
作者:佚名 资料来源:网络 点击数: &&&
文 章来源莲山 课件 w w w.5Y
2015学年第一学期期中考试试题四年级语文(试题总分100分&& 考试时间110分钟)
一、看拼音,写词语(10分)&& báo wù&&& càn làn&&&&& zhào yào&&&&&& hén jì&&&&&& sōu& suǒ(&&&&&& ) (&&&&&&& ) (&&&&&&&& )&& (&&&&&& )&& (&&&&&&& ) &&& gǎo& zhǐ&&&& fù& ài&&&&& nín shì&&&& xìn é&&&&& jìng& mì(&&&&&& ) (&&&&&&& ) (&&&&&&&& )& (&&&&&& )&& (&&&&&&& )二、比一比,再组词(5分) 牌(&&&& )&& 浑(&&&& )&& 折(&&&& )&& 豪(&&&& )&& 趴(&&&& )脾(&&&& )&& 辉(&&&& )&& 拆(&&&& )&& 毫(&&&& )&& 扒(&&&& )三、按要求,写成语(8分)若(&& )若现&&&&& 随(& )而安&&&& 绿树成(&& )&& 不容置(&& )柳(&& )花明&&&&& 草(& )花开&&&& 变化多(&& )&& 如虎添(&& )我能写四个含不同动物的成语:    &     &     & 四、认真读句子,选择正确的词(4分)持续&&& 继续&&& 连续&&& 陆续观众(&&&& )走进影剧院观看电影。第一场演完后,又(&&&& )演下一场,这样(&&&& )播放了三个小时。精彩的影片博得观众一片喝彩,结束时掌声(&&&& )了整整一分钟。 改进&&& 改正&&& 改善&&& 改变我在学习时,有错误就(&&&&& ),并不断(&&&&& )自己的学习方法。长大后,我要用知识去(&&& )家乡的落后面貌,(&&& )人民的生活水平。
五、选择正确读音,用“√”标出(4分)1.小猫已经学会淘气,耍个没完没了(le liǎo),但是跌到了(le liǎo)马上起来,再跑再跌。 2.那“鸟的(de dí dì)天堂”的(de dí dì)确是鸟的天堂啊!3.这台缝(fén fèn)纫机的台板有裂缝(fén fèn)。4.他直接在别人的铺(pū pù)位前铺(pū pù)上一张牛皮纸,摆起东西开始叫卖了。六、按课文内容(12分)1.句子“绿水本无忧,因风皱面;_____________________________”使用的修辞方法是_________。2.学习古诗,也能让我们明白不少哲理。如:诗句“_______________________,___________________________”告诫我们不要形成“盲人摸象”的错觉;诗句“________________________,________________________”告诉了我们“当局者迷,旁观者清”的原因;再有诗句“_________________________,________________________”让我们看到了“绝处逢生”的希望。3.上学年学习了《花钟》让我们知道不同的花开放的时间是不同的。我们还知道不同的花开放的季节也有所不同,比如:九月_________________,十月芙蓉正上妆,十一月_____________________,十二月_______________________。4.莫笑农家腊酒浑,&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 七、理解(17分) (一)鸟的天堂(节选)起初周围是静寂的。后来忽然起了一声鸟叫。我们把手一拍,便看见一只大鸟飞了起来。接着又看见第二只,第三只。我们继续拍掌,树上就变得热闹了,到处都是鸟声,到处都是鸟影。大的,小的,花的,黑的,有的站在树枝上叫,有的飞起来,有的在扑翅膀。我注意地看着,眼睛应接不暇,看清楚了这只,又错过了那只,看见了那只,另一只又起来了。一只画眉鸟飞了出来,被我们的掌声一吓,又飞进了叶丛,站在一根小枝上兴奋地叫着,那歌声真好听。当小船向着高塔下面的乡村划去的时候,我回头看那被抛在后面的茂盛的榕树。我感到一点儿留恋。昨天是我的眼睛骗了我,那“鸟的天堂”的确是鸟的天堂啊! 1.《鸟的天堂》的作者是_________________(1分)2.“应接不暇”的意思是__________________________。用“横线”在文中划出表示“应接不暇”的句子,然后用“应接不暇”写一句话。(3分)__________________________________________________________________________3.文中最后一句“鸟的天堂”加了引号是指&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ______________________________;第二个没加引号是指&&&&&&&&&&&&&& __________________________________,是作者由衷的赞叹。(2分)
(二)________________________当我还是个小女孩的时候,母亲给我讲过一个故事。有几只鸟在争论,谁能飞得更高,最后它们决定做一个实验。鹰觉得自己肯定能飞得最高,它就越飞越高,直到不能再往上飞了。这时候其他的鸟都已经回到地上,只有鹰高高地飞在天上没有回来。但是它没有想到,在它背上趴着一只很小的小鸟。当鹰已经飞不动的时候,这只小鸟从他背上飞了起来,飞得比鹰还要高。 我(&&&&&&& )喜欢这个故事,(&&&&&&& )它像我们的生活,我们每个人都可以飞得更高一些。我们能飞多高,在很大程度上要依靠我们下面的那只鹰。我想,在我的生活中帮助过我的那些人,就像那只鹰,是他们帮助我飞得更高。1.请给短文加个题目,写在文章开头的横线上。(2分)2.从下面的关联词中选择合适的填在文中的括号里。(1分)之所以、、、、、、是因为&&&&&&&&&&& 不但、、、、、、而且3.文中的第&&&&&& 自然段是母亲给我讲的故事。(1分)4.小鸟比鹰飞得还要高,是因为&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& (2分)5.“我们能飞多高,在很大程度上要依靠我们下面的那只鹰。”这句话中 “我们下面的那只鹰”指的是&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& (2分)6.试想一下,那只小鸟得了冠军后,会对那只鹰说些什么呢?(3分)_____________________________________________________________&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
八、。(40分)& 请以《发现的乐趣》为题,写一篇文章,要把观察的过程写清楚写具体,表达发现的乐趣。& 文 章来源莲山 课件 w w w.5Y
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5环境 科技
6政府职能 媒体 犯罪 动物
题目: The leaders or directors of organizations are often older& people. But some people say that young people can also be a leader. Do you agree& or disagree?
Some people think that the amount of noise people make have to be& controlled strictly while other say that people are free to make as much noise& as they wish. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Some people think that the age limit for driving should be& increased in order to make driving safer. To what extent do you agree or& disagree?
The use of mobile phone in certain places is just as antisocial& as smoking do you think mobile should be banned like smoking?
