表头视图,控制出现的log,挺有意思。 1 - (UIView *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView viewForHeaderInSection:(NSInteger)section 2 { 3 4 IoriTableViewCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:@&DataDetailHeadCell&]; 5
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摘要: 1 /* Basic data types for Objective C. 2 Copyright (C) ,
Free Software Foundation, Inc. 3 4 This file is part of GCC. 5 6 GCC you can redistribute it and/or modify 7 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 8 the Free S...
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摘要: NSArray enumeration performance examinedOne day, I was thinking about NSArray enumeration (also called iteration): since Mac OS X 10.6 and iOS 4, there's the wonderful new world of blocks, and with it cameenumerateObjectsUsingBlock:. I assumed it must be slower than fast enumeration (for (object
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摘要: Creating a Singleton InstanceSome classes of the Foundation and AppKit frameworks create singleton objects. In a strict implementation, a singleton is the sole allowable instance of a class in the current process. But you can also have a more flexible singleton implementation in which a factory meth
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摘要: 1、Object-C有多继承吗?没有的话用什么代替?cocoa中所有的类都是NSObject的子类多继承在这里是用protocol委托代理来实现的你不用去考虑繁琐的多继承,虚基类的概念.ood的多态特性在obj-c中通过委托来实现.2、Object-C有私有方法吗?私有变量呢?objective-c – 类里面的方法只有两种, 静态方法和实例方法. 这似乎就不是完整的面向对象了,按照OO的原则就是一个对象只暴露有用的东西. 如果没有了私有方法的话, 对于一些小范围的代码重用就不那么顺手了. 在类里面声名一个私有方法@interface Controller : NSObject { NSStr
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摘要: UIDateicker并没有继承UIPickerView,它的宽度只有iphone的宽度,在ipad上直接显示出来非常不协调,所以苹果建议用UIPopoverViewController来显示,所以你可以在里面任意定制。在iphone中显示需要手动配制动画,因为它只是一个视图。所以你有下面几种方式显示出一个UIDatePicker.使用UIView动画块从底部慢慢滑动上来嵌入到UIAlert或者UIActionSheet中将UIDateicker视图做为可输入控件的定制键盘,inputView.最后我的变态方案将两个UIDatePicker一起弹出,形成一个时间区域选择 1 NSLocale
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摘要: json:1 [{&iTagID&:9,&cTag&:&Liuxx测试-标签-1&,&cUnit&:&TT&,&values&:[{&serial_number&:1,&cDate&:&&,&fValue&:30},{&serial_number&:2,&cDate&:&&,&fValue
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摘要: 辅助功能网页元素的提示信息,例如: alt title
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摘要: Ah found it, they are saved at:~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/CodeSnippets/Each one is a plist file. In contrast to Xcode 3 there is now one file per snippet.
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摘要: Your app has aUIWindow, which contains your root view controller's view, which contains the button:UIWindowyour root viewUIButtonWhat you didn't understand is that theUIWindowrotates the user interface by applying a rotation transform to your root. Take a look at the view hierarchy when the
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摘要: When you run the Build and Archive command, Xcode 3.2.2 or later fetches your application binary and its associated.dSYMfile and saves them in your home folder. The.dSYM, which contains symbol information that are useful for debugging and symbolizing crash reports, is created by setting the &De
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摘要: Using Injection it is possible to make a change to the implementation of an Objective-C® class and have it take effect as soon as the class is saved without having to restart the application. This feature works for OS X and iOS applications in the simulator and on iOS devices.
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摘要: 一. 在c中分为这几个存储区1.栈 - 由编译器自动分配释放2.堆 - 一般由程序员分配释放,若程序员不释放,程序结束时可能由OS回收3.全局区(静态区),全局变量和静态变量的存储是放在一块的,初始化的全局变量和静态变量在一块区域,未初始化的全局变量和未初始化的静态变量在相邻的另一块区域。- 程序结束释放4.另外还有一个专门放常量的地方。- 程序结束释放在函数体中定义的变量通常是在栈上,用malloc, calloc, realloc等分配内存的函数分配得到的就是在堆上。在所有函数体外定义的是全局量,加了static修饰符后不管在哪里都存放在全局区(静态区),在所有函数体外定义的static变
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摘要: 前年做新闻类客户端时,想实现自定义几个模板的视图轮留切换显示,在当时也不知道能不能实现,所以先用javascript写了一段模拟真实,看上去还不错,之后就将它翻成objective-c了,项目完成。 1 &!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC &-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN&& 2 &HTML& 3 &HEAD& 4 &TITLE& New Document &/TITLE& 5 &META NAME=&Generator& CONTENT
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摘要: Three20框架好久不用了,而且也已经过时了,不过它在当时来讲确认解决了许多麻烦,省确了许多代码,仅此环念。最近用xcode4.2打开老项目后发现,不能编译,解决掉那些被警告的过时api后又发现 “Empty TTTableViewHeaders displaying although they shouldn't!”,因为苹果在ios5这后表格行为发生了变化。不过最为有趣的是我使用xcode3.2编译到我的ios5真机中,显示是正确的,而用xcode4.2编译就会出现empty head.tableView:heightForHeaderInSection:Special Cons
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摘要: UIView Class Reference - Instance MethodslayoutSubviewsLays out subviews.- (void)layoutSubviewsDiscussionThe default implementation of this method doe...
