当暴风雨来临前时,你的朋友在做什么?最好用初二所学的知识写。 英语作文

Why should we learn English? If you want to ask me why we should learn English, my answer will be simple and clear. Now let me list the reasons one by one in the following. Firstly, English has become an international language. If you know English, you can communicate with foreigners and you can make a trip round the world without being misunderstood. Secondly, most valuable books, newspapers and magazines are written in English. If you want to get knowledge directly, you must learn English. Thirdly, you can find your job in a foreign company and even work abroad. Here English is not only a tool of your communication but also a way to make your living. And sometimes learning English is also great fun. All in all, English is so important that everyone should work hard at it.
假设你们班将举行一场以“Why should we learn English”为主题的英语演讲比赛,请你结合以下几方面内容,写一篇100词左右的英语演讲稿。
Dear friends,
It is known to all English is the most widely used language in the world.There are many advantages for us to learn English
In brief, learning English is necessary and we should learn English.
That’s all.Thank you.
请以Why should we learn English? 为题,根据以下提示写一篇作文,说明学习英语的重要性。词数100左右。
should we learn English? 为题,根据以下提示写一篇作文,说明学习英语的重要性。词数100左右。
&&&&& 请以”Why Should We
Learn English?”为题根据以下提示写一篇100字左右的短文,说明学习英语的重要性。
&&& 提示:
如果你在外资企业(foreign company)或国外生活的话,英语不仅仅是你的交流工具,还是你的谋生方式。
international&&& 误解
misunderstand&&&& 工具 tool
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暴风雨来时 英文作文,暴风雨来时的作文,暴风雨来临时的景色,当暴风雨来临时
