如何区分penis和moral peanutss

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can somebody pls tell me how to pronunce these words correctly?and show me where the stress should be.
I learned from the media that once William Hung mispronunce &peanuts& with &penis& in public,but I still can't tell the difference in thier pronunciation.
Thank you.
& &&&can somebody pls tell me how to pronunce these words correctly?and show me where the stress should be.
I learned from the media that once William Hung mispronunce &peanuts& with &penis& in public,but I still can't tell the difference in thier pronunciation.
Thank you.
Add to the list &pianist& as well.....&&
Well, your best bet is to use an online dictionary that has a &pronunciation& feature come with it. Try Websters. It works really good.
Now, it's true that peanuts and penis sound very similar and there has been numerous jokes about it. Even at home when I was younger my siblings used to say &Want some penis butter with your toast?& Of course, we laugh at this now but kids and even adults still like to joke about it.&&
If you are in school, I would definitely make sure you make the &T& sound come as clear as a bell as the teacher wants to knows you are talking about a famous pianist and not a famous penis.&&
Try online dictionaries, that's my best bet.
William Hung sounds a suspicious character in this context.
& &&&William Hung sounds a suspicious character in this context.& &
So does Mr. Studly Hungwell....
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