
食品安全小卫士虽然平时我经常听周围的人们说食品安全很重要,但是我却不能管住我的嘴,经常买一些没有健康保证的食品.虽然如此但我在前一段时间遇到一些有关于食品安全问题的事之后,我就再也不敢乱吃东西了.在前一段时间发生了一系列的食品卫生事件,由于我自己本身肠胃就不是很好,再加上现在的食品一般都添加了少量的化学成分,对人类是不好的.比如说去年在三鹿奶粉内放入了大量的三聚氰胺导致大量的儿童得了结石病,本来我每一个星期都会带一箱牛奶去学校,但在那一段时间内我实在是不敢喝牛奶,因为我也怕和那些儿童一样得结石病.自从三聚氰胺事件之后,因为国家管得严,所以那些商家也不敢乱来了,之所以我们也就敢喝一些牛奶了.但好景不长又发现了一种新的与食物有关的病毒,甲型H1N1病毒(猪流感),这一种病毒与猪肉有关,虽然与禽流感有关,但是到现在还没有找到防治这个病毒的药物,只有依靠平常的生活食物和保持个人卫生来预防的这种在外国疯狂流行的病,虽然在我国大陆出现已经患有甲型H1N1流感暂时只有三例,但是还是得好好关注自己所吃的肉是否卫生,是否盖有检疫合格的印章.然后在以前也发现了很多对人体不利的食物,比如说辣椒酱内有添加剂“苏丹红”,苏丹红1号中含有可以使人体致癌的物质,在一些人特别喜欢吃的肯德基中的香辣鸡翅中就有苏丹红的摄入;还有我们要少吃在街边买的烤鱿鱼,因为那些鱿鱼是不法商家为了谋取暴利,利用化学明矾泡制而成,所以我们要不吃这些食物;还有像鸭脖一类的食物没看到什么辣椒,但是很辣,是因为里面放有辣椒精;还有在瘦肉中添加瘦肉精.还有好多像这样经过化学处理的食物.如市面上的一些干辣椒、干桂圆、干红枣等等有些是用硫磺熏制而成.吃了都是对人体有伤害的.所以我呼吁大家,特别是中小学生应注意食品安全卫生,对于那一些路边摊学校附近的小商店的食物应该尽可能的不吃,因为好多食品都是不合格的,这样我们才能更好的保证自己的身体健康 Food safety small guardsAlthough I often hear people say food safety is very important,but I can't hold my mouth,often buy some without health insurance.Although this but I'm in a period of time before meet some about food safety problems,I dare not eat anything.In a period of time before a series of food hygiene incidents,because of my own intestines and stomach is not very good,plus the current food generally add a small amount of chemical composition of human is bad.For example SanLu last year in the massive within the milk of melamine in lots of children,originally I have stone each week will bring a case of milk to school,but in that period,I was not drink milk,because I also fear and those who have children like stone.Since the melamine after the event,because the country had severe,so the businessman also dare not freeze,we also dare to drink some milk.But recently found a new kind of food with the virus,influenza virus (H1N1 swine flu),this kind of virus and pork,though with bird flu,but haven't found the virus prevention medicine,only rely on ordinary life food and personal hygiene is to prevent the disease in the foreign crazy popular in China mainland,although with influenza pandemic have only three cases H1N1 temporarily,but still have to concern yourself whether health,eat the flesh of the quarantine inspection carries whether seal.Then also discovered many before the food,such as chilli sauce with additives "Sudan red",Sudan red 1 contain carcinogenic substance can make the body,especially in some people like to eat spicy chicken wings in the KFC in Sudan red intake,And we should eat less in the street to buy grilled squid,because the squid is illegal businessmen in order to seek profits,using chemical alum,so we bottle or eat the food,And like the kind of food didn't see anything,but very hot chili peppers,because it has fine,Add in lean lean and pure.And many such after chemical processing of food.If some dry chili on market,dry,dry red jujube,longan,some is sulfur smoke.Eat all of human body is hurt.Therefore I urge everyone,especially the students should pay attention to the food safety and sanitation,some vendor near the school of small shops as food should eat much food,because not all is unqualified,so that we can better ensure their health以“How to make crazy food”【怎样做疯狂的食物】为题,写一篇作文,_百度作业帮
以“How to make crazy food”【怎样做疯狂的食物】为题,写一篇作文,
以“How to make crazy food”【怎样做疯狂的食物】为题,写一篇作文,
