能帮我分析一下 iand want you knowto know whether it is polite to ea

翻译英语展信安百忙打扰真意思,事今,我想我应该给写封信候,我现才知道原讨厌我,请允许再做我听众?我想通封信式告诉.谢谢些,失联系同失我间友谊,我深深懊悔.惜悔我能帮忙请要客气朋友应该互相帮助,?许知道,我直都思念,怪,怪我初懦弱与逃避高毕业,家要我&官&(迷信讲土)我于躲同家我现想起真笑明明想知道高考考没勇气打电给呢情烦躁胆或许都吧于我拜托打听消息(打电给),我知道骚扰能伤,辜负伯母期望我何尝呢?我希望借机向表达我歉意,说声起!我知道些事情单说起没用,我乞求原谅希望能接受我姗姗迟忏悔希望让或许已遗忘,或许我没必要再提起,或许始余罢.... 再,渐渐没消息我没办,我真乱,我世界变团糟,我情绪坏极点,我想连累,真!.(其实我托别东溪找现才知道家东溪)候,由于家境窘迫,我退.间,我直边工作边习状态,候, 范利给我帮助.业压力工作忙碌使我每充实紧张,思念却曾消退.些觉自像埋沙包鸵鸟忘掉切烦恼与思念我发现我错烦恼短暂忘却思念论何斩断每夜深静候,我总想起切点点滴滴,我始终忘温柔体贴声音美丽,秀外慧每想起些候,我都觉我幸福,劳累烟消云散.曾知道每忙完,带着甜蜜思念入眠我,该惬意呵.美我杭州,其实没必要见我.想跟叙叙旧想告诉些我说杭州要请客.其实玩笑.我丽明说我前交朋友.手.其实我想试探反应罢,情条件谈让晓引转告我说男朋友说我意,假,论男朋友事真假,我都真诚祝福!真我没觉?我傻算许我都保重我些厢情愿,自作情罢.总要,情更.呵呵,说起,像给我课哦?家笑我傻,许吧,或许情真该看重前段间本想逗点(其实我朋友搜主意哎...错再错)真尊重意思哎....许结局件事谢谢家笑我傻或许吧傻照啊哈哈....现?姐姐弟弟都?伯母身体?叫觉现点像伯母伯父眼睛像痴情伯母幸福呵呵写完些,觉情真放松少呢,原没事着轻松,切都放罢,随遇安!让切随风真祝福,祝工作顺利,愿找真伴侣,祝伯母笑口,祝全家幸福快乐!
除伯父眼睛像痴情伯母幸福呵呵 句其句我保持原意逐字逐句翻完疑问发消息给我 Greetings!
I find it embarrassing to bother you in your busy schedule but I think now is the time to write to you. I was unaware of your hate on me until now, but would you kindly be my audience for the last time please? …because I have a lot of words to say herein, thanks for your patience.We had lost in touch with each other in recent years and meanwhile lost the friendship between, I’m profoundly regretful for that, anyway,life is regretless!( And hey, you need anything, you can always come to me, what’s a real friend for?)Perhaps you don’t know, I have been missing in you, it’s my fault---my cowardly behavior and escapismAfter high school, my family wanted to govern me into a superstition life. I refused to comply and hid in my friend’s home, how ridiculous I was, evidently I wanted to know your performance in college entrance exam, but not brave enough to ask, why? Fidgety? cowardly? Maybe both, so I requested him to sound you out (by phone), I knew I annoyed you. You were likely to be hurt, and I betrayed the expectation of auntie. But did I feel differently? I hope you accept my apologies, I’m really very sorry! Although I know apology is not enough at all, I beg your pardon, hope to get my confess toward your comprehensive heart, Let bygones be bygones. Perhaps you’ve forgotten, perhaps it’s no need to remind it, perhaps it’s redundant from the beginning…then, gradually I lost touch with you. Did I have choice? My life is chaotic, my world is a mess, I had the worst mood, and how could I embroil you in at that time?(in fact, I had consigned a friend to find you in DongXi, now I know that you don’t live there )Living in a poor family, I discontinued my studying while was a freshman. In the following days, I kept working and learning, meanwhile, FanZhengLi helped me a lot. Tension and stress from busy work and study enrich my daily life, but I’d never stopped missing you .Like an ostrich puts its head in sandpile, I thought I could forget all the trouble and stop longing for you, but I failed, annoyance can be swipe aside but how could love be. In the dead of night, I was thinking about every detail of you,I will never forget your softness considerate voice, your beautiful and goodness. Every time think about this,I feel happy and release from one-day busy work, sleep with sweet memory is so agreeable. You are so beautiful !
Last time I came to HangZhou, it’s not necessary for you to blench me. I just wanted to talk with you about the past, that’s all I want to tell you. It was a joke that I asked you for a treat. I told LiMing that I had a girlfriend before but broke up, I just wanted to know your response on it, how could I have the mood and qualification to dating with a girl at that time? You consigned XiaoYin to tell me that you already had a boyfriend,I do care that,what ever it is true or not,you will have my sincerely wishes!Have you ever had a crush on me?What a fool I am ! If so,It’s nothing different for me if you were my girl or not .Maybe it’s better for both of us,take good care of yourself !All these years I’ve been living in a fancied world created by myself. Everyone should grown up someday,so does affections.Hehe,if so, is it you who taught me a lesson? People make fun of me because of my foolish, it might be true, and I do not have to treat affections seriously. In some times past, I was mean to tickle you(it’s a good idea from my friend, sigh…made another mistake.)How disrespectful I am, shame. Sign…it might be a good ending, thank you. People make fun on my stupidity, may it be, foolish, so what? Life goes on as usual. right?
