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3秒自动关闭窗口自我介绍去新公司面试,必定会做什么事情?华生猜有99%的面试官会先让应聘者自我介绍一番。“Good morning, sir. My name is…”打招呼和过场基本是必须的。“I’m xxx, I’m xxx, and I’m very xxx.”按照我们的传统思维,自我夸耀一番也是难以避免的。但是这真的好吗?如果说自我夸耀是正常的,那么就有99%的人在面试时这么做了。然而,那么多人都用一样的措辞自夸,真的会有积极的效果?就怕非但没有积极效果,反而让人觉得你很浮夸,尽说大话很不可靠。而且,老外们对此更加在意,一听到某些单词,说不定就触碰到“雷区”,马上say “Good bye”了。下面10个单词,不适合在面试的时候形容自己。看看你有没有如此自夸的习惯吧。1. generous(宽宏大量的)肚量是看在旁人眼里的,并不是喊出来的,尤其是不适合从自己的嘴巴里喊出来。真正心胸开阔的人,从不会炫耀,也不会索取别人的称赞。他们就不认为自己的心胸气度如此广阔,因为他们觉得他们还能做得更多。2. humble(谦恭的)认为自己很谦虚的人其实并不谦虚,因为真正谦虚的人从不称赞自己谦虚。如果你真要让别人了解自己有多谦虚,就在言语中表现出自己的谦和吧,千万不要直接就说“其实啊,我这个人很谦虚的”。你听到别人这么说,会怎么想?3. self-disciplined(严格自律的)自律是好事,但是如果自律过了头,会给别人什么印象?不懂变通,缺乏弹性,死脑筋,不好相处……你身边有没有对待自己特别严格的人?你觉不觉得这样的人太硬不太好相处呢?所以别说自我要求特别严格了,职场不如军队,不需要铁一般的纪律,这样反而会让人觉得你缺乏人性化的变通,也难以沟通。4. passionate(充满激情的)热情从来不是喊出来的,而是在实际工作中做出来的。说得好听比做什么都容易,千万别让人觉得你只是嘴巴上特别有干劲而已。另外,热爱工作是好事,但是太过于热爱工作,会让人担心你是否会做出什么过激的举动。而且,如果让别人觉得你动不动就满怀激情地工作,这样你的同事也会很累。5. witty(机智幽默的)一般很机智又有幽默感的人,是不会刻意这么称赞自己的,除非他擅长说冷笑话。想想,如果一个人对你说“你知道吗?我是个很机智幽默的人”,你的反应一定是两个字——呵呵。真正机智幽默的人,在谈吐间就能让别人感受到了,用得着挑明了说吗?这反而是愚笨的自夸。6. empathetic(善于察言观色的)empathy这个词是指理解他人感受和想法的能力。但是明目张胆告诉别人你善于窥探别人的心事,则容易引起别人的反感。比如某人失恋了,想把这当作秘密藏起来,却看到你用“看穿一切”的眼神看着他,一定会因为被你看穿而感到烦躁吧?如果你真有这方面的“超能力”,藏起来,别让人知道,省得他人警戒你。7. fearless(无所畏惧的)每个人都应该学会畏惧,会害怕才是正常人该有的心态。有勇气并非是无畏,而是明明害怕却依然在做着该做的事情。所以不要说自己天不怕地不怕,因为这样不正常,不知道危险才容易折戟于危险之中。或许你应该换个词,比如courageous(富有勇气的)。8. straightforward(直截了当的)想一想,如果别人对你说“我是个直截了当的人……”,那么你可能会想他的下一句话是“你的工作真是太不尽责了,我深刻质疑你的工作能力,你肯定办不好这件事……”。我们是要说话诚实,但诚实不代表一定要伤了别人的心。如果一个人说自己很直截了当,很可能别人就会对他敬而远之,因为他一点不客气,甚至不讲礼貌。9. adaptable(能够适应)其实,这句话原本挺不错,只是现在已经沦为了陈词滥调。万物恒变,没有东西保持不变,我们只有适应才能够生存,也就是说适应能力是我们的基础能力。不要觉得做到了自己应该做的事很了不起,实际上这本应该就是要做好的事情。就好像一位设计师去新公司应聘,然后说“我会做设计”一样,别人反而怀疑你是不是能力不够刻意这么说。10. independent(独立性强)依靠自己是好事,能一个人照顾好自己,不用靠太多的帮助就能成事。但是,把这个放到团队工作中去还是好事吗?那就变成了你只习惯一个人工作而忽略了团队协作,等同于对同事不负责任,也不合群。就算当了领导,孤军奋战也必定会让整个团队如一盘散沙,工作一无是处。 
你必须要有一样拿得出手Thinking Out Loud(曾经的年度最佳单曲)和学霸谈恋爱真的好累...那么问题来了,现在红包最多只能发200,请问学霸该怎么办?文字:李筱懿 | 配图:《绝望主妇》来源:灵魂有香气的女子年底,几乎每一个人都在规划未来。比如我的朋友A,她你大概忘了,有一个名词叫大女子主义For attractive lips, speak words of kindness. 若要优美的嘴唇,年,30年经典好歌我的左手旁边曾经是你的右手讲真,《老炮儿》8.7分的豆瓣打分让我有点儿怀疑人生找一个陪你聊天的人,很重要文|江徐有人说,找一个对你知冷知热的人,很重要。有人说,找一个时刻把你放在第一位的问自己面对最难回答的问题,看看歪果小朋友是怎么做的?年,30年经典好歌文/钱饭饭来源/钱饭饭(ID:qianfanfan1001)1、很小的时候,我就知道自己是个美人坯子,因为我许晴:一个美貌而有钱的女人在这个世上会遭遇什么?不累积到一个数量级是看不出效果的文/徐沪生1 找到自己的兴趣和理想很多年轻朋友说自己很迷茫,想趁着年轻把时间1/9 人生不过如此,且行且珍惜。自己永远是自己的主角,不要总在别人的戏剧里充当着配角。——林语堂 《人生不为什么结婚戒指要带在无名指上?原来是这样...单身狗少留言跟我讲科学道理,我不听我不听!Love Is All AroundWet Wet WetI feel it in my fingers, 出色,不是自己有多壮大,而是壮大了,依然能感受你的感受。