
附件一:四川大学与美国亚利桑那州立大学本科生3+2留学项目的实施办法&为适应高等教育国际化的新趋势,推进我校人才培养国际化战略,提高本科人才培养质量,我校与美国亚利桑那州立大学签订了联合培养本科学生的协议。为做好学生选派及培养工作,特制定本办法。一、联合培养模式四川大学(简称:“SCU”)与美国亚利桑那州立大学(Arizona State University, 简称“ASU”)联合培养本科学生,实行“3+2”培养模式,即参加该项目的学生在四川大学完成本科前3年的学习,之后在亚利桑那州立大学继续后2年的学习。双方实行学分对转,学生完成4年的本科学习,修读完成规定学分及相关要求者,可获得SCU的本科毕业证书和学士学位证书,并可申请亚利桑那州立大学硕士课程;在ASU完成第5年的学习并符合相关要求者,可获得亚利桑那州立大学的硕士学位证书。二、联合培养专业及课程修读的要求1、双方学校共有专业(除法律、护理专业外)。2、学生根据双方学校要求修读相关课程。三、选拔学生条件1、政治思想好、热爱祖国、品德优良、身体健康,具有较强的独立学习及生活能力。2、学习成绩优良,在校所修课程平均学分绩点≥3.0,综合素质较高。3、有较好的英语听说能力,能适应英语授课,要求学生参加TOFEL或IELTS考试。TOEFL:550 (paper) 213 (computer), 80 (ibt);IELTS :6.5,单项不低于6。4、有相应的经济能力,能承担在美国期间的学习、生活费用。四、学生管理1、学籍管理 (1)选派学生在国外学习期间应遵守对方学校的各项规章制度。(2)我校学生在ASU修读的课程及成绩,由ASU直接寄给我校国际合作与交流处,由国际合作与交流处审核确认后转发教务处。教务处根据学校有关规定予以认可、登录。(3)教务处根据交换学生修读的课程,审定学生的毕业资格,颁发毕业证书和学士学位证书。2、其他管理(1)“3+2”项目的学生在SCU和ASU学习期间的管理,由学校教务处、国际合作与交流处和相关学院与ASU协同管理。&(2)互换留学的学生在学习期间必须遵守当地的法律、学校的规定及社会的风俗习惯,接受派往学校的管理。(3)互换留学的学生在派往所在国学校学习期满后,必须按时返回派遣学校,不得擅自延长或转往其他地区或国家。(4)我校学生在出国期间户口、党团组织关系等保留在本校及相关学院。五、具体选派办法1、学生选派工作由学校国际合作与交流处、教务处和相关学院协同完成。教务处、国际合作与交流处和相关学院负责组织学生报名及选拔,选拔合格的学生名单报中美双方学校审批。选拔确定后的学生由国际合作与交流处和教务处协助办理相关手续。2、学生出国后的有关事宜由国际合作与交流处负责与ASU协调。3、每年选派赴ASU留学学生人数、选派时间及其他相关事宜另行通知。六、有关费用1、ASU学习的费用(实际费用以当年美方学校网站公布为准)&项目名称本科生阶段(每学期)研究生阶段(每学期)金额(美元)金额(美元)学费(12学分及以上)88499677学杂、书籍费685710住宿26152615保险567-791567-791膳食14401440零花15001500合计1644017268&2、海外学习费参加该项目学生应缴纳海外学习费6000元,用于项目管理,对外联络、协调、我校选拔评审和对方审定录取等项目所需要费用(在SCU第四年的费用另计,由学校财务处按学校有关规定收取)。如因派遣方和接受方的原因未能派出者,海外学习费全额退还。如因学生本人原因被美方拒签或经学校审批录取后自动放弃者,海外学习费退还80%。海外学习费由学校财务处统一收取,在出国前一次性缴清。3、办理出国护照、签证等费用办理出国护照、签证等具体事宜,由学校协助办理,有关费用由学生本人自理。七、本办法由教务处、国际合作与交流处负责解释。&&附件二:美国亚利桑那州立大学(ASU)简介&美国亚利桑那州立大学(ASU)创建于1885年,是一所综合性的公立大学,规模为全美第四,学生人数61,000,教师人数2,200。亚利桑那州立大学学术力量雄厚,教学一流,下设12所学院,100多个学科专业,硕士学位专业多达97个,博士学位专业52个。亚利桑那州立大学的商学院和教育学院分别在全美排第34位和第29位。亚利桑那州立大学有20名教授分别为国家工程院院士、国家科学院院士、美国艺术与科学院院士、英国皇家学会成员;自1992年,入选“今日美国”全美前20的优秀大学生人数仅次于哈佛大学和耶鲁大学;国家成绩优异奖学金学生总数位居全国前20名,的人数 为532名,在公立大学中名列第四;在过去四年中,亚利桑那州立大学全美杰出学术人物在全美名列前7名;获得富布赖特奖留学海外的学生人数在全美所有大学中名列第四。亚利桑那州立大学科研和教学设施齐全。建有中世纪和文艺复兴时期研究中心、陨星研究中心、癌症研究所、过程技术和应用研究中心、环境科学研究中心等。其工程研究中心配有先进的设备,如晶体生长实验室和微电子器件制作中心。该校图书馆藏书丰富,总计超过290万册,还有590万册缩微读物和32000多册期刊。主校区位于亚利桑那州的坦佩(Tempe)。该地区内的凤凰高科技区拥有电子和航空工业。同时,凤凰城还是文化人士经常驻足的地方,拥有许多博物馆、历史古迹、音乐厅和剧院,具有浓郁的文化气息。坦佩市冬天气候温和,夏天炎热,但所有建筑物内部都装有空调。亚利桑那州风景独特,有享有盛誉的大峡谷和Sonaran沙漠,同时其独具特色的建筑和西部老城的魅力吸引着众多爱好旅游的人们。学校网址:.&&附件三:亚利桑那州立大学专业设置一览表&Applied Arts and Sciences, School of 应用艺术与科学学院Applied Biological Sciences 应用生物学Applied Psychology 应用心理学Chemistry, Physics and Applied Mathematics 化学、物理及应用数学Exercise and Wellness 锻炼与健康Humanities and Arts 人文与艺术Multimedia Writingand& Technical& Communication 多媒体写作与技术传媒Nursing 护理学Nutrition 营养学Social and Behavioral Sciences社会及行为学Arts, Katherine K. Herberger College of the Katherine K. Herberger艺术学院Art 艺术Dance& 舞蹈Music音乐Theatre & Film戏剧与电影Arts, Media& Engineering艺术媒体工程Business, W. P. Carey