
Effect of dietary intervention on the prevention and treatment of diabetes in community
目的:分析在社区糖尿病防治中应用饮食干预治疗的效果。方法随机选择2013年8月—2015年8月在该院确诊糖尿病的社区患者70例参与研究,随机平均分成2组,对照组选择常规降糖药物结合健康教育方法治疗,观察组除了应用常规降糖药物结合健康教育方法治疗外,另外联合饮食干预治疗,比较两组临床指标空腹血糖(FPG)、餐后2 h血糖(2h PG)及糖化血红蛋白(GHb A1)变化情况。结果观察组治疗后FBG、2h PG、GHb A1指标结果均低于对照组;观察组治疗后体重(67±14)kg,对照组为(78±16)kg;观察组不良反应发生率为5.71%,对照组为20%(P0.05)。结论在常规治疗基础上给予社区糖尿病患者饮食干预治疗,能够对患者的血糖水平进行有效控制,促进患者生活质量提高,值得推广应用。
Objective To analyze the effect of dietary intervention in the prevention and treatment of diabetes in community. Methods Randomly selected in August 2013 and 2015 August in the hospital diagnosed diabetes patients in community 70 cases participated in the study, were randomly divided into two groups, control group conventional hypoglycemic drugs combined with health education methods in the treatment, observation group in addition to routine use of hypoglycemic drugs combined with health education method treatment, also combined with diet therapy, compared two groups of clinical indicators of fasting plasma glucose (FPG), postprandial 2 hours blood glucose (2 h PG) and glycosylated hemoglobin (GHB A1) changes. Results Observation group FBG, 2 h PG, glycosylated hemoglobin A1 index results were lowe after treatment in observation group weight (67 + 14) kg and control group (78 + 16 kg). To observe the adverse re-actions of the two groups the incidence rate of 5.71%, control group was 20% (P 0.05). Conclusion In the conventional treatment based on the commu-nity diabetes diet intervention treatment, can effectively control the patient's blood sugar levels, and promote the improve-ment of the quality of life of patients, it is worth popularizing.
TA NG De-zhen
本文对多维视角下的拉美贫困及扶贫政策进行了研究。贫困的概念是在不断发展和深化的。英国经济学家马尔萨斯站在资本家的立场下最早对贫困原因进行了探索,认为贫困是自然且必然的,是由于人口增长速度大于生活资料增长速度而导致。但著名思想家马克思认为贫困是资本主义的产物,是由于资本家追逐剩余价值而产生的。贫困在经济学视角下的定义都是货币型的贫困,即个体或家庭没有足够的收入满足衣食住行等生活必需品,或是个人或家庭的实际物质生活水平无法达到社会规范认同的最低限度物质生活消费标准。20世纪60年代,人们将贫困的概念从经济学视角延伸到社会学视角,出现了社会排斥这一概念。贫困不仅仅是缺少金钱以满足基本生活需求,也是一种个人或家庭的能力、资源、机会被剥夺的现象。而到80年代初,对贫困的探索逐渐向更多元的领域靠拢,出现了“能力贫困”的概念,即个人或家庭的基本生活需要以及其他更高级的可行能力被剥夺的现象,例如无法就医、没有尊严、不能获取知识、不能识字算数、没有参与社会活动的能力等情况。21世纪初,多维贫困概念得到官方认可,联合国开发计划署正式公布了多维贫困的测量方法和多个国家的多维贫困指数。贫困概念的不断深化体现了对人的自身内在价值的重视,同时通过多维度的贫困分析能准确反映社会中的不平等现象,利于政府出台合适的政策从根本上消除贫困。  21世纪开始,拉丁美洲及加勒比国家开始围绕多维贫困开始研究当地的贫困问题。拉美经委会对拉美主要国家的多维贫困状况研究显示,其多维贫困状况不容乐观。主要表现在教育资源匮乏、健康水平较低以及居住条件不佳这三个方面。其中教育维度被剥夺情况最严重,贫困群体获得教育的机会和方式存在很大的局限性。这三个方面的贫困状况都凸显出了严重不平等问题。富人和穷人所拥有的教育资源、卫生设施、能源、饮用水和社会保障等大相径庭,这种分配上的不平等加剧了贫困人口的脆弱性,导致贫困的代际间传递。维贫困的提出使减贫政策的方向也出现了转变,拉美各国在80年代实施的社会扶贫政策开始为打破贫困的代际间传递而努力,在提升贫困群体的人力资本上做出了尝试。但由于社会扶贫政策存在着不可持续性和依赖性等缺陷,拉美各国于21世纪初先后出台有条件现金转移支付计划。此计划是先前扶贫政策的更新换代,更强调扶贫的责任性、有条件性和协同性。在给予贫困群体援助的同时施加相应的约束条件,让受益群体履行相应的义务,使其人力资本能得以提升,并意识到摆脱贫困不仅是政府的义务,也需要自身努力。通过有条件现金转移支付计划,拉美各国在健康、教育方面取得了显著的减贫成绩,但同时也在政策制定、实施上存在有待完善之处。收起
Clinical analysis for undergoing robotic assisted radical cystectomy