在浮躁的当下,只有共鸣和感同身受才是知己。愿你刷微信比生活更重要的,是生活方式到处都是迷路的人All I Want For Christmas Is YouMariah CareyI don't wan为什么女生回家第一件事,就是脱内衣?因为一个字,爽!下面是国外网友总结:人生中最爽的25件小事,看着就好爽!你永远不知道在别人嘴中的你会有多少版本,也不会知道别人为了维护自己而说过什么去诋毁你,更无法阻止那些不切实际孙俪:漂亮的三层境界为什么聪明的女人会“装傻”文/元夕槿01一个女孩子为什么要努力?因为生活从不因为你是女孩就对你怜香惜玉。02一个女孩子为什么要努力?因The World as I See It我的世界观爱因斯坦How strange is the lot o如何机智回答:”你为什么还没谈恋爱“?文/罗宾·贝曼(医学博士)、颂雅·罗斯明斯基(医学博士)来源/你我辣妈(ID:niwolamabang)罗宾我曾七次鄙视自己的灵魂Seven times I have despised my soulby 纪伯伦Se文/Maddy Moon来源/张德芬唤醒、疗愈、创造,遇见未知的自己我以为一旦摆脱赘肉,就能得到爱脱下外套,为什么小白兔刘涛比不过刺猬孙俪厕所有100种叫法, 留学有1000种意义最佳忠告The Invitation生活的邀请函奥雷阿by Oriah Mountain DreamerIt doe小读物再不来场说走就走的旅行我们就没有勇气出发啦!喇嘛哥朋友很忙,每次出行邀请总是有各种理由拒绝,也从来没有beautify_english美丽的英语美文故事、耐人寻味的英语语法详解,捧腹大笑的双语笑话,还有更多精彩的英语口语交流。每日英语美文,让英语学习成为一种好习惯。热门文章最新文章beautify_english美丽的英语美文故事、耐人寻味的英语语法详解,捧腹大笑的双语笑话,还有更多精彩的英语口语交流。每日英语美文,让英语学习成为一种好习惯。你和你父母忙碌的一天 写一篇英语作文 10句话80个词_百度作业帮
你和你父母忙碌的一天 写一篇英语作文 10句话80个词
你和你父母忙碌的一天 写一篇英语作文 10句话80个词
写好了 用翻译软件翻译一下就好了!!!英语励志短文:30秒就可以做的30件改变世界的事情
Attitude is foundational to success. A generous person with a positive attitude will thrive. If you change your attitude, you change your perception, change your actions, and change your life. As every life changes, you change the world. Over at Lorelle On Wordpress she challenges bloggers to create a list of 30 things that can each be done in only 30 seconds. Imagine if millions or billions of people each did one of these-how would the world be different? In keeping with the theme of personal development, I have put together ways to improve yourself or others and create a better you in 30 seconds or less. Imagine if everyone did just a few of these at once? Here is my list. &&& 态度是成功的基石。一个人如果既乐于分享,又态度积极,则其前途不可限量。如果你改变了你的态度,就等于改变了你对事物的理解,改变了你的行动,随之将改变你的生活。当每一个人的生命发生变化时,你就改变了世界。在Wordpress上写博客的Lorelle挑战众博客写作者们列出一个包含30件可以在 30秒钟内完成的事情清单。试想一下,如果成百万甚至上亿的人们仅仅做了其中的一件,世界将会有多么大的不一样!延续我的博客推动个人成长的主题,我集中了一些你可以在30秒或更少的时间内完成来完善自己或他人的事情。设想一下每个人立刻做了其中的一些事情会如何。清单如下:
&& 1. Change your tone of voice. For 30 seconds, speak softer, calmer, or just more pleasantly. You might be surprised at the results. Did you know, for example, that a softer voice giving clear instructions commands more authority with children than a yell? If frustrated in a business dealing, try a more peaceful tone, even if only for 30 seconds, and see if it leads to a quicker resolution.&&&& 改变你的语气。只用30秒,使用更柔和、更冷静的语气,或是任何一种听上去更舒服的说话方式。你也许会为所发生的一切感到惊讶。比如,你是否了解,在孩子们的心目中,用柔和的声调给出清楚的指示比大吼大叫更能让你获得威严。