Nowadays, older people who need employment have to complete with& younger people. What problems do this causes? And what are the solutions?
In some countries, more and more adults are continuing to live& with their parents even after they have completed education and found jobs. Do& the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
In some countries around the world men and women are having& children late in life. What are the reasons for this development? What are the& effects on society and family life?
Some people prefer to provide support to those in their community& who need it. However, other people prefer to give money to national and& international charitable organizations. Discuss both views and give your& opinion.
题目: Some students take one year off between finishing school and& going to university, in order to travel or to work. Do you think advantages& outweigh disadvantages?
Some working parents believe children centers can provide best& care for children, while others think of other family members like grandparents& can do this job. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Some people think that only students with best academic results& should be rewarded, but others believe it is more important to reward students& who show improvement. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
Many schools encourage students to evaluate and criticize their& teachers in order to improve the quality of education while others say this will& lead to loss of respect for teachers. Discuss both views and give your own& opinion.
题目: Some people think that the amount of noise people make have to& be controlled strictly while other say that people are free to make as much& noise as they wish. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Some people think that it is more important to plant more trees& in open area in towns and cities than build more housing. To what extend do& agree or disagree?
题目: Some people say using computers and mobile phones for& communication has had negative influence on young people&s reading and writing& skills. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Development of technology cause environmental problems. Some& people think people should choose a simpler way of life. Others think we should& use technology to solve these problems. Discuss both these views and give your& own opinion.
题目: As for transport and accommodation problems are increasing in& cities, governments encourage businesses to move from cities to rural areas. Do& you think the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?
题目: Some people believe famous people&s support towards& international aid organization draws the attention to problems, while others& think celebrities make the problems less important. Discuss both views and give& your opinion.
题目: In many counties, a high proportion of criminal acts are& committed by teenagers. Why? Give your suggestions.
题目: It is now possible for scientists and tourists to travel to& remote natural environments such as South Pole. Do advantages outweigh& disadvantages?
Many museums and historical sites are mainly visited by tourists,& not local people. Why? What can be done to attract local people?
In some countries, people believe that international tourism is a& bad thing for their country. What are the reasons for this? How to change their& views?
题目: Some people believe that too much attention and too many& resources are given to the protection of wild animals and birds. To what extent& do you agree or disagree?
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