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当暴风雨来临之时暴风雨来临之时,太阳公公悄悄地溜走. 无论你怎么找, 他就是不出... 当暴风雨来临之时, 你们千万不要害怕, 只需乖乖的做在家中. 查字典作文网[...
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当暴风雨来临时作文 第一篇:当暴风雨来临时作文400字 人的一生很漫长,而当我们回首相望的时候,却为自己所经历的事而感到难过。人的一生并不会平坦的走过,而当暴风雨来临的时候,我们却不知如何面对,只是一畏的逃避,可有一些事是逃避不了的,躲了初一能躲了十五吗?面对这些话题,我们将束手无策。我们可以学习一下草的精神,它是值得我们醒悟的。每当下雨时,原本矗立在滋润的大地上的小草,被狂风、暴雨、雷鸣、暴雨扭打着的时候,小草却表现出一副无所畏的样子,不管这恶劣的天气在怎么扭打它,这只不过是一时的,终究会过去的。 随着时间的划过,天气依然恶劣着,而那无畏的小草终于倒下了,面对这么恶劣的天气,就连一直不怕困难的小草也倒下了。。。。。。 风雨停了,天上又出现了喜气洋洋的太阳,滋润着大地,放出万丈光芒,不知不觉的,小草又慢慢舒展了起来,一点一点的波动,好似在为自己疗伤,有了太阳的光芒,小草又重新复活了起来,似翩翩起舞为自己欢呼着,战胜了一个困难。而在我们生活当中也是这样,当暴风雨来临的时候,我们应该不屈不挠的去面对它,而不是一畏的去逃避。 即使你逃避了一时却逃避不了一世。困难似暴风雨,它只不过是一时的,而我们今后的路还很长,要学会面对他们,去打击他们,而则相反,不要让它们把我们打垮,那么我们永远是一个失败者。&小草&是值得我们学习的它倒下了又爬了起来,反反复复,从而使它的生命更加顽强起来,似与我们面对暴风雨的时候,要有不屈不挠的精神,战胜他们。第二篇:当暴风雨来临时作文200字  面临生活中的总总困难。就想暴风雨一样。我们如果不能像海燕一样,勇敢的面对。让暴风雨来的更猛烈的话。那请你备好雨具把!  为什么那么说哪?那雨具又是什么呢?  雨具就是你身边的朋友,心中的信念。  当暴风雨来临时,我会想起我的朋友啊,我会和我的朋友互相搀扶这一起在惊涛骇浪里翻腾。这样就算有再猛烈的狂风,再惊险的波涛。在你眼泪不过是那么可怕。  当暴风雨来临时,心中的信念又何尝不是更好的雨具呢?我会对自己说:坚持就是胜利,坚持吧!努力吧!你会成功的,只要你坚持过去,晴天就在不远处等着你。  当暴风雨来临前请备好雨具把,不是暴风雨等待着你来面对,而是你备好雨具来和暴风雨斗争。成功是留给有准备的人!  让暴风雨来前请备好雨具把!第三篇:当暴风雨来临时作文400字  在一个晴空万里的正午,我漫步在林间的小路上,心情随着天气的晴朗而变得高兴起来。  但,好景不长,远方飞来了几朵可恶的乌云,一想,这也许是一场暴风雨。就以我最快的速度往家跑。但,竹林中一片死气,原本静谧,可爱的竹林变得如此阴森恐怖,让我一瞬间竟不知哪边才是回家的路。  我越来越紧张,越紧张就越害怕,不知道在什么时候会听到一声吼叫,惊的蹲在地上。其实,是熊的叫声。  竹林中的空气阴沉而感到令人窒息,忽而狂风大作,忽而雷电交加。  山中的一切都变得那个可怕,好像每一个都是令人害怕的东西。竹林沙沙作响。不久,暴风雨来了!  林中的动物四处逃窜。在暴风雨的日子里,它们都是这样过的吗?一些动物被水冲走了,而我呢?我却站在高山上,从上面看竹林中发生的一切。高大挺拔的大树被风、水冲倒了。竹林中显得那个没有活力,没有生机。死神在向它们挥动着镰刀,好像要带走它们。暴风雨什么时候才会过去?我想着。不然会有更多的动物被它&虐杀&。  不久,暴风雨走了。果然,它带着无数的生命离去了。竹林中,像极了坟场,一些动物死了,连老虎也奄奄一息。