如果在一次商业交易中出师不利,可以尝试在接下来的30秒内使用更平和的语调,然后观察这能否促使事情更快地得到解决。& &&& 2. Choose one idea you gave up and re-visit it. For 30 seconds, consider giving it one more try. Was there an invention, a project, or some task that just seemed too daunting or frustrating? Choose one and decide to try it one more time. Imagine if everyone mustered up the courage to use their God-given ingenuity in whatever their giftings. What new things would the world see created?&&& 选择一个你已经放弃的想法,然后重新思考它。用30秒的时间考虑再试一次。是否曾经有一项发明,一个项目,或是某些任务令人望而生畏,或是让人沮丧?选择其中一个,然后再次捡起它。想想看,如果每个人都鼓足勇气,在自己具备才能的方面充分运用了上天赋予的创造力,将会给这个世界带来多少新的东西?&
&&& 3. For 30 seconds, give someone another chance. Listen for just one more time, re-evaluate a first impression, or give one more opportunity to see if they have changed. You may be surprised.&&& 用30秒钟,给他人一次机会。也许只需要再倾听一遍,重新调整一下第一印象,或是再用一次机会去发现他们是否已经作出改变。你会感到惊奇的。&
&& 4. Tell your children “I love you” or “I am proud of you”. Make it meaningful, look them in the eye, and show how you value them. It will mean the world. Imagine if every parent said affirming words to every child, for 30 seconds, everyday.&&& 告诉你的孩子们"我爱你"或"我为你感到骄傲"。让这样的表达成为一次有意义的事件,看着他们的眼睛,让他们知道他们对你来说有多么重要。这样做将意义非凡。想想如果所有的父母每天花30秒的时间对他们的孩子们说一些肯定的话,世界将会如何。&
&& 5. The next time you find yourself wanting instant gratification, impatiently wanting something you cannot have at that moment, give thanks to God for what you already do have for 30 seconds. It may change your attitude.&&& 下次你再发现自己在急切等待他人对你的肯定,而又不可能立即拥有的时候,用30秒来为你已经完成的事情感谢上帝。这能迅速改变你的态度。&
&&& 6. For 30 seconds, stand up straighter and with your head held high. Look others in the eye and walk with confidence. See how great it feels?&&& 用30秒,站得更直,将你的头高高抬起。直视他人,自信地行走。有没有发现这样感觉非常棒?&
&&& 7. Choose one thing you were putting off for another time that could be done today, and decide to do it! It only takes 30 seconds to make a decision to act. Be sure you value keeping your promise to yourself, and then know that this will lead to action. &&& 选择一件你一直在拖延着准备下次再做而今天可以完成的事情,决定完成它!做出一个行动的决定只需要30秒。前提必须是你十分看重对自己的承诺,并且一旦承诺则意味着付出行动。
&&& 8. Clean up someone else’s mess.&&& 清理一次他人惹下的乱子。
&&& 9. Compliment someone with a genuine comment on what you appreciate or respect about them.&&&& 对他人就你一直欣赏或敬重的某一点表示真诚的赞美。
&&& 10. Stand up for someone or something you believe in. A quick sentence of support can do wonders and expand your influence. &&& 为你信仰的某人或某事挺身而出。一句简短的表示支持的话会带来奇迹,迅速扩大你的影响。&
&&& 11. Find a way to authentically encourage someone in their efforts with a “you can do it!” comment. Believe in them and show it.&&& 为他人所做的努力表示一次真诚的鼓励。告诉他,"你可以做到的",信任他并且用行动来表达这份信任。&
