为什么Gear VR for note5 gear不推出了

  韩国电子巨头三星公司最近让期待Gear VR消费者版本的虚拟现实爱好者空欢喜了一回。上个星期三星公司在纽约召开了开放式新闻发布会,会上展示了最新产品Galaxy Note5。 如果它作为支持Gear VR的Galaxy Note 4版本的继承者的话,可能大家会先入为主的认为Galaxy Note5将会支持仍未发布的消费者版本的GearVR,但是根据最新消息透露实际情况并不是这样。
  社交新闻论坛网站Reddit的注册用户Mallmagician发帖称最近在三星驻泰国公司试用Galaxy Note 5。根据他们的试用反馈,Galaxy Note 5并没有沿袭Galaxy note4功能兼容在2014年11月发布的创新者版(Innovator Edition)Gear VR.。Mallmagician另外还上传了几张图片(文章结尾处附上)提到Galaxy Note 5的应用管理器里没有任何与Gear VR,VR,三星Gear VR或者三星的合作开发商Oculus VR有关的字眼。照这样看来,三星并不打算让Galaxy Note 5兼容新一代的虚拟现实头盔。
  所有的这一切都表明,Galaxy Note 5对于虚拟现实头盔并不会有多大惊喜。而且Gear VR也缺席上星期的新闻发布会。之前Oculus VR的首席技术官John Carmack已经表示所有希望拿起手机就可以体验虚拟现实乐趣的用户都要等到Oculus召开的第二届开发者大会。该开发者大会定于今年9月23号至9月25号在加利福尼亚的好莱坞的洛伊斯酒店举办。届时将会透露Gear VR和Oculus Rift消费者版本的最新的信息。
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Samsung will soon launch a new Gear VR headset (for the Note5 and Galaxy S6 edge+)
Samsung will soon launch a new Gear VR headset (for the Note5 and Galaxy S6 edge+)
Back in March, when Samsung announced the Galaxy S6 and S6 edge, the company also unveiled
to accompany the two handsets. We were kind of expecting yet another new Gear VR to be presented today, alongside the
and , though that did not happen. But Samsung is getting ready to introduce a new virtual reality headset anyway.According to CNET, Samsung CEO JK Shin confirmed that a third-generation Gear VR should be released sometime "soon." Samsung might want to showcase the new headset at IFA 2015 in early September, when the company plans to also announce the
circular smartwatch. Obviously, the upcoming Samsung Gear VR should work with both the Note5 and Galaxy S6 edge+. Since the previous two Gear VR models were priced at $199.99, we assume that the new one will also cost around $200. This, however, remains to be confirmed.P.S.: The headset pictured above is the Gear VR for Samsung Galaxy S6 and S6 edge.source:
Now reading: Samsung will soon launch a new Gear VR headset (for the Note5 and Galaxy S6 edge+)
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Ok this is ridiculous. Samsung needs to come up with a universal VR for their Galaxy phones. It os kinda stupid that you have to sell your old unit for a loss then pay extra money to get the latest if you were to upgrade your phone.
Welcome to the world of Samsung phones...
Well, Samsung has great mentor in term of milking their fans.
Sammy should just make a dedicated VR headset already...I might want to talk on my phone while I'm plugged into some 360° porn :)
Does anyone tried this?
samsung R&D guys already tried this
yeah i was hoping to see a VR during announcment..but no,.
Tried the official S6 VR in a Samsung shop, not impressed. Their focus scrolling can't even compare to the $15 colorcross for myopia compensation. Not even close.
You have no clue what you are talking about, tested it for what like 5 minutes?
Lemme guess you tried only 360 videos on the S6, which are compressed to save storage and have the lowest resolution and dont come even close to the resolution of 360 photos and VR games.
And you also have to aline your eyes correctly to the lenses and not just the focus wheel.
I've tried this with the Note 4, and I can tell you because of the low resolution screen you will have a headache within 10 minutes of using it. Yes, qhd is fine for a smartphone, but it is sub-par for a VR headset. Note 5 NEEDED at least 4k to make this plausible.
That's BS, i watch my favourite Tv shows like Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, Banshee in oculus Cinema and have no headaches whatsoever.
And the resolution in 360 photos and games are even higher. Only the resolution of 360 videos is low and compressed and should be higher, but you need a better cpu/gpu for that.
The dimensions of the Note 5 and Note 4 are almost exactly the same. I don't see why the Note 4 VR couldn't support the Note 5? The software is all in the phone anyway!
I believe the idea is for the new headset to ALSO support the edge+
I hope they don't use this device as an excuse for why I get slow updates like they did with the Note 4. It's a niche device & as such, shouldn't have an impact on update timeframes.
The Gear VR might not be compatible with the Note 5 or S6 Edge+, atleast John Carmack says to wait before purchasing a phone for VR.
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Samsung will soon launch a new Gear VR headset (for the Note5 and Galaxy S6 edge+)
Samsung will soon launch a new Gear VR headset (for the Note5 and Galaxy S6 edge+)
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  许多人都觉得 Galaxy Note 5 的高分辨率屏幕可以为我们呈现一个完美的虚拟现实体验,但是很遗憾的是,根据测试,Galaxy Note 5 与旧款的 Gear VR 配合效果不能让大家感到满意。三星在 2014 年 11 月曾经为 Galaxy Note 4 推出了 Gear VR 。  基于两款手机设计和规格上的差异,因此 Galaxy Note 5 与旧款的 Gear VR 不能成为一对完美的搭档也不足为奇。当然,根据传闻,三星将会在IFA 2015 上为我们展示一款新的,兼容 Galaxy Note 5 和 Galaxy S6 Edge+ 的新款 Gear VR 。不过目前也仅仅只是传闻而已,据有的专家分析,三星让不让 Galaxy Note 5 兼容新一代的 Gear VR 都是一个未知之数。  这意味着现在,如果你想体验三星的 Gear VR ,你还要专门去买一部 Galaxy Note 4 或者 Galaxy S6/S6 Edge 。  不过不少专家也表示,新的 Gear VR 或许可以很好的与 Galaxy Note 5 以及未来的三星智能手机所匹配。但是我觉得,三星能不能将新的 Gear VR 设计得优美一些,毕竟 Galaxy 系列的旗舰手机,设计都那么时尚美观,我们很希望它们的配件,在设计上也能跟上 Galaxy 系列的旗舰手机的水平。  三星 Galaxy Note 5 作为他们最新推出的旗舰级别的智能手机,自然会有许多人希望它能和众多的配件完美搭配到一起,充分发挥手机的全部性能。不过三星虚拟现实技术与那些专注 VR 领域的科技公司相比,不管是硬件上还是配件上,都还显得非常稚嫩。  不过或许在 IFA 2015 上亮相的新 Gear VR ,可以很好的发挥 Galaxy Note 5 和 Galaxy S6 Edge+ 的优势,让所有人都大吃一惊。但是也有消息称,我们要等到今年 9 月 23 号至 9 月 25 号 Oculus 召开的第二届开发者大会上,才能了解到 Gear VR 和 Oculus Rift 消费者版本的最新的信息。  目前,整个行业都在推动虚拟现实设备的前进步伐,我们也非常渴望能在手机上体验完美的虚拟现实技术,我们也愿意相信,三星最终会为我们实现这个梦想的。
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