How do you like your life now? Remember me to auntie、uncle、to your sister and brother. I feel that you and auntie have something good in common, you have beautiful, spoony eyes ! Your parents are Darby and Joan, how I admire them!
HeheWhen I finished these words, I was
relaxing, it’s really leisured for a man to live without anything in his mind, let things be what they like, feel at ease under all circumstance! let all the things go with the wind!I'd like to send you my wishes means more than I can show. With all my heart, Every success in your job. Hope you have an excellent companion that really love you, wish auntie always happy , . Please accept my wishes to and your family.
Zhan Xinan,
sorry to trouble you in such a busy time.but now,i think it's time to write to you. i suddenly realize you hate me so much.shall i be your best audience for the last time?i want to tell you something through the letter,thank you.
in recent years,we have lost not only lost connection but also our friendship.i feel
deeply regretful,but i can't regret.if you have some trouble and i'm able to help you,please tell me without any hesitation.friends should help each other ,isn't it?
perhaps you don't know that i have been missing you Continuously. it's not you to blame but my cowardly evasion.
perhaps you don't know that i have been ...
Show the letter, his busy schedule of the interrupt you are really sorry, things Now, I think I should give you a letter is the time, I now know I hate you so original, but let me do the final The audience a good &because I think a lot to the way through this letter to tell you, thank you. In recent years, you lose the link at the same time we also lose the friendship between, I deeply regret. Unfortunately, no regrets in life! If I can help on the busy Do not polite. Good friends should help each other, is not it?
Perhaps you do not know, I have been missing in you, do not blame you, I was on the strange and cowardly evasion.
After graduating ...
Opens a letter peacefully, what in spite of being very busy really disturbs you are embarrassed, at this moment, I thought I should be writes a letter to you, I only then knew that now you such dislike me originally, but please allow to be I last time audience again? Because has many words I to want to tell you through this letter way. Thanks. These years, lost your relation at the same time also to lose between us the friendship, my deep regret. Was only a pity that the life is regretless! If has me to be able to be able to help please not to be polite. The good friend should help mutually, not right? perhaps you did not know that I have been missing ...
Show the letter, his busy schedule of the interrupt you are really sorry, things Now, I think I should give you a letter is the time, I now know I hate you so original, but let me do the final The audience a good «because I think a lot to the way through this letter to tell you, thank you. In recent years, you lose the link at the same time we also lose the friendship between, I deeply regret. Unfortunately, no regrets in life! If I can help on the busy Do not polite. Good friends should help each other, is not it »
Perhaps you do not know, I have been missing in you, do not blame you, I was on the strange and cowardly evasion.
After grad...
Show the letter, 100 bother busy you are really sorry, things Now, I think I should give you a letter is the time, I know you hate me so original, but let me do the final The audience a good &because I think a lot to the way through this letter to tell you, thank you. In recent years, you lose the link at the same time we also lose the friendship between, I deeply regret. Unfortunately, no regrets in life! If I can help on the busy Do not polite. Good friends should help each other, is not it &
Perhaps you do not know, I have been missing in you, do not blame you, I was on ...
Show the letter, his busy schedule of the interrupt you are really sorry, things Now, I think I should give you a letter is the time, I now know I hate you so original, but let me do the final The audience a good &because I think a lot to the way through this letter to tell you, thank you. In recent years, you lose the link at the same time we also lose the friendship between, I deeply regret. Unfortunately, no regrets in life! If I can help on the busy Do not polite. Good friends should help each other, is not it &
Perhaps you do not know, I have been missing in you, do not blame you, I was on the strange and cowardly evasion.
After gr...
Show the letter, his busy schedule of the interrupt you are really sorry, things Now, I think I should give you a letter is the time, I now know I hate you so original, but let me do the final The audience a good &because I think a lot to the way through this letter to tell you, thank you. In recent years, you lose the link at the same time we also lose the friendship between, I deeply regret. Unfortunately, no regrets in life! If I can help on the busy Do not polite. Good friends should help each other, is not it &
Perhaps you do not know, I have been missing in you, do not blame you, I was on the strange and cowardly evasion.
Freshman when the family because of the distress, I had to leave. After a time, I have been in the work-study-state life, at that time, Fan Li has given me is of great help. Academic pressure and work I am a busy day and enrich the lives of tension, but you did not miss it on the 1st dissipated. Over the years feel like a head buried in the sand bags in the ostrich, thinking that you can forget all the troubles and miss, But I found that I was wrong, short-term problems can be forgotten, but miss the cut in any case is ongoing. Whenever Yeshenrenjing time, I always think of you all the little Didi, I still never forget your gentle and thoughtful voice,...
楼上“啊田雨”同志的还不错,楼主可以参考。以“show the letter&开场的都是垃圾。
到电脑自动翻译回答者:给姐跪下 - 见习魔法师 二级 6-23 12:02好像是抄我的把
Wooo,love’s in the air.