&&& 12. Invite someone over (or a group of someones) that you would like to get to know: set a specific time and day for a dinner together. The world could use more socializing. What about you? Take the initiative and make the invitation to a new friendship.&&&& 邀请某个你愿意了解的人(或一群人)到家中做客。定一个具体的日子和时刻和他/他们共进晚餐。适度的社交是必要的,你还在等待什么呢?采取主动,发出邀请,也意味着打开一扇新的友谊之门。
&&& 13. Give your spouse a physical sign of affection for 30 seconds in public. Brush your hand softly on her cheek, run your fingers through his hair, give a soft hug, a gentle squeeze of the hand, or a quick kiss. It is good for children to see their parents comfortable with quick displays of affection, and great for strengthening intimacy in marriage. Imagine how closeness might grow in marriages if every couple deliberately showed affection for 30 seconds? Better yet, do it several times a day. &&& 在公共场所花30秒对你的伴侣用肢体表达爱意。用手轻轻的摩挲她的面颊,用手指抚弄他的头发,来一个轻轻的拥抱,温柔的握紧他的手,或是一个蜻蜓点水的吻。让孩子们看到父母很自然的迅速表达爱意是有益的。这样也能加强婚姻的亲密感。试想一下如果每一对伴侣都用30秒的时间来有意识的表达爱意,会对婚姻中亲密感的增强
&&& 14. Learn 1 new word (preferably from a different language than you already know) or learn a quick and wonderful fact about another culture or country.&&& 学会一个新单词(最好从一种你不会的语言中学习)或是迅速的了解与另外一种文化或国家有关的一件神奇的事情。&
&&& 15. Write a check for 10% of your monthly income and place it in the mailbox. Send it to your church, a charity, or a worthy cause, but give it away.&&& 写下一张面值为你月薪10%的支票。然后放进邮箱,寄给你所在地区的教堂,捐给慈善机构,或是为其它有价值的事业。总之,捐献出去。& &&& 16. Pray every morning for 30 seconds to conquer your fear and courageously face all your opportunities, keep your mind open in setting goals and keep your attitude positive. Quickly judge your plan for the day against your priorities (be sure your choices fit with your focus- remember in business and for your family, time is one of your most valuable assets). After the 30 seconds, you may be inspired to make a change.&&& 每天早晨祈祷30秒,以克服恐惧,或是获得气去面对你的所有机会。在树立目标的时候保持心胸开阔,态度要积极。以优先级标准迅速的判断你当天的计划(须保证你的选择与你的重点相符-记住无论在职场还是家中,时间都是你最宝贵的资产). 30秒之后,你也许已经获得激励去做一些改变。
&& 17. Ask someone “how are you doing?” and then be ready to truly listen.&& 问候一个人"你最近怎样",然后真诚的聆听。
&& 18. Put $20 in an envelope (or $50 or $100), write “from anonymous”, and secretly (and quickly, to fit in 30 seconds) leave it with someone you know could use it. Doing good deeds without public recognition feels great.. Try it and see!&&& 将20美元(50美元或100美元也行)放在一个信封里,写上"来自无名氏"。然后悄悄地(当然,也要迅速地,以保持30秒的纪录)放在你知道需要它的人那里。私下里做一些善意的小事感觉很棒!不信可以试试看。&
