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dating forward是什么意思
中文翻译开票日期提前日期填早:&&&&n. 1.记日期。 2.【商业】(支付的)延期日期。 3 ...:&&&&adv. 1.向前,前进 (opp. backward) ...
例句与用法1.We have brought the launch date forward to january 15th我们把上市日期提前到1月15日。 2.They moved the meeting date forward from the 20th to the 18th他们把会议日期从20日提前到18日。 3.I don ' t think we could bring the date forward by … on so . but i ' d have to check with head quarters before i can give you a firm promise是的,我想我们可以将日期推迟。 。 。左右,但我要向总部请示后才给你一个正式答复。 4.Yes , i think we could bring the date forward by a week or so . but i ' d have to check with headquarters before i can give you a firm promise是的。我想我们可以将日期推迟两个星期左右。但我要向总部请示后才能给你一个正式答复。 5.Yes , i think we could bring the date forward by . . . . . . or so . but i ' d have to check with headquarters before i can give you a firm promise译文:是的。我想我们可以将日期推迟. . . . . .左右。但我要向总部请示后才能给你一个正式答复。 6.If you specify the duration only , you enable microsoft project to schedule the clock - hanging flexibly , moving the start date forward or back if the wall - painting occurs later or earlier than planned如果只指定工期, microsoftproject便能灵活地排定悬挂钟表的日程,如果粉刷墙壁比原规划有所提前或推迟,悬挂钟表的开始日期也就相应地提前或推迟。 7.Legislator eric li , convenor of the breakfast group and representative of the accounting sector in the legco , warned that the linked exchange rate would be under pressure in the next five years . moreover , the recent rise in the long - dated forwards was a signal of banks hedging their risks on hong kong assets . if the budget deficit continued and the fiscal reserves kept decreasing , the long - term pressure on the hong kong dollar would become short term早餐派召集人、代表会计界的议员李家祥(见图)警告,这5年内联系汇率会有压力,而最近远期美电扯高,是银行把资产转移以避险的讯号,若果香港财赤继续,储备不断下降未能止血,港元的压力便会由远期变成近期,到时不单令信贷评级上升,令投资成本增加外,更令港元成狙击对象。
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