就是这个,我花拉好大的功夫,相信我你是没错的!Show the letter, 100 bother busy you are really sorry, things Now, I think I should give you a letter is the time, I know you hate me so original, but let me do the final The audience a good &because I think a lot to the way through this letter to tell you, thank you. In recent years, you lose the link at the same time we also lose the friendship between, I deeply regret. Unfortunately, no regrets in life! If I can help on the busy Do not polite. Good friends should help each other, is not it &
Perhaps you do not know, I have been missing in you, do not blame you, I was on the strange and cowardl...
& 综合 & 正文
MyBand is Your Band:More Reusable MFC Goodies with Band Objects and COMToys
&from m$-msdn&
MyBand is Your Band:More Reusable MFC Goodies with Band Objects and COMToys
Paul DiLascia
Band objects come in three flavors: desk, info, and comm bands. Desk bands
info and comm bands—also called Explorer Bars—live in Microsoft Internet Explorer. My-Bands.dll implements all three kinds of band and demonstrates how easy it is to write a band object.
This article assumes you're familiar with C++, COM, Internet Explorer
Code for this article:
Paul DiLascia is the author of Windows ++: Writing Reusable Code in C++ (Addison-Wesley, 1992) and a freelance consultant and writer-at-large. He can be reached at
Not too long ago someone asked me how to add an edit control to his Windows(R) task bar. He wanted to know how to get the HWND so he could add his control as a child window. I had to break the bad news: unfortunately, that sort of thing isn't done any more. You don't go mucking around the system the way you did in the old days. It's not allowed. Nowadays, you write COM interfaces so your extensions can communicate with the operating system in a polite, orderly fashion. May I have your menu, please? Why, certainly, here it is. Would you execute this command now, please? But of course. That's IContextMenu for you, just one of many little interfaces that pop up in various kinds of shell extensions. But among all these interfaces, I couldn't find any way to add a window to the task bar. I was about to tell my poor reader "no can do," when I discovered band objects and IDeskBand. (They were new at the time.) Right away I knew IDeskBand was the kind of interface I could love: it has only one method! So I decided, why not: I'll write my own desk band. With only one function, how hard could it be? Several months and thousands of code lines later (not to mention Advil tablets and extended therapy sessions), I'm here to report my results. It's not that band objects are so hard (they aren't), but my project grew and grew. It wasn't enough to w I had to build a framework. Then it wasn't enough t I had to have my own general-purpose COM programming system. Reusability is the Holy Grail of programming, and like Indiana Jones, I'm always hunting it. In the end, I built my BandObj framework and some reusable COM goodies I called COMToys. I'll describe BandObj here and COMToys in the sequel.
Meet MyBandsThe best way to understand any system is to understand the problem it was invented to solve. (Some systems weren't invented to solve any problem, and they're usually bad.) That problem is MyBands. I really hate sample apps that paint some dopey text like "Hello [insert app name here]" on an ugly background and then call it a day. I figure, if I'm going to the trouble of writing a program, I may as well get something useful—or at least cute—out of it. So the first thing I had to do when I set out to write a desk band was invent a reason for doing so because, let's be honest, putting your own little window in the task bar is pretty frivolous. I chose the first, most obvious dopey Web idea that crossed my feeble mind, only two notches above "Hello, world": a Web Search Band (see Figure 1). Type something in the box, and there goes the browser to your favorite search engine. You can even drag it off the task bar, as in Figure 2.
Figure 1 The Web Search Band
I implemented the Web Search Band in a DLL called MyBands.dll. Astute readers will notice the plural. In fact, band objects come in three flavors: desk, info, and comm bands. Desk bands
info and comm bands—also called Explorer Bars—live in Microsoft(R) Internet Explorer (see Figure 3). The Internet Explorer History, Favorites, and Search windows are all info bands. MyBands.dll implements all three kinds of band, but the info and comm bands are of the dopey "Hello, world" variety.
Figure 2 Standalone Search Band
To install MyBands, download the
(93KB), compile it, put the DLL somewhere, and type the following:
regsvr32.exe MyBands.dll
The info and comm bands will appear in the Toolbars menu the next time you run Internet Explorer. The desk band is a little trickier: you have to restart Explorer. Ctrl-Alt-Del, kill process, wait for rebirth. When you do, Web Search Band appears in the Toolbars menu as in Figure 4.
Figure 3 Info and Comm Bands in Internet Explorer
To see how easy it is to write a band object using BandObj, let's look at MyBands. MyBands is composed of several modules, but the only one that has anything to do with band objects is the main module, MyBands.cpp (see ). MyBands has an app class called CMyBandsDll, which is derived from CWinApp via CBandObjDll (BandObj) and COleControlModule (MFC). Like a normal MFC app, CMyBandsDll has an InitInstance function.
BOOL CMyBandsDll::InitInstance()
AddBandClass(CLSID_MYCOMMBAND, ...);
AddBandClass(CLSID_MYDESKBAND, ...);
return CBandObjDll::InitInstance();
This resembles doc/view, except instead of calling AddDocTemplate, you call AddBandClass. For each band class you must supply the class ID (GUID), MFC runtime class, category, and resource IDs. The category ID is just a GUID that tells Windows what kind of band your class is—info, comm, or desk. As you'd expect, MyBands uses a separate class for each kind of band. CMyInfoBand, CMyCommBand, and CMyDeskBand are each derived from CBandObj and each uses DECLARE/IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE so MFC can create instances dynamically using its normal runtime mechanism and COleObjectFactory. They have constructors that initialize information about the band in a DESKBANDINFO struct, CBandObj::m_dbiDefault. For example, the desk band has a default width of 100 and variable height.