School of W. P. Carey商学院Accountancy 会计Economics经济Finance金融Health Management健康管理Information Systems信息系统Management管理Marketing市场营销Supply Chain Management供给链管理Design, College of设计学院School of Architecture + Landscape Architecture 建筑及景观建筑School of Design Innovation 创新设计Industrial Design 工业设计Interior Design 室内设计Visual Communication Design 可视通信设计MS in Design MS设计Healthcare Design Initiative 医疗保健设计倡议School of Planning 学校规划Design management设计管理Design studies设计研究Education, Mary Lou Fulton College of Mary Lou Fulton教育学院Early Childhood education儿童早期教育Elementary education初等教育Secondary education中等教育Multilingual/ Multicultural education多种语言/多文化教育Special Education 特殊教育Fine Arts 美术Apprentice Teacher Program实习老师项目Educational Innovation and Teacher Preparation, School of 教育革新及教师预备学院 Early Childhood Education 儿童早期教育Elementary Education 初等教育Physical Education 体育Secondary Education 中等教育Special Education特殊教育Engineering, Ira A. Fulton School ofIra A. Fulton工程学院Arts, Media and Engineering 艺术传媒工程Harrington Department of Bioengineering 生物工程Chemical Engineering 化学工程Civil, Environmental, and Sustainable Engineering 土木、环境及可持续发展工程School of Computing and Informatics 计算机信息Biomedical Informatics 生物医学信息学Computer Science & Engineering 计算机科学及工程Del E. Webb School of Construction 建筑Electrical Engineering 电机工程Industrial, Systems and Operations Engineering 工业、系统工程School of Materials 材料系Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering机械及航空航天工程Journalism and Mass Communication, Walter Cronkite School of记者及大众传媒学院Law, Sandra Day O’Connor College of 法学院Letters and Sciences, School of &Liberal Arts and Sciences, College of文理学院Earth and Space Exploration地球空间探索Geographical Sciences 地理学Government, Politics and Global Studies政府、政策及全球研究Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies历史、哲学及宗教研究Human Communication人类交流Human Evolution and Social Change人类进化及社会变革International Letters and Cultures国际信函和文化Life Sciences生命科学Materials材料学Social and Family Dynamics社会和家庭动态Social Transformation社会变革- African and African American Studies非洲及非裔美国人研究- Asian Pacific American Studies亚太研究- Justice and Social Inquiry正义和社会调查- Women and Gender Studies女性及性别研究Aerospace Studies& 宇宙研究Chemistry and Biochemistry化学剂生物化学English英语Kinesiology运动技能学Mathematics and Statistics数学及统计学Military Science军事科学Physics物理学Political Science政治学Psychology心理学Speech and Hearing Science言语听力学Transborder Chicana/o and Latina/o Studies&Management and Agribusiness, Morrison School of管理及农业商业学院New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences&Humanities, Arts & Cultural Studies人文,艺术与文化研究Mathematical & Natural Sciences数学及自然科学Social & Behavioral Sciences社会及行为科学Nursing & Healthcare Innovation, College of 护理学院Nursing护理Public Programs, College of 公共项目学院School of Criminology and Criminal Justice 刑事犯罪系School of