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摘要: 第一种纯代码构建,实现uitableviewcell的子类,并自定义子视图通过interface builder创建可视化的视图原型通过automatic cell loading, -(void)registerNib:(UINib *)nib forCellReuseIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier通过storyboard创建可视化的视图原型,对于static cell根本不需要数据源。从nib文件加载表格单元也有两种方式,从最早的beginning iphone 3 development exploring the ios sdk: 1 - (UITa
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摘要: nil: A null pointer to an Objective-C object. ( #define nil ((id)0) )1 #ifndef NULL2 #define NULL __DARWIN_NULL3 #endif /* ! NULL */4 #ifndef nil5 #define nil NULL6 #endif /* ! nil */1 #ifndef nil2 # if __has_feature(cxx_nullptr)3 # define nil nullptr4 # else5 # define nil __DARWIN_NULL6 ...
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摘要: Today, i had trying update my project with three20 to ios6, but somethings had raised that it reports errors (e.g. _tapCount,_view can not by finded) in fileUIViewAdditions.m.打开文件后发现里面有宏定义,判断如果是调试阶段,会使用 私有变量 输出某些信息,结果屏避之再编译就可以了。 1 / Remove GSEvent and UITouchAdditions from Release builds 2 #ifdef ..
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摘要: 无衬线中文字体(黑体、等线体等)Windows 7 和 Mac OS X 都使用无衬线字体,为什么 Windows 的看起来和 Mac OS X 效果差别很大呢?首先,Windows與Mac的文字渲染(Font-rendering, 我不認同翻譯,但暫且使用)誰好誰差,不在此定義。因為字體設計師相信肉眼較易接受相對輪廓圓潤的視覺文字(visual language),mac是基於這個想法去調較osx的font rendering engine (Apple quartz, 有錯謝謝指正),在外國文字設計論壇上字體愛好者幾乎一面倒支持mac的文字渲染方法;
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摘要: 原型设计Balsamiq Mockups文本编辑UltraEdit解压缩The Unarchiver数据管理iExploreriFunBox词典:欧路词典金山词霸有道词典远程桌面:PocketCloud Remote DesktopTeamViewerAirSliderX(AirPlay)Mobile Mouse图形图像:Mac OS/Macbook Screen Capture scroll如果你在Windows上喜欢用HyperSnap来截屏,并且喜欢用它的滚动截屏功能,那么在Mac上你可能也像我一样,找了很久都没找到一款类似的软件。今天终于发现了它:Snagit使用方法:1、在Snagi
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摘要: 在非arc与arc的环境中使用时,导致程序crash. 1 //当前类使用-fno-objc 编译 2 3 needle_ = [[MyView alloc] init]; 4 5 needleLayer = [CALayer layer]; 6 needleLayer.delegate = self. 7 8 9 - (void)dealloc10 { 11 [needle_ release];12 [needleLayer release];13 [super dealloc]; //crash14 }...
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摘要: 1 #define PSIZE 16 // size of the pattern cell 2 3 static void MyDrawStencilStar (void *info, CGContextRef myContext) 4 { 5 6 dou...
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摘要: 最近用objective-c画图形,当时我就是想无论在Mac或Windows平台中都存在绘图环境(并且graphics content都拥有图形环境状态堆栈)的概念,这种绘图模型是谁发明的,最早使用这种模式的是什么编程平台?终于找到最原始的出处:来自Adobe的postscript,我认为是在苹果成...
