
I came into politics because I love this country, I think its best days still lie ahead and I believe deeply in public service. And I think the service our country needs right now is to face up to our really big challenges, to confront our problems, to take difficult decisions, to lead people through those difficult decisions, so that together we can reach better times ahead。
One of the tasks that we clearly have is to rebuild trust in our political system. Yes, that&s about
yes, that&s about
and yes, it&s about making sure people are in control and that the politicians are always their servants and never their masters。
But I believe it&s also something else. It&s about being honest about what government can achieve. Real change is not what government can do on its own. Real change is when everyone pulls together, comes together, works together, when we all exercise our responsibilities to ourselves, to our families, to our communities and to others。
And I want to help build a more responsible society here in Britain, one where we don&t just ask &what are my entitlements?& but &what are my responsibilities?&. One where we don&t just ask &what am I just owed?& but more &what can I give?&. And a guide for that society, that those who can, should, and those who can&t, we will always help。
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Latest News哪位爱国文人在英国办600场演讲介绍中国抗日?
  叶君健用一个人近600场的演讲,为中国人民的抗日战争和世界反法西斯战争做出了独一无二的贡献。不久,他的工作关系转到英国文化委员会并在剑桥从事了五年的研究工作,直到1949年秋天启程回国。  “我们为有叶君健这样一位杰出校友感到自豪。”刚从英国回来的武汉大学党委副书记骆郁廷教授说,他21日参加了剑桥大学国王学院举办的“叶君健与第二次世界大战”专题影像展开幕仪式,该展展现了叶君健在中英两国文化、教育交流方面,以及世界反法西斯战争宣传方面所作的贡献。  本次展览通过大量图片、手稿等史料介绍了叶君健当年在英宣传中国抗战,以及他与英国文艺界交往的情况。当天,剑桥大学校长博里塞维奇、剑桥市市长罗伯特·德莱登、中国驻英国大使刘晓明、叶君健儿子叶念伦及家人等参加了影像展开幕仪式。  在中国抗战乃至世界反法斯西战争,叶君健发挥个人外语专长所做出的努力堪称一部传奇,但并不为世人所熟知。记者昨天通过武大档案馆查找了叶君健的相关资料。  因“思想危险”被日本遣返回国  重回武汉结识进步友人  1936年,叶君健从武汉大学外文系毕业后,在导师兼朋友朱利安·贝尔的资助下,远赴日本教授英文,不久就因“有危险的思想倾向”而被捕入狱,并被遣送回国。  回到武汉后,此时,武汉已成为全国抗战中心,国共合作一致对外。1937年底,叶君健以“马耳”为笔名参与发起“中华全国文艺界抗敌协会”。1938年2月,叶君健加入“国民政府军事委员会政治部第三厅”开展对外宣传,主要进行笔译、口译和英语广播,他是当时为数不多的“左派”英语人才、第三厅里最年轻的英语人才和唯一英语“口译者”。  时任第三厅秘书长阳翰笙后来回忆:“当时只要是进步的国际友人来到武汉,或者途经武汉到延安解放区参观访问的,都是找叶君健同志翻译,如史沫特莱、电影家伊文思、世界学联、援助解放区的外国医生等。”  这一时期,叶君健结识了一大批进步的外国记者、文学家和艺术家,如美国记者史沫特莱、爱泼斯坦、斯诺,荷兰电影家伊文思,美国知名战地摄影师卡巴,英国诗人奥登和小说家栗伍德等。  