m_dbiDefault.ptActual = CPointL(100,0);
m_dbiDefault.dwModeFlags = DBIMF_VARIABLEHEIGHT;
The comm band has a fixed height of 30 pixels and no title.
m_dbiDefault.ptMinSize = CPointL(0,30);
m_dbiDefault.ptMaxSize = CPointL(-1,30);
Believe it or not, that's pretty much it as far as the band object part of MyBands goes. The rest of MyBands deals with implementing the band behavior and looks like a normal MFC app. For example, CMyDeskBand has an OnCreate handler that creates an edit control, and CMyCommBand has a WM_PAINT handler that draws a subtle advertising message.
void CMyCommBand::OnPaint()
CPaintDC dc(this);
dc.DrawText("Buy MInD!");
Band objects don't have top-level menus like frames, but they can have context menus if you like. CBandObj handles the dirty details. All MyBands has to do is create a menu with the same resource ID as the band class. Commands magically arrive at MyBands' ON_COMMAND handlers through all the normal channels. Except for the GUIDs and category IDs, you'd hardly even know MyBands is a COM object. BandObj hides all the handshaking, leaving you free to write your band. This is how life should be.
Figure 4 Desk Band in the Toolbars Menu
Meet BandObjNow that you've seen you how trivial it is to write a band object using BandObj (define a GUID, call AddBandClass), let's dig down a layer and see how BandObj works. What I've been calling BandObj is actually three classes: CBandObjDll, CBandObjFactory, and CBandObj (see Figure 6). CBandObjFactory is the class factory that makes CBandObj objects. Generally, you never need to use it directly. When you call AddBandClass from your InitInstance function, CBandObjDll creates a new factory and adds it to a list.
BOOL CBandObjDll::AddBandClass(...)
CBandObjFactory* pFact =
pFact-&m_pNextBandFact =
m_pBandFactories = pF
return TRUE;
OnCreateFactory is a virtual function that simply returns a new factory.
return new CBandObjFactory(...);
I provided OnCreateFactory in case you ever have the perverse desire to improve my code by deriving your own specialized factory class. If so, derive from CBandObjFactory and override OnCreateFactory to make BandObj use it. The args I omitted for the sake of clarity are the same ones you pass to AddBandClass: the class ID, MFC runtime class, category ID, and resource ID. CBandObjFactory passes the first two to MFC and keeps the last two itself.
CBandObjFactory::CBandObjFactory(REFCLSID clsid,
CRuntimeClass* pClass,
const CATID& catid, UINT nIDRes)
COleObjectFactory(clsid, pClass, FALSE, NULL)
m_nIDRes = nIDR
Figure 6 BandObj
BandObj doesn't do factories quite the normal way. Normally when you write a COM object in MFC, you use DECLARE_OLECREATE and IMPLEMENT_OLECREATE, which create your COleObjectFactory as a static object. One problem with these macros is they have COleObjectFactory hardwired as the class, so you can't use any other. Another problem is that they create the factory as static data, again with the hardwired name CYourClass:: factory. So? Who says you have to use the macros? They're only provided for convenience. If I want to create my own factory on the heap instead of the stack, and using some other class, I'm allowed. As long as I derive from COleObjectFactory, MFC will find my factory when it's time to create objects because each COleObjectFactory adds itself to a master list MFC searches when COM calls my DLL to create objects. By creating the factories on the heap, on the fly, BandObj is able to hide them from programmers.
Registering MyBandsTechnically I still haven't even told you exactly what a band object is yet, but never mind—it's time to discuss registration. In COM, you can't even blow your nose without registering. Here are the registry entries for the Web Search Band:
{B-11d2-A0D0-5D} = "&Web Search Band"
InprocServer32 = MyBands.dll
Implemented Categories
CLSID, InprocServer32, ThreadingModel— it's all COM 101. The only thing that's new for bands is the previously mentioned category ID, which goes under the key Implemented Categories. In general, a COM object declares to the world what categories it implements by listing them under HKCR/CLSID/guid/Implemented Categories. Of course, you don't register a COM object by hand—COM objects are expected to register themselves. When you type
regsvr32.exe MyBands.dll
regsvr32 calls the special entry DllRegisterServer to register MyBands. If you add /u before the file name, it calls DllUnregisterServer. BandObj.cpp provides default implementations for these standard entries as well as the others, DllGetClassObject and DllCanUnloadNow. The default implementations call special MFC functions designed to do the right thing.
STDAPI DllRegisterServer()
return COleObjectFactory::UpdateRegistryAll(TRUE)
COleObjectFactory::UpdateRegistryAll loops over all the factories and calls UpdateRegistry(TRUE) for each one. DllUnregisterServer is similar, except it calls MFC with FALSE. COleObjectFactory::UpdateRegistry does a pretty good job registering controls, but it knows nothing about bands or categories, so it looks like I have to write some code to register the band.
Registration Frustration? NotIf you've ever tried to register an object using the Windows API, you know what a pain it is. RegCreateKey, RegSetValue, RegClose. . . I never get it right the first time. Fortunately, there's a better way. One of my favorite features in ATL is the Registrar. It makes registering COM objects a total snap. The ATL Registrar is like REGEDIT on steroids. It lets you load special .RGS scripts, similar to .REG files, that can not only add, but also delete registry entries. In fact, given a script, the registrar knows (more or less) how to undo—that is, unregister—it. This means you can use the same script to register as well as unregister, which is a good thing because unregistration is like an orphan child—most programmers are too lazy to do it, so apps end up polluting the registry. Using the ATL registrar is really easy.