Community Resources and Development学校社区资源和发展School of Public Affairs 公共事务系School of Social Work社会工作系Sustainability, School of可持续发展学院Teacher Education and Leadership, College of 师范及领导学院Early Childhood Teaching and Leadership 儿童早期教育和领导学Elementary Education 初等教育Elementary Education with an endorsement in English as a Second Language 基础教育认可的英语作为第二语言Elementary Education with an endorsement in Bilingual Education 基础教育认可的双语教育Secondary Education 中等教育Special Education特殊教育Technology and Innovation, College of技术及创新学院Engineering工程B.S.E. 工科硕士学位Robotics emphasis area 机器人方向Mechanical Engineering Systems emphasis area 机械工程系统方向Electrical Engineering Systems emphasis area 电机工程方向Civil Engineering - Land Development emphasis area 土木工程及土地发展B.S. in Applied Computer Science 应用计算机(理科学士学位)B.S. in Computer Systems 计算机系统(理科学士学位)Computer Hardware concentration 计算机硬件方向Embedded Systems Technology concentration 集合嵌入式系统技术B.A.S. 文科学士学位Computer Systems Administration concentration 计算机系统管理方向Microcomputer Systems concentration 微型计算机系统方向Software Technology Applications concentration 软件技术应用方向Cyber Security Applications concentration网路安全方向Engineering Technology工程技术B.S. in Electronic Engineering Technology 工程技术理学学士Alternative Energy Technologies concentration 替代能源技术集合Electronic Systems Technology concentration 电子系统方向Integrated Electronic Systems Technology concentration 综合电子系统技术Telecommunications Engineering Technology concentration 电讯工程方向B.S. in Mechanical Engineering Technology 机械工程理学学士Aeronautical concentration 航空学方向Automation concentration 自动化方向Automotive concentration 汽车方向B.S. in Manufacturing Engineering Technology 制造工程理学学士Mechanical Engineering Technology concentration 机械工程 技术方向B.A.S. 文学学士Instrumentation concentration 仪表集合Manufacturing Technology and Management concentration 制造及管理方向Materials Joining concentration 材料加入浓度Semiconductor Technology concentration半导体工艺方向Technology Management技术管理B.S. in Aeronautical Management Technology 航空学管理学士学位Air Transportation Management concentration 航空运输管理方向Professional Flight concentration专业飞行集合B.S. in Air Traffic Management 空中交通管理学士学位B.S. in Environmental Technology Management 环境技术管理学士学位B.S. in Graphic Information Technology B.S.平面信息技术B.S. in Operations Management Technology B.S. 业务管理技术B.A.S. 文学学士Aviation Maintenance Management Technology concentration 飞行维修管理技术方向Aviation Management Technology concentration 飞行管理技术方向Emergency Management concentration 突发情况管理方向Fire Service Management concentration 消防管理方向 Digital Media Management concentration 数字媒体管理方向Digital Publishing concentration 数字出版管理Internet and Web Development concentration 互联网发展方向Technical Graphics concentration 技术图形集合Operations Management Technology concentration集中的业务管理技术&&&&&施强国际:
亚利桑那州立大学Arizona State University
Director of Admissions, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, U.S.A.