Today,I want to tell you how to keep healthy.It is very important for us.Because if you don't healthy ,you will ill.How to keep healthy  First,we must have a healthy diet.Most of the students like eating fried food such as fried chicken,French fries and so on.But this kind of food isn't good for us.It is unhealthy food.We should eat less fried food. Second,we must have a good habit.I have a good habit.I get up early and go to bed early.I exercise regularly when it is six o'cl ock in the morning.So I have a strong body.But I go to bed very late,so I should go to bed earlier than before. Next,We must do some housework at home.My parents are very tired which they do the housework,so we can help them. By these suggestion,you will be healthy以食品安全为话题写一篇英文小短文!1.食品安全问题越来越受到社会关注2,食品安全对我们的影响3.你的建议看法!120左右_百度作业帮
Hunger breeds discontentment, food safety is a big thing, it affects the human body health, related to people's lives. The television broadcast, newspaper newspaper, revealed that one is terrified of the truth: the cup makes us greedy words as pearl milk tea, he is not fit to be seen from the processing out of the "underground factory"; the red jujube, jujube bubble is incredibly blue discoloration of water in medicine the. Recently had the make known to every family, raise a Babel of criticism of the "Sanlu milk powder", get jittery. How can we believe that the food is safe to eat every day? When the past primary school, school, school I was always attracted by the aroma of barbecue stalls, boneless chicken, stinky tofu. Such a superb collection of beautiful things of the food, provoked my slobber flow down three thousand feet, but do not know whether it is harmful to health, can only and step back, swallow slobber, away from the temptation. But I really don't want to eat? Absolutely not, in the final analysis or food safety issues that I formed doubt, therefore between "good" and "security", I'm confused. Like the "Sanlu milk powder" incident, Erie, Mengniu Dairy products such as milk enterprises was found to contain melamine, the market milk sales have fallen sharply, the major brands of dairy products to be questioned, many parents of newborn children don't know to choose which brand of milk powder! Arguably, food safety is behoove. But who can guarantee that what food is safe? Food safety is not the reprint shelf-life can slip by, in good conscience to make money, take people's health when the stakes!假设你是Bill的朋友,请根据下面的表格的提示,用英文写一篇短文,介绍一下Bill。
要求:书写整洁、整齐、清晰、词数40左右。提示:like doing sth. 喜欢做某事
I have a good friend. His name is Bill. He is American. He is thirteen years old. His birthday is on January 25th. He likes playing soccer. He likes watching TV too. His favorite fruit is apples. I like him very much.
试题分析:这是一篇表格作文。本文要求按照题目要求结合表格中的内容介绍一下自己的好友比尔,我们要用简洁的语言把所列举的内容准确地表达出来。写作中要包含比尔的姓名、年龄、国籍、生日和爱好等几个方面进行陈述,重点表达出对他爱好的描述等。根据材料内容可知本文主要是一般现在时态,人称主要是第三人称,注意并列连词的使用及主谓一致问题。写作中注意上下文的过度,符合逻辑关系。【亮点说明】这篇短文简明、扼要地阐明了自己的好友比尔,并包含了表格中所要求的基本信息。其中使用了一些固定句式和短语,如likes playing soccer,like him very much,a good friend学习中再注意总结,牢记一些固定句式及短语,写作时就可以适当引用,使文章的表达更有逻辑性,更富有条理。
1. 在我们从Uluru回去的时候,有许多袋鼠从我们的车旁蹦过去。________ from Uluru, there were many kangaroos that ________ our car.2. 顺便说一下,我能再借一下你的相机吗?________ , can I ________ your camera ________ ?3. Ayers Rock大得让我吃惊:有3.6千米长,348千米高。I ________ how big it was: 3.6 kilometres ________ and 348 kilometres ________. 4. 澳大利亚人在很多方面和我们一样。The ________ are like us ________ .5. 大部分澳大利亚人都说英语,尽管他们也有一些特别的表达方法,例如“好运一天!”和“别提心,伙计。”________ Australians speak English, ________ they have some________ "Good Day!" and "No worries, mate."6. 我的骆驼一直都躺着,每个人都觉得很搞笑。Everyone else thought ________ was very funny that my camel ________ .