The funny-looking thing with angle brackets is an ATL smart pointer (more on that later). CoCreateInstance creates a registrar object and you're ready to roll. Because I have a neurotic aversion to seeing angle brackets in my code except where I'm comparing things or doing a shift, I wrote a little COMToys class to simplify it even further.
The constructor calls CoCreateInstance so you don't have to. Just instantiate CTRegistrar and call the methods. IRegistrar has methods to register and unregister scripts from a file or—better yet—resource. , from atliface.h, shows all the IRegistrar methods. CBandObjFactory::UpdateRegistry has a generic implementation that looks for a REGISTRY resource with the same ID as your factory and calls the registrar to load it.
BOOL CBandObjFactory::UpdateRegistry(BOOL bRegister)
UINT nID = GetResourceID();
if (!::FindResource(AfxGetResourceHandle(),
return FALSE;
CTRegistrar iR
OnInitRegistryVariables(iReg); // see below
LPOLESTR lposModuleName = /* get module pathname */
HRESULT hr = bRegister ?
iReg-&ResourceRegister(lposModuleName, nID,
iReg-&ResourceUnregister(lposModuleName, nID,
return SUCCEEDED(hr);
This is another place where, following MFC tradition, BandObj makes good use of resource IDs. All you have to do to register or unregister your band object is write a registration script—you don't have to write any code! And all I had to write was this simple function. Actually, you don't even have to write a registry script because BandObj comes with one that works for any band object. All you have to do is use it.
// in MyBands.rc
But wait a minute. How can three different COM objects possibly use the same registration script? Don't they each have different names and class IDs? This is where IRegistrar really shows its mettle. Take a look at BandObj.rgs in . What are those funny tags %CLSID%, %ClassName%, and %MODULE%? Those are variables. Before processing your script, the registrar replaces %CLSID%, %ClassName%, and %MODULE% with the actual class ID, class name, and module name. How does it know what values to use? Because you tell it—or rather, BandObj does. You may have noticed the call to OnInitRegistryVariables in UpdateRegistry. That's where BandObj defines its variables.
BOOL CBandObjFactory::
OnInitRegistryVariables(IRegistrar* pReg)
return TRUE;
Here's a full list of variables I built into CBandObjFactory, automatically defined by BandObj.
= class ID (GUID)
= full pathname of DLL
= title (resource substring 0)
%ClassName% = human-readable COM class name (resource substring 1)
= ProgID (resource substring 2)
To add your own, such as %TimeStamp% or %MyReleaseVersion%, just derive a new factory class and override OnInitRegistryVariables. Don't forget to call the base class! Since MFC calls UpdateRegistry for each factory, the variables get reinitialized for each class. So for MyBands, %CLSID% is CLSID_MYINFOBAND for the first factory, CLSID_MYCOMMBAND for the second, and CLSID_MYDESKBAND for the third. The same script works for all three. It's way cool. IRegistrar is so cool I wrote my own command-line utility, RGSRUN, to load RGS files. It's great for testing scripts and debugging, or just deleting extra junk from your registry, something REGEDIT can't do. You can download RGSRUN from the link at the top of this article.
shows the whole program. I use RGSRUN in my autoexec.bat with a file, autoexec.rgs, that sets various Explorer settings Windows seems to insist on bashing every time it boots. Take that, Windows!
Categorical ImperativeIf you were reading carefully, you noticed that the script in Figure 8 doesn't have a key for Implemented Categories. Why? And where does BandObj register its categories? I could've done categories using another variable like %catid%, but COM has an interface for every situation, and categories are no exception. The official way to register categories is through ICatRegister. By adhering to State-Approved Mechanisms, you indemnify yourself against future liability (in theory). No problem, here's the code.
BOOL CBandObjFactory::UpdateRegistry(
BOOL bReg)
// as before
// register/unregister categories using ICatRegister
CTCatRegister iC
REFIID clsid = m_
hr = bRegister ?
iCat-&RegisterClassImplCategories(clsid, 1,
&m_catid) :
iCat-&UnRegisterClassImplCategories(clsid, 1,
// return, bypassing MFC
return hr==S_OK;
Once again, ATL smart pointers and a little COMToys class, CTCatRegister, make programming easy and bulletproof. Just instantiate and go.
Getting to the Bottom of Band ObjectsNow that MyBands is registered and you have the factories to create them, it's time to ask: what exactly is a band object, anyway? A band object is a window that sits inside the task bar or Internet Explorer. That much I hope you figured out by now. A band object is also a COM object that implements three interfaces: IDeskBand, IObjectWithSite and IPersistStream. Optional interfaces include IInputObject if your brand can accept input focus, and IContextMenu if you have a context menu. Figure 10 tells the story. Man, I thought all I had to do was write one function! On top of that, IDeskBand is derived from IDockingWindow, which is derived from IOleWindow. That's two more interfaces you have to implement. What do all these interfaces do?
