
作者:21ST & 来源:21英语网原创&&&&日期:
   有很多小伙伴说英语时总是不受控制地冒出一句sorry,just, I think, you know&&酱紫的口头语,是不是让你有种秒变英语学渣的即视感?好不容易开口说句英文,不料这些貌似很&low&的口头禅,让你那颗誓要攻克英语的热情的小心脏,瞬间拔凉拔凉滴!世纪君告诉你:其实你真的想多了&&人家老外语言学家都说了:孩子,甭担心了,这都不是事儿!据说,外国小伙伴也常常因为使用这些口头禅而自责,因此,美国德克萨斯大学语言学教授Laurel Smith Stvan就苦口婆心地讲解了这些表达的&正确打开方式&~~
      觉得经常道歉有挫败感,让人感觉你不靠谱?其实不然。不得已打断别人的时候来上一句&Sorry to interrupt& 或 &Excuse me, do you have a minute?&反而让人觉得很有礼貌呢~当然啦,如果你真的搞砸了某件事,坦率地承认、真诚地道歉也是必须滴。世纪君:小伙伴们不妨做个记录,看看自己是不是传说中的&搞砸&专家&&
   Overly apologizing can be a self-defeating habit that you don&t notice until someone points it out. Not all apologies are bad: Easing into conversation with &Sorry to interrupt& or &Excuse me, do you have a minute?& can be signals of respect to the person you are addressing, says Stvan. And if you mess up, of course you should 'fess up. But if you&re atoning for things that aren&t offenses, jot every time you do it in your phone&s notepad. As the list grows, you&ll see how much you can snip out.
   马上学:上文中的mess up即我们常说的&搞砸,犯错&,而后面的'fess up意为&坦白讲/告诉我真相&,这里的'fess是confess的缩写,'fess up是非常口语化的说法。两个表达长得如此相像,小伙伴们别搞错哦~
Really quick
      很多人喜欢在问别人问题的时候用这句话。如果彼此关系不错,需要占用对方一小会儿时间,用这个表达还可以。其他时候呢?问题前加上一句&Really quick&免不了让人觉得对方很忙,根本没空理你~PS:小伙伴们有木有觉得这句话有种自贬身价滴赶脚捏?
   Tacking this on before a question can diminish its importance because it can infer the other person is too busy to answer you, a mere serf. Naturally if you have good rapport with someone and you need a brief moment, this can be a gesture of civility. But if you regularly demote yourself, remember: Your time is valuable! So rise above your self-designated plebeian status and backspace those words from whence they came.
   马上学:上文中的have good rapport with someone意为&与某人关系融洽&,它还可以酱紫用:The teacher worked hard to establish a rapport with her shy new student. (这个老师花了很多心思和这个新来的害羞学生融洽相处。)
   This sometimes acts as a variation of &really quick,& especially in tandem with other wishy-washy musing. Look at these examples:
   Example 1: I was just wondering if you could tell me if I have something in my teeth.
   Example 2: Do I have something in my teeth?
   马上学:上文中的wishy-washy意为&软弱无力的,空洞的&,例如:His wishy-washy talk gave her the pip. (他那不痛不痒的话使她很恼火。)
      对&I think&有意见滴小伙伴们注意咯,加拿大约克大学英语系副教授Julie Amberg认为,书面用语中尽量避免使用&I think&,因为作者写的本就是自己的想法,再加上这一句实属多余;但在日常对话中这个表达却能为大家争取时间整理思路,是个不错的选择哦~
   According to Julie Amberg, associate professor of English at York College, when writing, you&re already saying what you think. That&s why she refers to additions like &personally& and &in my opinion& as deadwood: On paper, they&re words that clutter up our prose and make it awkward and unclear.
   When we talk, though, those words can buy us a few moments to collect our thoughts, Amberg says. &I feel like& implies that your opinion might not be set in stone yet & and it&s often encouraged as a communication tool in therapies. So &I think& isn&t as self-defeating as it seems.
   马上学:英语中,set in stone意为&已成定局的&,常指安排或计划已经敲定,不会轻易改变,如:The schedule is set in stone. We need to stick to it pretty closely. 还可以说carved in stone。
&You know,& &like,& &um,& and other fillers
   Sprinkling an &uh& or &you know& in your speech is normal, but when they link arms in a long sequence, it&s too much. Some examples from Stvan:
   Odd-sounding fillers: &And I, euh, want, rrr, to find out what time the class starts.&
   Natural-sounding fillers for English: &And I, uh, want, you know, to find out what time the class starts.&
   Too many fillers: &And I would, um, just, like, you know, want, like, um, you know, to find out what time the class starts.&
&Not to be [noun here], but&&
   每当听到&No offense, but&&(无意冒犯,但是&&)是不是就有一种不祥的预感?&Not to be [noun here], but&&这种搭配还是慎用吧,是时候让自己的用词老练圆滑一点儿了,你懂的&&
If you say, &Not to be a jerk, but&& you might as well drop the &not& because you are being that thing. (&No offense, but&& also usually falls under this category.) Disclaimers aren&t a pass to say anything you want, so you might want to revamp the approach with some, you know, tact.
以游客身份参加评论?&&当前位置: &
Hearing this, I hope people can understand English to have a re-
Here, I hope that people can be heard in English with a renewed awareness of
Hears here, I hoped the people can have an again understanding to English
By now, I want people to be able to English have a new understanding
By now, I want people to be able to English have a new understanding
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I hope that in Beijing, to visit the Tiananmen square
(window.slotbydup=window.slotbydup || []).push({
id: '2081942',
container: s,
size: '1000,60',
display: 'inlay-fix'我希望得第一名的外语怎么说_百度知道
我希望得第一名。下面的英语翻译都合适的:(1)I want to get the first place.(2)I hope to get the first place
出门在外也不愁我希望把我的快乐带给每一个人 用英语怎么说_百度知道
我希望把我的快乐带给每一个人 用英语怎么说
i hope that i can share my happiness with everyone
I wish i can bring my happiness to everyone.
I hoped takes to joyfully me each person绝对正确!~
I hope I can bring my happy to everyone 1


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