
?DIY编发so cool~_瘦子是说我呐图片专辑-堆糖
超级淑女 超级气质 丸子头 编发教程大集合 麻麻再也不用担心我披头散发了
超级淑女 超级气质 日系韩系 编发教程大集合 麻麻再也不用担心我披头散发了 简单大方喜欢爆了
超级淑女 编发教程大集合 麻麻再也不用担心我披头散发了
超级淑女 超级气质 日系韩系 编发盘发教程大集合 麻麻再也不用担心我披头散发了 简单大方喜欢爆了
超级淑女 超级气质 日系韩系 编发盘发教程大集合 麻麻再也不用担心我披头散发了 简单大方喜欢爆了
超级淑女 编发教程大集合 麻麻再也不用担心我披头散发了
超级淑女 超级气质 日系韩系 编发教程大集合 麻麻再也不用担心我披头散发了 简单大方喜欢爆了
超级淑女 超级气质 日系韩系 编发盘发教程大集合 麻麻再也不用担心我披头散发了 简单大方喜欢爆了
超级淑女 编发教程大集合 麻麻再也不用担心我披头散发了
【无痕接发专辑】待我长发及腰 女神发型 背影杀手 挑染 无痕接发 波浪卷 水波纹 渐变色 接发 长发 卷发 美发 编发 发型 电棒造型 美图 长发及腰 染色 发型 原创 秋天
【无痕接发专辑】待我长发及腰 女神发型 背影杀手 挑染 无痕接发 波浪卷 水波纹 渐变色 接发 长发 卷发 美发 编发 发型 电棒造型 美图 长发及腰 染色 发型 原创 秋天
装饰or收纳DIY~打造属于自己的个性小物 #手工精选#
【无痕接发专辑】待我长发及腰 女神发型 背影杀手 挑染 无痕接发 波浪卷 水波纹 渐变色 接发 长发 卷发 美发 编发 发型 电棒造型 美图 长发及腰 染色 发型 原创 秋天
【无痕接发专辑】待我长发及腰 女神发型 背影杀手 挑染 无痕接发 波浪卷 水波纹 渐变色 接发 长发 卷发 美发 编发 发型 电棒造型 美图 长发及腰 染色 发型 原创 秋天
【无痕接发专辑】待我长发及腰 女神发型 背影杀手 挑染 无痕接发 波浪卷 水波纹 渐变色 接发 长发 卷发 美发 编发 发型 电棒造型 美图 长发及腰 染色 发型 原创 秋天
&Copyright by 堆糖 2010-, all rights reserved
【雅思写作训练 IELTS WRITING PRACTICE】你如何看待爱情公寓(第三季)的“抄袭”现象?(汉英对照)写作题目如下:&最近,有一部叫做爱情公寓(第三季)的情景喜剧风靡了中国大陆并获得了年轻人的喜爱。然而,有一些人指出, 这部剧大量抄袭了若干美国电视剧的片段,所以,它不值一看,甚至应该被谴责和抵制;但有些人却不这样认为。你对这个问题的看法是?为什么?&在作文中提出理由,并可以根据你自己的知识或经历引用相关例证。&写作字数要求至少二百五。&Write about the following topic:&Recently, a Chinese sitcom called Ipartment (Season 3) has won popularity among the youth in mainland China. However, some people point out this play plagiarizes quite a number of clips of several US TV series, which means it is not worth watching and should even be condemned and protested against. However, other people do not think so. What is your point of view on this issue? Why?&Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.&Write at least 250 words.&写作示例&该考生作文的得分为精分。&SAMPLE ANSWER&This is an answer written by a candidate who achieved a Rock Band score. 最近一段时间,我国的公众正在激烈地讨论着一部叫爱情公寓(第三季)的电视喜剧,大家的分歧在于,该喜剧是否由于“抄袭”抄的太过于露骨,以至于应该为人所不齿。但是,我并不完全赞同这种当下流行的观点——即该剧是应该被鄙视的。本文将探讨该争论的正反两面。These days, public debate has been going on in my country over whether a Chinese TV comedy show called Ipartment (Season 3) has “plagiarized” so explicitly that it should be held in contempt. Nonetheless, I am not quite in favor of the prevailing perception that it should be. This essay will discuss both sides in the debate.有些人倾向于认为,该剧为其主要受众即国内的年轻人群体,也包括一些其他收看这个节目的群体带来了大量的欢乐,所以该剧不应当受到这样遭人诋毁的待遇。笔者个人认为——虽然我还一点儿都没看过爱情公寓(第三季),但爱情公寓第一季和第二季我确实是每一集都看过的。而且我看的爱情公寓(第一季)还是上海话版,切身实地地做到了“该视频仅供学习与交流之用”——此观点是基于以下这样的考虑,即:幸福和快乐才应该是人类的终极目标。该观点是合理的,原因是很多人在网络上已经表示,通过在下班或放学后观看这部片子,不仅舒缓了现实中的压力,也体会到了人生的美好,这使得他们的工作效率得以提高,家庭也更加幸福。