Figure 10 Band Object Interfaces
The best way to understand band objects—or any COM object for that matter—is to examine the sequence of events as the object starts up—in this case when a user selects your band from the Toolbars menu until the time they close it. The best way to do that is to start with some sample code that works and add a lot of TRACE diagnostics. BandObj has the diagnostics built in, using one of my goodies from a previous article: TRACEFN. TRACEFN uses a special class and my own version of AfxTrace to generate indented diagnostic output, so you can see the stack.
shows the output of a typical MyBands session, beginning when the user selects Web Search Band from the Toolbars menu. Here's the play-by-play. Windows (Explorer for desk bands, Internet Explorer for info and comm bands) discovers your band object by looking for COM objects that implement CATID_DeskBand, CATID_InfoBand, or CATID_CommBand, and adds the name of your band to its Toolbars menu as in Figure 4. When the user selects your band from the menu, Windows calls CoCreateInstance or its equivalent. COM calls your DLL's DllGetClassObject, which calls AfxDllGetClassObject. MFC searches for a factory with the right ID and returns it. COM then calls IClassFactory::CreateInstance and voilà—there's your band object! More COM 101. Next, Windows queries for IDeskBand and IObjectWithSite. CBandObj implements these interfaces in the normal MFC way—using nested classes, interface maps, and BEGIN/END_INTERFACE_PART—so MFC returns the right pointers. Windows calls IObjectWithSite::SetSite to give you a pointer (IUnknown*) back to the container running your show. CBandObj::XObjectWithSite::GetSite calls the virtual function CBandObj::OnSetSite, converting the nested class method to a parent class virtual function call so you can override it easily. The default implementation stores the site in m_spSite. You can QueryInterface m_pSite for any interface the container implements. CBandObj uses it to get the HWND of its parent window.
CComQIPtr&IOleWindow& spOleWin =
if (!spOleWin)
return E_FAIL;
HWND hwndParent = NULL;
if (!hwndParent)
return E_FAIL;
When Windows calls SetSite, it expects you to create your window. This isn't o I only found out the hard way. CBandObj::OnSetSite calls a virtual function OnCreateWindow to do it. My default implementation registers and creates a generic invisible window.
BOOL CBandObj::OnCreateWindow(CWnd* pParent,
const CRect& rc)
static BOOL bRegistered = FALSE;
static CCriticalS // protection
CTLockData lock(cs);
// register window class if not already
if (!bRegistered) {
bRegistered = TRUE;
return CWnd::Create(BANDOBJCLASS,...);
Band objects are apartment threaded, so it's important to protect globals. It's always a good idea to keep globals as close as possible to the functions that use them. In this case, OnCreateWindow is the only function that uses bRegistered, so it's a static function. You can override OnCreateWindow to create your own window class, and/or override PreCreateWindow to change some properties. Just remember: your window should be invisible at this point, so make sure to create it without WS_VISIBLE. Next, Windows calls IOleWindow::GetWindow to get your window's HWND. (This is why you have to create your window in SetSite.) CBandObj returns m_hWnd. After that, Windows calls IDeskBand::GetBandInfo requesting information about your band such as how big it wants to be, whether it has variable or fixed height, and the background color and title. CBandObj stuffs the DESKBANDINFO with a combination of defaults—which you can set in your band object's constructor—and information from your resource file. For example, it gets the title from your resource string. Next, Windows calls IDockingWindow:: ShowDW to show your window. CBandObj calls CWnd:: ShowWindow. It's alive! Windows queries for IInputObject if the user types a key and IContextMenu if the user right-clicks for a context menu. If you implement these interfaces, Windows will use them. CBandObj has default implementations that grab the accelerators and menu from your resource file. All you have to do is add the resources to your project. The menu itself is stored in a data member, m_contextMenu, which you are free to manipulate. CMyDeskBand doesn't
instead it creates the menu dynamically after reading the user's profile settings (see Figure 12). Before appending the menu to the container (when the container calls IContextMenu::QueryContextMenu), CBandObj routes it through the MFC command highway so all your ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI handlers work. This is how CMyDeskBand puts a checkmark next to the currently selected search engine in Figure 12.
Figure 12 Instant Menu
If the user invokes a command by typing an accelerator key or selecting a menu item, Windows calls IContextMenu::InvokeCommand. CBandObj does the same MFC routing as for initializing the menu, so the command magically arrives at your ON_COMMAND handlers in the usual way. When the user closes your band, Windows calls IDockingWindow::CloseDW. CBandObj sends a WM_CLOSE and—poof—your window is gone. But the CBandObj object lives on until Windows releases it. It's all very straightforward and logical—if you use TRACE!