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摘要: Configuring the ViewportSafari on iOS displays webpages at a scale that works for most web content originally designed for the desktop. If these default settings don’t work for your webpages, it is highly recommended that you change the settings by configuring the viewport. You especially need to co
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摘要: Mac OS 升级到 Mountain Lion 10.8.2 后,Xcode 4.5 的 git gui 功能失效了,准备降级到lion.在 Google 查到有许多美国或日本朋友也遇到了此类问题。我们这次损失很大,所有客户端都不能与 git 仓库同步了。不能在 organizer 中连接局域网内 git 服务器,提示用户名或密码错误,但命令行依然好使,github 也能连上。Mountain Lion 杀伤力这么巨大?很多软件都不兼容,比如最简单的屏幕保护screenstagram.最新情况,Administrator用户名是首字母大写,修正后可以正常重新(新建)连接git仓库了,但是这仍
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摘要: 1、用Disk Utility(在实用工具里面)把Xcode 3.2.x的磁盘映像转换成一个可读写的dmg文件。转 换好后双击它,让Finder在设备里面显示它。在Finder里面右键Xcode包(Xcode and iOS SDK),选择“Show Packages”进入Contents文件夹。(右键xcode包,打开方式,选择实用工具下的Disk Utility(磁盘工具),会弹出来一个框,宽上边功能条里有转换,选择转换成可读写,然后选择转换到桌面。转换好了后双击转换后的包,出来准备安装的 框,右键Xcode and iOS SDK,选择显示包内容)2、用TextEdit打开iPhoneS
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摘要: #define DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(d) (d * M_PI / 180)/* [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:nil]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:0.35]; self.rotaImageView.layer.transform = CATransform3DRotate(self.rotaImageView.layer.transform, 3*M_PI, 0, 0, 1); [UIView commitAnimations];...
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摘要: 基本函数直角三角形。如右图,当平面上的三点A、B、C的连线,、、,构成一个直角三角形,其中为直角。对于与的夹角而言:对边(opposite)邻边(adjacent)斜边(hypotenuse)函数英语简写定义关系正弦Sinesin余弦Cosinecos正切Tangenttan余切Cotangentc...
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摘要: With a variable typedid, you can send it any known message and the compiler will not complain. With a variable typedNSObject *, you can only send it messages declared by NSObject (not methods of any subclass) or else it will generate a warning. In general,idis what you want.idmeans &an object&q
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摘要: 获取app的iap购置项,是通过app的Bundle identifier标识来向apple服务器获取的,在购买指定商品之前,产品队例必须已经获取了产品标识,否则会出错的。我分别设置了我们账号的Bundle identifier,与一个日本账号的Bundle identifier,结果获取的购买项都是各自在iTunes connect中设置好的。但是当我设置成iSlash的Bundle identifier时候,却什么也取不到,不知道为什么呢?。我后来证实也可以获得呵呵!另外在获取购买项时,有时会出现获取不到localizedTitle的情况,苹果很抽风。而且有时会买不到商品的情况,就是你获取
不及格的程序员-八神 阅读(178) |
摘要: 昨天北京时间6月21日,在测试APP内购的时候 SKProduct 的属性localizedTitle突然为null了,其它属性正常,而前一天代码还好使,反重调试无果....今天果断再次google,发现美国那边也不只一人出现同样的问题,所以断定是苹果出了问题./questions//nil-localizedtitle-in-skproduct/thread/155695?start=0&tstart=0/me
不及格的程序员-八神 阅读(428) |
摘要: Mac OS X的内核叫 XNU ,它有许多组件构成,如: Mach 、 BSD 、 I/O Kit 、 Platform Expert 、 libkern 、 libsa 。 Darwin-&XNU-&Mach-&BSDXNU,由苹果电脑发展的操作系统内核,被使用于Mac OS X中。它是Darwin操作系统的一部份,跟随着Darwin一同作为自由及开放源代码软件被发布。XNU是X is Not Unix的缩写Darwin是由苹果电脑于2000年所释出的一个开放源代码操作系统。Darwin是Mac OS X和iOS操作环境的操作系统部份。苹果电脑于2000年把Darwin释
不及格的程序员-八神 阅读(285) |
摘要: IntroductionIn-App Purchase allows you to embed a store directly within your application. You implement In-App Purchase in your application using the Store Kit framework. Store Kit connects to the App Store on your application's behalf to securely process payments from the user. Store Kit prompt
不及格的程序员-八神 阅读(226) |
摘要: 在StoryBoard中设置弹出Model ViewController时,将segue的presentation项选择为除了UIModalPresentationCurrentContext和Default(它代表目标视图控制器的presentation属性设置,如果目标属性为CurrentContext那么也会发生)之外,当内存紧缺时,父视图都不会viewDidUnload,而XCode3.2则不在呼这一设置,让我很是费解啊。如果想在多于二层的视层控制器保证最后一个视图可以半透显示在上层的话,你必须将最开始的那层视图控制器设置为CurrentContext,但是也导致了它会视图释放掉,然后
不及格的程序员-八神 阅读(640) |
摘要: being retina display does not depend only on the ppi. it also depends on the viewing distance.using the formula a = 2tan-1(h/2d) at 15 inches(2.54厘米) away qualifies for a retina display.the eyes cannot discern the pixels at the distance, which is the essence of Retina Display.Retina 屏幕究竟是如何定义的?为何分辨率
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摘要: 陏着类似"来电归属地"这样的App越来越多,由于是采用企业开发账号,那么当账号过期之后它们的程序将不能再启动了,它们只有一年的使用时间. 对于这样的壳应用在app store上,对用户的利益是无法保障的,应该被禁止。 items assets kind software-package url kind full-size-image needs-shine url kind display-image needs-shine u...
