da新标准大学英语2课件单元一a new student 课件power翻译

新核心大学英语读写教程1翻译答案—Unit1.2.3 - 百度文库
Freshman Convocation
1.Complete the following sentences.
1)Many “intellectual ghosts” showed a total disregard for(表现出完全超越的态度) the accepted boundaries between different field of knowledge. 2)Da Vinci made painstakingly precise observations of everything and put to use everything he learned(把一切学以致用). 3)Many MIT faculty members are crazy about multidisciplinary thinking (酷爱跨学科思考) . For example, professors from the climate science political science departments collaborate creatively with the subject of economics (创新地与经济学合作) to find solutions for the demand for new energy sources.
4)The second facet of da Vinci’s character that fits with MIT (与MIT一致) is his respect for and curiosity of nature (他对大自然的敬重与好奇) ,both as a scientist and an engineer.
5)Students at first class universities will encounter a great many extraordinary teachers, perhaps the most stimulating minds and inspiring models (最激情飞扬的大师和启迪智慧的楷模) they will ever know.
6)There is a good chance that the students will never live and work in a community with as rich as many different cultures and backgrounds (大批不同文化与背景者) as they will at MIT.
3.Translate the following Chinese sentences into English.
1)大学新生将会发现大学是一个启迪他们研究、学习、成长的地方。(an inspiring palce to do something)
贡献者:流氓级小宝宝(window.slotbydup=window.slotbydup || []).push({
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i请填写生词本名称!Online Research @ Cardiff
Industrial digital control in undergraduate fluid power courses: a student-centred approach using an active suspension test rig
Industrial digital control in undergraduate fluid power courses: a student-centred approach using an active suspension test rig.
Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering
, pp. 117-124.
Full text not available from this repository.
The evolution of software techniques applicable to fluid power systems has now resulted in almost commonplace industrial application solutions that were not possible 5-10 years ago. This is causing some discussions regarding the way undergraduate fluid power courses should develop with respect to the inclusion of these new technologies. This paper shows how two new activities, real-time control of an active suspension and performance monitoring, have been developed by students for students and the way they will be brought into an undergraduate degree scheme.
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新标准大学英语2课件单元一Reading across cultures


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