在iPad上使用UIActionSheet,效果怎么和ipad iphone 同步中不一样阿

主题 : 请问uiactionsheet列表中最下方的按钮为什么点下半部分没反应?
级别: 侠客
可可豆: 991 CB
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谢谢了![actionSheet showInView:[UIApplication sharedApplication].keyWindow];
级别: 新手上路
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学到知识 了 ,thank you
级别: 新手上路
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级别: 新手上路
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Apple's documentation for the UIActionSheet is causing me confusion. First off, in the iPad Human Interface Guidelines, it says :
To learn more about using an action sheet in your code, see “Using Popovers to Display Content” in iPad Programming Guide.
But then in the "Using Popovers to Display Content" section, it doesn't mention Action Sheets at all! Am I missing something here?
My main question is this: on the iPad, what is the difference between a UIPopoverController and a UIActionSheet? If a UIActionSheet automatically presents itself inside a UIPopoverController, is there any reason to use UIActionSheet at all? I see how its delegate and automatic creation of buttons makes for fewer lines of code, but from a usability POV, is there a difference?
Also, displaying my actionSheet with animation is not working at all. It looks and acts exactly like an actionSheet presented without animation (which is exactly the same as if I were just using a UIPopoverController and no actionSheet at all). Here's my code:
UIActionSheet *action = [[UIActionSheet alloc] initWithTitle:@"An unsaved property already exists. You must assign a name to this property before creating a new property. Would you like to:"
otherButtonTitles:@"Open unsaved property", nil];
[action showFromRect:CGRectMake(0, 0, 200, 200) inView:self.mainSplitViewController.view animated:NO];
How would I get an actionSheet that looks like the sample animated actionSheet in Apple's documentation (from the maps application, where you add a location to a contact)?
I may just end up using an alert for this rather than a popover or an actionSheet, but it would still be useful to understand this.
First of all, UIActionSheet existed before UIPopoverController and UIPopoverController isn't available on iPhone, so it's useful for backwards compatibility and universal apps.
Also, a UIActionSheet isn't necessarily presented in a popover, specifically, if you show it from a UIBarButtonItem or UIToolbar that is already inside a popover. It is then presented in a similar fashion as on the iPhone (sliding in from the bottom of the view controller). According to the HIG, you must not present multiple popovers at the same time (I once had an app rejected for that), so in cases where a view controller may be inside a popover (like in a standard split view app), you may want to use action sheets, if possible. Of course there are a lot of cases where you can't replace a popover with an action sheet, because an action sheet only shows a list of buttons and a title, whereas a popover can display any view controller.
I think that the animated parameter only has an effect when an action sheet is presented in the "classic" (as on iPhone) way.
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Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabledUIActionSheet:
@interface ActionSheetViewController : UIViewController
-(IBAction) showActionSheetButtonPressed:(id)
-(IBAction) showAlterViewButtonPressed:(id)
在.m文件中实现showActionSheetButtonPressed 方法。
-(IBAction) showActionSheetButtonPressed:(id) sender&
UIActionSheet *actionSheet = [[UIActionSheet alloc]&
[actionSheet showInView:self.view];//参数指显示UIActionSheet的parent。
[actionSheet release];
-(void) actionSheet :(UIActionSheet *) actionSheet didDismissWithButtonIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex;
-(void) actionSheet :(UIActionSheet *) actionSheet didDismissWithButtonIndex:(NSInteger) buttonIndex
if( buttonIndex == [actionSheet cancelButtonIndex])
// DoSomething here.
if( buttonIndex == [actionSheet destructiveButtonIndex])
// DoSomething here.
-(IBAction) showAlterViewButtonPressed:(id) sender
UIAlertView *alertView = [[UIAlertView alloc]&
&&initWithTitle:@&Alert Title&&
&&message:@&Alter Message Content&&
[alertView show];
[alertView release];
UIAlterView相对于UIActionSheet简单,以为它只是一个提示用户的View而已。可以在 UIActionSheet的的处理事件 -(void) actionSheet ...中来调用UIAlterView.
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级别: 骑士
可可豆: 1956 CB
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在线时间: 385(时)
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想在UIActionSheet中增加不定数量的Button,所以使用addButtonWithTitle方法,动态的增加Button,在Button数量少时一切正常,但当Button数量多之后,显示将要超过一屏时,系统会自动将所有的除Cancel外的Button做成一个可以滚动的列表。OK,列表也没问题,但点击列表里的项时,UIActionSheetDelegate得到的Button Index出问题了,Cancel的index和动态增加的第一个Button的Index都是0,无法区分。 没有办法了,只能自己再做一个View来代替UIActionSheet了。无聊的人可以试试看,希望是我哪里搞错了。
级别: 骑士
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级别: 骑士
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威望: 1956 点
在线时间: 385(时)
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级别: 骑士
可可豆: 1956 CB
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在线时间: 385(时)
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OK,解决了,谢谢yoyokko,代码如下&&&&UIActionSheet *act = [[UIActionSheet alloc] init];&&&&act.delegate =&&&&&&&&for (NSString* menu in _menus) {&&&&&&&&[act addButtonWithTitle:menu];&&&&}&&&&&&&&[act addButtonWithTitle:@&Cancel&;&&&&act.cancelButtonIndex = [_menus count];&&&&&&&&[act showFromToolbar:self.toolbar];&&&&[act release];
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UID: 35043
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