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Verizon Continues Its Rebranded Tablet Push With The Ellipsis 8: $150 On Contract, $250 Outright
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Android Police presents a fictionalized account of the creation of the Verizon Ellipsis 8 tablet.
Basking Ridge, New Jersey, November 5th, 2014
Verizon Wireless corporate headquarters
"I can't believe those jerks at Motorola. A week, a freakin' week after we debut the most powerful, spec-heavy phone in the country as a Verizon exclusive, they go and scrape our magnificent paint off the case and sell it themselves!"
is only being sold in Latin America, sir. It actually doesn't compete with any of our-"
"Shut up, Blithers. Get me China on the phone."
"China, sir?"
"Um, all of China, or just an embassy or something? I don't think I can-"
"Whichever part of China . You know, that company that's so small and eager to sell electronics that they didn't mind that we put our own branding on the tablet, as if it sprang fully-formed from our foreheads."
"Instead of just slapping together a no-name whitebox tablet and selling it against flagship models from Apple and Samsung."
"Yeah, that company. Tell them we want it to be bigger this time! A whole lot bigger! How big is the iPad Mini, Blithers?"
"It has a 7.9-inch screen, sir."
"Tell those Chinese guys we want eight inches. And, like, cameras and speakers and stuff. Everything!"
"Yes sir. But I assume we want to keep the price down?"
"Of course we want to keep the price down, Blithers, don't be stupid."
"Yes sir. Our contact at Brand X says they can build an 8-inch tablet with a
screen, a five megapixel rear camera, a five thousand milliamp battery, a one-point-five gigahertz quad-core processor, sixteen gigabytes of storage, and a MicroSD card slot, and they'll load it with Android KitKat and all the bloatware we want."
"What about RAM? I heard about that once, I think it was important."
"They said not to ask, sir."
"Fine, we'll just leave it off of the website. That'll piss off all those whiny tech bloggers. What is this going to cost?"
"Well, the company says you can sell it at $249.99 without a contract and still make a profit."
"Great. We'll give people the thing at $149.99 for signing a two-year promise not to stop giving us money."
"That doesn't seem like much of a discount, sir."
"Shut up, Blithers."
"Shutting up, sir."
"We'll call it the Ellipsis 8. That's a good name for a tablet, right? And what does it look like?"
"Look like, sir?"
"Does it look good? It's not just some cheap black plastic slab like the last one, is it?"
"It, uh... it has Verizon logos on the front and the back, sir. And an extra 4G LTE logo just in case the customers miss the other two."
"Perfect.That will show those ungrateful backstabbing buttheads at Motorola! They don't even BUILD tablets anymore."
"No, sir."
"The last time they built tablets were those DROID Xyboard things! And they were crap!"
"Those were Verizon exclusives, sir."
"Shut up, Blithers."
"Yes, sir."
Would you buy a Xiaomi Mi 5 if it was available in your region? (Assume official pricing as in article)
I'm not sure.
&Loading ...Verizon Ellipsis 8 Tablet Gets Android 5.1.1 OTA Update - 推酷
Verizon Ellipsis 8 Tablet Gets Android 5.1.1 OTA Update
The Verizon Ellipsis 8 originally seemed to us as an opportunity to put carrier branding on a tabletnot gone to waste. The hardware may not be particularly impressive, but thanks to deals and promotions, a decent number of customers have gotten their hands on the tablet without feeling disappointed. Now they're about to make the leap from KitKat to Lollipop.
The over-the-air update currently hitting the tablet bumps the device
to 5.1.1. The software version is& QZ3_31F40 .
Since there were obviously quite a few changes contained in Android 5.0, owners have quite a few new features to get familiar with. The support PDF below goes over some, and
goes over what's left.
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图片无法显示Verizon Ellipsis 10 | Verizon Wireless
Ellipsis& 10
The Verizon Ellipsis 10 combines a vibrant 10.1-inch Full HD display and a battery that lasts up to 25 hours* at 9,100 mAh, it's the highest capacity battery of any 10-inch tablet on Verizon s 4G LTE network. Play your music loud and clear with a smart amplifier. America's largest, most reliable 4G LTE network. Available only from Verizon.
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