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Prevalence of Mucocutaneous Manifestation and Associated Factors Among Adult HIV Positive Patients Attending Art Clinic in Mekelle Zonal Hospital
Fetra Sultan, Firehiwotdaba ., Macha Tsadik, Saeid Abdelkadir
Mucocutaneous disorders are among the first recognized clinical manifestation of HIV/AIDS and they help as a visual marker in assessing the progression of HIV/AIDS. More than 90% of HIV-positive patients may develop mucocutaneous problems at one stage of the disease or the other with significant morbidity and mortality and the magnitude of mucocutaneous manifestation is not known in Mekelle. The objective of this study was to determine the magnitude and associated factors of mucocutaneous manifestation of HIV/AIDS. An institutional-based cross-sectional analytic study was conducted in Mekelle Hospital, Ethiopia, and sample size was determined by considering prevalence rate of 84%. Systematic random sampling technique was used and patients were assessed clinically and to obtain additional information conveniently a structured questionnaire was used and the data was collected in August 2014G.C. Data had been analyzed using SPSS software version 20. There were 220 subjects who parti among them female were 71.8% and males were 28.2% and majority of them were between 27 and 37(41.4%) and came from urban (95.5%) and 45% of them had partners, 20.9% of them had drinking habit of alcohol. From total respondents, 60% had mucocutaneous manifestation and superficial fungal infection were 48(21.9%), bacterial skin infection were 4(1.8%), viral skin infection were 37(16.8%), infestation were 3(1.4%) and non-infectious dermatoses were 101(45.8%) and age, education and clinical staging found significant association with outcome variable with AOR = .22 CI(0.05, 0.94), 4.14 = CI(1.26, 13.58) and 3.06 CI(1.02, 9.25) respectively. Mucocutaneous manifestation was 60% in patients attending ART clinic with non-infectious dermatoses higher frequency as compared to infectious dermatoses.
Keywords: Mucocutaneous manifestation, adult HIV positive patients, anti-retrieval therapyCite this Article Fetra Sultan, Firehiwotdaba, Macha Tsadik, et al. Prevalence of Mucocutaneous Manifestation and Associated Factors among Adult HIV Positive Patients Attending Art Clinic in Mekelle Zonal Hospital. Research and Reviews: Journal of Medical Science and Technology (RRJoMST). ): 21–30p.
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