不及格的程序员-八神 阅读(383) |
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摘要: Generated by APNs for each deviceDifferent from UDID entered into Program PortalDevice token value may changeApp is restored to a new deviceSame device is erased then app is reinstalled without restore uniquely identifies deviceCall registration API at each app launch and then send to server every t
不及格的程序员-八神 阅读(160) |
摘要: SummaryARC works by adding code at compile time to ensure that objects live as long as necessary, but no longer. Conceptually, it follows the same memory management conventions as manual reference counting (described inAdvanced Memory Management Programming Guide) by adding the appropriate memory ma
不及格的程序员-八神 阅读(597) |
摘要: Including QuickTime Movies In A Web PageNow that you've finished compressing your movie, you can deploy it to the web.QuickTime movies can be included in a web page allowing visitors to your website to experience media seamlessly inside their browser. This is accomplished by adding some HTML to
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摘要: 败家苹果参考直接引用http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs//functions/printf.html文档来说明格式化的使用,可该文档没有微软的MSDN说的清楚明确,看看下面MSDN给出的格式说明可以说明一切。%[flags][width][.perc] [F|N|h|l]type1.type 含义如下: d 有符号10进制整数 i 有符号10进制整数 o 有符号8进制整数 u 无符号10进制整数 x 无符号的16进制数字,并以小写abcdef表示 X 无符号的16进制数字,并以大写ABCDEF表示 F/f 浮点数 E/e ...
不及格的程序员-八神 阅读(147) |
摘要: Core Graphics FrameworkThe Core Graphics framework (CoreGraphics.framework) contains the interfaces for the Quartz 2D drawing API.Quartzis the same advanced, vector-based drawing engine that is used in Mac OS X. It provides support for path-based drawing, anti-aliased rendering, gradients, images, c
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摘要: The Mac Application EnvironmentMac OS X incorporates the latest technologies for creating powerful and fun-to-use apps. But the technologies by themselves are not enough to make every app great. What sets an app apart from its peers is how it helps the user achieve some tangible goal. After all, use
不及格的程序员-八神 阅读(385) |
摘要: Managing Nib Objects in iOSTop-Level ObjectsObjects in the nib file are created with a retain count of 1 and then autoreleased. As it rebuilds the object hierarchy, UIKit reestablishes connections between the objects usingsetValue:forKey:, which uses the available setter method or retains the object
不及格的程序员-八神 阅读(156) |
摘要: Specifying High-Resolution Images in iOSAny iPhone application built for iOS 4.0 and later should include high-resolution versions of its image resources. When the application is run on a device that has a high-resolution screen, high-resolution images provide extra detail and look better because th
不及格的程序员-八神 阅读(261) |
摘要: Git是个好东西,可以在本地随意修改文件,可以随时回顾历史记录。它有它自已的原则,与source safe的概念大不相同。你首先要先提交(commit)本地的修改文件,才能进行[pull]或[push]操作远端Git数据库,如果期间团队中有别人有过更新(push),你需要先(pull)同步一下远程数据库,并且合并冲突的部分.xcode帮且文档里有详细的描述对于这些操作:file:///Users/yangiori/Library/Developer/Shared/Documentation/DocSets/com.apple.ADC_Reference_Library.DeveloperToo
不及格的程序员-八神 阅读(463) |
摘要: 1. 我目前设置了双显示在mac系统上,另外一个显示器是原来pc的,时常切换,但在切换成pc时,mac系统内的鼠标滚动出现不平滑状态。。。。 目前系统更新到了mountain lion状况没有改变2.xocde 4.3 bugs, 当xcode窗口跨越两个显示器,这时点击xcode file菜单中的源代码控制器进行代码提交之后,xcode窗口位置会向最左面屏幕偏出许多。。。
不及格的程序员-八神 阅读(196) |
摘要: RootViewController.h 作为UINavigatorController根视图,模式弹出新窗口时,新窗口透明的部分无效 (设置UINavigatorController的modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationCurrentContext即可)。1 untitled *vc = [[untitled alloc] initWithNibName:@&untitled& bundle:nil];2 self.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationCurrentCo
不及格的程序员-八神 阅读(340) |
摘要: 1 // NOTE: GameCenter does not guarantee that callback blocks will be execute on the main thread. 2 // As such, your application needs to be very careful in how it handles references to view 3 // controllers. If a view controller is referenced in a block that executes on a secondary queue, 4 // t...
