
  今天我决定向大家汇报一件非常悲痛的消息,和我一起工作的医生Dr Gassimou还有我们科一名护士Madamu Camara,因为在工作中感染埃博拉病毒,导致死亡。Gassimou还有很多的理想没有实现,他希望自己还有机会回中国学习,他希望自己多挣钱让自己的老婆孩子生活更好,他希望自己手术技术再上一层楼。
  王振常 中国第24批援几内亚医疗队队长
  杨鹏 北京市疾病预防控制中心 传染病所副所长
Fighting Ebola - from China to West Africa
  To deal with the rapid growth in cases of Ebola hemorrhagic fever, the World Health Organization has issued a plan to dramatically scale up the international response. China's health authorities have also stepped control measures and sent three medical teams to Africa. The WHO says over 120 healthcare workers have died in the Ebola outbreak, twice as many have been infected. But the Chinese medical workers are sticking to their posts.
  Ten-year-old Saah Exco was found naked and abandoned in Monrovia, Liberia. Fearing infection by Ebola, a local clinic refused to treat him. He died. His mother and brother had died of Ebola a few days before.
  This outbreak of Ebola started in Guinea in March, and continues to accelerate in West Africa. It is the largest outbreak since the virus was first detected - in 1976 - and the first ever in West Africa. Many medical workers are fighting the virus, including Chinese doctors. In fact, China has been sending medical teams to Africa for 50 years: a total of 23,000 medical workers. In March, serving with China’s 23rd Medical Assistance Team in Guinea, Dr. Cao Guang became the first Chinese doctor to be exposed to Ebola in that country. He was put into isolation, and began posting updates on his situation on his microblog.
  Cao Guang, Doctor, 23rd Medical Assistance Team to Guinea
  Today, I have to tell you very sad news. My colleague Dr. Gassimou and another nurse in our department, Madamu Camara, have died after contracting Ebola at work. Gassimou had many unfulfilled wishes. He wanted to study in China. He wanted to provide a better life for his wife and children, and he wanted to further improve as a surgeon.
  On April 14th, after 21 days, Cao Guang's time in isolation ended. Cao wrote, "I know now that being alive is a beautiful thing." China has sent medical teams and supplies to Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone to help fight the virus. In mid-August, a new three-member Chinese medical team set off from Beijing to Conakry, the capital of Guinea, along with China's 24th regular ten-person medical aid team.
  Wang Zhenchang, Director
  23rd Medical Assistance Team to Guinea
  Our medical team members are the backbone of our hospital and have been strictly trained how to prevent the disease. I believe we can accomplish the task.
  Yang Peng, Deputy Director
  Infectious Diseases Department,
  Beijing Center for Diseases Prevention and Control,
  I work in epidemic prevention, so it’s my duty to go to the front line. I will do my best.
  The team, of epidemiologists and other specialists, is taking over from the 23rd Medical Assistance Team. They will work at the Sino-Guinea Friendship Hospital in Conakry for two years. The WHO reports that more than 15-hundred people have died and over 3,000 have been infected in Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia and Nigeria. However, some patients have been cured after receiving experimental drugs. More vaccines are being tested. The fight goes on. If the past is any guide, science and determination will beat Ebola.
302医院援塞医疗队员出征前誓师签名。配诗/谭 健 摄影/穆可双
本报北京1月13日电 12日下午,总后勤部举行仪式,为即将出征的“抗埃勇士”壮行。我军第二批援利医疗队和第三批援塞医疗队部分队员共计122人,将于14日凌晨从首都机场出发,乘包机赴利比里亚和塞拉利昂疫区一线抗击埃博拉。
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