Band Object BugaboosWhat I've just described is the vanilla operation of a basic band object. But in the real world, nothing ever works quite the way it's supposed to, so it's time to let you know the things Mama didn't tell you. The docs say a desk band needs IPersistStream to save any persistent data. What data? My trace diagnostics reveal that, in the case of desk bands, Explorer doesn't even query for IPersistStream, though it does query for IPersistStreamInit. So what's IPersistStream for? A comment buried in some Microsoft sample code explains the deal: IPersistStream is required to let the user drag the desk band off the task bar, as in Figure 2. If you don't want or need this feature, you don't have to implement IPersistStream. TRACE also reveals that Windows queries for IOleCommandTarget and IDiscardableBrowserProperty. The latter is an interface I can really it has no functions! How can an interface have no functions? IDiscardableBrowserProperty is just a way to tell Internet Explorer, "It's OK to toss my properties if you visit another page. They're expendable." For more information, see "" in the MSDN(TM) Library. Finally, TRACE again reveals that Windows queries for yet another interface, the secret interface {EA5F2D61-E008-11CF-99CB-00C04FD64497}. This ID doesn't appear in any document, source file or registry entry I can find. If you know what this interface does, please contact your local authorities. When you first create your desk band, you may have trouble getting Windows to recognize it. For info and comm bands, all you have to do is restart Internet Explorer. The same is true for Explorer, the only trick there being you have to Ctrl-Alt-Del to kill it. But when I recently got a new machine with Windows 98 Second Edition installed, my desk band mysteriously stopped working. No matter how many times I registered the DLL and killed and rekilled Explorer, my band refused to appear. The same thing happened on Windows 2000. After much fretting and frustration, and nearly throwing my brand-new $2700 18" liquid crystal monitor out the window, I called my trusty editor (this is where it helps to have connections). He relayed the problem to the friendly Redmondtonians, who promptly pointed me to Knowledge Base article , which explains the mystery. Windows 2000 (and apparently also Windows 98 Second Edition) keeps a category cache that it refreshes only "if it senses that an installation application is run or if the cache location in the registry is not present." Windows "senses" an installation. Is it psychic? The article goes on to explain two ways to make Explorer rebuild its category cache: install from a program named setup.exe or install.exe (psychic powers explained—is that hokey or what?) or delete the registry key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/Component Categories/ {0-}/Enum, which is the cache. ({...} is CATID_DeskBand.) I modified BandObj.rgs to always delete this key. Problem solved. But you still have to restart the shell to make Windows generate a new cache. The next problem seemed like three problems, but they were all caused by the same bug. Whenever I tried to recompile my code, I got "Cannot open MyBands.dll for writing." Apparently Explorer keeps its band objects alive as long as it's running. Internet Explorer does the same thing: when the user hides and shows your band, Internet Explorer calls IDockingWindow::HideDW and ShowDW. Internet Explorer doesn't release the object until it quits. In the case of desk bands, this means you have to Ctrl-Alt-Del again with every build cycle. Annoying, but not a big deal. When I tried to debug my desk band using the technique in the Visual C++(R) Knowledge Base article "HOWTO: Debug a Windows Shell Extension" (the Ctrl+Alt+Shift trick, then run the debugger with explorer.exe as the debug process), I couldn't because I always ended up with a lock on my DLL. This time you have to reboot—yuck! Fortunately, I hate debugging anyway. I much prefer TRACE. But the one or two times I resorted to debugging, I had to use a system-level debugger. When I first implemented MyBands, it failed to remember which search engine the user had selected. That's because I was saving the state in my object's destructor—but the destructor was never called because, as I just told you, Windows doesn't destroy the object, it only closes the window. So I moved my save code to PostNcDestroy, which fixed the problem. But wait a minute. If the object is still alive even after the user closes it, there should be no need to save settings because they should still be there in memory, right? All these little problems were caused by one big problem, revealed instantly by the TRACE output: every time you hide or show a desk band, Explorer creates a new band object. It never releases the old one! Let's see. If CMyDeskBand is 916 bytes, and I have 128MB of RAM, how many times do I have to hide or show before Windows runs out of memory? The Redmondtonians acknowledge their booboo and assure it'll soon be fixed. While I'm on the subject of booboos, I told you at the outset there are three kinds of bands. Well, I lied. There's a fourth kind: tool bands. My head is spinning just trying to keep all the terminology straight. A tool band lives in the Internet Explorer rebar. The Radio in Internet Explorer 5.0 is an example of a tool band. (You didn't know Internet Explorer has a radio now? That' 6.0 may even have HDTV.) Writing a tool band is easy. It's just an info/comm band with a
add your band's class ID (GUID) as a string under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/ Microsoft/Internet Explorer/Toolbar. I modified BandObj.rgs to add this value, and called it ExplrBar.rgs. Then, I modified MyBands.rc to use it.
There's just one problem with tool bands. When you right-click in Explorer to show your band, it has the name Radio (see Figure 13). Actually, it has the name of the first tool band registered. This is a known bug—see Knowledge Base article .
Figure 13 Will the Real Radio Please Stand Up!
Back to MyBandsYou're probably sick of you probably hope you never see another band object in your lifetime. Well, that's good because I've said all I have to say about them. Before I go, let me tell you just a few more things about MyBands—the part that actually implements the bands. It's mostly straightforward, but there were some slings and arrows worth mentioning. First, CMyCommBand and CMyInfoBand are each derived from a common base class, CMyIEBand. CMyIEBand implements a common feature: when you click on the band, it sends the browser to the MSJ or MIND home page. To do so, the band needs an IWebBrowser2 interface so it can call IWebBrowser2::Navigate. Getting the Web browser proved to be something of a minor mystery. Obviously, it has to come from the site, so my first attempt was to write
CComQIPtr&IWebBrowser2& iwb = m_pS
which of course does a QueryInterface for IWebBrowser2. But QueryInterface fails with E_NOINTERFACE and a NULL pointer. The container doesn't implement IWebBrowser2. So where do you get it? Here's the required voodoo.