难道,这里就没有活着的动物了吗?  正在这时,我看见一个山崖上,站着一只梅花鹿。我想,这也许是暴风雨过后留下的唯一一个坚强不屈的生命,这样的生命值得我们敬畏。第四篇:当暴风雨来临时作文200字 一个闷热的夏日午后,人们都在午睡,树叶动也不动,狗趴在院子里无精打采的耷拉着耳朵,吐着长长的舌头,喘着粗气,圈里的牛不再发出&哞哞&声,马也忘记了踢马房的挡板,只有知了还在不知疲倦的叫着,一切似乎都被凝固了。谁也不会想到,不久,这里将会有一场暴风雨。 没过多久,天空中就布满了厚厚的乌云,风掠过树叶,发出&沙沙沙&的声音,狗不安地叫了起来,一会儿,&黄豆&般大小的雨点开始&砸&下来,溅起一层层薄薄的尘土,空气中弥漫着一股股土腥味儿。雨下得越来越大、越来越密,地上坑坑洼洼的地方形成了一个个水洼,雨点打过水洼形成了一个个小泡泡。雷也&轰隆隆&地响了起来,突然,有一道白光&嚓&地划过天际,雨越发地密了,眼前的景物已经一片迷茫,风也&呼、呼、呼&的叫得更欢,把树干吹得左摇右摆;雨点打过树叶发出很响的&嗒嗒&声,甚至还把树叶打下,地上一片狼藉。 这样的情景持续了不多久,雨渐渐地小了,只有&嘀嗒嘀嗒&的响声,雷也不打了,风也变小了。一会儿,雨停了,风静了,云散了,天终于放晴了,空气湿漉漉的,太阳也露出了久违的笑容。第五篇:当暴风雨来临时,请备好雨具 作文200字 面临生活中的总总困难。就想暴风雨一样。我们如果不能像海燕一样,勇敢的面对。让暴风雨来的更猛烈的话。那请你备好雨具把! 为什么那么说哪?那雨具又是什么呢? 雨具就是你身边的朋友,心中的信念。 当暴风雨来临时,我会想起我的朋友啊,我会和我的朋友互相搀扶这一起在惊涛骇浪里翻腾。这样就算有再猛烈的狂风,再惊险的波涛。在你眼泪不过是那么可怕。 当暴风雨来临时,心中的信念又何尝不是更好的雨具呢?我会对自己说:坚持就是胜利,坚持吧!努力吧!你会成功的,只要你坚持过去,晴天就在不远处等着你。 当暴风雨来临前请备好雨具把,不是暴风雨等待着你来面对,而是你备好雨具来和暴风雨斗争。成功是留给有准备的人! 让暴风雨来前请备好雨具把!第六篇:当暴风雨来临时作文400字 今天,我们这里下了一场暴雨。都是因为没有看天气预报,所以浑身都湿透了。 当时,我正在小桔灯作文班里上课呢,突然一阵&轰隆隆&的响声,把我吵得震耳欲聋。幸亏我当时把老师布置的任务完成了,就出去看了一看。刚刚跨出班门,班里就立刻停电了。 天上落下的雨像泼,像倒,学校里似乎发了洪水。调皮的雨滴争先恐后地落向地面,寻找着自己的位置。有些雨滴落在了车子上面。唉,我家的电动车免费的洗了一次澡。这时,一些上辅导班的大哥哥大姐姐来到了大厅里,望向雨中自己的车子。大哥哥大姐姐们坐卧不安,都在不停地跺脚,有的大姐姐还说:&我的车子怎么办怎么办!&突然,一个打着雨伞的大哥哥从雨中回来了,把雨伞立刻借给了一个大姐姐,大姐姐急得不知所措,连车钥匙就没有拿,直接把车子抬进了大厅里。大厅里的车子越来越多,越来越密。在旁边的办公室里的一位叔叔想上二楼,都得像螃蟹一样走上二楼。想想,雨多大呀! 我站在走廊道里看入迷了,偶然间看见了对面走廊道的情形。对面,雨水落在了台子上,又溅了起来,朦朦胧胧,像一个喷泉似的。水花越来越多,溅起来的水也越来越多,把墙壁都浸湿了。好一壮观的景色。从那里经过的人们,没有一个人身上是干干的。上英语班的哥哥姐姐为了大饱口福,竟然冒着雨到小卖部买东西。有的姐姐到广场玩,结果回来时,成了一个落汤鸡。 这时,妈妈也从教室里出来了,我就想和妈妈在走廊道里探险。我小心翼翼地贴着墙壁走到了走廊道中间,生怕雨点溅到了我身上,微风吹在脸上,凉丝丝的,可舒服了。于是,我就用同样的招数把妈妈拉到了走廊道中间。当时,妈妈还吓得不敢来呢,也害怕自己会淋湿了。