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摘要: 1 dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(0, 0), ^{ 2 3 dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ 4 ... 5 [self myMethod]; 6 7 }); 8 9 -(void)myMethod10 {11 self.view.frame = CGRectMake(0, ...
不及格的程序员-八神 阅读(787) |
摘要: 开发的一款通用版程序由于the new ipad的出现,运行出现了不兼容现像。原有程序启动图片default.png,default@2x.png,default~ipad.png,出现启动画面偏移问题,解决方式添加default@2x~ipad.png.用xcode4.3版打开项目,调度运行项目,程序布局面目全非,用原来的xcode3.2版则没有问题。
不及格的程序员-八神 阅读(232) |
摘要: Technical Q&A QA1681Viewing iPhone-Optimized PNGsQ: When I build my iPhone OS application, Xcode optimizes the PNG files within my application's bundle, meaning that Preview can't display them. How can I view these optimized files?A:When I build my iPhone OS application, Xcode optimizes
不及格的程序员-八神 阅读(180) |
摘要: 越狱设备具有程序所在文件夹的读写权限,而非越狱设备只能写document目录,对于程序文件夹的写也是白写,不会记忆的。
不及格的程序员-八神 阅读(406) |
摘要: 时隔一年之后这款游戏终于在今天出了第二版了,将它认为是历史上最强的iPhone 3D游戏一点都不过份。首先从南太平洋的新西兰store区下载,4小时后我将其通关。游戏故事曲折,不过还是没能将整个故事讲述请楚,最后还是留下后手与悬念,主角再次陷入痛苦,而它的搭档爱莎又会踏上拯救他的路程。更多图片在相册中 进入相册 /ioriwellings/gallery/339591.html
不及格的程序员-八神 阅读(594) |
摘要: 同样的代码,模拟器下不工作,真机下可以循环播放。MPMoviePlayerController *theMovie = [[MPMoviePlayerControlleralloc] initWithContentURL:[NSURLfileURLWithPath:[[NSBundlemainBundle] pathForResource:@&***&ofType:@&mp4&] ]];theMovie.repeatMode=MPMovieRepeatModeOtheMovie.view.frame = self.view.[self
不及格的程序员-八神 阅读(305) |
摘要: 无线路由识别问题iMac27下无线路由器设置40MHz通道能连上,但无法正确获取IP地址,但我的iPhone4,iPad,iPod均能连接,后来手动设置成20MHZ成功正确获取ip. 这个问题浪费我半天时间,因为iMac是双系统,win7没有此问题可以正确识别无线路由器,所以只好在路由上的设置作各种测试,网上查了一下,遇到此问题的不只我一个。app store软件升级断点续传问题在从xcode4.0升级到4.2的过程中,每次将要完成时都会重头开始再来。。。反复好几次,最后才算成功,600多MB啊,玩呢?