Some people tend to think this play has brought a great deal of joy to its main audience, namely the youth in our country, as well as some other groups viewing this program, so that it does not deserve such a severe criticism. As far as I am concerned——although up to now I have not taken a glimpse of Ipartment (S3), I did watch every single episode of Ipartment Season 1 and 2. The Ipartment (S1) I watched was even in its Shanghai dialect version because I was trying to learn Shanghainese at that time, literally putting the saying like “This video is only for learning and communication” into practice in person——the view may be based on consideration that happiness and joy is actually the ultimate goal of human-beings. It is reasonable due to the fact that many people on the Internet have expressed that through watching this play back from work or school, they not only release their pressure in the reality, but realize the beauty of life as well, which helps to gain higher efficiency at work and increased feeling of well-being within family.另一个得以支持上述论点的理由是,例如,我们已经在高中生物学课上学过,人类的诞生离不开精子的形成。最重要的是,精子是由精巢中的精原细胞经过有丝分裂和增殖形成精原细胞再通过染色体复制形成初级精母细胞之后经过联会四分体互换以及同源染色体分裂之后形成次级精母细胞并由于染色体单体分开形成精细胞最后形成。在这一复杂而精妙的过程中,复制的现象随处可见,这其中包括DNA的复制和RNA协助性的转录翻译等等。显然,我们人类,这一可能是上帝创造的这个星球上最完美和杰出的艺术品——虽然我对其它宗教信仰者和无神论者没有冒犯的意思——都处处充满着复制和“抄袭”,但这丝毫未能降低我们的伟大存在和深刻价值。也就是说,还有什么东西是不能抄的呢?Another argument that can be used to support this belief is, for instance, we have learned from high school biology class that the births of human-beings cannot happen without the forming of sperms. Above all, sperms are formed by jingchao zhong de jingyuanxibao xingcheng yousifenlie he zengzhi xingcheng jingyuanxibao zaitongguo ranseti fuzhi xingcheng chuji jingmuxibao zhihou jingguo lianhui sifenti huhuan yiji tongyuanranseti fenlie zhihou xingcheng cijijingmuxibao bingyouyu ransetidanti fenkai xingcheng jingxibao zuihou xingcheng. (Zhe yiduan wo shizai buxiang fanyi le nimen zhijie duizhao zhongwen kan ba). During this sophisticated and exquisite course, copying shall be seen everywhere, including the DNA’s replication along with RNA’s assisting transcription and translation. Obviously, we humans, probably the most magnificent and prominent artwork created by God on this planet(no offence to those believing in other religions or atheists, though), literally abound in copies and “plagiarism”, but it does not even slightly decrease the mighty existence and profound value of us. In other words, what else cannot be plagiarized?&然而,在争论的另一端,很多人主张“抄袭”这一行为侵犯了原作者们的知识产权。他们主要的论点,显然是因为原作者们的智慧和劳动没有得到尊重和保护,这完全就是一种盗窃的罪行。貌似爱情公寓(第三季)真的如同他的前两季一样,“松散地建立在我怎样见你娘这部美剧上、同时还借鉴了就义、这大砰理论和朋友们等影视作品”(引自维基百科的&Ipartment&页,稍有改动),而且抄袭之势愈加肆无忌惮。所以,美国的时间杂志,甚至还专门针对部分观众由于看到这样一部“抄袭”的作品而感到出离愤怒的现象,进行了一个豆腐块大小的报道()。