&&&&美国亚利桑那州立大学是全美最大最佳的五所“大学城”之一,创立于1885年,坐落于距州府凤凰城11英里的大学城---坦佩。亚利桑那州立大学共有18个学院和12所学校,开设有150 个本科专业,硕士学位专业多达97个,博士学位专业52个。  亚利桑那州立大学建于日,是国际著名的研究性大学,现任校长是Michael M.Crow博士,ASU标识学生来自美国各大洲及120多个国家(地区),研究项目从护理学到商业,从工程到通信。   亚利桑那州立大学有四个主要校园,均分布于菲尼克斯大都会区(又称凤凰城大都会区),校园面积共6.11平方千米。主校园坐落在坦佩,是ASU校园面积最大和学生人数最多的校园;西校园,1984年成立于菲尼克斯西北方,提供高年级及研究生学习;理工校园,1996年成立于Eastern Mesa;菲尼克斯校园,是ASU最新校园,2006年成立于菲尼克斯市中心。   的延伸校园,通过亚利桑那大学在central Phoenix的Downtown中心提供课程及其他远程校园标志性建筑之一学习。   亚利桑那州立大学主校园有43,000学生,其中33,000是本科生。本科生的平均年龄为23岁,研究生的平均年龄为32岁,新生有5,000多,其中29%毕业于前10%的高等学校。   亚利桑那州立大学西校园学生有5,000多高年级和研究生,其中3,600是本科生。  亚利桑那州立大学理工校园有1,000多本科生和研究生,主要专业是工艺与农业,新增专业是高尔夫管理及商业管理。&&&&教育环境  亚利桑那州立大学的主校园设立在坦佩(TEMPE)。坦佩是全美航空总部所在地。此地区内的凤凰城高科技区拥有电子和航空工业,。以其浓厚的文化气息而著称,许多博物馆和历史古迹、音乐厅、剧院和电影节都是文化人热衷驻足的地方。这里空气清新、全年阳光充足。冬天气候温和,夏天虽然天气炎热,但所有的建筑内都装有空调。著名的风景区,如大峡谷和SONORAN沙漠在该州。   亚利桑那州立大学下设12所学院,学术力量雄厚,教学一流,被誉为全美州立大学中研究密度最高的大学之一,在核心学科拥有卓越的国际学术声望,是全球性跨学科教学和研究的重要中心。亚利桑那州立大学硕士学位专业多达97个,博士学位专业52个。工程学博士学位课程有化学工程、生物工程、计算机工程、机械工程、电子工程等,理学和生命科学方面可提供各种课程,包括材料及分子、细胞生物科学及工程学。亚利桑那州立大学商学院设有会计学、金融财政学、计算机通信系统、管理、营销、定量统计等学位课程。ASU有100多个研究和学术学程,其中17个被认定为全美最佳的学程。亚利桑那州立大学的商学院和教育学院分别在全美排第34位和第29位。   此外,天文学也是亚利桑那州立大学名牌系科。&&&&师资力量  亚利桑那州立大学有教师2800余名,在职教师及毕业生中有10人曾获得诺贝尔奖和普利策奖,如经济学教授爱德华·普雷斯科特获得2004年度诺贝尔经济学奖。ASU有606名“全国优秀学者”,在全美所有大学中排第八,在全美公立大学中排第三,如地理科学教授、火星研究专家菲利普·克里斯坦森是唯一一位设计出四种远程传感器的科学家,传感器能够即时将数据从另一个星球传回地球。ASU约有百分之十七的教授是美国国家工程院院士和美国国家科学院院士。据高等教育研究所之《美国一流大学教师学缘结构分析》,ASU国际创新中心——天空之歌亚利桑那州立大学有教授1473名,拥有博士学位1428人,占百分之九十六点九,其中从世界排名前20名大学获得博士学位人数占百分之二十四点六,从世界排名前21名至100名大学获得博士学位人数占百分之四十五点四,有跨国背景学习的教授212名,占百分之一十四点八。该大学还注重教师来源“远缘杂交”,尽量从不同的著名学校选择青年教师,目前,博士学位在本校授予的只63名,占百分之四点四,这种作法很快被其他大学效仿。   申请亚利桑那州立大学各专业硕士学位课程的学生需根据不同专业分别提供托福、GRE、MCAT和GMAT成绩。某些专业申请者和想申请当助教的学生还需提供TSE成绩。&&&&学院设置&&&&坦佩校园  嘉芙莲.K.赫尔贝格艺术学院、W.P.凯莉商学院、设计学院、玛丽.卢.富尔顿教育学院、艾拉.A.富尔顿工程学院、桑德拉.戴.奥康纳法律学院、文理学院、可持续发展学院。&&&&西校园  校园风光大众服务学院、全球管理与领导学院、教师教育与领导学院、交叉学科教育学院。&&&&菲尼克斯校园  护理及医疗创新学院、公共服务学院、沃尔特.克朗凯特新闻及大众传播学院。&&&&理工校园  应用艺术与科学院、教育创新与教师实习学院、摩理臣管理及农业经营学院、科技与创新学院。&&&&研究生院&&&&专业  生物与生命科学、数学、建筑、商业管理、通信与新闻学、计算机信息科学、教育、工程学与应用科学、英语语言与文学、美术、外国语言文学、健康职业与相关科学、跨学科研究、法律与法律研究、自然资源科学、表演艺术、物理科学、心理学、社会科学、神学/宗教、职业与家政、农业。