不及格的程序员-八神 阅读(235) |
摘要: 在build ios项目时,出现了这样的错误,仔细检测过不是因为开发证书的问题,而是缺少文件造成的,将xcode目录中的签名文件copy到系统目录即可。这是在一台新装的mac上产生的,估计是因为新装的xcode没有装完全造成的。sudo mv /usr/bin/codesign_allocate /usr/bin/codesign_allocate_oldsudo ln -s /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin/codesign_allocate /usr/bin
不及格的程序员-八神 阅读(718) |
摘要: iMac 27 12GB Memory.用来贴补家用,有需要开发项目的可以与我联系 asp.net、组件开发 ,java,javascript,xml/xslt,objective-c 什么都行.目前上架产品包括:少儿有声阅读系列《单刀会》《白蛇传》《空城记》,新闻阅读有 “辽宁日报” “辽宁日报HD”,开发中的还有时尚生活导报。
不及格的程序员-八神 阅读(318) |
摘要: Beginning iOS 4 Application Development6. Keyboard inputswhAt yOu will leArn in thiS chApterHow to customize the keyboard for diff erent types of inputsHow to hide the keyboard when you are done typingHow to detect when a keyboard is visible or notHow to use ScrollView to contain other viewsHow to s
不及格的程序员-八神 阅读(137) |
摘要: 在我开发通用版儿童教育类 iOS App&&单刀会&&中遇到了如下小陷井:在iOS设备中播放视频,iPad与iPhone在界面与形为上有一点小差别....,iPad默认情况会在视频控制器右上角多出一个切换全屏的按钮。同样的代码形成的效果见截图:MPMoviePlayerController *theMovie = [[MPMoviePlayerController alloc] initWithContentURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@&Desc&quot
不及格的程序员-八神 阅读(538) |
摘要: iOS offers a rich set of tools for working with sound in your application. These tools are arranged into frameworks according to the features they provide, as follows:■ Use theMedia Player framework to play songs, audio books, or audio podcasts froma user’s iPod library. For details, seeMedia Playe.
不及格的程序员-八神 阅读(296) |
摘要: Copy from Beginning iOS 4 Application Development,author:Wei-Meng Lee, Microsoft MVP ,come from Singapore.technique 1 — mODifying the Device tArget SettingThe Targeted Device Family setting provides three different values: iPhone, iPad, or iPhone/iPad.#if (__IPHONE_OS_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED &= 30200
不及格的程序员-八神 阅读(136) |
摘要: emulator 仿真器。通过软件方式,精确地在一种处理器上仿真另一种处理器或者硬件的运行方式。其目的是完全仿真被仿真硬件在接收到各种外界信息的时候的反应。我们现在常见的MAME、ePSXe等都是这一类。 仿真器多用于电视游戏和街机,也有一些用于掌上电脑。仿真器一般需要ROM才能执行,ROM的最初来源是一些原平台的ROM芯片,通过一些手段将原程序拷贝下来(这个过程一般称之为“dump”)然后利用仿真器加载这些ROM来实现仿真过程。 仿真器运行的程序一般是与目标机器码相同的二进制码,比如arm指令.很明显示的例子就是android 的apk可执行文件,可以装进emulator和真机中,而simu
不及格的程序员-八神 阅读(574) |
摘要: 作者:不及格的程序员-八神要注意不支持的特性 比如你的手持设备不支持发送短信或邮件的话,创建该类型的类时将返回nil...,这与我们平常习惯性的理解不同,如果是我设计我会让它抛出异常可能会更好,至少不需要查api文档就知道怎么回事。设备的方向 当你在window上连续添加两个景色模式的视图控制器的时候,第二个视图的方向会保持人像模式,并且它的shouldAutorrotateToInterfaceOrientation方法不会被触发...根视图中的输出口 这个算不算,可以根据开发人员的个人理解而定,按传统编程想法,当从nib文件实例化一个视图控制器时,我觉得视图中的所有输出口控件都会自动初..
不及格的程序员-八神 阅读(1513) |
摘要: 作者:不及格的程序员-八神功能简单数学题难倒智能手机(是呼是直指Android,很多用户都会看到该条消息,都会测试在自已的手机中测试,结果会很失望)8.03减去7.96等于多少?答案是0.07。14.52减去14.49等于多少?答案是0.03。这道简单的小数减法题,相信很多小学生都可以很快、很轻易、很从容地解答出来,但让人想不到的是,一部分智能手机却在这个算术题上栽了大跟头。软件及商店总有一些第三方自称是统计机构的组织站出来说某某平台的软件市场的上架软件数量,持续增长大有超过iturn appstore的趋式.数量不是关键,而在于质量啊,到现在我还没有找到在ANDROID平台上出类萃的新闻类软
不及格的程序员-八神 阅读(3488) |
摘要: 大部人都说是因为c的方法声明放到.h文件中,而实现的方法(method)要放到.m文件中.也有一部人说是因为Objective-c很有特点的使用了message方式调用方法,所以文件名就定.m吧.but Brad Cox said : &Because .o and .c were taken. Simple as that.&!!!