辗转香港翻译《论持久战》  让毛泽东著作第一次在国外发行  随着战局不断变化,1938年第三厅解散,叶君健拿着郭沫若多批给他的一个月工资,带上一部《牛津简明字典》和一架手提旧打字机,由广州辗转至香港。当时茅盾等一批内地知名的文化人都流落至香港。  但香港不允许搞抗日宣传活动,抗日宣传工作只能在地下进行。叶君健抵达香港后,先在《世界知识》杂志当编辑,后与戴望舒、冯亦代、徐迟等共同创办了英文刊物《中国作家》,叶君健是该刊物的选稿人、翻译者和编排设计者,致力于把中国的战时文学作品介绍到国外去,实现另一种形式的对外抗战宣传。  与此同时,叶君健还翻译了刘白羽、张天翼、姚雪垠等作家的战时短篇小说,并送到美、英和苏联的有影响的文学刊物上发表,他个人在香港出版了两部翻译小说集——《中国战时短篇小说集》和《新任务》。  在香港期间,叶君健的另外一项“紧急”任务是把从延安和华北解放区转送过来的进步书籍和小册子翻译成英文,利用香港的印刷和发行条件向世界人民传播。叶君健受廖承志所托,在香港一间废弃的卫生间里,把毛泽东《论持久战》和《新阶段》(《新民主主义论》的前身)翻译成了英语并在马尼拉出版,这也是毛泽东重要著作第一次被译成外文并在国外发行。  不到三个月走遍英伦三岛  600场演讲鼓舞战时的英国人民  1944年,受英国战时宣传部的邀请,叶君健花了一个多月的时间,从重庆经驼峰航线飞到印度,再从印度辗飞世界各地,最后抵达英国伦敦。  作为英国战时宣传部特聘的专职演讲人,叶君健的主要任务是到英国各地向当地民众巡回演讲,介绍日本法西斯在中国犯下的罪行和中国人民所作的坚决抵抗,藉以鼓舞战时英国军民抗击法西斯的斗志。  按照英国战时宣传部的安排,叶君健每天至少讲两场,行程很紧张,演讲地点有工厂、兵营、医院、中学、教堂等,他花了不到三个月的时间就走遍了英伦三岛。  叶君健演讲的主要内容包括:中国社会的现状和中国人民的现实生活;中国的人民武装如何拖住日本侵略军;中国知识界及其他职业界对抗战所作的努力和贡献;为什么中国人民必胜等。叶君健的演讲使英国民众了解了中国人民在抗战中的精神风貌和斗争,极大地鼓舞了英国人民抗击德国法西斯的斗志,增进了英国人民对中国人民的好感。  日深夜,叶君健正在苏格兰首府爱丁堡准备第二天的演讲,他从广播里听到日本天皇宣布无条件投降的消息,立刻同欢腾的民众一起走上街头。自此,他的战时演讲任务正式完成。  叶君健用一个人近600场的演讲,为中国人民的抗日战争和世界反法西斯战争做出了独一无二的贡献。不久,他的工作关系转到英国文化委员会并在剑桥从事了五年的研究工作,直到1949年秋天启程回国。
perhaps the most fateful in history,只是对强权的赤裸裸的追求,甚至希望能挨家挨户.
For the second time in the lives of most of us, who will make our cause their own.
This is the ultimate issus help,我们被迫卷入这场战争,为了捍卫我们珍视的一切,向你们倾说, but we can only do the right as we see the right, and of the world order and peace,如果希特勒大行其道, this message,在考验面请团结起来, both at home and overseas, and war can no longer be confined to the battlefield, it is unthinkable that we should refuse to meet the challenge, would be fatal to any civilized order in the world, among nations,为此崇高目的,不管你们身在何处, which sanctions the use of force or threat of force against the sovereignty and independence of other states.
Such a principle,我们已多次寻求通过和平方式
香港乔治六世加冕纪念  解决国家间的争端.
We have been forced into a conflict, the freedom of our own country and of the whole British Commonwealth of nations would be in danger.
I ask them to stand calm and firm and united in this time of trial, and all hopes of settled peace and of security, the peoples of the world would be kept in bondage of fear, and if this principle were established through the world,我们必须接受这个挑战; but it has been in vain. There may be dark days ahead,我向每一位民众,我们必须接受这个挑战,战争也不只局限于前线.
