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Why do I (teenager) feel so lonely?Updated on February 13, 2014
Want to talk about it?Feel free to drop me an inbox if you want someone to talk to or if you just want to be listened. I am here to help :)
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Why do we consider ourselves so alone?Some teenagers feel alone and would like some company once in a while.
Most of them would not admit that fully (that they need help) but in the end, everyone does, whether its obvious or not, or whether we want it or not. Most of the time, we are certain of
managing everything by ourselves, but in reality we can't. It is considered to be one of the most difficult phases of life. And it is just like that.
I find myself sitting alone in my room (even because I have no sisters or brothers) and just open up the internet and go on social network in the hope that someone does care about you. In the hope that other people appreciate you for who you are. Some of your friends do, and some of them fake it. How can you know?
I guess school makes it difficult at this point. For example, in my school, everyone is snobby and only cares about physical appearance. I am not like that. Many people change their attitude, their ways, their personality and themselves in order to be accepted by this little strange society.
Your parents won't "understand" your problems even if they say they do. What we do instead, we go on the internet, go on websites like "StumbleUpon", "Tumblr", "Twitter" and mostly on "Facebook" or "Skype", to find something: the passion that we lost, the happiness that we need.
Now I know that happiness cannot be found on the internet, but a little distraction is very useful at times. Especially if you feel like crying an you go on the internet and find people of your same age having the same issues and dealing with them like you do. Its nice to know that you are not the only one having that particular problem. You can see their point of views.
And like this you make friends. VIrtual friends that you wish were real and were right beside you. But they aren't. WHY???!! Why can't we have long term lasting friends... ? People talk behind our backs, especially the ones you thought were your friends.
I know this is kind of depressing but in a teenage world, most of it works like this. Time changes and people get meaner and meaner as we grow. They care about how thin your are and how popular you are... not how your personality is. WHAT A SAD WORLD.
People expect you to be who you're not.Why do I always have to look good for other people.. and when I do for me, people blame me for that. They don't accept who you really are and there is this famous quote that states: "We don't let change happen, because when a thing is different, we change it back to normal".
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DelusionsThey are the most unsatisfying feelings of all.
.You really trust someone and would be ready to do anything for them and they let you down the moment you need them. This happens to me all the time. I wonder why...I am such a good friend and let other people ruin my life so easily. What I do then, is have a friend less and continue with my life as usual... problematic as always... nothing much
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Reasons why we feel aloneFamily problems (most of the pain comes from here)
No real friends (just faces that pretend to be)
No acceptance in society (as a whole or even in smaller groups like schools... who you are may not be accepted from everyone.. and yet... we all have right... unfortunately not respected for some of us)
Not satisfied with your life
No-one understands you
Not accepted for your choices (music artists/genre, fashion style, personality, etc.)
Prejudices (some people find it fun to criticize you when they have no clue who you are, and as they do so, other people start to think negative things about you as well, and so rumors start.. and when they do... its difficult to stop them)
Being afraid to speak up (sharing of opinions becomes difficult, and you get trapped by your own self)
There are so many more reason... the list is just to long ...
Never give up believing
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Related Quotes"And be careful of what you do, 'cause the lie become the truth" Michael Jackson
"There's nothing wrong with you, there's a lot wrong with the world you live in" Chris Colfer
"Do not wish to be anything but what you are, and try to be that perfectly" St. Francis De Sales
"It is better to be hated for who you are, than to be love for something you are not" Andre Gide
"No-one can make you feel inferior without your consent" Eleanor Roosevelt
"If you care about what others think, then you will be forever their slave"
"Don't ever let somebody tell you, you can't do something" Will Smith
"Life is not about people who act true to your face. It's about people who remain true behind your back"
"Learn to appreciate what you have, before time makes you appreciate what you had"
Remember this always
Useful website to visit Power Surge Guidance Videos and Character Education Videos for teens teach life skills in a real life unrehearsed interview format. Perfect for at-risk or any situation where values need to be taught to teens.To help Christian high school and early college students navigate adolescence with their faith intactLoneliness strikes almost everyone at some point in life. Here are 10 tips for relieving loneliness, from writing about your feelings to getting out and helping others.Many years ago, when I was a young adolescent, an adult in my life said that she dreamed about a great chasm, a chasm so deep that she couldn't see to the
You can have a look at this, if it helps...
Any help?&
More in this SeriesIt is not an article that helps you really recognise your best friend, but it will sure give you an idea of they importance in your life. They are those important people you will always feel yourself.
Who are your real friends? Why is it that after such a long time friends still disappoint you? It is not real friendship if this happens.
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根据上下文填写句子.1.A:———— You look so happy.B:Yes ,We are going to have an Englishparty.2.A:_________________?B:We are going to have an English party this weekend.A:__________________?B:We are going to sing and dance in it .3.A:_________________?B:Yes ,we had an English party last year.A:Was it excited .B:Yes,____________.连词成句 button,time,Press,the.
1 what happens2 what are you going to do this wekend what are you going to do in the party3 did you ever have an English?it was Press the time button.
1.What is going on?2.What
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doing in the party;
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英语连词成句 is matter you what with the?so look you today happy.
What is the matter with you?You look so happy today.
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