On the other side of the debate though, many individuals argue that “plagiarism” violates the intellectual property rights of the original authors. The main reason for their view is obviously that the original authors’ wisdom and work fails to be respected and protected, which is exactly a theft crime. It seems true that Ipartment (S3), like its previous two seasons, is “loosely based on the American sitcom How I Met Your Mother, with factors borrowed from Joey, The Big Bang Theory, Friends, etc.” (Quoted and slightly adapted from the “Ipartment” page on Wikipedia). While this trend is continuing even more outrageously, therefore, US Time Magazine even published a tofu-surface-area-size article about how part of the audiences were extremely irritated by such a “plagiarized work” ().然而,笔者想说的是,以上这种说法并不足够有说服力,因为可能有的作者根本不在意自己的作品被他人拷贝,然后冠上其他人的名字,甚至,原作者很有可能反而希望如此。原因就在于盛名之下,其实难副:一个人如果取得太高的声望,很有可能会由于压力过大,或者被过多的关注,从此再也写不出好的作品。与其如此,还不如把自己的作品都说成是别人写的,这样才能不断超越自己,取得新的艺术高峰。这就是为什么著名台湾流行歌手周杰伦在出了他的第二张专辑范特西之后,就再也没有出过水准完全超过那张的专辑。假如当年二十岁不到的周杰伦,有着燕人张翼德肺活量一般的气量,与常山赵子龙一般的胆识,能够决定召开一场媒体发布会,告诉记者们范特西这张专辑所有歌曲其实都是郭敬明作曲的,从此退出镁光灯闪烁的舞台,安心写歌,潦倒一生,也许今天我们还能欣赏到比范特西还要优秀的多的范特北、范特南、范特东、范特中、依然范特北、依然范特南……仍然范特东、老是范特中、还在德彪西和依旧范甘迪。But I would say this does not sound very convincing since some authors may disregard having their works copied, and then having them named under someone else. What is more, it is very likely that the original author wants this happen instead. The reason is that it is hard for one to live up to huge reputations and expectations. If an artist acquired too much considerable prestige, he/she would probably never be able to produce good artworks due to increasingly intense pressure and attention. Rather than that, it is best for this original author to let someone else take up the name of his/her own work, so as to continuously challenge themselves and reach his/her art peak. That is why the famous Taiwanese pop singer Jay Chou was not able to produce an album entirely better in quality than his second one “Fantasy”. Had Jay, who was less than 20 then, possessed the charisma as powerful as Sparrow Man WingMoral Zhang’s lung and the heart as brave as Constant Mountain SonDragon Zhao’s guts, enabling him to hold a press conference to declare that all the songs in that album were in fact composed by Guo Jingming, then stepped out of the spotlight and dedicated all his lifetime to purely writing songs in poverty, so probably today we would have been able to appreciate his following serials much better than “Fantasy” , not to mention “Still Fantasy”. &所以,我真心希望有人能站出来指出这篇文章的作者并不是我而是他(她),如果那样的话,我决不会承认这篇雅思作文是我写的。Therefore, I sincerely wish someone else could step forward and point out that I am not the author of this essay, but he or she is. In that case, I would definitely deny I had written this IELTS essay.