The task will be hard, we are at war, stripped of all disguise,我们必将胜利, then with God&#39.
Over and over again,考验是严峻的,甚至文明秩序将毁于一旦, if it were to prevail. If one and all we keep resolutely faithful to it.
It is to this high purpose that I now call my people at home and my peoples across the seas, with our allies to meet the challenge of a principle which, spoken with the same depth of feeling for each one of you as if I were able to cross your threshold and speak to you myself,对你们的心情,我呼吁国内的民众以及国外的民众以此为己任,传递这样一个消息, is surely the mere primitive doctrine that might is right!  战时演讲词(英文原文)  In this grave hour,在上帝的帮助下, of justice and liberty,我们还会面临一段艰难的日子.
But far more than this,只有心怀正义才能正确行事, ready for whatever service or sacrifice it may demand, for which we are called,但一切都是徒劳的, would be ended,我感同身受, I send to every household of my peoples,我恳请大家保持冷静和坚定.
May He bless and keep us all.
It is a principle which permits a state in the selfish pursuit of power to disregard its treaties and its solemn pledges. For the sake of all that we ourselves hold dear,我们中大多数人将面临第二次战争,我们在此虔诚向上帝祈祷  战时演讲词(中文翻译)  在这个庄严的时刻, we have tried to find a peaceful way out of the differences between ourselves and those who are now our enemies, we shall prevail, and reverently commit our cause to God,也许是我国历史上最生死攸关的时刻,这种信念褪去伪装之后,只要每个人坚定信念
thank you very much~~~
In this grave hour perhaps the most fateful in our history
I send to every household of my peoples
both at home and overseas
this message
spoken with the same depth of feeling for each one of you
as if I were able to cross your threshold and speak to you myself.
For the second time in the lives of most of us we are at war.
Over and over again we have tried to find a peaceful way out
of the differences between ourselves and those who are now...
In this grave hour, perhaps the most fateful in history, I send to every household of my peoples, both at home and overseas, this message, spoken with the same depth of feeling for each one of you as if I were able to cross your threshold and speak to you myself.
For the second time in the lives of most of us, we are at war.
Over and over again, we have tried to find a peaceful way out of the differences between ourselves and those who but it has bee in vain.
We have been forced into a conflict, for which we are called, with our allies to meet the challenge of a principle which, if it were to prevail, would be fatal to any...
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33 English Friendship for America 英国人对美国的友情
Charles Dickens/查尔斯&狄更斯
I cannot do better than take my cue from your distinguished President,and refer in my first remarks to his remarks in connection with the old,natural,association between you and me.
When I received an invitation from a private association of working members of the press of New York to dine with them today,I accepted that compliment in grateful remembrance of a calling that was once my own,and in loyal sympathy towards a brotherhood which,in the spirit,I have never quitted.
To the wholesome training of severe newspaper work,when I was a very young man,I constantly refer my first successes;and my sons will hereafter testify to theifather that he was always steadily proud of that ladder by which he rose.
If it were otherwise,I should have but a very poor opinion of their father,which,perhaps,upon the whole,I have not. Hence,gentlemen,under any circumstances,this company would have been exceptionally interesting and gratifying to me.
But whereas I supposed that like the fairies& pavilion in the&Arabian Nights,&it would be but a mere handful,and I find it turn out like the same elastic pavilion,capable of comprehending a multitude,so much the more proud am I of the honor of being your guest;for you will readily believe that the more widely representative of the press in America my entertainers are,the more I must feel the good-will and the kindly sentiments towards me of that vast institution.
Gentlemen,I henceforth charge myself,not only here but on every suitable occasion whatsoever and wheresoever,to express my high and grateful sense of my second reception in America,and to bear my honest testimony to the national generosity and magnanimity. Also,to declare how astounded I have been by the amazing changes that I have seen around me on every side.
Nor am I believe me so arrogant as to suppose that in twenty five years there have been no changes in me,and that I had nothing to learn and no extreme impressions to correct when I was here first.
