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You Think You Attract the Wrong Men, But You Don’t
& You Think You Attract The Wrong Men, But You Don’t
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Do you find that you’re attracted to the “wrong” men? Do you ever wonder why you’re pulled in a direction that isn’t healthy for you? Do you ever wonder what&
Evan, I read your book: “Why You’re Still Single” (among many, many other single self-help books,) and I’m here because I trust your opinion. You say it like it is,&
Hi Evan, My friends and I are all in the range of early to mid- to somewhat late 30’s and this is a very difficult time to find “the one”.&
&You truly changed my life, my outlook...and I am grateful!!&John texts me crazy wonderful love texts to start and end every day.
The roses are never from the grocery store...the Christmas presents were thoughtful and perfect.
And I am wrapped in his wonderful love.Mary L.&I'm so glad I didn't give up, no one should ever give up. You have to kiss A LOT of toads to find your prince.&I knew I needed to in order to attract the love of my life. I had romantic dreams and the reality of the dating scene was a wake-up call… A man with answers about men! That is the "golden ticket"! Jana B.&Thank you, Evan, for enlightening me, having faith in women, and being honest with what 'is'!!&The result of giving up the search for “why” is losing the worry, the wringing of the hands, the wondering if he will call, and all the stress and sadness that goes with the worry.Julie H.“Without your help, I never could have imagined that I could be in a relationship like this one.”I'm in my 60's and expected that I would not have a committed relationship again. I'm still dealing with issues internally of fear and past experiences, as is he. But we can talk about these things and know that we have something special.Ann S.&I'm in love, getting married and hopefully starting a family soon. I couldn't be any happier.&You didn't always tell me what I wanted to hear, but what I needed to hear. You were honest with me even when I didn't like it. You put a mirror to my one enjoys that but it's important if you really want to make a change and find the real thing.Ali G. (soon to be Ali S!)
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大学英语教程3(南方版)读写译 UNIT 1Environmental
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大学英语教程1 读写译 * 大学英语教程1 读写译 * 大学英语教程1 读写译 * 大学英语教程1 读写译 * 2. Topic sentence:
The bald eagle (秃鹰)has been an emblem of the careless and sometimes cruel treatment of wildlife in USA. Supporting materials:
Human activities such as logging threatened their habitat.
DDT weakened the shells of the bird’s eggs.
Its number declined so drastically that it seemed that Americans would soon have to travel to Alaska, where the bird has always thrived, for a glimpse of their national symbol in the wild.
The bald eagle is the embodiment of American strength, grace and pride as a national symbol.
Topic sentence: Human beings have maltreated animals in many ways. Supporting materials:
Such animals as rats, frogs, rabbits and chimps are often used, or even surgically manipulated in biological and medical research experiments. Some animals like the seal are wildly and widely hunted for its commercial value. c
There is also the disgusting act to keep a pet, say, a dog, and then throw it away when tired of it. d
This cruelty fundamentally comes from seeing animals as our resources. 4. Topic sentence: Acid rain indirectly threatens human health. Supporting materials:
Bearing several toxic metals, it permeates(渗入) the soil and thus pollutes the underground water resources. b
It damages buildings, statues and almost anything it falls on. c
Pollutants such as mercury invade surface water, accumulating in fish tissues. d
Any organisms that eat the fish or drink the water run the risk of heavy-metal poisoning. Choose one topic that interests you from the groups above and develop one unified paragraph. You may have supporting ideas other than those listed above so long as they are relevant.. Writing Task Sample: The Abuse of Public Place Abounds in Variety People abuse public places in an amazing variety. While the litterbugs dump trash or unwanted furniture on the roadside,


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