学费-> .00
USD/年学费-> 000.00
USD/年总费用-> 0.00
&It&s a new campus and new kind of architecture that is also consistent and it works. It doesn& it&s kind of rough and tumbles like the desert. It has a great planting strategy that takes the scale of the campus and makes it comfortable to walk around during the day. Those trees are amazing and give color and excitement to the campus.&&2012 Professional Awards Jury
Project Statement
The Arizona State University (ASU) Polytechnic Academic Campus project consists of 21 acres of site work in association with five new classroom building complexes. The goal was to transform the barren site of the former Air Force base into a thriving Sonoran Desert campus for learning. A major large asphalt street that formerly flooded during rains was transformed into a permeable, water harvesting arroyo adjacent to new campus malls and courtyards, giving students and faculty a daily connection to nature and each other while celebrating the path of precious, ephemeral rain water on campus.
Project Narrative
Design Context/ Design and Execution
Our interdisciplinary design team worked together with our client to seamlessly meld the new project with the existing campus and with each others& scopes of work. ASU had struggled attracting students to this campus in part because of the oppressive over-paved ambience of the former air force base. The goal was to transform the perception and feel of the campus with this major new project. Our team reviewed the campus master plan which had a decidedly Ivy League approach to the campus design and developed a new master plan strategy for the project. We reinvented what a campus could be in the unique region of the Sonoran desert which only receives 7& of rainfall a year.
