
  在我人生中最美好的时光  我并没有遇到与我相守一生人  而遇到了我自己    在那新一年的第一天  我告诉自己要努力    在这一年里,我:  看到了自己做决断时候的勇气  看到了自己追逐梦想时的那种决心  看到了自己统帅时的那种气质  看到了自己的坚定  看到了自己的谦虚  看到了自己对人的另一面  看到了自己对事情的别有用心  看到了自己对别人的那种忍让  看到了自己的鬼计多么的让自己心惊  看到了自己无所事事的时候的那种颓废  看到了自己的小心眼  看到自己与人的争执  看到了自己在梦中那种无助时候的软弱,也许那只会在梦中出现  看到了自己以前所不能看到的  也许就是长大了一岁了……    在我人生中最美好的时光  也是在今生的下半年  遇到了最爱我的那个人  可惜的是我并不像她爱我的那样爱她    在我人生中最美好的今年  我听到红颜知已们以前没有跟我说的话  也许是因为离开的时间太久  也许是以前让她们以为我离开了还会再回去    在我人生中最美好的今年  身边的朋友们一个个成家  而我越来越喜欢下雨阴天的时候    在我人生中最美好的今年  事业一步步的攀升了  不过越来越喜欢孤独的时光    在我人生中最美好的今年  我看到了自己在最因难的时候  没有让自己退缩的决心  也许现在不是最困难的时候    在我人生中最美好的今年  遇了好很多很多很值得交的朋友  我并没有让他们离我而去    在我人生中最美好的今年  我验证的自己的超强自信  在任何时候都不会被任何人所打垮的超级自信      人的一生都不断的在发现认识自己  会思考的人才会变成一个智者  也许以后我就要说:“在我人生中最美好的时光,我遇到了我的天下……”
楼主发言:1次 发图:0张
  在你人生中最美好的时光    你遇到了谁 ?
  遇到了 错过了 放弃了  
十二月九日郑州晚报进行了报道,本人从十二月十五日开始,每天市长热线、区政府热线、立刻办热线,都要投诉一遍,每天都是相同的回答:“我们会和执法局联系”。  难道他们之间有猫腻!    
请遵守言论规则,不得违反国家法律法规  从《今日说法》到《青年中国说》,作为央视“名嘴”之一的撒贝宁以其帅气、干练的形象,备受年轻人喜爱。3月19日下午,撒贝宁来到了电子科技大学,与成电的同学们探讨如何做好一名中国青年的话题,以及分享自己的青春岁月。  撒贝宁的到来,让学校仅容纳1000人的会场,硬生生挤进了1500多人。他妙语连珠的演讲,引得频频喝彩。  往事如风 撒贝宁笑谈逝去的青春岁月  13时左右,距离演讲开始还有1个小时,同学早已来到活动中心的门口排队准备进场。获得入场资格后,座位被迅速填满,甚至连两边的过道都挤满了慕名而来的学生。  演讲开始后,撒贝宁小跑着入场,坐定后更拿着手机和现场同学们来了个大合影。在他上台前,学校话剧社的同学们朗诵了《少年中国说》。撒贝宁在上台后,不禁发出感叹,大学是人生中最美好的时光,是充满着青春的气息和能量的阶段。  “刚刚我坐车到校园里,碰到两位散步的女生,女生的头发随风飞舞,我忽然感觉回到了刚上大学的时候,也是这么无忧无虑,充满活力。”演讲中,撒贝宁用语言描绘了这样一幅青春的画面。“我在大学时,也像现在很多男生一样,抱着一束鲜花在心仪女生的楼下,等着她的到来,只是如今我俩成为了好朋友。”不经意地谈起过往,撒贝宁笑了起来。  见识PK学识 北大高材生小撒更看重见识  分享成长后,这位众多青年人心中的“偶像”也不觉深沉起来,与大家讨论起见识和学识的PK。众人正在思考抉择时,作为北大高材生的小撒脱口而出,见识比学识更重要。  在撒贝宁看来,学识只是仅限于书本上的知识,这个技能是人人都可以通过努力办到的事情,而见识则区别于学识它更多的是来自生活当中的所看,所学,所感,“一个有学识的人不一定是个有见识的人。”  眼下,撒贝宁主持的《青年中国说》是年轻人非常喜欢的节目之一。然而,如何才能做好一名中国青年?作为主持人的小撒有自己的一番见解,“你生活在中国,你就是一个中国青年,不需要刻意的去成为"他"。”撒贝宁说,在同学们如今生活的环境里面,只要做一个有思想有自己想法,并且对自己的未来人生做出规划的年轻人,一步一步脚踏实地的去完成,就已经是一个积极上进的中国青年。  在演讲的最后,撒贝宁告诫同学们“做人一定要善良!”在他看来,没有善良就没有一切,“我真的好想再回到二十年前,那个金色年华的青春梦想的大学生活!” (四川在线记者 钟帆 王玥)来源四川在线)随身英语 Having the time of your life at uni? 大学是人生中最美好的时光吗?