Gentlemen,the transition from my own feelings towards and interest in America to those of the mass of my countrymen seems to be a natural one;but,whether or not,I make it with an express object.
I was asked in this very city,about last Christmas time,whether an American was not at some disadvantage in England as a foreigner.
The notion of an American being regarded in England as a foreigner at all,of his ever being thought of or spoken of in that character,was so uncommonly incongruous and absurd to me,that my gravity was,for the moment,quite overpowered.
As soon as I was restored,I said that for years and years past I hoped I had had as many American friends and had received as many American visitors as almost any Englishman living,and that my unvarying experience,fortified by theirs,was that it was enough in England to be an American to be received with the readiest respect and recognition anywhere.
Hereupon,out of half-a-dozed people,suddenly spoke out two,one an American gentleman,with a cultivated taste for art,who,finding himself on a certain Sunday outside the walls of a certain historical English castle,famous for its pictures,was refused admission there.
According to the strict rules of the establishment on that day,but who,on merely representing that he was an American gentleman,on his travels,had,not to say the picture gallery,but the whole castle,placed at his immediate disposal.
The other was a lady,who,being in London,and having a great desire to see the famous reading-room of the British Museum,was assured by the English family with whom she stayed that it was unfortunately impossible,because the place was closed for a week,and she had only three days there.
Upon that lady&s going to the Museum,as she assured me,alone to the gate,self-introduced as an American lady,the gate flew open,as it were,magically. I am unwillingly bound to add that she certainly was young and exceedingly pretty.
Still,the porter of that institution is of an obese habit,and,according to the best of my observation of him,not very impressible.
Now,gentlemen,I refer to these trifles as a collateral assurance to you that the Englishmen who shall humbly strive,as I hope to do,to be in England as faithful to America as to England herself,have no previous conceptions to contend against.
Points of difference there have been,points of difference there are,points of difference there probably always will be between the two great peoples.
But broadcast in England shown the sentiment that those two peoples are essentially one,and that it rests with them jointly to uphold the great Anglo-Saxon race,to which our president has referred,and all its great achievements before the world.
And if I know anything of my countrymen and they give me credit for knowing something&if I know anything of my countrymen,gentlemen,the English heart is stirred by the fluttering of those Stars and Stripes,as it is stirred by no other flag that flies except its own.
If I know my countrymen,in any and every relation towards America,they begin,not as Sir Anthony Absolute recommended that lovers should begin,with&a little aversion.&but with a great liking and a profound respect;and whatever the little sensitiveness of the moment,or the little official passion,or the little official policy now,or then,or here,or there,may be,take my word for it,that the first enduring,great,popular consideration in England is a generous construction of justice.
Finally,gentlemen,and I say this subject to your correction,I do believe that from the great majority of honest minds on both sides,there cannot be absent the conviction that it would be better for this globe to be riven by an earthquake,fired by a comet,overrun by an iceberg,and abandoned to the Arctic fox and bear,than that it should present the spectacle of these two great nations,each of which has,in its own way and hour,striven so hard and so successfully for freedom,ever again being arrayed the one against the other. Gentlemen,I cannot thank your President enough or you enough for your kind reception of my health,and of my poor remarks,but,believe me,I do thank you with the utmost fervor of which my soul is capable.
查尔斯&约翰&赫芬姆&狄更斯,英国作家。日生于朴次茅斯市郊,日卒于罗切斯特附近的盖茨山庄。19世纪英国批判现实主义小说家。狄更斯特别注意描写生活在英国社会底层的&小人物&的生活遭遇,深刻地反映了当时英国复杂的社会现实,为英国批判现实主义文学的开拓和发展做出了卓越的贡献。他的作品至今依然盛行,对英国文学发展起到了深远的影响。主要作品《匹克威克外传》、《雾都孤儿》 、《老古玩店》、《艰难时世》、《我们共同的朋友》。
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