不及格的程序员-八神 阅读(554) |
摘要: 推荐一个大众化语言学习的站点: /p/google-styleguide/它使用xml+xslt的方式解析成HTML页面,并且循续渐近式的介绍每种(比较大众化的,目前收录了 C++ , JavaScript, Objective-C , 和Python )编程语言 .可以作为内部培训资料或是初学者使用.样例:BackgroundObjective-C is a very dynamic, object-oriented extension of C. It's designed to be easy to use and read, whil
不及格的程序员-八神 阅读(707) |
摘要: 我喜欢有外星科技情节的一切,比如星际战舰,星际之门,星际旅行,第九区,独立日,还有这个游戏。。。游戏设计者在这1.0的后续版本中加入了这些新的情节,貌视最后的BOSS是主人公的祖先?
不及格的程序员-八神 阅读(258) |
摘要: Thread 0 name: Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-threadThread 0 Crashed:0 libsystem_c.dylib 0x35f008b2 tiny_free_list_add_ptr + 1221 ??? 0x +
libsystem_c.dylib 0x35f04e76 szone_malloc_should_clear + 1663 libsystem_c.dylib 0x35f05f82 szone_calloc + 344 libsystem_c.dylib 0x35f291c0 ma
不及格的程序员-八神 阅读(671) |
上午10点Thread 0 Crashed:0 libobjc.A.dylib 0x33a06466 objc_msgSend + 181 UIKit 0x313bdffe -[UIApplication _cancelGestureRecognizersForView:] + 182 UIKit 0x313b22e2 -[UIView(Hierarchy) _willMoveToWindow:] + 343 CoreFoundation 0x30435fe6 -[NSObject(NSObject) performSelector:withObject:withObje
不及格的程序员-八神 阅读(924) |
摘要: using Susing System.Collections.Gusing System.Lusing System.Wusing System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.WebCusing Flint.Uusing System.Gusing System.Web.Script.Susing System.IO;using System.Runtime.Serialization.Jusing System.Tusing Syste
不及格的程序员-八神 阅读(327) |
摘要: 在UITabBarController设置自定义视图控制器时,导航类型为UINavigationController时,当你push一个不是当前活动tab控制器时,tab视图控制器不会有动作,但当你切换到那个tab控制器时,之前push的视图这时才会显示出来...,被delay了.
不及格的程序员-八神 阅读(486) |
摘要: 早已不用Javascript/VBscript获取星期几的函数了,getDay/Weekday.它们功能太单一,而且不扶持本地化.在iOS中获取某日期的API:NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];dateFormatter.locale = [[[NSLocale alloc] initWithLocaleIdentifier:@&zh-CN&] autorelease];[dateFormatter setDateFormat: @&yyyy.MM.dd EEEE&quo
不及格的程序员-八神 阅读(1960) |
摘要: 该游戏画面真是超赞,不过可玩度不是很高.一共也就6,7关,而且要想买武器,必须反复存盘重新开始好几遍,才能存够钱...,所以我用一个周六的时间反复的打啊,一定要忍.好的武器和防具是必须的,敌人很快就会倒在你的脚下,看看我的屠龙宝刀15万啊,杀伤力巨大.
不及格的程序员-八神 阅读(282) |
摘要: iSlash确实不错,我把它推荐给我媳妇,这家伙两天之内就将该游戏秒杀了,不得不配服啊,忍耐力很强啊.Slice It也是不错,不过越到最后遇难而不得不求助电脑指示,所以我与媳妇最后都不太兴致了,不过我儿子应该会乐此不皮吧,因为它的画面太卡通了.给我儿子又买了几个玩具车:
不及格的程序员-八神 阅读(300) |
摘要: 一直要作这件事,终于成功了我是一个有超过10年工作经历的Advanced Developer,显然这个问题不是很困难,所以我做到了。所以呢之后便可以在iPhone中访问任何被中国网络禁止的内容了,包括, facebook, tWitter,这些对软件开发都非常有用。注:当然还要监控每个客户端都访问了哪些api URL,例如tWitter API.