&&& 19. Do something quick for the environment: refuse food in styrofoam, tear apart those plastic things that go around cans and choke birds, or help an animal in distress break free, etc. && 迅速的做一些对环境有保护的事情:拒绝装在聚乙烯泡沫盒里的食物,撕开罐头外围的塑料包装,或是帮助一只被困的小动物重获自由等等。& &&& 20. Choose a great breakfast (your best energy starts with a 30 second decision). Choose to eat no sugar and foods low in starch. Eat more protein and fruit. Start your day right to be more productive.&&& 选择吃一顿精致的早餐。(只需要30秒作出的决定可以让你一整天都充满活力). 不吃糖,吃低淀粉的食物。摄入更多的蛋白质和水果。正确的开始以使你的一天更富有成效。
&&& 21. If you have been indoors, get out and feel the sunshine on your face for 30 seconds- it will elevate your mood quickly (if it is 100 degrees outside then feel the sunshine from a more comfortable temperature if possible).&&& 如果你一直待在室内,走出去,感受30秒阳光照在脸上的感觉――这会让你的心情立刻变得好起来(如果外面的气温高达100摄氏度,那么在一个更适宜的温度下去感受阳光)&
&&&& 22. Say yes to giving a charitable donation at your local merchant when asked (give one more time than you had planned to give). &&& 如果一个当地的商店请求你做一次慈善捐助时表示同意。(多给一个人一些时间,虽然你本来并不打算如此)&
&&& 23. Register to vote. Just fill out a 30 second card! As you follow this or any registration process of your country, determine to take advantage of the opportunity to vote when it comes, if you are able to do so.&&& 报名参加选举。只需要花30秒时间填写一张卡片。当你这样做的时候,下决心在选举来临时投出这一票。&
&&& 24. Plant a seed (or plant a plant or tree if you have the skills to do so this quickly). Imagine if millions did this at once.&&& 播下一颗种子。(如果你有技巧能迅速完成的话也可以种下一株植物或一棵树)。想想如果数百万的人都马上这样做了的话...&
&&&& 25. Turn off the lights in a room where you are not (turn off the water when not in use, etc.). Every 30 seconds matters.&&& 当你不在房间的时候,把灯关掉。(诸如此类,不用水的时候将水龙头关掉。)这样的每一个30秒都不是小事。&
&&& 26. Place a bag by your trash and put a recyclable item inside it. Congratulations, you have now started recycling!&&& 在垃圾桶旁边放一个袋子,然后在里面放一些可回收的小东西。祝贺你,你已经开始回收之旅了。&
&&& 27. Stop any bad habit in 30 seconds. Then keep repeating at 30 second intervals.&&& 在30秒钟内戒掉一个坏习惯。然后每隔30秒重复你做的事情。
&&& 28. Seek out laughter and laugh for 30 seconds. Repeat as needed to release tension. &&& 寻找笑料,然后大笑30秒。在有必要的时候重复这样做,来缓解紧张气氛。&
&&& 29. Drink water. 喝水。& &&& 30. Imagine for 30 seconds being content with everything you have. Then imagine balancing contentment with striving to continue God’s purpose in you, take an attitude of perseverance, and determine to go for it!&&& 花30秒的时间想象一下你对所拥有的一切都感到满足的情景。然后设想一下如何在感到满足与努力发挥天赋才能之间保持平衡。拥有坚定不移的态度,并且一旦下了决心,就去尽情追逐你的梦想!
