英语翻译 我是一个活泼开朗活泼女生喜欢你诚实的女生。怎么翻译

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英文翻译the soul of honour:&&&&honest:&&&&4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...:&&&& pe ...
例句与用法I esteem him as a very honest man .我认为他是一个很诚实的人。I took you to be an honest man .我原以为你是诚实的人。They liked each other honestly-they were both honest .他们俩真诚地彼此受慕着--他们都是诚实的人。He was an honest man, oppressed by the inroads of dissent .他是个诚实的人,为不信教者的侵蚀所苦恼。I am willing to employ your friend if you will avouch his integrity .如果你能保证你的朋友是个诚实的人,那么我很乐意聘用他。He declares that it is time for the good and true men to handle the impostors without gloves .他宣称,现在是那些善良诚实的人严厉处理那些骗子的时候了。The people had come to love him as an inspiring leader and a wise , warm-hearted , honest man .人民已把他作为一位具有感召力的领袖,聪明,热情,诚实的人而爱戴他。He will contrive to argue every fault into a merit, and will frankly convict himself of being the honestest fellow in existence .他要费尽口舌把每一个缺点说成优点,公然自以为是世上最诚实的人。As soon as i saw his friend, i was fully satisfied i had a very hon his countenance spoke it .我一看见他的朋友,我就觉得很满意,认为碰到了一个很诚实的人;他的脸孔就显出他的诚实。Cardinal richelieu avowed openly in his political principles, that "kings should always avoid using the talents of thoroughly honest men. "黎塞留红衣主教公开承认他的政治原则是“君主应永远避免任用绝对诚实的人材。”更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&
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All rights reserved英语自我介绍我想要把下面的自我介绍翻译成英语,能够站在这里面试我感到很荣幸.首先自我介绍一下,我叫.今年19岁,来自.我是一个活泼开朗,诚实,富有责任感,工作主动的人.我具备团队合作能力,组织管理能力.我非常喜欢酒店行业,我在一家五星级酒店有一年的前厅服务员的工作经验,所以我这次面试的岗位是前厅服务人员,希望面试官能给我一个展示的平台,我将全力以赴将它做到更好,
Members interviewer Hello,can feel very honored to stand here to interview me.First to introduce myself,my name is.19 years old this year,from.I was a lively and cheerful,honest,strong sense of responsibility,work initiative.I have the team cooperation ability,organization and management ability.Ilove the hotel industry is,I have a year of waitress in a five Stars Hotelworking experience,so I this job interview is the service personnel,hope the interviewer can give me a chance,I will go to all lengths to do it better,thank you!


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