Inspired by our client&s need for storm water solutions and the Sonoran Desert&s arroyos, the design of the desert mall allows campus drainage to meander through a new, high performance, water cleansing native landscape adjacent to new major east west pedestrian circulation through the campus. Stabilized decomposed granite walkways in combination with desert shade trees help to reduce the urban heat island effect while the judicious use of textured concrete paving ensures ADA accessibility and proper emergency access required for a campus setting. Salvaged desert trees and small native shrubs, cacti and seed were used to create the arroyo habitat. During a rain event the arroyo captures and slows the storm water providing supplemental deep watering to the vegetation while lessening the effect of run-off to downstream offsite properties by retaining water within this historically troublesome, flood prone area. The desert mall is the heart and identity of the Polytechnic campus and will eventually be repeated on the north end of the campus core to replace yet another asphalt road with similar impervious and flooding challenges.
Each individual building courtyard is designed to relate to the schools program housed within and to take advantage of the microclimates created by the buildings. The Morrison School of Agribusiness courtyard includes a series of irrigation canals that feed an orchard court recalling the agricultural heritage and irrigation of the East Valley. The School of Science and Technology courtyard is shaped by a living wall planted with native vegetation adjacent to an irrigation seep, creating a periodic water event similar to those found in Arizona canyons. In addition, outdoor classrooms are designed into the space. Shaped by an amphitheater built from recycled sidewalks, the Education Humanities and Art courtyard includes a lawn gathering space to view performances. The backdrop to the amphitheater is freestanding gabion wall filled with the abundance of existing river rock from the site. Serving as a pedestrian link between administrative offices, the Wanner Sutton canal courtyard transports students through a shade structure tunnel that will soon be covered with vines. The courtyard exhibits native riparian trees and vegetation made possible by the collection and retention of storm water collected from the adjacent buildings.
Environmental Sensitivity and Sustainability
Situated on the former Williams Air Force Base, the existing conditions consisted of acres of asphalt, extensive concrete sidewalks and expanses of river rock covered ground. These materials were re-used for new outdoor spaces and parking areas. Harvested concrete paving was transformed into campus seating elements and retaining walls throughout the project. Existing river rock was used in gabions to construct both freestanding and retaining walls to create another layer of enclosure to the courtyards.
The project increased biomass, permeability and urban wildlife for the campus. Drought tolerant native plants were woven together with judicious hardscape to create comfortable, cooler spaces throughout to encourage social interaction and human comfort. The landscape nourished by storm water also provides habitat for desert fauna that visit the site. A state of the art drip irrigation system was used to allow many of the zones to eventually be turned off completely of water.
Design Value to Client and Other Designers
Our budget for the 21 acre project for landscape architecture was 5 million including demolition and utilities. Using this very modest per acre budget we created new student malls, courtyards and gardens while transforming storm water problems into an underlying concept for the entire project site design uniquely suited for our region. Some might say &why is storm water important when you get rain so infrequently?& Our response is that it is even more important because the path of ephemeral water in the desert & the arroyo & is the sustaining life force of the desert and urban dwellers that call it their home. Economically the value for our client ASU is that we wisely stretched their dollars for maximum impact. Since the project was completed enrollment at the campus has increased by 20 percent as more students seek out this desert learning oasis.
Rich Stanley, Senior Vice President & University Planner for ASU said &The landscape design and the new buildings have transformed a campus that struggled to escape its image as a former air force base into a place recognized as great emerging university campus that is as attractive and innovative as the polytechnic innovation programs offered. The combination of the environment and the programs has allowed substantial enrollment growth and the initiation of a new student residential program. The Polytechnic landscape theme is now referenced as a goal for some of our new projects. The campus planning at Lake Havasu City and in downtown Chandler have both used the Polytechnic Campus to help guide the landscape plans.&&
Before: Shot of the core campus showing existing b the existing street that used to flood, and project site for the new buildings and renovated buildings to the right.