后来见我过去又回来,回来又过去,没有淋湿,也就大胆地过来了。 站在走廊道中间,我东张西望,这一次,望到了一个更壮丽的景色。我所在的剑桥英语学校的大门,上面有一个雨搭,雨滴落在了上面,随着一个又一个的管道,滑了下来,形成了一个&剑桥大瀑布&!我急忙对妈妈说:&妈,你快看,你快看哪!你看我们学校门口,形成了一个瀑布呢!一会儿我上英语班时怎么去呀!&&是啊,真是一个大瀑布!&妈妈一边说,一边向那个方向看去。 过一会儿,雨过天晴,妈妈自言自语道:&这一场雨,足够让庄稼喝饱了!&我也觉得,虽然车子洗了个澡,但是庄稼有救了!当暴风雨来临时作文 第七篇:当暴风雨来临时作文400字 当暴风雨来临的时候,犹如&晴天霹雳&。当4月14日来临的时候,当7:49分来临的时候,当暴风雨来临的时候,一声声震天撼地的声音响彻人间。一个个自离破碎的家庭,一双双模糊的双眼,一声声撕心裂肺的叫喊,让人心酸,但也有一个个坚强的勇士,一句句感天动地的话语,让人感动并引以为豪。好有一双双温暖有力的双手,一次次默默奉献的捐款,一个个坚定沉着的脚印,让人骄傲! 当暴风雨来临的时候,犹如&冰天雪地&,还记得2008年的南方冰雪灾害吗? 那是正值春节期间,南方大部分地区出现了罕见的持续大范围的低温、雨雪和冰冻的极端天气。许多春节赶着回家过年的人们,无法跟家人团聚。但是,在这期间却不断地涌跃出的一幕幕感人故事。五千年历史的中国情、火热的中国心,舞动了起来。一幕幕感人的故事,一张张熟悉的面孔,一颗颗火热的心,融化着冰雪,人们以坚定的信念克服了冰雪。 当暴风雨来临的时候,犹如&倾盆大雨&,当我们考试失利,被人误解,或遇到困难时,也许会掉下伤心的泪,但是&暴风雨&让我学会了积极、向上、宽容、大方、坚强,勇敢。 当暴风雨来临的时候,会是出乎意料的,会是情理之中的,会是莫名奇妙的,会是难以置信的。无论是怎样的,我们都要勇敢地面对它,而且战胜它。 暴风雨,一次勇敢的洗礼,一次坚强的洗礼,一次完美的洗礼。第八篇:当暴风雨来临时作文400字 &&成长中的&苦&味 在我成长的足迹当中,脚印有深有浅,浅的脚印早就看不出来了,深的脚印犹如刻在我的心里,时时会想起它。其中就有一个脚印时常出现在我的脑子里。 那是一个早晨,我与妈妈早早地起了床,洗漱完毕,我就在一旁帮妈妈烧早点。不一会儿在我们手忙脚乱中烧好了早点,妈妈吩咐我将烫热的豆浆端到桌子上。这还不是小菜一碟,我轻飘飘地端起豆浆就往厨房外走,谁知一个不小心,手一打滑,整杯豆浆都倒在我的手背上,烫得我嗷嗷大叫。顿时我的手背被烫的红红的,妈妈看见了既心痛又心急,一边帮我把手放到水龙头里用自来水冲凉,一边直数落我的不是。一顿暴风骤雨般的数落,让我没有丝毫招架之力。我本来手痛得厉害,再加上妈妈的埋怨,我的眼泪像瀑布一样倾泄而下,我的心里那个苦啊,真是说不清,犹如抱黄连敲门&&苦到家了,还哑巴吃黄连&&有苦说不出,都是我不好,是我没认真地拿,心里想想更加伤心了。妈妈虽然数落我,可她对我还是挺关心,这就是母子亲情啊! 经过这次暴风雨,使我懂得了做事不能粗心、马虎,要认真、仔细。也在我幼小的心里留下了一个永远不会忘记的烙印。  小学作文大全网
When the storm comes, I was doing my homework at home, my mother was cooking, my father is going to work, the original plan to travel, the results for t...
篇七:当暴风雨来临时作文500字 当暴风雨来临的时候,犹如晴天霹雳.当4月14日来临的时候,当7:49分来临的时候,当暴风雨来临的时候,一声声震天撼地的声音响彻人间.一...