目的:总结机器人辅助根治性膀胱切除术( robotic assisted radical cystectomy,RARC)的手术经验,评估其安全性及可行性。方法回顾性分析2013年1月至2015年12月收治的35例膀胱癌患者的临床资料,男34例,女性1例。年龄46岁~78岁,中位年龄65岁。35例均行RARC,其中行输尿管皮肤造口2例,回肠膀胱26例,原位新膀胱7例。记录手术时间、出血量、输血率、术后通气时间、术后住院时间、围手术期并发症、复发时间、死亡时间及死亡原因等临床指标。结果本组35例手术均顺利完成,无中转开放手术。手术时间分别为:输尿管皮肤造口(315.0±106.1) min,回肠膀胱(443.2±93.2)min,原位新膀胱(488.3±80.6) min。出血量为100~500 ml,平均(260.0±108.6)ml,其中5例术中输红细胞悬液400 ml,输血率为14.2%。术后通气时间1~7 d,平均(3.1±1.6)d。胃管拔除时间2~10d,平均(4.2±2.2)d。引流管拔除时间4~25 d,平均(10.8±5.1)d。术后住院时间6~25 d,平均(12.4±5.2)d。术后病理分期:<T2期17例,T2期8例,T3期10例;N0期31例,N1~2期4例;均无远处转移。术后并发症:麻痹性肠梗阻4例,淋巴漏5例,给予留置胃肠减压管、补充白蛋白等治疗后治愈。随访4~46个月,平均16.6个月,远处转移复发4例,死亡3例,术后1年的总生存率为89.5%,无复发生存率为95.7%,疾病特异性生存率为95.7%。结论根据初期手术经验及手术疗效,我们认为RARC具有创伤小、术后恢复快及并发症发生率低等特点,是一种安全可行的手术方式。
Objective To summarize the surgical experience and primary follow-up results for robotic assisted radical cystectomy ( RARC ) , as well as to evaluate the safety and feasibility of this procedure.Methods From Jan 2013 to Oct 2015, we retrospectively analysis the perioperative data and primary follow-up data from 35 patients who underwent radical cystectomy with Da VinCi robotic laparoscopic in urological institution of Changhai Hospital.The median age was 65 (ranging from 46 to 78) years.The amount of male cases were 34, the female case were 1.There were three kinds of urinary diversion, ureterocutaneostomy, Bricker operation and orthotopic neobladder, were 2, 26 and 7 respectively.We collected the parameters including operating time, estimated blood loss, blood transfusion volume, time to flatus,length of hospital stay,perioperative complication,time of recurrence,time of death and the reason of death.Results All of the related operations had been accomplished successfully, none of which had been converted to the open procedure.The estimated operating time of ureterostomy was (315.0 ±106.1) min, Ideal conduit was ( 443.2 ±93.2 ) min, Orthotopic bladder was ( 488.3 ±80.6 ) min.The estimated intraoperative blood loss was 260.0 ±108.6(100 to 500 )ml.5 cases of all patients were transfused 400ml red cell suspension, the transfusion rate was 14.2%.The mean time to flatus was 3.1 ±1.6(1 to 7) d.The estimated time to remove the gastric tube and the drainage tube was 4.2 ±2.2d(2-10d),10.8 ±5.1d(4-25d),respectively.The length of hospital stay after surgery was 12.4 ±5.17(6 to 25) d.Overall,17,8,&10,31 and 4 of these patients had <T2 ,T2 ,T3 ,N0 and N1-2 disease, respectively.Perioperative complication mainly included intestinal obstruction and lymphatic fistula,which occured 4 cases and 5 cases,respectively, recovering.All of them recovered completely with appropriate treatment.Distant metastasis was noticed in 4 cases.3 of them died due to the metastasis.The mean follow-up for survivors was 16.6(4 to 46) months. the 1-year recurrence-free,cancer-specific and overall survival estimates were 95.7%, 95.7%and 89.5%, respectively.Conclusions According to the initial experience of surgery and surgical curative effect,RARC could be provided with advantages at minimally invasion, shorter length of hospital stay and lower ratio of complications,which is a safe and feasible procedure.
Jia Gaozhen
Xu Weidong
Zeng Shuxiong
Zhang Zhensheng
Sun Yinghao
Xu Chuanliang
国家自然科学基金()Fund programNational Natural Science Foundation of China


