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above sea level是什么意思
中文翻译海拔高度海拨,:&&&&adv. 1.在上面;在头上;【宗教】在天上。 in t ...:&&&&海(平)面;标准[平均]海面 (above sea le ...
例句与用法A barometric altimeter indicates height above sea level or some other selected elevation .气压高度表用以指示海平面或另外某个被选定高度以上的高度。The density varies with the temperature, and g with the latitude and elevation above sea level .但密度是随温度变化的,而g则随海拔高度和地理纬度变化。The climate is also much affected by the inclination of the earth's surface and its altitude above sea level .气候受地表倾斜程度及其海拨高度的影响也很大。At one point at an elevation of about 5500 feet above sea level the students pick up dozens of marine fossils .学生们在海拔约5500英尺高度的地方,采集到了几十种海底化石。Elevation differences is small compared with the earth's radius, this is proportional to the height above sea level .高程差与地球半径相比显得很小,它与海洋面以上的高度成正比。The qinghai-tibet plateau is the world 's highest plateau , averaging over 4,000 metres above sea level and covering an area of 200,000 square kilometres .中国的青藏高原是世界最高的高原。It is customary to fly, so far as is feasible, at a uniform elevation above sea level but within a range of 750 to 1500 ft above the earth's surface .在条件许可之下,一般都在海拔以上离地面750到1500英尺范围内的均匀高度上飞行。The himalayas , located in the areas of china , pakistan , india , nepal , sikkim , and bhutan , is the world 's highest mountain chain , averaging over 6000 meters above sea level and stretching over 2400 kilometers from east to west and approximately 200 to 350 kilometers from north to south .分布在中国、巴基斯坦、印度、尼泊尔、锡金、不丹境内的喜马拉雅山是世界最高大的山系。Mount qomolangma , main peak of the himalayas , situated on the sino-nepalese border , rise 8,848.13 metres above sea level , making it the highest peak in the world. this height was obtained by a group of chinese mountain climers , who climbed to the summit of mount qomolangma in 1975 and , consequently , corrected the inaccurate height of 8,882 metres held correct for many years .海拔8848.13米,这是中国登山队于1975年登上珠峰之后测定的数字。We run up the mountain everyday . 249 m above sea level我们每天爬山, 249米高更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
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音标:[ sə:dʒ ]&&发音:&&过去式: surged&&&过去分词: surged&&&名词复数: surges&&&现在分词: surging&&&
中文翻译英英解释n.大浪,波涛;波涛汹涌的大海;(人群、感情等的)汹涌,洋溢,起伏,高涨;〔诗〕海;【机械工程】波动,浪涌,湍振;【电学】电流急冲,电涌;【航海】缆绳滑脱;急速松缆;(绞盘急速松缆的)锥形部。vi.起大浪,(人群、感情等)汹涌,高涨;蜂拥而来,迈进;【电学】电涌;振荡,【航海】缆绳滑脱;松缆。vt.【航海】急放(锚链,缆索等)。 a surge current 冲激电流。 surging crowds 蜂拥而来的人群。
例句与用法The raging tide of revolution surges forward .革命怒潮汹涌澎湃。The crowds surge out of the sports stadium .观众从运动场涌出。The vessel at anchor surged in the heavy sea .那停泊着的船在大浪中颠簸。The crowds surge out of the sports stadium .人群从运动场拥出。Seagulls hover over the surging waves .海鸥在惊涛骇浪上翱翔。The storm surge swept in over route 41 .飓风掀起的巨浪跃过了四十一号公路。Millions of farmers surged west-ward .千百万农民涌向西部。Walden felt a surge of pity for him .沃尔登对他十分同情。The floods surged over the valley .洪水奔腾澎湃漫过溪谷。The music of the organ surged through the church .管风琴乐声腾跃在整个教堂中。更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
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All rights reservedWest Malaysia
根本消息 ...
兰卡威四季度假村 Four Seasons Resort Langkawi
68 马来半岛(西马) West Malaysia
70 吉隆坡 Kuala Lumpur ...
例句与“Malaysia”,翻译记忆库 ...
Sembilan, state of southwest Malaysia 森美兰; 森美兰
Terengganu, northeast state of mainland Malaysia 丁加奴
west malaysia 西马来西亚 ...
求翻译:我宁愿呆在家里看书也不愿意去参加聚会 是什么意思? ...
与其他人相比他更适合这份工作 >> Than others, he is more suitable for the job
西马 >> West Malaysia
猫铺 >> Cat Shop ...
于是马礼逊派米怜去到马来西亚(West Malaysia),英国的海峡殖民地,寻觅适合的地方,以建立宣教站。回来后,二人商讨并祷告后,决定了马六甲。
West Malaysia
the region of Malaysia on the Malay Peninsula
Malaysia is dotted with plains, forested hills and mountains that cover both East and West Malaysia.
In West Malaysia, the SAIDI figure stands at 72 minutes per consumers annually, why Sabah is being given 700, a much longer hour of SAIDI?
It consists of two geographical regions, West and East Malaysia, divided by the South China Sea.
它由东,西马来群岛两个地理区域组成,东,西马来群岛被中国南海(south china sea)所隔。
"Practising homosexuality is culturally and legally not acceptable here, " said Bishop Lim Cheng Ean, leader of the Anglican Church of West Malaysia, who added that southeast Asian bishops would be meeting to discuss the issue.
"The first was when low cost manufacturing shifted from the west to China, Malaysia and so on, " he explains.
Oglesby is working with North-West University in South Africa and the University of Malaysia and a second university in Malaysia plans to start a program soon.
- 来自原声例句


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