Image: Bill Timmerman
Site Plan & &总平面图
Image: Ten Eyck Landscape Architects, Inc.
After: Our team proposed to excavate the flooding street to create a Sonoran desert arroyo with a new campus mall that doubles as a fire lane along the new buildings on the right, with bridges connecting to the original campus core.
Image: Bill Timmerman
This transformation of a former sterile air force base to a vibrant college campus is represented at the new student center where shaded dining terraces transition to desert gardens. Tertiary paths organize the planting while allowing desire lines.&
Image: Bill Timmerman
Using a combination of concrete, and stabilized decomposed granite and offset planting for the mall reduces glare and helps with psychological cooling for desert dwellers.&
Image: Bill Timmerman
The agribusiness courtyard is designed as an event gathering space and orchard with irrigation cistern seat walls and runnels as the organizing element conveying deep water when irrigating and the memory of water when dry.&
Image: Bill Timmerman
The path of rain water is expressed through footbridges that also act as thresholds into campus courtyards.
Image: Bill Timmerman
This courtyard is surrounded by labs, and University faculty wanted to connect students to the natural environment. The courtyard was envisioned as an outdoor living laboratory with outdoor classroom study areas, a riparian living seep wall and irrigation cistern.
Image: Bill Timmerman
A former parking lot between two existing buildings, the cottonwood canal courtyard conveys water along with the new arbor that guides people through the space.
Image: Bill Timmerman
The living wall to the left screens the outdoor classroom from a major walkway. The microclimate created by the buildings, living wall, ephemeral seep and native riparian plants suggest the sheltered feeling of an Arizona canyon.
Image: Bill Timmerman
Salvaged concrete and curbs were re-purposed throughout the project.&
Image: Bill Timmerman
The last courtyard, next to a renovated theater with new buildings to the south and west, is an amphitheater formed with salvaged concrete retaining walls and gabion courtyard walls filled with river rock salvaged from the site.&
Image: Bill Timmerman
In this microclimatic space, turf is judiciously used as the centerpiece, surrounded by ordered desert gardens.&
Image: Bill Timmerman
We worked with the architect to transition from deep shade of the classroom building breezeways to the new mall using vine covered scrims and sheltered seating next to irrigation seeps.&
Image: Bill Timmerman
Punctuated at a student crossing, an ephemeral path of water is created with salvaged concrete inter-planted with desert milkweed.&
Image: Bill Timmerman
A former barren, over-paved air force base is transformed into a Sonoran Desert campus oasis that is true to the region and an inspiring place to learn & campus enrollment has doubled since project completion.&
Image: Bill Timmerman
建筑设计:Lake | Flato
土木工程:Wood Patel and Associates
总承包商:DPR, Inc.
灌溉设计:Aqua Engineering
景观承包商:ISS-Grounds Control
固化风化花岗岩:Stabilizer Solutions
Project Resources:
Landscape Architect: Ten Eyck Landscape Architects, Inc.
Project Principal: Christine E. Ten Eyck, FASLA; Project Manager: Roger Socha, ASLA; Project Landscape Architect: Judeen Terrey, ASLA; and Project Designers: Mike Chapman, Jeramy Beals, Matt Conn, Alyssa Priebe, and Trish Bigler
Design & Construction Team
Architect: Lake | Flato
Architect: RSP Architects
Civil Engineer: Wood Patel and Associates
General Contractor: DPR, Inc.
Irrigation Design: Aqua Engineering
Landscape Contractor: ISS-Grounds Control
Structural Engineer: Paragon
Featured Products
ArtWeld gabions for retaining and freestanding walls: Hillfiker Retaining Walls
Enkamat Living Wall Soil Fabric: Colbond
Precast Concrete Urns: Kornegay Design
Stabilized Decomposed Granite: Stabilizer Solutions
Woven Wire Mesh for Bridges, Vine Scrims, and A &Tread Plank& for Bridges: McNichols
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