曲琳婕:英语学院国际新闻与传播专业学生,曾获校奖学金,曾任英语学院团总支学生会学习部委员,《First Mover》系报副主编。曾是IDEA-BFSU 国际辩论赛志愿者和印度班加罗尔AIESEC Footprint 项目国际志愿者。
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| 版权所有: 北京外国语大学网络教育学院(北京外国语大学)2013年高考英语试题汇编短文改错与写作
late afternoon provides a bridge between lunch and dinner, that
might not be served until 8 o'clock at night. This custom soon
becomes another meal of day. Interesting, it had a connection by
the British porcelain (瓷器) industry. Tea in China was traditionally
drank from cups without handles. When tea got popular in Britain,
there was a crying need for good cup with handles to suit British
habits. This made for the grow in the porcelain
Here I am in the middle of a city,350 miles far away from our
farmhouse. Do you want to know why we move last week? Dad lost his
job,and as Mom explained, “He was lucky to find other one.” His new
job meant I had to say goodbye to my classmate,& my school or just
everything else I& love& in the world. To make
matters bad,& now I have to share a
room with my younger sister,Maggie. Tomorrow is first day of
school. I am awfully tiring,but I know I'll never fall
Good night and& remember, you, dear
souvenir from my past life and my only friend.
Today we had a chemistry test. I found the test difficulty, but I
tried hardly to do it. Suddenly Mary,& my best friend,
asking me to let her to copy my answers. After think for some time,
I let her copy my answers. But after the test,all of us were called
to the teacher's office. The teacher was angry because we had same
answers in the tests. We were warned not to cheat again so she
would need to see our parents. I was very upset. I didn't cheat. I
was just helping a friend. Why does she punish
副主席& vice
竞选 run for
Good afternoon, my dear friends.
My name is Li
I'm a student from& Chongqing,
Yours sincerely,
假设你校英语社团举办以“讲求文明,从我做起”为主题的征文活动,请你以“On the Way to
星光中学(Xingguang High
1.时间与地点:4月10日,大青山(Daqing Mountain);
参考词汇:铺路pave the way
请根据你对以下两幅图的理解,以“Actions Speak Louder than
Actions Speak Louder than Words
You are discussing
the following picture with your English friend Jim. Now you are
telling him how you understand the picture and what makes you think
请以“One Thing I'm Proud
cup是可数名词,与第六句中的cups without handles一样要用其复数形式。
3.参考词汇及句型:attend a conference/go for a conference开会;meet sb. at the
airport接机;the flight number航班号;Would you please...?/Could you help
me to...? /Would you mind...?
and I've asked him to
bring you the Chinese painting you've asked for before.
Also, I'd like you to do me a favor. Would you please meet my uncle
at the airport and take him to his hotel since this is his first
visit to the U.S.?& Thank you in
His flight number is CA985,& and it will arrive at
11∶30 am,&
August 6. My uncle is tall and he is wearing glasses. And he will
be in a blue jacket.
I wonder if you could sell some Chinese knots for me. I made them
myself with red silk threads, cloth and other materials. They look
really beautiful in the shape of a diamond, about 5 inches long and
4 inches wide. In China, these knots stand for friendship, love and
good luck. People& can either give them
as gifts to friends or hang them in their houses. They
dollars each. If anyone wants to know& more& about the
write to me. Also,& do let me know if you
need further information. Thank you!
3.参考短语:have& strengths& in,hold& lectures。
vice president of our
school English club.
As is known to everyone,I once served as monitor in Junior school
the top monitor in Junior 2,& so I have strengths
in management. In order to& make our school life
more abundant and colorful, I can manage to hold some& interesting lectures
and English parties. What's more,& I shall hold some
competitions,such as a debate on how to study efficiently and an
English speech&&
contest to improve our ability to communicate with each
I'd be appreciated if I I will do whatever I can
to lend a hand to others.
are faced with& presently.
It's because of human activities that finless porpoises are
endangered. It's amazing that there are merely less than 1, 000
finless porpoises living in China. Thus,it's high time that
immediate measures should be taken. Don't you think so? If
how I hope you can help us by funding our project aimed at
protecting finless porpoises. With your financial aid, I am
convinced more finless porpoises will survive. I would appreciate
it greatly if you considered my application.
Looking forward to your early reply.
Mid&Autumn Festival'&&
农历lunar calendar
the full moon '& 月饼moon
relatives or friends
we will try to come
home for the celebration. The moon that night looks the brightest
in the whole lunar month. What we love most is the& time we enjoy the
full moon together. With the beautiful moon up in the sky, we sit
together and eat moon cakes and fruit,& sharing our stories.