词汇: University 大学
University - the best days of my life! I made lots of friends in my student dorm, went to great parties, joined the debating society& and, well, I did some work too - but I must confess my lecturers were very patient with my tardiness.
It's easy to look back at our university days through rose-tinted spectacles but the truth is that when we first arrived on campus, most of us were out of our comfort zone.
In fact, a survey of students at Imperial College London has revealed that 3 out of 4 students experience high levels of stress, or a mental health condition, during their time at college. The survey, completed by over a thousand students, also found that 70% of those that experience stress do so at least once a week, and 9% of students feel stressed constantly.
Kirsty, a student at Exeter University, didn't enjoy her first days in college. She says: &When I first got to university I don't think I'd realized that I'd forgotten how to make friends. I'd been with the same school friends for seven years, and so I was trying to balance social success with academic success whilst learning howto look after myself at quite a young age.&
Dr Ruth Caleb of the counselling service at Brunel University in London has some tips that should make life easier for students before they set off for university. She says: &Certain things that I think it would be very helpful for students to have put in place are an ability to do the practical things of life & to do the washing, to do the cleaning and so on & being able to cook. Budgeting is extremely important in university life.& And Caleb adds: &You should learn how to spend time on your own comfortably.&
Igraduated and learnt how to take care of myself the hard way. I hope that new students these days remember to acquire some life skills before they make the big jump.
student dorm 学生宿舍
debating society 辩论社团
lecturer 讲师
through rose-tinted spectacles 透过玫瑰色的眼镜看某物(只看到事物美好的一面)
campus (大专院校的)校园
out of one's comfort zone 走出舒适区
college 大学
to balance 使保持凭衡
academic success学术成就
to look after oneself 照顾自己
counselling service 咨询、辅导服务
budgeting 预算
to graduate 毕业
life skills 生活技能
1. 阅读课文并回答问题。
1. What did the author do that made her professors angry?
2. True or false? Three out of four students look back at university days through rose-tinted spectacles.
3. What did Kirsty have the most difficulty with?
4. What skill does Dr Ruth Caleb consider to be very, very important for university students to have?
5. What does the author mean by the expression 'the hard way'?
2. 请你在不参考课文的情况下完成下列练习。从每个表格中选择一个意思合适的单词填入句子的空格处。
1. The party was great but now I need to sleep for a few hours before class. I'm going to __________.
the student dorm college the debating society the comfort zone
2. At university it's not all about study, you know. You need to __________ studying and partying.
look after balance graduate acquire
3. When at university it would be good for you to learn how to __________ comfortably.
be lonely be alone suffer from loneliness be single
4. I'm not good at sports. If you want to play tennis with me you have to __________ when I make mistakes.
leave your comfort zone wear rose-tinted spectacles be patient feel stressed
5. My daughter graduated with honours. She's achieved __________ and I'm proud of her.
academic success social success the counselling service life skills
1. 阅读课文并回答问题。
1. What did the author do that made her professors angry?
She used to arrive late for their lectures.
2. True or false? Three out of four students look back at university days through rose-tinted spectacles.
False. According to the Imperial College London survey, three out of four students experienced high levels of stress or a mental health condition.
3. What did Kirsty have the most difficulty with?
She didn't know how to make friends and was trying to balance social successwith academic success while learning how to look after herself.
4. What skill does Dr Ruth Caleb consider to be very, very important for university students to have?
Dr Ruth Caleb says budgeting is extremely important in university life.
5. What does the author mean by the expression 'the hard way'?
She means 'with difficulty'. She probably didn't know how to take care of herself and do her own washing and cleaning.
2. 请你在不参考课文的情况下完成下列练习。从每个表格中选择一个意思合适的单词填入句子的空格处。
1. The party was great but now I need to sleep for a few hours before class. I'm going to the student dorm.
2. At university it's not all about study, you know. You need to balance studying and partying.
3. When at university it would be good for you to learn how to be alonecomfortably.
4. I'm not good at sports. If you want to play tennis with me you have to be patient when I make mistakes.
5. My daughter graduated with honours. She's achieved academic success and I'm proud of her.
内容来自 听力课堂网:
撒贝宁大学演讲回忆青春岁月 如何做好中国青年
往事如风 撒贝宁笑谈逝去的青春岁月
见识PK学识 北大高材生小撒更看重见识
在演讲的最后,撒贝宁告诫同学们“做人一定要善良!”在他看来,没有善良就没有一切,“我真的好想再回到二十年前,那个金色年华的青春梦想的大学生活!”(记者 钟帆 王玥)


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