博威范文网() & 2014 版权所有 All Rights Reserved.英语作文,当遇到暴风雨的时候我们该怎么办_百度知道
In the Case of a ThunderstormBefore a thunderstorm, you should:Remove dead or rotting trees and branches that could fall and cause injury or damage during a severe thunderstorm. &If thunder roars, go indoors,& because no place outside is safe during a thunderstorm. Everyone should stay inside until 30 minutes have passed after the last clap of thunder.Summary of Lightning Safety Tips for Inside the HomeAvoid contact with corded phones, electrical equipment, or cords. If you plan to unplug any electronic equipment, do so well before the storm arrives. Avoid contact with plumbing. Do not wash your hands, do not take a shower, do not wash dishes, and do not do laundry. Stay away from windows and doors, and stay off porches. Do not lie on concrete floors and do not lean against concrete walls.The following are guidelines for what you should do if a thunderstorm is likely in your area:Postpone outdoor activities. Get inside a home, building, or hard top automobile (not a convertible). Although you may or may not be injured if lightning strikes your car, you are much safer inside a vehicle than outside. Remember, rubber-soled shoes and rubber tires provide NO protection from lightning. However, the steel frame of a hard-topped vehicle provides increased protection if you are not touching metal. Secure outdoor objects that could get blown away. Shutter windows and secure outside doors. If shutters are not available, close window blinds, shades, or curtains. Avoid showering or bathing. Plumbing and bathroom fixtures can conduct electricity. Use a corded telephone only for emergencies. Cell phones are safe to use. Unplug appliances and other electrical items such as computers and turn off air conditioners. Power surges from lightning can cause serious damage. Use your battery-operated NOAA Weather Radio for updates from local officials.If there are no buildings to get in:Get inside a car and close all doors and windows.If there are no cars a憨亥封酵莩寂凤檄脯漏round, get to lower ground.If there are two hills nearby, stand between them, so the hills are more likely to be zapped than you.If there is absolutely nothing nearby to protect you, crouch low but stay on your two feet and make minimum contact with the ground, so you're still less likely to be zapped.Method 1 of 4: Taking Shelter and Staying Safe1Find shelter immediately. If you find yourself caught in a lightning storm, the key to minimizing danger is to get inside a protective structure. While most people seek shelter if lightning appears to be near, people commonly wait too long to seek shelter. If you can detect lightning, it may be close enough to strike you. Don’t wait for it to strike right next to you (or on top of you) to get to safety. Never stand under a tall or short tree, and avoid being close to power lines as they're both excellent conductors of electricity and could potentially cause death, if not serious injury. Find shelter near or under a stony shelter , say a cavern or something . [1]AdSubstantial, frequently inhabited buildings (those grounded with plumbing, electrical systems, and, if possible, lightning rods) are best.If you can’t find a substantial structure, get in a car with a metal roof and sides. If the car is struck, the metal body will conduct the electricity around you, not through you. Make sure all windows are rolled up and doors are closed. Be careful not to lean against any metal -- if you do, the lightning will be conducted into your body if it strikes the car. Do not use the radio.Avoid small structures, such as stand-alone public restrooms. Open covering and rain shelters are also not suitable. These structures will attract lightning and provide no protection, making them more dangerous to be around.Standing under a tree is a very bad choice. Lightning strikes tall objects, and if the tree you are standing under is struck, you may be struck as well or injured by the tree.Bring in your pets. Doghouses and other pet shelters are not suitable protection against lightning strikes. A pet leashed to a fence has a much higher risk of getting struck by lightning.2Stay away from windows. Keep windows closed, and try to stay within inner rooms of the structure. Windows provide a direct path for the lightning to travel.3Don’t touch anything metal or electrical. Using a landline phone is the main cause of lightning-related injuries in the US.[2] Lightning can travel into the home from through any material that conducts electricity. This includes landlines, electrical wiring, and plumbing.Do not touch any electrical outlets during a storm. Do not unplug any devices during an lightning storm, as the strike could be transferred to you.Do not lie on concrete floors or lean against concrete walls. Most concrete has a wire mesh which can conduct electricityStay out of the bathtub or shower, and avoid indoor swimming pools.In a car, try to avoid touching any part of the metal frame or the car's glass.4Stay inside. Stay inside at least 30 minutes after the last strike. Don’t go out just because the rain is starting to let up. There is still a significant risk of lightning strikes from a departing storm.