她是一个难以对付的人 用cope with deal with翻译

相关阅读 考试答疑微信:theastudy一个英语句子的翻译Confronted with --- we should take a serious of effective measures to cope with the situation. For one thing ---(解决方法一)For another --- (解决方法二)Finally --- (解决方法三) 这是一篇作文的模板,可是confronted with ---
我不知道什么意思.还有take a serous of effective measures ---也不知道什么意思,for one thing 什么意思,for another 又如何标准翻译,高手详解.
Confronted with “面对,面临”,后面加某种情况,表示面对这种状况.we should take a serious of effective measures to cope with the situation.我们应该采取一系列认真有效的措施来处理这种状况.其中,take measures表示“采取措施”,serious有“严重的”意思,还可表示“认真的,严肃的”,cope with是“对付,处理”的意思.for one thing “一方面,首先”,For another “另一方面,其次”,Finally “最后”.这个模板是针对问题提出解决方案的.希望我的回答能帮助到你!
扫描下载二维码English translation for "难以对付的女人"当前位置: &
英文翻译hard to deal withhard to handle:&&&&difficult to:&&&& ...
例句与用法1.Still, there was danger of their becoming ugly and militant .尽管如此,他们还可能变得难以应付,变得好斗。2.Hussein's mastery of this challenge stamped him as a formidable personality .候赛因精明地应付这一挑战,表明他是一个难以应付的人。3.The pampered children of the rich could not cope with the change娇生惯养的富家子弟难以应付变化。 4.It ' s , it ' s a difficult situation这,这是个难以应付的局势5.And , uh , viruses are tricky ,而且病毒难以应付6.For a long - time the world was stuck with a seemingly intractable dilemma在很长时间世界陷于一个似乎难以应付的两难境地。 7.The mathematics of spinning black holes is wicked hard but they are wicked good fun关于旋转黑洞的数学虽然难以应付,可是却乐趣无比呢! 8.Let us show them how cunning , baffling , and powerful we can be in our own defense让我们来给他们一点颜色瞧瞧,让他们知道我们的反击是如何的灵巧、难以应付且强而有力! 9.Although they found the situation difficult to cope with at the time , most of them pulled through and are now recovering strongly虽然它们当时觉得难以应付有关形势,但这些市场大部分都能渡过难关,现正强劲复苏。 10.Such en - masse traveling has created severe transportation and accommodation problems , and travel operators complained about being unable to cope这种一窝蜂式的出行带来了严重的交通和食宿问题,旅游经营机构抱怨对此难以应付。 &&更多例句:&&1&&&&


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