In addition to these traditional activities, we have a wider range
of choices such as travelling and visiting our relatives or
keep/break traffic rules遵守/违反交通规则& traffic
These days,& breaking traffic
rules and littering are not uncommon,& causing serious harm
to life and the environment. Changing this situation requires
considerable effort on the part of everyone. As for me,& it should start on my
way to school.
I will keep traffic rules in mind all the way. If I ride a
bike,I'll always keep to the right and never cross a road until the
traffic light turns green. If I walk, I'll never forget to use the
Meanwhile, I will regard it as my duty to help keep our environment
clean and healthy. Not only will I keep from littering and spitting
anywhere, I will also help clean up the roadside whenever possible.
I hope my behavior will make a difference.
Making full use of time is a good habit, which requires one to plan
carefully. For example,& one should
schedule, including what time&&
meals,& go
to bed and relax. Above all,& do fix time to study
every subject,adjusting it depending on different situations. Every
day put down what has been completed and what hasn't been
As a student, I often waste much time doing nothing as a
consequence of having no good habits,especially not being ahle to
plan time properly. I think planning does help one achieve
everyone should form this good habit,& and try to stick to
to encourage the students to take outdoor exercise,& our school organized
a mountain&climbing on April 10. Hundreds of us
took part in it.
It was a nice day. At 8∶00, we gathered at the foot of Daqing
Mountain and set out for the top in high spirits. All the way we
were chatting, singing and& laughing,& enjoying the fresh
air and the beautiful& scenery. When some
fell behind, others would come and offer help. About 2& hours
later,& we
all reached the top. Bathed in the sunshine,we jumped and cheered
The activity benefited us a lot. Not only did it get us close to
nature and give us relaxation from heavy schoolwork,it also
promoted the friendship among us. What a wonderful time!
some medicine and
then prepared some noodles for her. With my special care, my mother
recovered quickly. When my father came back home, my mother told
him what had happened. He praised me for what I had
I feel very happy that I have done something for my
well dressed穿着考究的,bend forward朝前弯腰,shoulder the hope
of...肩负……的期望,spare no effort不遗余力,as a consequence结果,It shows a
common phenomenon that...表明……的普遍现象
It shows a common phenomenon nowadays that children are the focus
of families,shouldering the hope of their parents. Parents arrange
everything for& their children and
spare no effort to pave the way for their success. As a
consequence,children become so reliant on their parents that they
have no independent thought or creative ideas.
Such a situation is of great concern. In my opinion,& overprotection and
much care are extremely bad for children's development. Instead of
doing everything for them,& parents should
encourage their children to overcome difficulties and inspire them
to develop by themselves. Only in this way can they
grow& up to
be independent and become truly successful.
People celebrate Earth Day differently. In Picture 1,& a man is trying to
put up a banner on a lonely tree surrounded by stumps,& but in
while Picture 2 shows a couple happily planting trees.
The message conveyed here is clear:& “Actions speak louder
than words.” Our earth is suffering severe damage. Should we just
pay lip service or take practical measures to protect it? The
answer is definitely the latter. Immediate actions& should be
stopping cutting down& trees,& to better the
Actions are important in other fields, too. Instead of shouting
empty slogans,it is more meaningful to donate books and sports
goods to children in need. We& should& strictly and
voluntarily follow traffic rules,& stopping at the red
light rather than complaining about traffic jams. Only when we
match our words with actions can we make a difference in whatever
we hope to accomplish.
instead of the big fish he wishes for,he actually catches a small
one. In my opinion,people need to learn to accept the reality and
keep on trying. With another try, they may gain what they dream
I still remember how I became a good table tennis
The first day I went to high school, I saw some of my classmates
playing table tennis. Amazed at how skilful they were, I was
determined to be just as good. Later on,& I often watched them
carefully to learn their techniques. Then I kept practising until I
became confident enough to challenge the good players. At the end
of the term I became one of the best players in my
I am really proud of this experience, because it helps me realise
that we all can fulfil our potential and achieve our goals through
hard work. It also helps me better understand the proverb“Practice
makes perfect.”
it& didn't
work out as we had expected. The other team did really better than
ours in the matching field. We were not the winner;we were the
loser. Knowing the result, we were extremely depressed.
From this experience, I realized working hard doesn't definitely
lead to success,but we were happy that we had done our


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