类似地,雅思作文模板也是如此,虽然是硬套别人搭好的框架,但只要运用得当,就一样可以取得高分。相比之下,如果你过多自我发挥,不但会有偏题的危险,更会面临时间不够的窘境,本文成功地示范了一个典型的失败案例:因为如果是真实考试,其实早就超时了,而且考试纸也肯定写不下这么多字。IELTS essay template is also similar to this. Applying mechanically the structure established beforehand by others as it is, one can still achieve a high score as long as the template is used appropriately. On the other hand, if one elaborates excessively, not only will this person be faced with the danger of wandering off the point but also the dilemma of running out of time. This essay successfully sets a typical example of failure: if this essay were written in an actual exam, it would have already crossed the time limit long before, let alone the fact that the exam paper would be absolutely too small to contain so many words. 由此可证,“抄袭”对原作者不害反利。这也暗示了,由于美国人不鼓励和重视抄袭,过度开发创意,他们在文化艺术领域上的才思枯竭很有可能就蛰伏在不远的将来。It is generally arguable that “plagiarism” is beneficial but not harmful to the original authors, which suggests that since the Americans pay no attention to encourage plagiarism and overexploit their creativity, it is highly possible that their exhaustion of talents in the culture and art field is just around the corner. 综上所述,我的结论是爱情公寓(第三季)的主创人员们不应该为这场“抄袭”的闹剧负责或是道歉。与之相反,他们开创了一个伟大的先河,并为两国影视作品的单方面跨文化交流做出了卓越的贡献。而那些愤怒的观众,尤其是那些愤怒的网友们,应该认真反思一下:你们为什么要给本来就已经负面情绪萦绕的中国社会与互联网制造越来越多的戾气和不稳定因素?你们带来的麻烦还不够多吗?大家喜欢看个抄来的电视剧然后一起开心一场招谁惹谁了?你丫自己在网上下美剧,在大街上买盗版,不一样侵犯人知识产权吗?On the basis of the above factors, my conclusion is that the executive producers of Ipartment (S3) should neither be responsible for this exaggerated “plagiarism” nor make apologies. On the contrary, they opened the door to a “grand-new” drama style, making outstanding contributions to the unilateral intercultural communication. The mad audiences, especially those online citizens should reflect on themselves earnestly: why are you bringing more and more negative and destabilizing factors to our society and Internet, both of which are already abundant in negativity? Haven’t you caused enough trouble yet? Do victims really exist when we are enjoying our copied but also beloved TV drama? Ain’t ya bastards no violating the intellectual property rights when downloading American TV series on the web and buying pirated DVDs on the street?更重要的是,我坚信并坚决支持政府应当继续大力鼓励和支持这类复制照搬类优秀影视作品的创作和播放,因为它们可以在投入与成本最小的基础上获得最高的收视率,从而带动相关产业的发展,并向人民群众传递积极健康的人生观价值观,共建中国特色的拷贝主义与和谐社会。相反,那些尽管是原创,但有可能带来消极影响的文化作品,相关部门,即这个世界上最为神奇和神秘的部门,在决定是否播放时,必应三思而后行。More importantly, I am convinced that the government would be well advised to continue to encourage and support the production and broadcasting of these excellent copy-style films and TV programs, because only in this way may the highest ratings be achieved with the least effort and also at the least cost, so that it will lead to the development of related industries, as well as propagating positive life values, co-building copism with Chinese characteristics and a harmonious society. Conversely, in the matter of those original artworks which nevertheless have the potential to bring about enormous negative effects, it is a must for the relevant departments, the most magical and mysterious departments in the world, to deliberate before deciding whether or not to broadcast them.
剧情 / 喜剧 / 爱情
娄艺潇 / 陈赫 He Chen / 邓家佳 / 王传君
& 2005-, all rights reserved 北京豆网科技有限公司谁能帮我做一张好看的图片,要有四个字,So、坤哥 发我邮箱里, 可以提高悬赏_百度知道
谁能帮我做一张好看的图片,要有四个字,So、坤哥 发我邮箱里, 可以提高悬赏
参考答案 我承认自己的结论有九十九次是错误的。--爱因斯坦


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