CComQIPtr&IServiceProvider& sp = m_pS
m_spWebBrowser2 = NULL;
IServiceProvider is a general-purpose way for COM objects to supply interfaces implemented by other objects they know about. At first it seems the same as QueryInterface, but there's a subtle difference: the container itself doesn't implement IWebBrowser2, but it knows how to get an object that does. Next, let's look at CMyDeskBand (the Web Search Band). The interesting thing here is the edit control, implemented in a class CEditSearch. To receive a WM_CHAR message when the user presses Enter, I had to add a WM_GETDLGCODE handler that returns DLGC_WANTALLKEYS. See? All that Windows 3.1 knowledge is still useful. Now when the user presses Enter, CEditSearch gets it and OnChar calls the DoSearch function to build a URL from the user's input. This requires replacing spaces with +, so if you search Yahoo for "beanie baby sex", the URL would be /bin/query?p=beanie+baby+sex&z= 2&hc=0&hs=0, which CEditSearch passes to IWebBrowser2::Navigate. CEditSearch has the URLs for several search engines built in, but you can add more by editing MyBands.ini (see ). The easiest way to get the URL is to go to your favorite portal page, search for "MYSEARCH", and copy the resulting URL from the Address bar into MyBands.ini. Speaking of INI files—MyBands uses one! The registry is so cumbersome for storing simple human-editable configuration settings that I implemented a little class called CIniFile to help me avoid it.
BOOL CMyBandsDll::InitInstance()
// SetRegistryKey(_T("MSJ")); // Not!
CIniFile::Use(this, CIniFile::LocalDir); // Yo!
This tells your app to put the INI file in the same directory as your program or DLL, not /Windows. MFC will use an INI file by default if you don't call SetRegistryKey, but it puts the file in /Windows. I like to keep config files with their programs, so you can delete the whole directory to remove it without worrying about extra crud floating around. CIniFile gives you the option to use /Windows if you like, or specify a different file name. It works by setting your app's m_pszRegistryKey to NULL and m_pszProfileName to the name of the INI file. Of course, if you use an INI file, you don't get automatic user-specific settings on a multiuser machine the way you do with registry settings. So sue me. Or use SetRegistryKey. Getting the context menu (see Figure 12) to work in the edit control required a little fidgeting. When the user right-clicks an edit control, the edit control tries to display its own Cut/Copy/Paste menu. No problem. Just override WM_CONTEXTMENU. But none of the MFC command routing stuff works because the MFC OnInitMenuPopup handler is implemented in CFrameWnd, not CWnd—even though any window can display a menu. This problem comes up from time to time in other situations. What you need to fix it once and for all is a little gadget you can drop in any CWnd that routes WM_INITMENUPOPUP through the system. I implemented one called CPopupMenuInitHandler, derived from the CSubclassWnd (née CMsgHook) class I originally described in my "More Fun with MFC" article in the
issue of MSJ, and which continually reappears in my columns. CSubclassWnd lets you dynamically subclass any CWnd to trap messages. CPopupMenuInitHandler dynamically subclasses the edit control to trap WM_INITMENUPOPUP. When it sees WM_INITMENUPOPUP, it invokes another class/function, CPopupMenuInit::Init, to do the work, which is mostly copied from CFrameWnd. CPopupMenuInit::Init creates a CCmdUI object for each menu item and routes it around the system to all the ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI handlers. You can use it independently of CPopupMenuInitHandler any time you want to initialize a menu the MFC way. The code is in MenuInit.cpp. Finally, CEditSearch mimics the activation dynamics found in the Internet E when you first click it, all the text is selected. Click again to position the cursor. Implementing this simple feature requires handling several messages—WM_MOUSEACTIVATE, WM_ SETFOCUS, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, and any mouse or keyboard message—so I did the whole thing in CEditSearch::WindowProc. Sometimes the old pre-C++ way of doing things is a lot easier than message maps. See the source for details. One final note. Since debugging desk bands is such a pain, I wrote a standalone program unsurprisingly called TestEditSrch to test CEditSearch before I put it in the desk band (see Figure 15). I strongly encourage you to do the same. Get your code to work standalone, then move it to your band.
Figure 15 TestEditSrch
The code for MyBands/BandObj is too long to print in the magazine—and much of it is just tedious MFC nested class COM code.
ConclusionThe essence of reusable programming is identifying common behavior and encapsulating it into classes or subroutines that can be used repeatedly in different situations. In the case of band objects, BandObj reduces the entire band object to just four variables: the class ID (GUID), MFC class, resource ID, and category ID. Plus related resources that go with the ID. Everything else—all the COM interfaces and handshaking—is the same for every band object. So why should you have to write all that code? With BandObj, all you have to do is derive from the framework classes and call AddBandClass. Some programmers will object that BandObj relies on MFC and its giant MFC42.DLL. True. But I don't consider that much of a liability, at least not for shell extensions. MFC42.DLL can for all practical purposes be considered part of Windows. If you look at CBandObj, you'll see that so much of it is generic—not just for band objects, but for any COM class. CBandObj implements IContextMenu using a CMenu, and IInputObject using an accelerator table. What does that have to do with band objects? Its implementation of IOleWindow and IDockingWindow requires only a CWnd. IObjectWithSite holds a pointer and that's it. The only interface that has anything to do with band objects is IDeskBand and the one function GetBandInfo. Everything else is boilerplate. It should be possible to capture these interface implementations in an even deeper layer of abstraction, in little classes you can assemble easily and reuse over and over again in all kinds of situations. Shell folders, file viewers, ActiveX(R) controls—whatever. Wouldn't it be great if all you had to do to build one of these COM objects was assemble a few pieces and compile? Stay tuned. In my next article (), I'll show you how.


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