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iPhone 6 and 6 Plus sell 4M units in 24 hours: Android was right about large screens
on September 16, 2014 at 6:27 am
Apple has announced that the iPhone 6
and iPhone 6 Plus
have broken all sorts of sales records, selling a combined 4 million units in their first 24 hours of pre-order availability. Both phones are now out of stock, with a re-stock time of up to a month, and it isn’t clear if the supply chain will have more units ready for September 19, when the insanity really starts. This easily beats out any previous pre-order records set by the iPhone 5 (2 million), 5S, 5C, or Galaxy S5. Is this the much belated proof that Apple was wrong about large-screen devices all along? Are 5.5-inch phablets like the iPhone 6 Plus now the future of mobile computing?The
went on pre-order on Friday morning in the US, UK, and many other key markets. The iPhone 6 Plus appears to have sold out first, with the Apple website and most major carriers now quoting a wait time of 3-4 weeks. The iPhone 6 has also sold out in most territories, but is showing a shorter wait time of 7-10 days. In a statement on Friday, Apple said “Response to iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus has been incredible with a record number of preorders overnight.” In some cases, some carrier websites couldn’t deal with the massive load brought on by prospective iPhone buyers, crashing under the onslaught.Just as this story was being published, Apple announced
of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus combined. Apple didn’t release figures for the 5S and 5C pre-orders, but the iPhone 5 in 2012 only had 2 million pre-orders. At the moment it definitely sounds like the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus are on track to becoming the fastest selling smartphones in history. AT&T also says it’s seeing more demand for the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus than the iPhone 5, 5S, or 5C. When the new iPhones go on general sale on September 19, I strongly suspect that we’ll see first-weekend sales in the 10 million range — as long as Apple and its Chinese supply chain can produce enough hardware, anyway.Large screens über allesThere are two ways to interpret the pre-order success of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. First, it’s possible that some people will simply buy the latest iPhone, irrespective of screen size. “Apple designed it, so it must be good.” The second option is that, lo and behold, Apple was wrong about the number of people who want a large-screen smartphone. In reality, it’s probably a mix of both. The important thing, though, is that both of Apple’s flagship smartphones are now large-screen devices. That is, irrespective of how the market feels about the whole divinely inspired thumb-versus-screen-size thing, Apple itself has decided that larger screens are the future. From now on, every new iPhone will have a 4.7-inch screen or larger.Now, unless you’re a die-hard Apple fanboy, I don’t think anyone here will be massively surprised by the success of the larger-screen iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. For those of us who have been using Android or Windows Phone for the last few years, we know from first-hand experience that larger screens are simply superior to the puny screens of the iPhone 4 and iPhone 5. In an ideal world, Apple probably would’ve released a large-screen iPhone last year, when large-screen Android phones were capturing the lion’s share of the market — but the longer-screen iPhone 5 in 2012 meant that it was unlikely to jump straight to a large-screen iPhone 6 in 2013.
In any case, Apple has finally caught up with the rest of the smartphone market. From here on out, it’s large-screen smartphones all the way. We’ll still see the occasional “mini” device for people with small hands, and cheaper devices that hang around the 4.5-inch mark rather than 5 inches, but it’s clear that the “thumbable” screen dies with the iPhone 5S and 5C.Read: There was one other facet about the iPhone 6/6 Plus pre-order story that I found interesting: The 5.5-inch iPhone 6 Plus sold out faster, and has a longer restocking time, than the 4.7-inch iPhone 6. Yes, this could simply be a matter of Apple not producing enough iPhone 6 Plus stock — but even that implies that demand for the iPhone 6 Plus was higher than Apple expected. Let’s not forget that even for Android phones, a 5.5-inch screen is right on the edge of being called a phablet. While the 4.7-inch space is highly contested, the only real competition at 5.5 inches is
(which has also sold very well, incidentally).The iPhone 6 Plus pushes at the boundary of how we currently define smartphones. If the iPhone 6 Plus becomes the biggest-selling smartphone of all time, what does that mean for smaller tablets, such as the iPad Mini or Kindle Fire? If the iPhone 6 Plus is a huge success, will it drag other smartphone makers with it? In a couple of years, will 5.5 inches be the norm for smartphones?Now read:
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iPhone 6 螢幕摔爆,$10,500 換支新的回來!
保固期限是跟著本來購買手機開通日期走,這支換新的手機,IMEI 會不一樣,但保固會繼續下去,保固期限不會多也不會少。
▲ 注意左下角會有換新手機後的 IMEI 與資訊,已經不是當初買的那支手機了,保固則是延續下去。
其實現場也有問,現在換的 iPhone 6 是不是全新的呀?新機都不夠賣了、應該還沒有整新機對吧?但妙的是,現場人員回覆一律以「原廠提供的單手機」做標準回答,表示他們也不知道是屬於哪一種,因為這就是「原廠提供」而來,只能確認手機都是功能無虞、外觀都正常。
所以到底這次換到是「全新」或整理得像新機的「翻新機」?老實說在簽字之前,把手機翻來翻去看遍了之後,就外觀上,這支從工程師房間拿出來的 iPhone 6 還真看不出來是用過或全新,所以到底真相是如何,這次是沒有答案的。
▲ 這是現場換得的新機,完全看不出來是翻新或全新,而且只會有單手機,跟來的時候一樣。
▲ 正面已有貼膜,建議大家現場開機檢測,外觀、螢幕、所有功能都試過,確認正常後再簽收。
▲ 鏡頭也是檢查的一個重要項目,別漏掉了。
▲ 有修過 iPhone 的人應該都知道螢幕怎麼測是否正常,就是按住一顆 ICON 不放,然後從上往下、由左至右每一排每一顆位置都拖過去。正常的螢幕是要拖曳順暢,若到哪一點卡住了,就代表那個位置可能有問題。不只 iPhone,大家在買任何一款觸控手機或平板都應該這樣測試,甚至去外面貼保護貼或包膜後,現場也應該測試螢幕上每一個區域的觸控正常再走。
這一摔的代價是壹萬零伍佰元,真的很貴,但相信摔過愛瘋的人都能體會,在沒有更多錢買一支新的慘況下,還是只能硬擠硬買單,總之趕快讓愛機回來就是了。而印象中,非蘋手機,換整組螢幕的報價好像也是 7、8 千元,比 iPhone 便宜,卻一樣是天價;除非有一些情況是手機不值錢了,可能報修的價格跟買一支新的一樣(甚至更貴!),這時候才可能真的放棄它。
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