[3]AdMethod 2 of 4: Surviving Thunderstorms Outside1Minimize your risk. If you absolutely cannot reach shelter during a lightning storm, do everything you can to minimize your risk.Move to a lower elevation. Lightning is much more likely to strike objects at higher elevations. Do what you can do get as low as possible.Avoid large open spaces where you are taller than anything else around you, like a golf course or soccer field.Stay away from isolated objects such as trees and light posts.Get away from unprotected vehicles, such as golf carts, and unprotected structures, such as picnic shelters. Avoid long metal structures, i.e. bleachers.2Get out of the water. If you are fishing or swimming, get out of the water immediately, and move away from the body of water. Being near water is extremely dangerous during a lightning storm.3Spread out. If you are caught in a lightning storm with a group of people, maintain a distance of at least 50–100 feet (15.2–30.5 m) between each person. This will reduce the risk of lightning traveling from one person to another.Take a headcount after every close strike. This will ensure that anyone struck will get emergency attention quickly.4Remove your backpack. If you are hiking with a metal frame backpack, remove it as soon as you detect lightning. Make sure to leave it at least 100 feet (30.5 m) from wherever you are taking shelter.[4]5Assume the “lightning crouch”. Squat down with your feet together, your head tucked to your chest or between your knees, and your hands covering your ears or flat against your knees. Do NOT lie flat on the ground, as this gives the lightning a larger target.This is a difficult position to hold and it by no means guarantees your safety. However, by making it easier for a lightning strike to flow over your body rather than through vital organs, you may be able to sustain a smaller injury from it.Cover your ears and close your eyes to protect against nearby thunder and bright lightning flashes.6Be alert for an imminent lightning strike. If lightning is about to strike you or strike near you, your hair may stand on end, or you may feel a tingling in your skin. Light metal objects may vibrate, and you may hear a crackling sound or &kee kee& sound. If you detect any of these signals, assume the lightning crouch immediately.7Wear rubber boots. They are made of a material which is a bad electrical conductor.AdMethod 3 of 4: Taking Precautions1Plan ahead. The best way to avoid injury from a lightning storm is to avoid it completely. Make your plans with dangerous weather in mind. Listen to the local weather forecast, and pay special attention to thunderstorm advisories.Research the local climate: in some areas you can almost guarantee a thunderstorm on summer afternoons. Schedule your activities to avoid many high-risk situations. Those hot, muggy days are just the thing that a thunderstorm needs to get going.[5]2Watch the skies. When you’re out and about, watch the sky for signs of approaching thunderstorms, such as rain, darkening skies, or towering cumulonimbus clouds. If you can anticipate lightning before the first strike, you can avoid being caught in a bad situation.Note that lightning can, however, strike even in the absence of these indicators.3Calculate the distance to the lightning. If conditions permit good visibility, and it’s not practical to seek shelter whenever you notice a strike, use the 30 second rule: if the time between a lightning flash and the resulting thunder is 30 seconds or less (aka 6 miles (9.7 km) or less), get to shelter immediately.4Plan your response. If you are in an area that you expect will see lightning storms, know where safe shelters are. Communicate your plans to your group so that everyone knows what to do in an emergency.
IF YOU’RE OUTDOORS: Keep an eye at the sky. Look for darkening skies, flashes of lightning, or increasing winds. Lightning often proceeds rain, so don’t wait for the rain to begin. If you hear the sound of thunder, go to a safe place immediately. The best place to go is a sturdy building or a car, but make sure the windows in the car are shut. Avoid sheds, picnic areas, baseball dugouts and bleachers. If there is no shelter around you, stay away from trees. Crouch down in the open area, keeping twice as far away from a tree as far as it is tall. Put your feet together and place your hands over your ears to minimize hearing damage from thunder. If you...


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