不及格的程序员-八神 阅读(570) |
摘要: 如果你用的是IBM PC,下载页面会提示你:如果你用的是Apple PC,但还不是苹果开发者,下载页面会提示你:如果你已经是苹果开发者,直接copy下载地址发给别人,页面会提示他:不过这个最新版的开发工具XCode V4将UI设计界面工具(Interface Builder)也集成了,而且对编译器方面也作了调整(增加了LVMM compiler 2.0,都说速度很快 ),不过在使用之后Xcode整体速度下降了许多,没有之前快了,响应缓慢,使用习惯也要变了,格局都变了.以下是各版本XCODE的安装包大小,越来越大了.XCode V4与SDK4.3的安装包尺寸是4.28G. iphone_sdk_
不及格的程序员-八神 阅读(722) |
摘要: iPhone(4G、8G、16G) 年相继上市.iPhone 3G日,苹果公司推出3G iPhone。8GB版售价为199美元,16GB版售价为299美元. CPU:620 MHz (underclocked to 412 MHz) Samsung 32-bit RISC ARM 1176JZ(F)-S v1.0,与第一代iPhone相同.内存:128M显卡:PowerVR MBX Lite 3D GPUiPhone 3GS日,苹果公司推出iPhone 3GS.CPU :833 MHz (underclocked to 600 MHz) AR
不及格的程序员-八神 阅读(181) |
摘要: 作者:不及格的程序员-八神内存管理在iOS程序开发扮演非常重要角色,对这块处理不好的程序会在实际设备上发生Crash情况.对于经常在视图控制器中用retain声名的输出口一定要注意,在dealloc中release它们.Obj-C声明的属性,具有如下特性,将新对象赋值当前属性,并自动释放属性中的旧对象.在appDelegate.m中如果有一个window输出口,或者另外加了一个导航视图控制器或是其它什么视图控制器时,在 dealloc 方法中,执行这些输出口的release方法.而不必在applicationDidFinishLaunching中执行释放.在单独的自定义视图控制器中,如果在接到
不及格的程序员-八神 阅读(1232) |
摘要: 这个小游戏我觉得根愤怒的小鸟有的一拼,而且它的操作方式又很类似早期的PC网络游戏疯狂坦克.我在疯狂坦克中的排名是1000以内,所以我是金牌,玩这个游戏又找到了当年的感觉.以图片记录一该游戏中的关卡,个人觉得它们都是不错的设计.
不及格的程序员-八神 阅读(372) |
摘要: 这是一个在手机上来说,相当大的游戏了,光是开发团队就有数十人,包括美工,动画,设计,测试,本地化团队还包含了中国与韩国开发团队,而且游戏画面与可玩度都很不错.
不及格的程序员-八神 阅读(210) |
摘要: 该游戏创意不错,可玩度挺高,不过游戏的行进思想,与早在70-80年代的游戏pc有些类似,比如淘金,都有满足一些特定条件才有什么样的游戏提示.但是也有一些有意思的就是太变态,要自杀,自杀还不算,死之前一定要将别人先杀死,自已才能有方法死.这个电视画面是值得回忆的...完整下载:/Files/ioriwellings/Mr.Karoshi.rar
不及格的程序员-八神 阅读(339) |
摘要: 作者:不及格的程序员-八神首先从http://monotouch.net/官网下载了三个必须的安装文件 Mono for mac 框架,这个大约70M大小,再下载MonoDevelop,这个开发IDE大概10多M,最后下载了Monotouch SDK,这个大约22M.之后就是一步步安装了很顺利,由于我的mac mini 装的是中文系统,当第一次打开MonoDevelop时,界面居然是乱码,文字全是方块,或是空字符.后来在设置窗口中的User interface language设置成了英文,界面算是正常了.乱码的界面:正常的界面:下面创建一个Hello World的程序吧.托一个按钮,给按钮加
不及格的程序员-八神 阅读(5215) |
摘要: 作者:不及格的程序员-八神C#借签了多种语言的特性与功能,下面简单介绍它从Objective-C中引入的扩展方法.下面的示例演示C#中为 System.String 类定义的一个扩展方法:而在Objective-C 中扩展类方式同样可以实现同样功能:真是非常有趣的一件事情,比尔与乔布斯本是两个水火不相融的两个极端,它们都是非常讨厌对方的.在彼此的家中也不会出现对方的任何产品,可是在平台开发中它们却存在着影子.现在非常喜欢用Objective-c开发,而不是使用mono的任何产品,后者提供了android与ios平台的C#开发方式,但是价格也不便宜.不过Xcode的调试跟踪功能还不如Visual
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