根据中英文提示完成句子。1. 我可以借用一下你的数码相机吗?
Can I _____?2. 这本书将在我们学校的网站上出版。
The book will _____ our school website.3. 没关系,我会负责的。
It doesn"t matter. I"ll _____.4. 从那以后,知识和思想迅速传播开来。
_____, knowledge and ideas _____.5. 网络杂志现在越来越流行。
Nowadays online magazines _____.6. 那时没有现代化的机器,所有的工作都不得不用手来完成。
Without _____, all the work _____ at that time.
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旗下成员公司根据以下提示写一篇80字左右的英文短文。如题 谢谢了_百度知道
根据以下提示写一篇80字左右的英文短文。如题 谢谢了
Firstly..Spring Festival春节
Spring festival is the most important festival for Chinese people., .. This is how I spent this spring festival.. ...... Secondly..., ..
The first day of the Lunar New Year is &quot,元宵灯会会在第十五天晚上举行。
The ninth day is to make offerings to the Jade Emperor。
The 10th through the 12th are days that friends and relatives should be invited for dinner,福建人会再吃一顿团圆饭:
补充. These farmers make a drink from seven types of vegetables to celebrate the occasion. 农历新年第一天要迎接“天地神明”.&quot. 在第八天。
On the sixth to the 10th day,据说新年第二天是所有狗的生日,祈求好运和健康, the God of Heaven, and at midnight they pray to Tian Gong. 第九天要供奉玉皇大帝,同时供奉生鱼祈求成功,给它们喂食,也太有创意了。人们会吃长寿面来祈求长寿。第七天也被认为是人类的生日第一 吃 第二 吃 第三 还吃 要不就串门 拜年 贴春联 倒贴福字 小孩有压岁钱
追问. No one visits families and friends on the fifth day because it will bring both parties bad luck. After so much rich food. 第十天到第十二天!
The seventh day of the New Year is the day for farmers to display their produce。他们会善待小狗,因为这会给双方带来厄运. 第五天被称为“破五”, on the 13th day you should have simple rice congee and mustard greens (choi sum) to cleanse the system. 第二天。
On the second day。
The fifth day is called Po Woo。有些人会在这一天戒荤,邀请亲朋好友来吃饭,同时有的人会去寺庙祈福. The seventh day is also considered the birthday of human beings。没人会在这一天走亲访友:
哥们. Noodles are eaten to promote longevity and raw fish for success。他们将七种蔬菜榨汁饮用来庆祝此刻. They also visit the temples to pray for good fortune and health. On that day people stay home to welcome the God of Wealth, the Chinese visit their relatives and friends freely. 第十四天用来准备过元宵节. 第三天和第四天是女婿给岳父岳母拜年的日子。
The third and fourth days are for the sons-in-laws to pay respect to their parents-in-Many people abstain from meat on the first day of the new year because it is believed that this will ensure long and happy lives for them。吃了这么多丰盛的食物后到了第十三天要吃一些清淡的粥和芥菜. They are extra kind to dogs and feed them well as it is believed that the second day is the birthday of all dogs, the Chinese pray to their ancestors as well as to all the gods,因为他们相信这会保佑他们健康幸福;the welcoming of the gods of the heavens and earth,中国人会祭祀祖先和神明. 新年的第七天,这一天人们会呆在家里欢迎财神的到来,在午夜他们会向天公祈福,农民们会摆出农产品。
On the eighth day the Fujian people have another family reunion dinner。
The 14th day should be for preparations to celebrate the Lantern Festival which is to be held on the 15th night. 第六天至第十天


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