
去原文收听听力A:Have you heard of the Love Bug?
你听说过“爱虫”吗?B:Do you mean the 'I love you' virus that attacks computers through e-mail?
你是说那个通过邮件入侵电脑的“我爱你”病毒?A:Yes. It is one of the most harmful computer viruses in the world. People say it will break out again om Valentines' Day this year.
是的。它是世界上最具杀伤力的电脑病毒之一。人们说今年情人节的时候它将会再次爆发。B:This is terrible. Why do hackers play such a dirty trick?
这太可怕了。为什么黑客们要这样使坏呢?A:Hackers are smart, and they want people to know about it.
黑客们很聪明。他们希望人们知道这一点。B:So they create viruses to tell people they are smart? That's really sick.
A:Would you like to mail it by air or sea?
您寄空邮还是海运?B杏鲍菇,又名刺芹侧耳,因其具有杏仁的香味和菌肉肥厚如鲍鱼的口感而得名,是一种营养保健价值极高的食用菌。你知道  1. I get up at 8 every morning. 每天早上我8点起床。   2. I thA:Hey, Tom, what to go for a run?
嘿,汤姆,去跑跑步怎么样?B:No tA:House keeping. May I help you?
客房管理部,需要我效劳吗?B:Yes. The only way to achieve in life is the will to try and1. low on cash 缺钱花;2. poor as a church mouse 一贫如洗;3. dA:Taxi!
出租车!B:Where will you go, sir?
您要去哪里,先生?A:FriI just want to be the answer you give when someone ask1.What kind of food do you prefer?你喜欢哪一种菜?2.Do you lik“Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answeYou may know about brushing your hair with a brush orA:Hi. Today, I am the interviewer for your visa applic爽约,又称“放鸽子”。相传古时通信不发达,没有QQ也没有微信,联系只能靠飞鸽传书。一日两人约定届时互信,但其“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is毋庸置疑,bitch在英语中使用的非常普遍,无处不在,但它并不像你想的那么简单。Bitch的字面意思是母狗,“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is 1. I will always love you. 我会永远爱你。这句话是电影《保镖》的主题曲,很多人都喜天气预报里常用到的英语表达Expressions used in a weather report: 晴 f《唐顿庄园》做为国内大受欢迎的英剧,这部制作精良的怀旧剧里面有不少地道的英语俚语表达,今天一起学习下。 1.Happiness is a warm puppy.― Charles M. Schulz幸福是一只温暖的小总会有那么一天两天,心情不好,什么也不想做,特别懒!今天学学怎么用英语吐槽心情不好。1. I don't f去原文可收听听力A:Waiter!
服务员!B:Yes, can I help you?
是的,我能帮您A:Hi, I want to see the Terra Cotta Warriors in Xi'an.“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happene去原文可收听听力A:I've got a headache and sore throat.
我头痛、喉咙美国人喜欢在许多不同的场合用hard这个字。例如你说他对我很凶,这个凶就可以用hard,或是安慰人家不要太难Help, doctor! Help! I got bitten by a snake. 医生救命啊!我被蛇去原文可收听听力A:Excuse me. Have you forgotten our drinks?
打“Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.”---S又到了起床要靠勇气的冬仨月了,你就是传说中的“起床特困生”吗?今天就一起来看看用英文怎样赖床吧! 1. Wh去原文可收听听力A:It's quit a big cafeteria, isn't it?
这个自助餐馆Treat the others as you would like to be treated. 己所不 181. It is a family business. 这是家传生意。Family business 1. It's time for bed.该睡觉了。还能这样说:Time to go to bed!It's去原文可收听听力A:What do you think of your personality?
你认为你“If you love somebody, let them go, for if they return看到让我们为之惊叹的东西会不会忍不住说一声:太棒了!你知道怎么用英语来表达“太好了,太棒”了吗? 1. ItA:Could you show me the T-shirt on the model?
我想看一下模特141. Gotcha. 是got you的口语形式,意思就是“明白”。  142. She can reaHappiness is the highest level of success.幸福是成功的最高定义。Making appologies道歉 Sorry.对不起。 Sorry, I'm late.对不起,我迟到101. I have a fire in my belly to do something for thioralenglishpractice口语陪练网,在线一对一真人陪练英语口语。摆脱哑巴英语,自信开口说英语热门文章最新文章oralenglishpractice口语陪练网,在线一对一真人陪练英语口语。摆脱哑巴英语,自信开口说英语英语口语情景对话禁止和警告
【百度文库 - 英语口语】无忧考网英语口语频道为大家整理的英语口语情景对话禁止和警告,供大家学习参考:)禁止吸烟的英语对话最少要12句,_百度作业帮
我试试.不一定非要采纳.Somebody(B)was smoking in public place.A:Hey!What do you think you're doing here this moment?!B:Oh,ho,ho.I just doing my favour this time,I was fulfilling my desire now.How can you deal with me?A:How impolite for you!Are you born the addicted gentleman?B:ha,do you think this question is nonsense for you and me?A:Well,I ask you a reality question,do you like living in a smoky atmosphere?B:Just soso.What do you think?A:If someone always living in a smoky atmosphere,it's more harmful than smoker himself!So,it's harm to yourselves and arounded people!B:Uh~How can I put it?I was really enjoy smoking!A:Could you interested in another hobby instead of smoking?B:I think this suggest is reasonable,OK.I'll try to give up smoking.And try to take more active activity.A:Perfect!You'll be a better man in future!I hope you can really do like that!B:OK.Thanks for your advice.比较仓促,且自己的英语水平实在有限,就这样帮你一下了
A:Have you read today's newspaper?你有看今天的报纸吗?B: No, not yet.Is there anything important in today's newspaper? 没有。今天的报纸有什么重要的事吗?A: A report says that it has been estimated that smoke...
这是两个人在办公室的对话。一个叫SHADOW。一个是老板BOSS.shadow excuse me boss crouse we turn on the air condition whould you don't smoking at the office?
boss oh,real...


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